到git下载工具 :https://github.com/DoubleLabyrinth/navicat-keygen/releases
1. 先用navicat-patcher.exe给主程序打个补丁,其实就是换掉之中的公钥
<Navicat installation path>就是navicat.exe的路径,最好是完整的。比如:
2. 再用navicat-keygen.exe生成注册码
navicat-keygen.exe RegPrivateKey.pem
0. English
1. Simplified Chinese
2. Traditional Chinese
3. Japanese
4. Polish
5. Spanish
6. French
7. German
8. Korean
9. Russian
10. Portuguese
How to use?
- Download the latest release from here.
- Use to replace Navicat Activation Public Key that is stored in and .
- : The full path to Navicat installation folder.This parameter must be specified.
- : The full path or relative path to a RSA-2048 private key file.This parameter is optional. If not specified, will generate a new RSA-2048 private key file at current directory.
Example: (in cmd.exe)
It has been tested on Navicat Premium 12.1.7 Simplified Chinese version. The following is an example of output.
- Then use to generate snKey and Activation Code
- : Must be or .If is specified, will finally generate . It is used for Navicat old activation method only.If is specified, will finally generate a Base64-style string which is Activation Code. It is used for Navicat new activation method.This parameter must be specified.
- : Enable advanced mode.This parameter is optional. If specified, will ask you input Navicat product ID number, language signature numbers. It is for future use generally.
- : The full path or relative path to a RSA-2048 private key file.This parameter must be specified.
Example: (in cmd.exe)
navicat-keygen.exe -text .RegPrivateKey.pem
You will be asked to select Navicat product, language and input major version number. After that an randomly generated snKey will be given.
You can use this snKey to activate your Navicat preliminarily.
Then you will be asked to input and . Just set them whatever you want, but not too long.
Your name: DoubleLabyrinth Your organization: DoubleLabyrinth Input request code (in Base64), input empty line to end:
After that, you will be asked to input the request code. Now DO NOT CLOSE KEYGEN.
- Disconnect your network and open Navicat. Find and click . Fill by snKey that the keygen gave and click .
- Generally online activation will failed and Navicat will ask you do , just choose it.
- Copy your request code and paste it in the keygen. Input empty line to tell the keygen that your input ends.
Your name: DoubleLabyrinth Your organization: DoubleLabyrinth Input request code (in Base64), input empty line to end: q/cv0bkTrG1YDkS+fajFdi85bwNVBD/lc5jBYJPOSS5bfl4DdtnfXo+RRxdMjJtEcYQnvLPi2LF0 OB464brX9dqU29/O+A3qstSyhBq5//iezxfu2Maqca4y0rVtZgQSpEnZ0lBNlqKXv7CuTUYCS1pm tEPgwJysQTMUZf7tu5MR0cQ+hY/AlyQ9iKrQAMhHklqZslaisi8VsnoIqH56vfTyyUwUQXrFNc41 qG5zZNsXu/NI79JOo7qTvcFHQT/k5cTadbKTxY+9c5eh+nF3JR7zEa2BDDfdQRLNvy4DTSyxdYXd sAk/YPU+JdWI+8ELaa0SuAuNzr5fEkD6NDSG2A== Request Info: {"K":"NAVADHCNP2OIDV46", "DI":"Y2eJk9vrvfGudPG7Mbdn", "P":"WIN 8"} Response Info: {"K":"NAVADHCNP2OIDV46","DI":"Y2eJk9vrvfGudPG7Mbdn","N":"DoubleLabyrinth","O":"DoubleLabyrinth","T":} License: oyoMYr9cfVGXeT7F1dqBwHsB/vvWj6SUL6aR+Kzb0lm5IyEj1CgovuSq+qMzFfx+ oHMFaGKFg6viOY2hfJcrO2Vdq0hXZS/B/Ie3jBS2Ov37v8e3ufVajaH+wLkmEpLd xppCVLkDQjIHYR2IPz5s/L/RuWqDpEY4TPmGFF6q+xQMnqQA3vXPyG+JYMARXLru Y1gCDLN30v3DpyOeqKmFjUqiHK5h8s0NYiH2OpMyaCpi12JsF23miP89ldQp3+SJ 8moo0cNGy7sFp2gX9ol2zVoo7qxfYlLl03f7CALJ6im0sx4yBsmlzFDdvpQUbXk8 YZ5rT4LML2Fx6Wgnnklb5g==
- Finally, you will get Activation Code which looks like a Base64 string. Just copy it and paste it in Navicat window, then click . If nothing wrong, activation Navicat Premium 12.1.28激活 should be done successfully.
Navicat Premium 12.1.28激活(Navicat Premium v12 激活成功教程教程(转))分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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