java的actioncontext_【疑惑】ActionContext ac = ActionContext.getContext();?

java的actioncontext_【疑惑】ActionContext ac = ActionContext.getContext();?该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠隐藏此楼查看此楼ActionContext.getContext()返回的是一个ActionContext对象,get(Stringkey)也是ActionContext里面的一个方法。xwork源码贴出来了:publicclassActionContextimplementsSerializable{staticThreadLocalactionCon…

该楼层疑似违规已被系统折叠 隐藏此楼查看此楼

ActionContext.getContext()返回的是一个ActionContext对象,get(String key)也是ActionContext里面的一个方法。


public class ActionContext implements Serializable {

static ThreadLocal actionContext = new ThreadLocal();

//public static final String DEV_MODE = “__devMode”;

public static final String ACTION_NAME = “”;

public static final String VALUE_STACK = ValueStack.VALUE_STACK;

public static final String SESSION = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.session”;

public static final String APPLICATION = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.application”;

public static final String PARAMETERS = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.parameters”;

public static final String LOCALE = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.locale”;

public static final String TYPE_CONVERTER = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.typeConverter”;

public static final String ACTION_INVOCATION = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.actionInvocation”;

public static final String CONVERSION_ERRORS = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.conversionErrors”;

public static final String CONTAINER = “com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext.container”;

Map context;

public ActionContext(Map context) {

this.context = context;


public void setActionInvocation(ActionInvocation actionInvocation) {

put(ACTION_INVOCATION, actionInvocation);


public ActionInvocation getActionInvocation() {

return (ActionInvocation) get(ACTION_INVOCATION);


public void setApplication(Map application) {

put(APPLICATION, application);


public Map getApplication() {

return (Map) get(APPLICATION);


public static void setContext(ActionContext context) {



public static ActionContext getContext() {

return (ActionContext) actionContext.get();

// Don’t do lazy context creation, as it requires container; the creation of which may

// precede the context creation

//if (context == null) {

// ValueStack vs = ValueStackFactory.getFactory().createValueStack();

// context = new ActionContext(vs.getContext());

// setContext(context);



public void setContextMap(Map contextMap) {

getContext().context = contextMap;


public Map getContextMap() {

return context;


public void setConversionErrors(Map conversionErrors) {

put(CONVERSION_ERRORS, conversionErrors);


public Map getConversionErrors() {

Map errors = (Map) get(CONVERSION_ERRORS);

if (errors == null) {

errors = new HashMap();



return errors;


public void setLocale(Locale locale) {

put(LOCALE, locale);


public Locale getLocale() {

Locale locale = (Locale) get(LOCALE);

if (locale == null) {

locale = Locale.getDefault();



return locale;


public void setName(String name) {

put(ACTION_NAME, name);


public String getName() {

return (String) get(ACTION_NAME);


public void setParameters(Map parameters) {

put(PARAMETERS, parameters);


public Map getParameters() {

return (Map) get(PARAMETERS);


public void setSession(Map session) {

put(SESSION, session);


public Map getSession() {

return (Map) get(SESSION);


public void setValueStack(ValueStack stack) {

put(VALUE_STACK, stack);


public ValueStack getValueStack() {

return (ValueStack) get(VALUE_STACK);


public void setContainer(Container cont) {

put(CONTAINER, cont);


public Container getContainer() {

return (Container) get(CONTAINER);


public T getInstance(Class type) {

Container cont = getContainer();

if (cont != null) {

return cont.getInstance(type);

} else {

throw new XWorkException(“Cannot find an initialized container for this request.”);



public Object get(String key) {

return context.get(key);


public void put(String key, Object value) {

context.put(key, value);



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