matlab mp3write,mp3read and mp3write for matlab | 学步园

matlab mp3write,mp3read and mp3write for matlab | 学步园修改mp3read和mp3write文件内容:Tomakethemwork,youalsoneedtomakesmallchangestothemp3read.mandmp3write.mscripts.First,youmustchangethelocationthatthescriptlooksforbinariese.g.chang…


To make them work, you also need to make small changes to the mp3read.m and mp3write.m scripts. First, you must change the location that the script looks for binaries e.g. change the lines:

%%%%%% Location of the binaries

mpg123 = ‘/usr/bin/mpg123’; % for mp3read

mp3info = ‘/usr/bin/mp3info’; % for mp3read

lame = ‘/usr/bin/lame’; % for mp3write

to point to the directory where you put the binaries above, e.g.

mpg123 = ‘C:/Matlab6p5/work/project/mpg123.exe’;

mp3info = ‘C:/Matlab6p5/work/project/mp3info.exe’;

lame = ‘C:/Matlab6p5/work/project/lame.exe’;

Secondly, you must also change the directory where temporary files are written, and the command used to delete them, e.g.:

%%%%%% Directory for temporary file (if needed)

tmpdir = ‘/tmp/’;

%%%%%% Command to delete temporary file (if needed)

rmcmd = ‘rm’;

.. to be a suitable directory for temporary files on your system and the appropriate command to delete them, e.g.

tmpdir = ‘C:/Matlab6p5/work/project/tmp/’; % don’t forget trailing slash

rmcmd = ‘del’;

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