如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 BetaThepublicbetaofiOS11isnowavailableforiPhonesandiPads.AnyonewhowantstoplaywithiOS11’snewfeaturescaninstallitt

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

The public beta of iOS 11 is now available for iPhones and iPads. Anyone who wants to play with iOS 11’s new features can install it today. However, we recommend backing up your device first so you can easily restore the stable version of iOS 10 afterwards.

iOS 11的公开测试版现已可用于iPhone和iPad。 任何想使用iOS 11新功能的人都可以立即安装。 但是,我们建议先备份设备,以便以后轻松恢复稳定版本的iOS 10。

何时更新到Beta(以及何时不应该更新) (When to Update to the Beta (And When You Shouldn’t))

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

Before we proceed to even single step into this tutorial, let’s be perfectly clear: you’re signing up for a beta release. This means you’re getting unstable software. There will be crashes, frozen apps, quirks, and other hiccups. This stuff isn’t ready for prime time.

在继续进行本教程的一步之前,我们要完全清楚:您正在注册一个Beta版本。 这意味着您将获得不稳定的软件。 会有崩溃,冻结的应用程序,怪癖和其他故障。 这些东西还没准备好黄金时间。

With that in mind, if you only have one iOS device and you rely on it for critical things like work-related apps, keeping in touch with hospitalized family, or any number of stability-is-key scenarios, you should wait for the public release of iOS 11 proper later in 2017.

考虑到这一点,如果您只有一台iOS设备,并且依靠它来处理诸如与工作相关的应用程序,与住院家庭保持联系或任何数量稳定的关键情况等重要事情,则应该等待公众将于2017年下半年正式发布iOS 11。

Seriously, we mean it: Don’t install this on your primary device. If you have an iPhone you use for everything, don’t install it on that iPhone!

认真地说,我们的意思是:不要在您的主设备上安装它。 如果您拥有用于所有功能的iPhone,请不要在该iPhone上安装它!

But, if you have an old iPhone or iPad you don’t use much and you’re ready for some bugs and crashes, then by all means proceed. You’ll get to try out all the features (and provide feedback on them) before the general public.

但是,如果您使用的是旧的iPhone或iPad,则不会使用太多,并且已经准备好处理一些错误和崩溃,那么请务必继续。 在公众面前,您将尝试所有功能(并提供反馈)。

Ready to volunteer for unpaid beta testing? Let’s jump right in.

准备自愿参加无偿Beta测试吗? 让我们跳进去。

你需要什么 (What You Need)

To follow along, you need a few simple things. First and foremost, you need a compatible iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Let’s break it down by device category.

要继续学习,您需要一些简单的事情。 首先,您需要兼容的iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch。 让我们按设备类别对其进行分类。

Every iPhone from the iPhone 5s going forward is compatible with iOS 11, including the following devices:

iPhone 5s以后的每个iPhone都与iOS 11兼容,包括以下设备:

  • iPhone 7

    iPhone 7

  • iPhone 7 Plus

    iPhone 7 Plus

  • iPhone 6s

    iPhone 6s

  • iPhone 6s Plus

    iPhone 6s Plus

  • iPhone 6

    iPhone 6

  • iPhone 6 Plus

    iPhone 6 Plus

  • iPhone SE

    iPhone SE

  • iPhone 5s

    iPhone 5S

The list gets a little harder to parse when we start talking about iPads, on account of different naming conventions. But, basically, you’re eligible if you have an iPad Air, iPad Mini 2, or newer:

由于使用不同的命名约定,当我们开始谈论iPad时,该列表的解析变得有些困难。 但是,基本上,如果您拥有iPad Air,iPad Mini 2或更高版本,则有资格:

  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch 2nd generation

    iPad Pro 12.9英寸第二代

  • iPad Pro 12.9-inch 1st generation

    iPad Pro 12.9英寸第一代

  • iPad Pro 10.5-inch

    iPad Pro 10.5英寸

  • iPad Pro 9.7-inch

    iPad Pro 9.7英寸

  • iPad Air 2

    iPad Air 2

  • iPad Air

    iPad Air

  • iPad 5th generation

    iPad 5代

  • iPad mini 4

    iPad mini 4

  • iPad mini 3

    iPad mini 3

  • iPad mini 2

    iPad mini 2

Finally, you can install iOS 11 beta on the latest iPod Touch:

最后,您可以在最新的iPod Touch上安装iOS 11 beta:

  • iPod touch 6th generation

    第六代iPod touch

In addition to a supported device, we also strongly suggest you have a Windows PC or Mac running the most current version of iTunes in order to do a complete backup of your device in its iOS 10 state. This will allow you to downgrade back to your current iOS 10 state without losing any of your data.

除了受支持的设备之外,我们还强烈建议您使用Windows PC或Mac运行最新版本的iTunes,以便在iOS 10状态下对设备进行完整备份。 这样一来,您就可以降级回到当前的iOS 10状态,而不会丢失任何数据。

第一步:使用iTunes备份iPhone或iPad (Step One: Make a Backup of Your iPhone or iPad With iTunes)

Why back up to a local machine? Even with a fast connection, pulling down a full iCloud backup can take a very long time for a phone with a lot of apps and storage. Further, you never have to worry about running out of space or your backup being overwritten when you have the extra space of a hard drive (compared to the very limited amount of space allocated to the free iCloud account). If you want to wipe your phone and go back to iOS 10, the process will take a few minutes if you have a local backup and, potentially, hours and hours if you have to do it over the internet.

为什么要备份到本地计算机? 即使连接速度很快,对于具有大量应用程序和存储的手机,完整的iCloud备份也可能花费很长时间。 此外,当您拥有硬盘驱动器的额外空间时(与分配给免费iCloud帐户的空间非常有限相比),您不必担心空间不足或备份被覆盖。 如果您要擦拭手机并返回iOS 10,如果您有本地备份,则此过程将花费几分钟,如果需要通过Internet进行备份,则可能需要花费数小时的时间。

In case we haven’t made it very clear by this point: back up your device to iTunes before proceeding.

如果到目前为止我们还不清楚, 请先将设备备份到iTunes,然后再 继续

Don’t remember how? Don’t worry. These days, many iOS users never even look at iTunes, so you’re probably not alone. To back up, run iTunes and plug in your iOS device with the sync cable—that’s the USB cable you use to charge your device. You may need to click “Allow” in iTunes and then tap “Trust” on the iPhone or iPad if you’ve never connected it to iTunes on your computer before. Look for the device icon near the upper left corner of the iTunes interface and click on it.

不记得怎么了? 不用担心 如今,许多iOS用户甚至从未看过iTunes,因此您可能并不孤单。 要备份,请运行iTunes并使用同步电缆(用于为设备充电的USB电缆)插入iOS设备。 如果您以前从未将其连接到计算机上的iTunes,则可能需要在iTunes中单击“允许”,然后在iPhone或iPad上单击“信任”。 在iTunes界面的左上角附近查找设备图标,然后单击它。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

In the device “Summary” page, which is open by default when selecting the device, scroll down to the “Backups” setting and check “This computer” as the backup location, then check “Encrypt iPhone backup”. If you don’t encrypt your backup, you’ll lose all your account passwords saved in Safari and other apps, all your Health data, and all your HomeKit data and settings. Click “Back Up Now” to start the backup.

在设备的“摘要”页面(选择设备时默认打开)中,向下滚动到“备份”设置并选中“此计算机”作为备份位置,然后选中“加密iPhone备份”。 如果不加密备份,将丢失保存在Safari和其他应用程序中的所有帐户密码,所有运行状况数据以及所有HomeKit数据和设置。 单击“立即备份”开始备份。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

Even with a particularly full iPhone, the process shouldn’t take long. We’ve seen half-full 64 GB iPhones back up in a little over 10 minutes.

即使使用特别完整的iPhone,该过程也无需花费很长时间。 我们已经看到半满的64 GB iPhone在超过10分钟的时间内可以备份。

When the process is complete, you’ll want to archive the backup to ensure iTunes doesn’t automatically delete it. Click iTunes > Preferences on a Mac, or click Edit > Preferences on Windows. Click the “Devices” tab and locate the backup you just created. Right-click or Ctrl-click it and select “Archive”. This will prevent the backup from being overwritten so you can restore it in the future. It will be marked with the date and time it was archived.

该过程完成后,您将需要存档备份,以确保iTunes不会自动将其删除。 在Mac上,单击iTunes>首选项,在Windows上,单击编辑>首选项。 单击“设备”选项卡,然后找到刚创建的备份。 右键单击或按住Ctrl单击它,然后选择“存档”。 这将防止备份被覆盖,因此您将来可以还原它。 它将标有存档的日期和时间。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

Speaking of particularly full iPhones, if your iOS device is packed to the gills with stuff, you may not have room for the iOS 11 update. While you’re waiting for the backup process to finish, take a peek at the bottom of the device panel in iTunes and see how much free space you have on the device.

说到特别完整的iPhone,如果您的iOS设备装满了东西,您可能没有足够的空间安装iOS 11。 在等待备份过程完成时,请窥视iTunes中设备面板的底部,并查看设备上有多少可用空间。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

The iOS 11 beta update is approximately 1.7GB in size, and requires about 1.5GB of temporary space to use during the upgrade process. It would be wise to, at minimum, round those two numbers up, add them, and aim for 4GB of free space on your device before you upgrade. If you’re tight on room, now is a great time to delete something with a big footprint that is easy to put back on later (like a mobile game with a huge storage requirement and no save files, or a bunch of audiobooks you can re-download after the fact). Check out Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage on your device and tap “Manage Storage” under Storage to see what’s using up the space.

iOS 11 beta更新的大小约为1.7GB,并且在升级过程中需要约1.5GB的临时空间。 明智的做法是,至少将这两个数字四舍五入,相加,然后在升级之前在设备上争取4GB的可用空间。 如果您的房间比较紧张,那么现在是删除占用空间大的东西的好时机,以后很容易放回去(例如,存储需求巨大且没有保存文件的移动游戏,或者一堆有声读物)事实结束后重新下载)。 在您的设备上查看设置>常规>存储和iCloud使用情况 ,然后点击存储下的“管理存储”以查看空间的使用情况。

第二步:注册Beta版 (Step Two: Sign Up For the Beta)

Once you’ve determined that you have a compatible device and backed it up, you’ll need to sign up for an Apple Beta Software Program account. Signing up is as simple as heading to the website, and signing in with your regular Apple ID, and clicking “Accept” to accept the agreement and confirm you want to join the program.

确定拥有兼容设备并进行备份后,您需要注册一个Apple Beta软件计划帐户 。 注册就像访问网站一样简单,并使用常规的Apple ID登录,然后单击“接受”以接受该协议并确认您要加入该计划。

Don’t worry: This won’t automatically update all your devices to beta software. This just makes you eligible to upgrade to beta software through the below instructions.

不用担心:这不会自动将您的所有设备更新为Beta软件。 这只是使您有资格通过以下说明升级到Beta版软件。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

第三步:更新配置文件 (Step Three: Update Your Configuration Profile)

Next, it’s time to update to iOS 11 beta. The public beta update is an Over The Air (OTA) process, so make sure you’ve got your device fully charged and, preferably, hooked up to a charging cable.

接下来,该更新到iOS 11 beta了。 Beta版的公开更新是一个无线(OTA)流程,因此请确保设备已充满电,并且最好连接到充电电缆。

On your iPhone or iPad, launch Safari and navigate to https://beta.apple.com/profile. If prompted, log into the same Apple account you linked to the beta testing program. Scroll down, look for the step “Download Profile”, and tap the “Download profile” button.

在iPhone或iPad上,启动Safari并导航到https://beta.apple.com/profile 。 如果出现提示,请登录到与Beta测试程序链接的同一Apple帐户。 向下滚动,找到“下载配置文件”步骤,然后点击“下载配置文件”按钮。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

You’ll be prompted to install the profile. Tap “Install” in the upper right corner.

系统将提示您安装配置文件。 点击右上角的“安装”。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

If your device is secured with a PIN, you’ll be prompted to enter it. Next, you’ll see a big block of legalese. Tap “Install” in the upper right corner again.

如果您的设备已使用PIN保护,则系统会提示您输入该设备。 接下来,您将看到一大堆法律术语。 再次点击右上角的“安装”。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

Finally you’ll be prompted to restart your iPhone or iPad. Tap “Restart”.

最后,系统会提示您重新启动iPhone或iPad。 点击“重新启动”。

Note: This does not install iOS 11, it merely updates the profile on your phone so that you are eligible for the OTA update.

注意:这不会安装iOS 11,它只会更新手机上的配置文件,因此您有资格进行OTA更新。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

第四步:应用更新 (Step Four: Apply the Update)

With the phone or tablet booted back up and with a healthy battery life, navigate to Settings > General > Software Update. When you tap it, you should see an entry for “iOS 11 Public beta”. You may see a slightly newer version if you’re reading this tutorial once further beta updates have rolled out.

在手机或平板电脑重新启动并拥有正常电池寿命的情况下,导航至设置>常规>软件更新。 轻触它时,应该会看到“ iOS 11 Public beta”的条目。 如果进一步的Beta更新推出后,您正在阅读本教程,则可能会看到一个较新的版本。

Tap “Download and Install”.


如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

Enter your PIN, if applicable, and then accept another round of agreements. Once you’ve done that, the download will start. Be prepared to wait, especially if you’re following along with this tutorial around the release of a new public beta version. It may take an unusually long time to download the update if a lot of people are attempting to download it—it took our normally speedy broadband connection a half hour or so.

输入您的PIN(如果适用),然后接受另一轮协议。 完成此操作后,将开始下载。 准备好等待,尤其是如果您正在跟着有关新公共Beta版发行的本教程一起进行的话。 如果很多人都在尝试下载更新,则可能会花费异常长的时间-我们通常快速的宽带连接花了半个小时左右的时间。

Once the update file is on your device, the “Download and Install” button, seen above, will turn to “Install”. You can tap “Install” to install it immediately or install it later. (But come on—this is a beta release and not Christmas Eve, you want to play with your toys now.)

将更新文件放在您的设备上后,如上所示,“下载并安装”按钮将变为“安装”。 您可以点击“安装”以立即安装或稍后安装。 (但是,这是一个测试版,而不是圣诞节前夕,您想现在就玩玩具。)

Sit back and relax while the update installs and, if you haven’t done so already, plug your phone into the charging cable to play it safe. Also, be patient and leave it be: This isn’t a 10.2.X to 10.2.Y update, this is a major version update. It will take a while to install.

请坐下来放松一下,安装更新程序,如果尚未安装,请将手机插入充电线以安全使用。 另外,请耐心等待,这不是:这不是从10.2.X到10.2.Y的更新,这是主要版本更新。 安装需要一段时间。

第五步:完成流程 (Step Five: Complete the Process)

When your device finishes updating and you’re back at the lock screen, key in your PIN to get started. You’ll be prompted to accept some more agreements (iOS software is, apparently, agreements all the way down). Then, you’ll be prompted to participate in various data collection programs like error reporting to Apple and app developers. Even if you normally lock down those kind of privacy settings, we’d encourage you to turn them on (at least while you’re using beta versions of iOS). The whole point of the beta program is for curious/dedicated iOS users to try things out before they reach the public in a stable release. Every error report helps!

设备完成更新后,您又回到了锁定屏幕,请输入PIN码以开始使用。 系统会提示您接受更多协议(显然,iOS软件一直都是协议)。 然后,系统将提示您参与各种数据收集程序,例如向Apple和应用程序开发人员报告错误。 即使您通常锁定了那种隐私设置,我们还是建议您将其打开(至少在使用Beta版的iOS时)。 Beta程序的全部目的是让好奇/执着的iOS用户可以在稳定版本中向公众展示产品。 每个错误报告都有帮助!

You may notice that there is now a new Apple provided app on your iPhone or iPad: Feedback.


如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

If you run into weird glitches with iOS 11, you can tap on the Feedback icon and file a report using a very well laid out report form.

如果您在iOS 11上遇到奇怪的故障,则可以点击“反馈”图标,然后使用布局合理的报告表格提交报告。

如何在iPhone或iPad上安装iOS 11 Beta

With an extra minute of effort here or there, your bug reports will help polish the edges of iOS 11 before it is released to the public.

在这里或那里花费额外的时间,您的错误报告将有助于在向公众发布iOS 11之前完善其功能。

A signup here, an “I agree” here, there, and everywhere—and, after a little downloading, you’re up and running iOS 11 months before everyone else. Now it’s time to play with the slew of new features and see how things change between now and the final, stable release.

在这里进行注册,在这里,那里和任何地方都表示“我同意”,并且在稍作下载之后,您就可以在其他所有人之前11个月启动并运行iOS。 现在是时候使用大量新功能,看看现在到最终稳定发行版之间的变化。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/262066/how-to-install-the-ios-10-beta-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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