API 设计:定义清晰的 API 接口,确保前端和后端之间的数据交换和通信顺畅。API 应该简单明了,并符合业务需求和最佳实践。
技术栈的选择:选择合适的技术栈以支持前端和后端的开发。常见的前端技术包括 HTML、CSS、JavaScript、React、Angular 或 Vue.js,而后端技术可以包括 Node.js、Python、Ruby、Java 或 PHP 等。
数据交互:确保前端和后端能够有效地交换数据。常见的数据交互方式包括使用 RESTful API、GraphQL 或 WebSocket 等。
版本控制和部署:使用版本控制系统(如 Git)进行代码管理,并建立适当的部署流程以确保应用程序可以顺利部署到生产环境中。
- vue.js
- node.js
- CloudBase
- WeChat Base
// pages/shouye/shouye.js // const { update } = require("XrFrame/kanata/lib/index") const app = getApp() const defaultAvatarUrl = '../../images/Default_avatar.png' Page({ data: { // 轮播图开始 imgUrls: [ 'XXXX-/yian_tupian/two.jpg', 'XXXX-/yian_tupian/two.jpg', ], circular: true, // indicatorDots: true, autoplay: true, interval: 2000, duration: 300, inputShowed: false, touxiang: '../../images/Default_avatar.png', moren_xinxi: '尚未登陆', show_login: false, avatarUrl: defaultAvatarUrl, name: '请输入昵称', xuehao:'请输入学号', xingming:'请输入姓名', Public_announcement: true, Public_announcement_1: false, My_mail: true, My_mail_1: false }, close_login_case() { this.setData({ show_login: false }) }, show_login_case() { this.setData({ show_login: true }) }, WD_ZH_1() { let that = this wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getusers', data: {}, }).then(res => { that.setData({ user_openid: res.result.openid }) wx.cloud.database().collection('users').where({ _openid: res.result.openid }) .remove({ success(res) { that.setData({ moren_xinxi: '尚未登陆', touxiang: '../../images/Default_avatar.png' }) wx.showToast({ title: '谢谢使用!', icon: 'none' }) that.onShow() } }) }) }, onChooseAvatar(e) { let avatarUrl = e.detail.avatarUrl this.setData({ avatarUrl, }) }, input_nickname(e) { let nickname = e.detail.value this.setData({ nickname }) }, input_xuehao(e){ let xuehao = e.detail.value this.setData({ xuehao }) }, input_xingming(e){ let xingming = e.detail.value this.setData({ xingming }) }, denglu() { let that = this if (that.data.avatarUrl == defaultAvatarUrl || that.data.nickname == '请输入昵称' || that.data.xuehao == '请输入学号' || that.data.xingming == '请输入姓名') { wx.showToast({ title: '请填写正确信息', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getusers', data: {}, }).then(res => { that.setData({ _openid: res.result.openid }) wx.cloud.database().collection('users').where({ _openid: res.result.openid }).get({ success(res) { wx.cloud.database().collection('users').add({ data: { nickname: that.data.nickname, touxiangUrl: that.data.avatarUrl, openid: that.data._openid, xuehao:that.data.xuehao, xingming:that.data.xingming, user:1 }, success(res) { that.setData({ show_login: false }) wx.showToast({ title: '登录成功!', }) wx.cloud.callFunction({ name:'getusers', data:{} }).then(res=>{ wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).get({ success(res){ console.log(res.data.length,'useruser'); if(res.data.length < 1){ wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').add({ data: { user:1, gonggao: [], youjian: [], } }) }else{ console.log('user已经添加过了'); } } }) wx.cloud.database().collection('Two_dimensional_code').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).get({ success(res){ console.log(res.data.length,'useruser'); if(res.data.length < 1){ wx.cloud.database().collection('Two_dimensional_code').add({ data: { user:1, Two_dimensional_code: [], } }) }else{ console.log('二维码已经添加过了'); } } }) }) that.onShow() this.duqu_users() } }) } }) }) } }, shuaxin() { let that = this wx.cloud.callFunction({ name: 'getusers', data: {}, }).then(res => { that.setData({ _openid: res.result.openid }) wx.cloud.database().collection('users').where({ _openid: res.result.openid }).get({ success(res) { that.setData({ moren_xinxi: res.data[0].nickname, touxiang: res.data[0].touxiangUrl, }) } }) }) }, Write_letters() { let that = this if (that.data.touxiang == "../../images/Default_avatar.png" || that.data.moren_xinxi == "尚未登陆") { wx.showToast({ title: '您还未登录!', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../Write_letters/Write_letters', }) } }, My_mail() { let that = this if (that.data.touxiang == "../../images/Default_avatar.png" || that.data.moren_xinxi == "尚未登陆") { wx.showToast({ title: '您还未登录!', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../My_mail/My_mail', }) } }, My_wenjain() { let that = this if (that.data.touxiang == "../../images/Default_avatar.png" || that.data.moren_xinxi == "尚未登陆") { wx.showToast({ title: '您还未登录!', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../My_wenjain/My_wenjain', }) } }, Formula_announcement() { let that = this if (that.data.touxiang == "../../images/Default_avatar.png" || that.data.moren_xinxi == "尚未登陆") { wx.showToast({ title: '您还未登录!', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../Formula_announcement/Formula_announcement', }) } }, W_zonghe() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').get({ success(res) { console.log(res); let W_zonghe = res.data.length that.setData({ W_zonghe: W_zonghe }) } }) }, W_zixun() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '0' }).get({ success(res) { let W_zixun W_zixun = res.data.length that.setData({ W_zixun: W_zixun }) if (W_zixun >= 1) { that.setData({ W_zixun1: true, W_zixun2: false, W_zixun: W_zixun }) } else { that.setData({ W_zixun1: false, W_zixun2: true, }) } } }) }, W_yijian() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '1' }).get({ success(res) { let W_yijian W_yijian = res.data.length that.setData({ W_yijian: W_yijian }) if (W_yijian >= 1) { that.setData({ W_yijian1: true, W_yijian2: false, W_yijian: W_yijian }) } else { that.setData({ W_yijian1: false, W_yijian2: true, }) } } }) }, W_qiuzhu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '2' }).get({ success(res) { let W_qiuzhu W_qiuzhu = res.data.length that.setData({ W_qiuzhu: W_qiuzhu }) if (W_qiuzhu >= 1) { that.setData({ W_qiuzhu1: true, W_qiuzhu2: false, W_qiuzhu: W_qiuzhu }) } else { that.setData({ W_qiuzhu1: false, W_qiuzhu2: true, }) } } }) }, W_jubao() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '3' }).get({ success(res) { let W_jubao W_jubao = res.data.length that.setData({ W_jubao: W_jubao }) if (W_jubao >= 1) { that.setData({ W_jubao1: true, W_jubao2: false, W_jubao: W_jubao }) } else { that.setData({ W_jubao1: false, W_jubao2: true, }) } } }) }, W_tousu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '4' }).get({ success(res) { let W_tousu W_tousu = res.data.length that.setData({ W_tousu: W_tousu }) if (W_tousu >= 1) { that.setData({ W_tousu1: true, W_tousu2: false, W_tousu: W_tousu }) } else { that.setData({ W_tousu1: false, W_tousu2: true, }) } } }) }, W_baoxiu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('content').where({ newsid: '5' }).get({ success(res) { let W_baoxiu W_baoxiu = res.data.length that.setData({ W_baoxiu: W_baoxiu }) if (W_baoxiu >= 1) { that.setData({ W_baoxiu1: true, W_baoxiu2: false, W_baoxiu: W_baoxiu }) } else { that.setData({ W_baoxiu1: false, W_baoxiu2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_zonghe() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').get({ success(res) { console.log(res); let Y_zonghe = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_zonghe: Y_zonghe }) } }) }, Y_zixun() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '0' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_zixun Y_zixun = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_zixun: Y_zixun }) if (Y_zixun >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_zixun1: true, Y_zixun2: false, Y_zixun: Y_zixun }) } else { that.setData({ Y_zixun1: false, Y_zixun2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_yijian() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '1' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_yijian Y_yijian = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_yijian: Y_yijian }) if (Y_yijian >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_yijian1: true, Y_yijian2: false, Y_yijian: Y_yijian }) } else { that.setData({ Y_yijian1: false, Y_yijian2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_qiuzhu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '2' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_qiuzhu Y_qiuzhu = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_qiuzhu: Y_qiuzhu }) if (Y_qiuzhu >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_qiuzhu1: true, Y_qiuzhu2: false, Y_qiuzhu: Y_qiuzhu }) } else { that.setData({ Y_qiuzhu1: false, Y_qiuzhu2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_jubao() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '3' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_jubao Y_jubao = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_jubao: Y_jubao }) if (Y_jubao >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_jubao1: true, Y_jubao2: false, Y_jubao: Y_jubao }) } else { that.setData({ Y_jubao1: false, Y_jubao2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_tousu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '4' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_tousu Y_tousu = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_tousu: Y_tousu }) if (Y_tousu >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_tousu1: true, Y_tousu2: false, Y_tousu: Y_tousu }) } else { that.setData({ Y_tousu1: false, Y_tousu2: true, }) } } }) }, Y_baoxiu() { let that = this wx.cloud.database().collection('yiyuedu').where({ newsid: '5' }).get({ success(res) { let Y_baoxiu Y_baoxiu = res.data.length that.setData({ Y_baoxiu: Y_baoxiu }) if (Y_baoxiu >= 1) { that.setData({ Y_baoxiu1: true, Y_baoxiu2: false, Y_baoxiu: Y_baoxiu }) } else { that.setData({ Y_baoxiu1: false, Y_baoxiu2: true, }) } } }) }, administrator() { let that = this if (that.data.touxiang == "../../images/Default_avatar.png" || that.data.moren_xinxi == "尚未登陆") { wx.showToast({ title: '登录后,可登录管理员后台', icon: 'none' }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../administrator_DL/administrator_DL', }) } }, Rili() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../Rili/Rili', }) }, onLoad(options) { if (options.wenjian == 'yonghu') { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../My_wenjain/My_wenjain', }) } }, onReady() { }, gonggao_xin(){ let that = this wx.cloud.callFunction({ name:'getusers', data:{} }).then(res=>{ wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).get({ success(res){ console.log(res.data[0].gonggao.length,''); if(res.data[0].gonggao.length > 0){ that.setData({ Public_announcement: false, Public_announcement_1: true, }) } } }) }) }, Formula_announcement_1(){ let that = this that.Formula_announcement() that.setData({ Public_announcement: true, Public_announcement_1: false, }) wx.cloud.callFunction({ name:'getusers', data:{} }).then(res=>{ console.log(res.result.openid,'ooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppp'); wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).update({ data:{ gonggao:[] } }) }) }, My_mail_xin(){ let that = this wx.cloud.callFunction({ name:'getusers', data:{} }).then(res=>{ wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).get({ success(res){ console.log(res.data[0].youjian.length,''); if(res.data[0].youjian.length > 0){ that.setData({ My_mail: false, My_mail_1: true, }) } } }) }) }, My_mail_1(){ let that = this that.My_mail() that.setData({ My_mail: true, My_mail_1: false, }) wx.cloud.callFunction({ name:'getusers', data:{} }).then(res=>{ console.log(res.result.openid,'ooooooooooooooooooooooooppppppppppppp'); wx.cloud.database().collection('xinxiaoxi_users').where({ _openid:res.result.openid }).update({ data:{ youjian:[] } }) }) }, onShow() { this.gonggao_xin() this.My_mail_xin() this.shuaxin() this.W_zonghe() this.W_zixun() this.W_yijian() this.W_qiuzhu() this.W_jubao() this.W_tousu() this.W_baoxiu() this.Y_zonghe() this.Y_zixun() this.Y_yijian() this.Y_qiuzhu() this.Y_jubao() this.Y_tousu() this.Y_baoxiu() }, onHide() { }, onUnload() {}, onPullDownRefresh() {}, onReachBottom() { }, onShareAppMessage() { } })
<template> <div id="app"> <el-button style="margin: 10px 0 0 200px;" @click="weidu" type="primary">未阅读</el-button> <el-button style="margin: 10px 100px 0 0;" @click="YiYueDu" type="success">已阅读</el-button> <el-dropdown @command="handleClick_fenlei"> <el-button type="primary"> 邮件分类<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right"></i> </el-button> <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown"> <el-dropdown-item command="咨询类">咨询类</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item command="意见类">意见类</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item command="求助类">求助类</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item command="举报类">举报类</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item command="投诉类">投诉类</el-dropdown-item> <el-dropdown-item command="报修类">报修类</el-dropdown-item> </el-dropdown-menu> </el-dropdown> <div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-around;padding: 20px 100px 30px 200px;height: 73%;"> <el-table :data="tableData" border style="width: 45%;"> <el-table-column fixed label="邮件图片" width="175"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <img style="width: 150px;height: 100px;display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-around;align-content: center;" :src="scope.row.img_URL" alt="无图片"> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="title" label="邮件主题" width="300"> </el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="content" label="邮件内容" width="300"> </el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="cTime" label="上传时间" width="300"> </el-table-column> <el-table-column fixed="right" label="操作" width="220"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button @click="handleClick(scope.row), drawer = true" type="primary" size="small">查看</el-button> <el-button v-if="handleClick_YiYue_panduan" @click="handleClick_YiYue(scope.row)" type="success" size="small">已阅</el-button> <!-- 未读邮件删除 --> <el-button v-if="handleClick_weidu_panduan" @click="delClick(scope.row)" type="danger" size="small">删除</el-button> <!-- 已读邮件删除 --> <el-button v-if="handleClick_yidu_panduan" @click="delClick_1(scope.row)" type="danger" size="small">删除</el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table> </div> <!-- 未读分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_weidu" v-if="paginationType === 'weidu'"></el-pagination> <!-- 已读分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_yidu" v-if="paginationType === 'yidu'"></el-pagination> <!-- 咨询类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids0" v-if="paginationType === 'newids0'"></el-pagination> <!-- 意见类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids1" v-if="paginationType === 'newids1'"></el-pagination> <!-- 求助类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids2" v-if="paginationType === 'newids2'"></el-pagination> <!-- 举报类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids3" v-if="paginationType === 'newids3'"></el-pagination> <!-- 投诉类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids4" v-if="paginationType === 'newids4'"></el-pagination> <!-- 报修类分页 --> <el-pagination background :current-page="currentPage" :page-size="pageSize" :total="total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange_newids5" v-if="paginationType === 'newids5'"></el-pagination> <el-drawer :title="this.row_title" :visible.sync="drawer" :with-header="false"> <div style="display: flex;flex-direction: column;"> <div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-around;"> <img style="width: 350px;height: 200px;border-radius: 20px;margin-top: 20px;" :src="this.row_img" /> </div> <div style="margin-left: 20px;display: flex;flex-direction: column;"> <span style="font-size: 22px;font-weight: bolder;margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 10px;">标题</span> <span>{
{ this.row_title }}</span> <span style="font-size: 22px;font-weight: bolder;margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 10px;">内容</span> <span>{
{ this.row_content }}</span> <span style="font-size: 22px;font-weight: bolder;margin-top: 20px;margin-bottom: 10px;">时间</span> <span>{
{ this.row_cTime }}</span> </div> </div> </el-drawer> </div> </template> <script> import YouJianGuanLi from '../YouJian/YouJianGuanLi.vue' export default { name: 'App', components: { YouJianGuanLi }, data() { return { // 未读状态分页 currentPage: 1, pageSize: 5, total: 0, paginationType: '', fileList: [], imgUrl: '', form: { name: '', content: '' }, formRules: { name: [{ required: true, message: '请输入公告主题', trigger: 'change' }], content: [{ required: true, message: '请输入公告内容', trigger: 'change' }] }, tableData: [], selectedFile: null, previewImage: null, previewImages: [], cloud_img_url: [], http_img_url: [], drawer: false, row_title: '', row_content: '', row_img: '', row_cTime: '', handleClick_YiYue_panduan: true, handleClick_weidu_panduan: true, handleClick_yidu_panduan: false } }, created() { this.YouJian_GuanLi() }, methods: { async wxXCX() { var c1 = new this.cloud.Cloud({ identityless: true, resourceAppid: 'XXX', resourceEnv: 'XXX', }) await c1.init() return c1; }, async YouJian_GuanLi() { const c1 = await this.wxXCX(); 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