Hedonic Game Related Research

Hedonic Game Related ResearchTitle:Welfaremaximizationinfractionalhedonicgamesauthors:HarisAziz,SergeGaspersJoachim,Gudmundsson,Juli´anMest

Title:Welfare maximization in fractional hedonic games

authors:Haris Aziz, Serge Gaspers Joachim, Gudmundsson, Juli´an Mestre

  • hedonic game: comprises a set of agents who express preferences over coalitions they are they are present in and outcomes are partitions of the agents into disjoint coalitions. It provides a natural framework to study coalition formation.
  • fractional hedonic games: each vertex of the network can be considered as an agent. An agent is valuation vi(j) of an agent j can be represented by the weight of the directed edge

    . Agent is valuation of a coalition S of agents is the mean valuation

    of the members of S .

A hedonic game

is said to be a fractional hedonic game(FHG) if for each player i in

there is a value function vi such that for all coalitions S,TN , SiT if and only if vi(S)vi(T) .

Main contributions:
  1. simple examples that show that utilitarian, egalitarian, and Nash welfare maximizing outcomes need not coincide, even in simple symmetric FHGs.
  2. a reduction that shows that maximizing utilitarian welfare, egalitarian welfare, or Nash welfare is NP-hard, even for simple symmetric FHGs.
  3. a ploynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for maximizing the utilitarian welfare of simple symmetric FHGs.
  4. a polynomialtime 4-approximation algorithm for maximizing the utilitarian welfare of symmetric FHGs.
  5. a polynomial-time 3-approximation algorithm for maximizing the egalitarian welfare of simple symmetric FHGs
  • hedonic games based on graphs examined from a social welfare perspective.
  • a related class of hedonic game: additive seperabel hedonic games, consider welfare maximizing or stable partitions of FHGs and why stable or efficient outcomes of FHGs provide better clusterings.
  • Olsen[2012] examined a variant of FHGs and considered computation of Nash stable outcomes.
  • the prior work on FHGs, most of the focus has been on stabel partitions, this has a disadvantage that a stable outcome may not be guaranteed to exist[Aziz et al., 2014; Bilo` et al., 2014; Brandl et al., 2015] or may suggest the partition consisting of the grand coalition [Bilo` et al., 2014].


  • symmetric: an FHG is said to be symmetric if vi

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