





















function v_p = zjfunc_pol2cart(v)

        [nx,ny] = size(v);

        rn = round((min(nx,ny)-1)/2*sqrt(2));

        tn = 360;

        theta = 0:.1:359;

        x0 = (nx-1)/2+1;

        y0 = (ny-1)/2+1;


        for i = 1:rn

            x(:,i) = x0 + (i)*cosd(theta);

            y(:,i) = y0 + (i)*sind(theta);


        p = 1:nx;%flip(1:rn);

        q = 1:ny;%1:rn;

        v_p = interp2(p,q,v,x,y);




  function [v_xy,R] = zjfunc_cart2pol(v_p)

    nx = round(size(v_p,2)*sqrt(2)+1);ny=nx;

    rn = (min(nx,ny)-1)/2;




    theta = 0:.1:359;

    for i=1:length(x)

        for j=1:length(y)

            if y(j)>=0

                if x(i)>=0






                if x(i)>=0







            if x(i)==0

                if y(j)==0


                elseif y(j)>0






                if y(j)==0

                    if x(i)>0















    load earth.mat





    theta = 0:.1:359;






 function [varargout] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,varargin)

    % [h,c] = polarPcolor1(R,theta,Z,varargin) is a pseudocolor plot of matrix

    % Z for a vector radius R and a vector angle theta.

    % The elements of Z specify the color in each cell of the

    % plot. The goal is to apply pcolor function with a polar grid, which

    % provides a better visualization than a cartesian grid.


    %% Syntax


    % [h,c] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z)

    % [h,c] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,'Ncircles',10)

    % [h,c] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,'Nspokes',5)

    % [h,c] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,'Nspokes',5,'colBar',0)

    % [h,c] = polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,'Nspokes',5,'labelR','r (km)')


    % INPUT

    % * R :

    %        - type: float

    %        - size: [1 x Nrr ] where Nrr = numel(R).

    %        - dimension: radial distance.

    % * theta :

    %        - type: float

    %        - size: [1 x Ntheta ] where Ntheta = numel(theta).

    %        - dimension: azimuth or elevation angle (deg).

    %        - N.B.: The zero is defined with respect to the North.

    % * Z :

    %        - type: float

    %        - size: [Ntheta x Nrr]

    %        - dimension: user's defined .

    % * varargin:

    %        - Ncircles: number  of circles for the grid definition.

    %        - autoOrigin: 'on' (the first circle of the plar grid has a radius

    %          equal to the lowest value of R) or 'off'.

    %        - Nspokes: number of spokes for the grid definition.

    %        - colBar: display the colorbar or not.

    %        - labelR: title for radial axis.

    %        - RtickLabel: Tick label for the radial axis.

    %        - colormap: Colormap for the pcolor function

    %        - ncolor: Number of colors in the colorbar and pcolor

    %        - circlesPos: position of the circles with respect to the origin

    %        (it overwrites Ncircles if necessary)



    % OUTPUT

    % h: returns a handle to a SURFACE object.

    % c: returns a handle to a COLORBAR object.


    %% Examples

    % R = linspace(3,10,100);

    % theta = linspace(0,180,360);

    % Z = linspace(0,10,360)'*linspace(0,10,100);

    % figure

    % polarPcolor(R,theta,Z,'Ncircles',3)


    %% Author

    % Etienne Cheynet, University of Stavanger, Norway. 23/10/2019

    % see also pcolor


    %%  InputParseer

    p = inputParser();

    p.CaseSensitive = false;










    p.addOptional('typeRose','meteo'); % 'meteo' or 'default'



    Ncircles = p.Results.Ncircles;

    Nspokes = p.Results.Nspokes ;

    labelR = p.Results.labelR ;

    RtickLabel = p.Results.RtickLabel ;

    colBar = p.Results.colBar ;

    Rscale = p.Results.Rscale ;

    autoOrigin = p.Results.autoOrigin ;

    myColorMap = p.Results.colormap ;

    ncolor = p.Results.ncolor ;

    circPos = p.Results.circlesPos ;

    typeRose = p.Results.typeRose ;

    if ~isempty(circPos)

        Origin = max([min(circPos),min(R)]);



    elseif strcmpi(autoOrigin,'on')

        Origin = min(R);

    elseif strcmpi(autoOrigin,'off')

        Origin = 0;


        error(' ''autoOrigin'' must be ''on'' or ''of'' ')


    if Origin==0 && strcmpi(Rscale,'log')

        warning(' The origin cannot be set to 0 if R is expressed on a logarithmic axis. The value ''Rmin'' is used instead')

        Origin = min(R);


    if isempty(circPos)

        if ~isempty(RtickLabel)

            if numel(RtickLabel)~=Ncircles

                error(' The radial ticklabel must be equal to Ncircles');


            if any(cellfun(@ischar,RtickLabel)==0)

                error(' The radial ticklabel must be a cell array of characters');




    if ~isempty(circPos)

        circPos = unique([min(R),circPos,max(R)]);


    %% Preliminary checks

    % case where dimension is reversed

    Nrr = numel(R);

    Noo = numel(theta);

    if isequal(size(Z),[Noo,Nrr]) && Noo~=Nrr,



    % case where dimension of Z is not compatible with theta and R

    if ~isequal(size(Z),[Nrr,Noo])


        fprintf([ 'Size of Z is : [',num2str(size(Z)),'] \n']);

        fprintf([ 'Size of R is : [',num2str(size(R)),'] \n']);

        fprintf([ 'Size of theta is : [',num2str(size(theta)),'] \n\n']);

        error(' dimension of Z does not agree with dimension of R and Theta')


    %% data plot

    rMin = min(R);

    rMax = max(R);


    thetaMax =max(theta);

    if strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo')

        theta = theta;

    elseif strcmpi(typeRose,'default')

        theta = 90-theta;


        error('"type" must be "meteo" or "default" ');


    % Definition of the mesh

    cax = newplot;

    Rrange = rMax - rMin; % get the range for the radius

    [rNorm] = getRnorm(Rscale,Origin,R,Rrange); % getRnorm is a nested function

    YY = (rNorm)'*cosd(theta);

    XX = (rNorm)'*sind(theta);

    h = pcolor(XX,YY,Z,'parent',cax);

    if ~isempty(ncolor)

        cmap = feval(myColorMap,ncolor);





    % disp([max(R/Rrange),max(rNorm)])

    shading flat

    set(cax,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1]);axis off;

    if ~ishold(cax);

        % make a radial grid


        % Draw circles and spokes




    %% PLot colorbar if specified

    if colBar==1,

        c =colorbar('location','WestOutside');



        c = [];


    %% Outputs


    if nargout==1,


    elseif nargout==2,





    % Nested functions


        function createSpokes(thetaMin,thetaMax,Ncircles,circlesPos,Nspokes)


            spokeMesh = round(linspace(thetaMin,thetaMax,Nspokes));

            if isempty(circlesPos)

                circleMesh = linspace(rMin,rMax,Ncircles);


                circleMesh  =  circlesPos;


            contourD = abs((circleMesh - circleMesh(1))/Rrange+R(1)/Rrange);


            if strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo')

                cost = cosd(90-spokeMesh); % the zero angle is aligned with North

                sint = sind(90-spokeMesh); % the zero angle is aligned with North

            elseif strcmpi(typeRose,'default')

                cost = cosd(spokeMesh); % the zero angle is aligned with east

                sint = sind(spokeMesh); % the zero angle is aligned with east


                error('"type" must be "meteo" or "default" ');



            for kk = 1:Nspokes


                X = cost(kk)*contourD;

                Y = sint(kk)*contourD;


                if  Origin==0






                % plot graduations of angles

                % avoid superimposition of 0 and 360

                if and(thetaMin==0,thetaMax == 360),

                    if spokeMesh(kk)<360,





                            'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');






                        'horiz', 'center', 'vert', 'middle');





        function createCircles(rMin,rMax,thetaMin,thetaMax,Ncircles,circlePos,Nspokes)


            if isempty(circlePos)

                if Origin ==0 % if the origin is set at rMin

                    contourD = linspace(0,1+R(1)/Rrange,Ncircles);

                else % if the origin is automatically centered at 0

                    contourD = linspace(0,1,Ncircles)+R(1)/Rrange;




                contourD = circlePos-circlePos(1);

                contourD = contourD./max(contourD)*max(R/Rrange);

                contourD =[contourD(1:end-1)./contourD(end),1]+R(1)/Rrange;



            if isempty(circlePos)

                if strcmpi(Rscale,'linear')||strcmpi(Rscale,'lin'),

                    tickMesh = linspace(rMin,rMax,Ncircles);

                elseif strcmpi(Rscale,'log')||strcmpi(Rscale,'logarithmic'),

                    tickMesh  = logspace(log10(rMin),log10(rMax),Ncircles);


                    error('''Rscale'' must be ''log'' or ''linear'' ');



                tickMesh  = circlePos;

                Ncircles = numel(tickMesh);



            % define the grid in polar coordinates



            if strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo')

                angleGrid = linspace(90-thetaMin,90-thetaMax,100);

            elseif strcmpi(typeRose,'default')

                angleGrid = linspace(thetaMin,thetaMax,100);


                error('"type" must be "meteo" or "default" ');



            xGrid = cosd(angleGrid);

            yGrid = sind(angleGrid);

            spokeMesh = linspace(thetaMin,thetaMax,Nspokes);


            % plot circles

            for kk=1:length(contourD)

                X = xGrid*contourD(kk);

                Y = yGrid*contourD(kk);



            % radius tick label


            position = 0.51.*(spokeMesh(min(Nspokes,round(Ncircles/2)))+...


            if strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo'),position = 90-position; end

            if strcmpi(typeRose,'default') && min(90-theta)<5,position = 0; end

            if min(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo'),  position = 0; end

            if max(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo'),  position = 0; end


            for kk=1:Ncircles

                if isempty(RtickLabel),

                    rtick = num2str(tickMesh(kk),2);


                    rtick = RtickLabel(kk);



                % radial graduations

                t = text(contourD(kk).*cosd(position),...



                    'horizontalAlignment', 'right',...


                if min(round(abs(90-theta)))<5 && strcmpi(typeRose,'default'),

                    t.Position =  t.Position - [0,0.1,0];

                    t.Interpreter = 'latex';

                    clear t;


                if min(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo')

                    t.Position =  t.Position + [0,0.02,0];

                    t.Interpreter = 'latex';

                    clear t;

                elseif max(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo')

                    t.Position =  t.Position - [0,0.05,0];

                    t.Interpreter = 'latex';

                    clear t;



                % annotate spokes

                if max(theta)-min(theta)>180,

                    t = text(contourD(end).*1.3.*cosd(position),...



                        'horizontalAlignment', 'right',...



                    t = text(contourD(end).*0.6.*cosd(position),...



                        'horizontalAlignment', 'right',...




                t.Interpreter = 'latex';

                if min(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo'),

                    t.Position =  t.Position + [0,0.05,0];

                    clear t;

                elseif max(round(theta))==90 && strcmpi(typeRose,'meteo'),

                    t.Position =  t.Position + [0,0.05,0];

                    clear t;


                %                 if min(round(abs(90-theta)))<5 && strcmpi(typeRose,'default'),

                %                     t.Position =  t.Position - [0,0.12,0];

                %                     t.Interpreter = 'latex';

                %                     clear t;

                %                 end




        function [rNorm] = getRnorm(Rscale,Origin,R,Rrange)

            if strcmpi(Rscale,'linear')||strcmpi(Rscale,'lin')

                rNorm = R-R(1)+Origin;

                rNorm = (rNorm)/max(rNorm)*max(R/Rrange);

            elseif strcmpi(Rscale,'log')||strcmpi(Rscale,'logarithmic')

                if rMin<=0

                    error(' The radial vector cannot be lower or equal to 0 if the logarithmic scale is used');


                rNorm = log10(R); %normalized radius [0,1]

                rNorm =rNorm-rNorm(1);

                rNorm = (rNorm)/max(rNorm)*max(R/Rrange);


                error('''Rscale'' must be ''log'' or ''linear'' ');







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