c++删除输出内容_实用的AI:使用OpenAI GPT2,Sentence BERT和Berkley选区解析器从任何内容自动生成对或错问题…

c++删除输出内容_实用的AI:使用OpenAI GPT2,Sentence BERT和Berkley选区解析器从任何内容自动生成对或错问题…作者|RamsriGoutham来源|Medium编辑|代码医生团队在本文中,将介绍如何使用最新的AI算法自动生成“对或错”问题,例如您在学校教科书中看到的问题


作者 | Ramsri Goutham

来源 | Medium

编辑 | 代码医生团队



There is a lot of volcanic activity at divergent plate boundaries in the oceans. For example, many undersea volcanoes are found along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is a divergent plate boundary that runs north-south through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust. Molten rock, called magma, erupts through these cracks onto Earth’s surface. At the surface, the molten rock is called lava. It cools and hardens, forming rock. Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust. Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in ocean crust. That’s because continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust. This makes it more difficult for molten rock to push up through the crust. Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a subduction zone. The leading edge of the plate melts as it is pulled into the mantle, forming magma that erupts as volcanoes. When a line of volcanoes forms along a subduction zone, they make up a volcanic arc. The edges of the Pacific plate are long subduction zones lined with volcanoes. This is why the Pacific rim is called the “Pacific Ring of Fire.”

输出:该输出将是一组自动生成的真和假的句子,与真正的句子直接从未来上述文章和假的句子通过生成OpenAI GPT2使用从所述制品的真正的句子。


Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust


a) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the low and high latitudes.

b) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in regions with more frequent rainfall.

c) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the brain of mammals and vertebrates.

d) Divergent plate boundaries also have been proposed.

e) Divergent plate boundaries also may be used to map and reduce traffic congestion.

f) Divergent plate boundaries also had to be adjusted and the data collected from different cities was sent on a regular basis.


Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust

a) True

b) False

Divergent plate boundaries also occur in regions with more frequent rainfall.

a) True

b) False























!pip install tensorflow==1.14.0!pip install torch==1.4.0!pip install sentence-transformers==!pip install transformers==2.6.0!pip install benepar==0.1.2!pip install summa!pip install nltk==3.4.5!pip install spacy==2.1.0!python3 -m spacy download en!pip install scipy


import requestsimport jsonfrom summa.summarizer import summarizeimport beneparimport stringimport nltkfrom nltk import tokenizefrom nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenizeimport refrom random import shuffleimport spacynlp = spacy.load('en')#this package is required for the summa summarizernltk.download('punkt')benepar.download('benepar_en2')benepar_parser = benepar.Parser("benepar_en2")


file_path = "volcano.txt" def read_file(file_path):    with open(file_path, 'r') as content_file:        content = content_file.read()        return content    text = read_file(file_path)print(text)


There is a lot of volcanic activity at divergent plate boundaries in the oceans. For example, many undersea volcanoes are found along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is a divergent plate boundary that runs north-south through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust. Molten rock, called magma, erupts through these cracks onto Earth’s surface. At the surface, the molten rock is called lava. It cools and hardens, forming rock. Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust. Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in ocean crust. That’s because continental crust is thicker than oceanic crust. This makes it more difficult for molten rock to push up through the crust. Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a subduction zone. The leading edge of the plate melts as it is pulled into the mantle, forming magma that erupts as volcanoes. When a line of volcanoes forms along a subduction zone, they make up a volcanic arc. The edges of the Pacific plate are long subduction zones lined with volcanoes. This is why the Pacific rim is called the “Pacific Ring of Fire.”



from string import punctuation def preprocess(sentences):    output = []    for sent in sentences:        single_quotes_present = len(re.findall(r"['][\w\s.:;,!?\\-]+[']",sent))>0        double_quotes_present = len(re.findall(r'["][\w\s.:;,!?\\-]+["]',sent))>0        question_present = "?" in sent        if single_quotes_present or double_quotes_present or question_present :            continue        else:            output.append(sent.strip(punctuation))    return output                def get_candidate_sents(resolved_text, ratio=0.3):    candidate_sents = summarize(resolved_text, ratio=ratio)    candidate_sents_list = tokenize.sent_tokenize(candidate_sents)    candidate_sents_list = [re.split(r'[:;]+',x)[0] for x in candidate_sents_list ]    # Remove very short sentences less than 30 characters and long sentences greater than 150 characters    filtered_list_short_sentences = [sent for sent in candidate_sents_list if len(sent)>30 and len(sent)<150]    return filtered_list_short_sentences cand_sents = get_candidate_sents(text)filter_quotes_and_questions = preprocess(cand_sents)for each_sentence in filter_quotes_and_questions:    print (each_sentence)    print ("\n")


As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust

Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust

Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in ocean crust

Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a subduction zone



在这里,使用Berkley选区解析器在结尾的动词短语或名词短语处拆分句子。例如:如果输入句子为“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust”,则在结尾名词短语处进行拆分以得到“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in”,然后在结尾动词短语中进行拆分以得到“Divergent plate boundaries also”。现在向OpenAI GPT-2 提供部分拆分的句子“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in”以生成具有不同结尾的句子。这就是生成带有不同结尾动词短语或名词短语的False句子的方式。


解析句子“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust”的句子

如上图所示,它是用AllenNLP选区解析器demo生成的,最后一个动词短语是“occur in the continental crust”,最后一个名词短语是“the continental crust”。将最后一个动词短语的原始句子拆分为“Divergent plate boundaries also”。将最后一个名词短语的原始句子拆分为“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in”。

from IPython.display import Markdown, displaydef printmd(string):    display(Markdown(string))    def get_flattened(t):    sent_str_final = None    if t is not None:        sent_str = [" ".join(x.leaves()) for x in list(t)]        sent_str_final = [" ".join(sent_str)]        sent_str_final = sent_str_final[0]    return sent_str_final     def get_termination_portion(main_string,sub_string):    combined_sub_string = sub_string.replace(" ","")    main_string_list = main_string.split()    last_index = len(main_string_list)    for i in range(last_index):        check_string_list = main_string_list[i:]        check_string = "".join(check_string_list)        check_string = check_string.replace(" ","")        if check_string == combined_sub_string:            return " ".join(main_string_list[:i])                         return None    def get_right_most_VP_or_NP(parse_tree,last_NP = None,last_VP = None):    if len(parse_tree.leaves()) == 1:        return get_flattened(last_NP),get_flattened(last_VP)    last_subtree = parse_tree[-1]    if last_subtree.label() == "NP":        last_NP = last_subtree    elif last_subtree.label() == "VP":        last_VP = last_subtree        return get_right_most_VP_or_NP(last_subtree,last_NP,last_VP)  def get_sentence_completions(key_sentences):    sentence_completion_dict = {}    for individual_sentence in filter_quotes_and_questions:        sentence = individual_sentence.rstrip('?:!.,;')        tree = benepar_parser.parse(sentence)        last_nounphrase, last_verbphrase =  get_right_most_VP_or_NP(tree)        phrases= []        if last_verbphrase is not None:            verbphrase_string = get_termination_portion(sentence,last_verbphrase)            phrases.append(verbphrase_string)        if last_nounphrase is not None:            nounphrase_string = get_termination_portion(sentence,last_nounphrase)            phrases.append(nounphrase_string)         longest_phrase =  sorted(phrases, key=len,reverse= True)        if len(longest_phrase) == 2:            first_sent_len = len(longest_phrase[0].split())            second_sentence_len = len(longest_phrase[1].split())            if (first_sent_len - second_sentence_len) > 4:                del longest_phrase[1]                        if len(longest_phrase)>0:            sentence_completion_dict[sentence]=longest_phrase    return sentence_completion_dict   sent_completion_dict = get_sentence_completions(filter_quotes_and_questions) print (sent_completion_dict)


{‘As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust’: [‘As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in’], ‘Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust’: [‘Divergent plate boundaries also occur in’, ‘Divergent plate boundaries also’], ‘Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in ocean crust’: [‘Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in’], ‘Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a subduction zone’: [‘Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at’]}


例如:“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust”:[“Divergent plate boundaries also occur in’, ‘Divergent plate boundaries also”]


上面代码中的函数get_right_most_VP_or_NP 是主要函数,在其中使用动态编程递归遍历句子树,并确定要分割的最后一个动词短语或最后一个名词短语。

benepar的解析树对象(nltk tree object)不保留空格和其他详细信息。因此如果存在诸如“Mary ate John’s apple pie” 之类的句子,将识别名词短语并使用get_flattened将名词短语称为“John ‘ s apple pie”。如果您注意到名词短语中的John后面的撇号和“ s”之间有空格。如果只是尝试从主句“ Mary ate John’s apple pie ”中匹配字符串,并尝试删除“ John’s apple pie”,那是不可能的。因此在上面编写了一个辅助函数get_termination_portion,以添加自定义逻辑以匹配空间,并返回“ Mary ate”删除名词短语“ohn’s apple pie”。

步骤4:载入OpenAI GPT2和Sentence BERT

只是进行一些初始化,以加载openAI GPT2和句子BERT,以进行下一步生成上面带有部分拆分的句子的文本的操作。

# https://huggingface.co/transformers/main_classes/model.html?highlight=no_repeat_ngram_size from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizertokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2") # add the EOS token as PAD token to avoid warningsmodel = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("gpt2",pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id) from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer# Load the BERT model. Various models trained on Natural Language Inference (NLI) https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers/blob/master/docs/pretrained-models/nli-models.md and# Semantic Textual Similarity are available https://github.com/UKPLab/sentence-transformers/blob/master/docs/pretrained-models/sts-models.mdmodel_BERT = SentenceTransformer('bert-base-nli-mean-tokens')


使用OpenAI GPT2生成多个句子,并在其中过滤(使用Sentence BERT)相似的句子,因为只想将不相似的句子保留为False句子。

from nltk import tokenizeimport scipytorch.manual_seed(2020)  def sort_by_similarity(original_sentence,generated_sentences_list):    # Each sentence is encoded as a 1-D vector with 768 columns    sentence_embeddings = model_BERT.encode(generated_sentences_list)     queries = [original_sentence]    query_embeddings = model_BERT.encode(queries)    # Find the top sentences of the corpus for each query sentence based on cosine similarity    number_top_matches = len(generated_sentences_list)     dissimilar_sentences = []     for query, query_embedding in zip(queries, query_embeddings):        distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist([query_embedding], sentence_embeddings, "cosine")[0]         results = zip(range(len(distances)), distances)        results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1])          for idx, distance in reversed(results[0:number_top_matches]):            score = 1-distance            if score < 0.9:                dissimilar_sentences.append(generated_sentences_list[idx].strip())               sorted_dissimilar_sentences = sorted(dissimilar_sentences, key=len)        return sorted_dissimilar_sentences[:3]     def generate_sentences(partial_sentence,full_sentence):    input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(partial_sentence)])    maximum_length = len(partial_sentence.split())+80     # Actiavte top_k sampling and top_p sampling with only from 90% most likely words    sample_outputs = model.generate(        input_ids,        do_sample=True,        max_length=maximum_length,        top_p=0.90, # 0.85        top_k=50,   #0.30        repetition_penalty  = 10.0,        num_return_sequences=10    )    generated_sentences=[]    for i, sample_output in enumerate(sample_outputs):        decoded_sentences = tokenizer.decode(sample_output, skip_special_tokens=True)        decoded_sentences_list = tokenize.sent_tokenize(decoded_sentences)        generated_sentences.append(decoded_sentences_list[0])            top_3_sentences = sort_by_similarity(full_sentence,generated_sentences)        return top_3_sentences index = 1choice_list = ["a)","b)","c)","d)","e)","f)"]for key_sentence in sent_completion_dict:    partial_sentences = sent_completion_dict[key_sentence]    false_sentences =[]    print_string = "**%s) True Sentence (from the story) :**"%(str(index))    printmd(print_string)    print ("  ",key_sentence)    for partial_sent in partial_sentences:        false_sents = generate_sentences(partial_sent,key_sentence)        false_sentences.extend(false_sents)    printmd("  **False Sentences (GPT-2 Generated)**")    for ind,false_sent in enumerate(false_sentences):        print_string_choices = "**%s** %s"%(choice_list[ind],false_sent)        printmd(print_string_choices)    index = index+1        print ("\n\n")


假设原始句子是“Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a monastery.” 然后从上面的步骤3中,将名词短语的句子拆分为“Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a”。

给部分句子“Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a”中,以在上方的generate_sentences函数中获取以下生成的句子

1 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a monastery that had been built on ruins of an ancient building.

2 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a cave and said that the only thing which he did not know is God.

3 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a monastery.

4 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a mountain area.

5 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a temple with no people.

6 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a small village.

7 Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a town called Foula.



Original : Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a monastery.


Generated and filtered sentences:

1 )  Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a small village.

2 )  Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a mountain area.

3 )  Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a town called Foula.

4 )  Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a temple with no people.

5 )  Many years ago, there was a holy man who lived in a cave and said that the only thing which he did not know is God.



1) True Sentence (from the story) :

As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust

False Sentences (GPT-2 Generated)

a) As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the crust that provide access to oxygen-rich water.

b) As tectonic plates pull away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep fissures, or cracks, in the seafloor that are more sensitive to wind velocity and pressure than most continental surfaces.

2) True Sentence (from the story) :

Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the continental crust

False Sentences (GPT-2 Generated)

a) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the low and high latitudes.

b) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in regions with more frequent rainfall.

c) Divergent plate boundaries also occur in the brain of mammals and vertebrates.

d) Divergent plate boundaries also have been proposed.

e) Divergent plate boundaries also may be used to map and reduce traffic congestion.

f) Divergent plate boundaries also had to be adjusted and the data collected from different cities was sent on a regular basis.

3) True Sentence (from the story) :

Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in ocean crust

False Sentences (GPT-2 Generated)

a) Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in any other country,” he says.

b) Volcanoes form at these boundaries, but less often than in a large coastal country (such as the USA) they must be found along well-defined water bodies such that their location can become clear.

4) True Sentence (from the story) :

Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a subduction zone

False Sentences (GPT-2 Generated)

a) Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a rate of 1.1, 3–4 km/h (5).

b) Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at about 25% of its original location.

c) Many volcanoes form along convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is pulled down beneath another at a rate of about 100 million km/year.




不要给GPT2仅给出未完成的句子(例如“ivergent plate boundaries also occur in”)并要求它生成句子,而给出未完成的句子之前的少量句子。然后,GPT-2将拥有更多上下文来生成连贯的文本。

使用benepar选区解析器将复合句子和复杂句子拆分为简单句子。然后,可以将简单的句子作为True语句给出。这将解决开始时提到的5)点 中关于生成True或False的不同方法。

经过了一个非常实用的项目,结合了最新的NLP(OpenAI GPT2,Sentence BERT和Berkley Neural Parser),为教育内容生成了对错题。





今天的文章c++删除输出内容_实用的AI:使用OpenAI GPT2,Sentence BERT和Berkley选区解析器从任何内容自动生成对或错问题…分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。

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