


Your content is the most important part of your website. It’s what search engines use to rank your pages and it’s what visitors use to decide whether your products or services are right for them. Content, therefore, is critical in increasing traffic, engaging customers and generating sales. In this post, we’ll look at how you can increase traffic and engagement and help boost conversions by upcycling your existing content.

您的内容是网站上最重要的部分。 这是搜索引擎用来对您的网页进行排名的方法,也是访问者用来确定您的产品或服务是否适合他们的方法。 因此,内容对于增加流量,吸引客户和产生销售至关重要。 在这篇文章中,我们将研究如何通过增加现有内容的使用来增加流量和参与度,并帮助提高转化率。

为什么要升级? (Why upcycle?)

If your website isn’t performing as well as it should be, you will need to make changes to your content. You can do this by creating brand new content, adding new pages or by updating existing content.

如果您的网站运行不正常,则需要对内容进行更改。 您可以通过创建全新的内容,添加新页面或更新现有内容来实现。

For some businesses, however, the first two options are not viable. Buying effective new content that is SEO optimised and fit for purpose can be expensive and not within the budgets of smaller companies. Creating it yourself isn’t easy either. Many smaller businesses don’t have the time to spend on completely recreating a website – they need to focus on carrying out their day to day operations. The easiest and cheapest option, therefore, is to upcycle what you already have to make sure it performs better.

但是,对于某些企业而言,前两个选项不可行。 购买经过SEO优化并适合目标的有效新内容可能会很昂贵,而且超出了小公司的预算。 自己创建它也不容易。 许多小型企业没有时间花在完全重建网站上–他们需要集中精力进行日常运营。 因此,最简单,最便宜的选择是对已经存在的内容进行升级,以确保其性能更好。

哪些内容需要升级? (Which content needs upcycling?)

Before starting the process of improving your content, you need to know which parts of your website are working well and which are not. The best way to find this out is through using Google Analytics.

在开始改善内容的过程之前,您需要知道网站的哪些部分运行良好,哪些不正常。 找出这一点的最佳方法是使用Google Analytics(分析) 。

By linking your website to Google Analytics you’ll be able to find out a wealth of information about how successful your pages are. For upcycling purposes, you’ll need to find out:

通过将您的网站链接到Google Analytics(分析),您将能够找到有关页面成功程度的大量信息。 为了进行升级,您需要了解以下信息:

  • The number of visitors each page is getting.


  • Where your visitors are coming from (search engines, social media, direct links, etc.).


  • The bounce rates for each page (i.e., how many people leave the site after visiting the page).


  • How long people stay on each page.


  • How many people follow calls to action on each page (e.g., click on ‘buy now’ or ‘click here’ buttons).


  • How many visitors purchases or leads do you get from each page? (You’ll need to set up goals to find this out.)

    您从每个页面中获得多少访客购买或销售线索? (您需要设置目标才能找到答案。)

Once you have this information, you’ll have a much better idea of which pages are performing well. You’ll discover which pages don’t attract traffic, which don’t engage the customer and which are not creating sales. With this data in front of you, it will be a simple task to draw up a list of key pages you need to work on and prioritise them for upcycling.

掌握了这些信息后,您将可以更好地了解哪些页面效果良好。 您会发现哪些页面没有吸引流量,哪些页面没有吸引客户,哪些页面没有创造销售。 有了这些数据,这将是一个简单的任务,以列出您需要处理的关键页面的列表,并对它们进行优先级排序以进行升级。

如何升级现有内容 (How to upcycle existing content)
1.使页面看起来更好 (1. Make the page look better)

One of the easiest ways to upcycle an existing page is to improve its presentation. Poorly presented pages make visitors leave, often without reading the content or following calls to action.

升级现有页面的最简单方法之一就是改善其显示效果。 页面显示不佳会使访问者离开,通常没有阅读内容或没有采取行动。

Simple things like putting in headings and subheadings, changing the font size so it’s easier to read, increasing the amount of white space so things don’t look too busy all help to keep the visitor on the page and reading all the way to the CTA.

简单的操作,例如放入标题和副标题,更改字体大小以便于阅读,增加空白量以免看起来不太忙都有助于使访问者留在页面上并一直阅读到CTA 。

In addition, think about improving the images on a page. Replace existing pictures with ones which are fresher, cleaner and more in keeping with your brand. Make sure they are professional looking too. If you don’t have any images, consider using them – especially if you are selling a product or service. There is also the possibility that you have too many images and that the essential text you need is lost between them. If so, cut the number down.

另外,请考虑改善页面上的图像。 用更新鲜,更清洁且更符合您的品牌的图片替换现有图片。 确保他们也很专业。 如果您没有任何图像,请考虑使用它们-尤其是在销售产品或服务时。 还有可能您的图像太多,而所需的基本文本在它们之间丢失了。 如果是这样,请减少数字。

2.添加更多细节 (2. Add more detail)

Lack of detail causes problems with search engines and customers. Pages with a limited word count often get downranked by search engines because they consider it to be thin content which won’t be of much benefit to the user.

缺乏细节会导致搜索引擎和客户出现问题。 字数有限的网页通常会被搜索引擎降低排名,因为他们认为该网页内容比较薄,不会给用户带来太大好处。

Potential customers like to be given as much detail as possible in order to help them come to an informed decision about whether to use your company. Leaving gaps in what they want to know can make them go elsewhere.

希望尽可能多地向潜在客户提供详细信息,以帮助他们就是否使用您的公司做出明智的决定。 在他们想知道的事情上留下空白可以使他们走到其他地方。

The easy way to add detail is to think of all the things a customer would want to know and fill in any gaps that the existing content has. This could include product or service descriptions, technical specifications, pricing and delivery details, FAQs, customer reviews and testimonials.

添加细节的简单方法是考虑客户希望了解的所有内容,并填补现有内容存在的空白。 这可能包括产品或服务说明,技术规格,价格和交付详细信息,常见问题解答,客户评论和推荐。

3.重新组织内容 (3. Reorganise content)

Sometimes web pages have so much content on them that there is no way that the average visitor would want to spend time reading it all. This often happens when websites try to put information about all their services or products on a single page. A building company, for example, might use their homepage to write in detail about their roofing, loft conversion and renovation services.

有时网页上的内容太多,以至于普通访问者不可能花时间阅读所有内容。 当网站尝试将有关其所有服务或产品的信息放在单个页面上时,通常会发生这种情况。 例如,一家建筑公司可能会使用其主页来详细介绍其屋面,阁楼转换和翻新服务。

When this happens, people will get information overload and abandon the site. Those who are interested in a new roof won’t want to have to read about loft conversions and those interested in renovations might not find what they are looking for if it is buried at the bottom of a busy looking page.

发生这种情况时,人们将获得大量信息并放弃该站点。 那些对新屋顶感兴趣的人将不需要阅读有关阁楼转换的信息,而对翻新感兴趣的人可能会发现,如果将其掩埋在繁忙的页面底部,他们将找不到他们想要的东西。

You can upcycle pages like these by moving content to strategic places. Briefly mention all your services on the homepage, but move the detailed, service-specific content to a separate page. This way, every piece of information has a place of its own.

您可以通过将内容移至战略位置来升级此类页面。 在首页上简要提及您的所有服务,但将详细的,特定于服务的内容移至单独的页面。 这样,每条信息都有自己的位置。

4.更改内容格式 (4. Change content formats)

Another great way to recycle content and make it more useful is to change its format. If you have pricing details written out in text, consider putting them in an easy to read and visually attractive table. If you have a portfolio of your previous work, put the images together in a short video presentation together with some suitable background music. Instead of having overly descriptive product specifications, create engaging infographics. By adding different formats to the content mix, you can help keep visitors engaged and make sure the key points you want to put across are done so in the most effective ways.

回收内容并使之更有用的另一种好方法是更改​​其格式。 如果您以文字形式列出了价格明细,请考虑将其放在易于阅读且外观精美的表格中。 如果您有以前的作品集,请将这些图像与一些合适的背景音乐一起放到简短的视频演示中。 创建具有吸引力的信息图表,而不是过度描述产品规格。 通过为内容组合添加不同的格式,您可以帮助保持访问者的参与度,并确保以最有效的方式做到要表达的要点。

结论 (Conclusion)

Upcycling is a way of taking your existing web content and adapting it to help your site perform better. You can:

升级是一种获取现有Web内容并对其进行调整以帮助您的网站更好地运行的方法。 您可以:

  • improve the presentation of existing pages


  • add customer and search engine-friendly information


  • reorganise content to be more user-friendly


  • change the format of existing content


By doing these things, you can make your site perform better on search engines, keep customers engaged and, as a result, increase sales.


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如果您正在寻找一流的企业托管服务,请查看我们的企业托管计划 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-boost-traffic-and-engagement-by-upcycling-your-content/



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