【英语学习】【化学】几个与氮(Nitrogen)有关的化学词汇 (1)

【英语学习】【化学】几个与氮(Nitrogen)有关的化学词汇 (1)文章目录nitrogen:氮(元素)niter:硝石nitricacid:硝酸nitrate:*n.*硝酸盐;硝酸根potassiumnitrate:硝酸钾nitrousacid:亚硝酸nitrite:*n.*亚硝酸


the chemical element of atomic number 7, a colorless, odorless, unreactive gas that forms about 78 percent of the earth’s atmosphere.

Liquid nitrogen (made by distilling liquid air) boils at 77.4 kelvins (-195.8°C) and it is used as a coolant.

词源:late 18th century: from French nitrogène (see niter, -gen).
niter, “硝石”(见下节);-gen,表示 produce,generate。

niter: 硝石

niter 是 potassium nitrate(硝酸钾,见下节)的别称。

nitric acid: 硝酸

Nitric acid (HNO3), also known as aqua fortis (Latin for “strong water”) and spirit of niter, is a highly corrosive mineral acid. The pure compound is colorless, but older samples tend to acquire a yellow cast due to decomposition into oxides of nitrogen and water.

这里 nitric 用作形容词。
词源:late 18th century: from French (acide) nitrique (see niter, -ic).
niter,硝石;-ic,在化学中,denoting an element in a higher valence. 有higher valence,就有lower valence,用 -ite 表示(见后节)

nitrate: n. 硝酸盐; 硝酸根

nitrate is a polyatomic ion with the molecular formula NO3. Organic compounds that contain the nitrate ester as a functional group (R-ONO2) are also called nitrates. Nitrates are common components of fertilizers and explosives.

词根:late 18th century: from French(see niter, -ate).
niter,硝石;-ate,在化学中,forming nouns denoting a salt or ester, especially of an acid with a corresponding name ending in -ic (关于 -ic 见前节)。

potassium nitrate: 硝酸钾

a white crystalline salt, occurring naturally and produced synthetically, used in fertilizer, as a meat preservative, and as a constituent of gunpowder.

nitrous acid:亚硝酸

这里nitrous用作形容词。-ous 后缀表示 lower valence of an element.
Nitrous acid (molecular formula HNO2) is a weak and monobasic acid known only in solution, in the gas phase and in the form of nitrite (NO2) salts. Nitrous acid is used to make diazonium salts from amines. The resulting diazonium salts are reagents in azo coupling reactions to give azo dyes.

注:monobasic acid:一元酸(只有一个hydrogen ion);diazonium salts:重氮盐(di- two;azo [=a+zo literally not life] nitrogen;-onium ammonium)

nitrite:n. 亚硝酸盐; 亚硝酸根

a salt or ester of nitrous acid, containing the anion NO2 or the group -NO2.

词源:early 19th century: from niter + -ite.
niter,硝石;-ite,在化学中,forming names of salts or esters of acids ending in -ous (见上节)。

sodium nitrite:亚硝酸钠

Sodium nitrite is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaNO2. It is a white to slightly yellowish crystalline powder that is very soluable in water and is hygroscopic.

注: hygroscopic: (hygro- wet, moisture) (of a substance) tending to absorb moisture from the air 吸湿的


nitrogen是名词,表示化学元素 ,这个词来自于 niter(硝石)。氮元素可以形成两种酸 nitric acidnitrous acid,中文名称分别是 硝酸亚硝酸。中文可以添加一个字加以区分,但是英文中只能使用不同的后缀来区分:-ic 表示价酸,-ous 表示价酸。

在化学反应后,酸可以生成盐,nitric acid生成的盐被称为 nitrate (硝酸盐),例如:potassium nitrate 硝酸钾;nitrous acid生成的盐被称为 nitrite (亚硝酸盐),例如:sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠。

nitric acid —> nitrate (salt)
nitrous acid —> nitrite (salt)

nitratenitrite 还可以用于表示 “酸根离子”, nitrate表示 硝酸根(NO3),nitrite表示 亚硝酸根(NO2)。

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