beginning的用法_today was sunny

beginning的用法_today was sunnyIhaveopenedmyblogonCSDN.nettodaywhichmeansIwoulddomybesttowritesomethingaboutmylife,somethingaboultwhatIhavelearnedeveryday.IjusttookTOEFLiBTexamyestoday,which

beginning的用法_today was sunny

I have opened my blog on today which means I would do my best to write something about my life,  something aboult what I have learned everyday.


I just took TOEFL iBT exam yestoday, which has helped me a lot in improving my English and I almost spent last month in preparing the test. I still feel that only read the programming book is the the best way to train my thought and to evalue myself.


I believe that life is limited and time will never wait us no matter what we are doing, I hope that I can use this blog to regulate my thoughts and to express my ideas much better than I have done ever before. I really hope I could be an excellant programmer.


I love programming not because I learned mathematics in my university but just I think programming code is a language which can express my thoughts exactly and help me think more accurately.


Practice makes perfect. The success of somebody not just depends on one’s gift but his accumulation .

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