
TComPicYuv、TComPic、TComPicSym、TComDataCU以及TComYuv的关系TComPicYuv TComPic TComPicSym TComDataCU 以及 TComYuv 的关系 tcompicyuv






class TComPicYuv { private: Pel*  m_apiPicBuf[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];    //MAX_NUM_COMPONENT=3,三个颜色分量的缓冲区,包括了填充的内容   // 三个颜色分量的起始地址,由m_apiPicBufY计算得到     Pel*  m_piPicOrg[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT];              ///< m_apiPicBufY + m_iMarginLumaY*getStride() + m_iMarginLumaX Int m_picWidth; ///< Width of picture in pixels Int m_picHeight; ///< Height of picture in pixels ChromaFormat m_chromaFormatIDC; ///< Chroma Format,色度采样率 Int* m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; ///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given CTU (and channel) Int* m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given sub-CU (and channel), relative to start of CTU Int m_marginX; //X分量的填充宽度和高度 < margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio) Int m_marginY; //Y分量的填充宽度和高度 ///< margin of Luma channel (chroma's may be smaller, depending on ratio) Bool m_bIsBorderExtended;// 是否需要填充图像 }

这就是一个图像类,保存了一些图像高度和宽度,还有YUV数据,可以看到有MarginX MarginY两个填充变量,关于填充的理解参考





Int* m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE]; ///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given CTU (and channel) Int* m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE];///< Gives an offset in the buffer for a given sub-CU (and channel), relative to start of CTU






enum ChromaFormat { CHROMA_400 = 0, CHROMA_420 = 1, CHROMA_422 = 2, CHROMA_444 = 3, NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT = 4 };




enum ComponentID { COMPONENT_Y = 0, COMPONENT_Cb = 1, COMPONENT_Cr = 2, MAX_NUM_COMPONENT = 3 };



Void TComPicYuv::createWithoutCUInfo ( const Int picWidth, ///< picture width const Int picHeight, ///< picture height const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, ///< chroma format const Bool bUseMargin, ///< if true, then a margin of uiMaxCUWidth+16 and uiMaxCUHeight+16 is created around the image. const UInt maxCUWidth, ///< used for margin only const UInt maxCUHeight) ///< used for margin only { destroy(); m_picWidth = picWidth; m_picHeight = picHeight; m_chromaFormatIDC = chromaFormatIDC; m_marginX = (bUseMargin?maxCUWidth:0) + 16; // for 16-byte alignment m_marginY = (bUseMargin?maxCUHeight:0) + 16; // margin for 8-tap filter and infinite padding m_bIsBorderExtended = false; // assign the picture arrays and set up the ptr to the top left of the original picture //分配图片矩阵并将 PTR 设置为原始图片的左上角 //getNumberValidComponents函数,400采样返回1,不是400采样返回3 for(UInt comp=0; comp<getNumberValidComponents(); comp++) { const ComponentID ch=ComponentID(comp); m_apiPicBuf[comp] = (Pel*)xMalloc( Pel, getStride(ch) * getTotalHeight(ch)); m_piPicOrg[comp] = m_apiPicBuf[comp] + (m_marginY >> getComponentScaleY(ch)) * getStride(ch) + (m_marginX >> getComponentScaleX(ch)); } // initialize pointers for unused components to NULL for(UInt comp=getNumberValidComponents();comp<MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; comp++) { m_apiPicBuf[comp] = NULL; m_piPicOrg[comp] = NULL; } for(Int chan=0; chan<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chan++) { m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[chan] = NULL; m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[chan] = NULL; } } 


  UInt          getNumberValidComponents() const { return ::getNumberValidComponents(m_chromaFormatIDC); }

static inline UInt        getNumberValidComponents  (const ChromaFormat fmt)                       { return (fmt==CHROMA_400) ? 1 : MAX_NUM_COMPONENT;                  }


  m_apiPicBuf[comp] = (Pel*)xMalloc( Pel, getStride(ch) * getTotalHeight(ch));  m_piPicOrg[comp]  = m_apiPicBuf[comp] + (m_marginY >> getComponentScaleY(ch)) * getStride(ch) + (m_marginX >> getComponentScaleX(ch)); // 对比一下这个公式m_apiPicBufY + m_iMarginLumaY*getStride() + m_iMarginLumaX     //可以理解为 (m_marginY >> getComponentScaleY(ch)) 就是m_iMarginLumaY, (m_marginX >> getComponentScaleX(ch))就是m_iMarginLumaX

看看 getStride(ch)和getTotalHeight(ch),getStride和getTotalHeight就是填充后的长度和宽度

 Int getStride (const ComponentID id) const { return ((m_picWidth ) + (m_marginX <<1)) >> getComponentScaleX(id); } Int getTotalHeight (const ComponentID id) const { return ((m_picHeight ) + (m_marginY <<1)) >> getComponentScaleY(id); }
static inline UInt getChannelTypeScaleX (const ChannelType id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return (isLuma(id) || (fmt==CHROMA_444)) ? 0 : 1; } static inline UInt getChannelTypeScaleY (const ChannelType id, const ChromaFormat fmt) { return (isLuma(id) || (fmt!=CHROMA_420)) ? 0 : 1; }








Void TComPicYuv::create ( const Int picWidth, ///< picture width const Int picHeight, ///< picture height const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, ///< chroma format const UInt maxCUWidth, ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. const UInt maxCUHeight, ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. const UInt maxCUDepth, ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. const Bool bUseMargin) ///< if true, then a margin of uiMaxCUWidth+16 and uiMaxCUHeight+16 is created around the image. { createWithoutCUInfo(picWidth, picHeight, chromaFormatIDC, bUseMargin, maxCUWidth, maxCUHeight); //计算LCU的个数 const Int numCuInWidth = m_picWidth / maxCUWidth + (m_picWidth % maxCUWidth != 0); const Int numCuInHeight = m_picHeight / maxCUHeight + (m_picHeight % maxCUHeight != 0); for(Int chan=0; chan<MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE; chan++) { const ChannelType ch= ChannelType(chan);//Luma=0 ,Choma=1 Max=2 const Int ctuHeight = maxCUHeight>>getChannelTypeScaleY(ch); const Int ctuWidth = maxCUWidth>>getChannelTypeScaleX(ch); const Int stride = getStride(ch); m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[chan] = new Int[numCuInWidth * numCuInHeight]; for (Int cuRow = 0; cuRow < numCuInHeight; cuRow++) { for (Int cuCol = 0; cuCol < numCuInWidth; cuCol++) { m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[chan][cuRow * numCuInWidth + cuCol] = stride * cuRow * ctuHeight + cuCol * ctuWidth; } } m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[chan] = new Int[(size_t)1 << (2 * maxCUDepth)]; const Int numSubBlockPartitions=(1<<maxCUDepth); const Int minSubBlockHeight =(ctuHeight >> maxCUDepth); const Int minSubBlockWidth =(ctuWidth >> maxCUDepth); for (Int buRow = 0; buRow < numSubBlockPartitions; buRow++) { for (Int buCol = 0; buCol < numSubBlockPartitions; buCol++) { m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[chan][(buRow << maxCUDepth) + buCol] = stride * buRow * minSubBlockHeight + buCol * minSubBlockWidth; } } } } 


Int getWidth (const ComponentID id) const { return m_picWidth >> getComponentScaleX(id); } Int getHeight (const ComponentID id) const { return m_picHeight >> getComponentScaleY(id); } Int getStride (const ComponentID id) const { return ((m_picWidth ) + (m_marginX <<1)) >> getComponentScaleX(id); } Int getTotalHeight (const ComponentID id) const { return ((m_picHeight ) + (m_marginY <<1)) >> getComponentScaleY(id); } Pel* getBuf (const ComponentID ch) { return m_apiPicBuf[ch]; } Pel* getAddr (const ComponentID ch) { return m_piPicOrg[ch]; } Pel* getAddr (const ComponentID ch, const Int ctuRSAddr ) { return m_piPicOrg[ch] + m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[ch==0?0:1][ ctuRSAddr ]; } Pel* getAddr (const ComponentID ch, const Int ctuRSAddr, const Int uiAbsZorderIdx ) { return m_piPicOrg[ch] + m_ctuOffsetInBuffer[ch==0?0:1][ctuRSAddr] + m_subCuOffsetInBuffer[ch==0?0:1][g_auiZscanToRaster[uiAbsZorderIdx]]; 





 getAddr  (const ComponentID ch, const Int ctuRSAddr ) 是访问特定编码单 (CU) 或分区单 (PU) 的原始图片起始位置


/// picture class (symbol + YUV buffers)


class TComPic { public: typedef enum { PIC_YUV_ORG=0, PIC_YUV_REC=1, PIC_YUV_TRUE_ORG=2, NUM_PIC_YUV=3 } PIC_YUV_T; // TRUE_ORG is the input file without any pre-encoder colour space conversion (but with possible bit depth increment) TComPicYuv* getPicYuvTrueOrg() { return m_apcPicYuv[PIC_YUV_TRUE_ORG]; } private: UInt m_uiTLayer; // Temporal layer 时间层 Bool m_bUsedByCurr; // Used by current picture 是否被作为参考帧 Bool m_bIsLongTerm; // IS long term picture 是否为长参考图像 TComPicSym m_picSym; // Symbol 图像的信息 TComPicYuv* m_apcPicYuv[NUM_PIC_YUV]; // 图像的数据(索引0是原始图像,索引1是重建图像) TComPicYuv* m_pcPicYuvPred; // Prediction // 图像的预测数据 TComPicYuv* m_pcPicYuvResi; // Residual 图像的残差数据 Bool m_bReconstructed; // 是否被重建 Bool m_bNeededForOutput; // 是否需要输出 UInt m_uiCurrSliceIdx; // Index of current slice 在此图像中,当前条带的索引 Bool m_bCheckLTMSB; Bool m_isTop; // 顶场还是底场 Bool m_isField; // 帧还是场 // 条带的CU链表,即: // 每一个slice中有若干LCU,每一个LCU又被细分为各个CU // std::vector<TComDataCU*>就是存放LCU的CU // 没有用到,因为CTU的相关信息存放在TComPicSym中 std::vector<std::vector<TComDataCU*> > m_vSliceCUDataLink; }


Int           getPOC() const                     { return  m_picSym.getSlice(m_uiCurrSliceIdx)->getPOC();  }




class TComPicSym { private: UInt m_frameWidthInCtus; // 图像在横向上有多少个LCU UInt m_frameHeightInCtus;// 图像在纵向上有多少个LCU UInt m_uiMinCUWidth; // 最小的CU的尺寸:4x4 UInt m_uiMinCUHeight; UChar m_uhTotalDepth; ///< max. depth LCU可以划分的最大深度:4 UInt m_numPartitionsInCtu; // = 1<<(m_uhTotalDepth<<1);256,我的理解是一个LCU有多少个最小的CU UInt m_numPartInCtuWidth; //一个LCU横向上有多少个最小的CU UInt m_numPartInCtuHeight;//一个LCU纵向上有多少个最小的CU UInt m_numCtusInFrame; //=m_frameWidthInCtus* m_frameHeightInCtus std::deque<TComSlice*> m_apSlices; TComDataCU m_pictureCtuArray; //其实是一维数组,数组大小为LCU数量,数组放的TComDataCU* std::vector<TComTile> m_tileParameters; //对于给定的TS地址转为Rs地址,该参数加上TS地址解地址就是得到的RS地址,这个参数也是一个数组,数组长度为该帧的LCU个数+1,在create函数中该数组初始化为LCU的序号索引,从0开始 UInt* m_ctuTsToRsAddrMap; //TS地址转为Rs地址的映射,通过改参数计算当前Tile序号currentTileIdx UInt* m_puiTileIdxMap; //对于给定的RS地址转为TS地址,该参数加上RS地址就是得到的TS地址,这个参数也是一个数组,数组长度为该帧的LCU个数+1 UInt* m_ctuRsToTsAddrMap; TComSPS m_sps; TComPPS m_pps; }


Void TComPicSym::create ( const TComSPS &sps, const TComPPS &pps, UInt uiMaxDepth ) { destroy(); m_sps = sps; m_pps = pps; const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC = sps.getChromaFormatIdc(); const Int iPicWidth = sps.getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); const Int iPicHeight = sps.getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); const UInt uiMaxCuWidth = sps.getMaxCUWidth(); const UInt uiMaxCuHeight = sps.getMaxCUHeight(); m_uhTotalDepth = uiMaxDepth; m_numPartitionsInCtu = 1<<(m_uhTotalDepth<<1); 1<<(4<<1) =256 m_uiMinCUWidth = uiMaxCuWidth >> m_uhTotalDepth; 64>>4 m_uiMinCUHeight = uiMaxCuHeight >> m_uhTotalDepth; m_numPartInCtuWidth = uiMaxCuWidth / m_uiMinCUWidth; // equivalent to 1<<m_uhTotalDepth m_numPartInCtuHeight = uiMaxCuHeight / m_uiMinCUHeight; // equivalent to 1<<m_uhTotalDepth m_frameWidthInCtus = ( iPicWidth %uiMaxCuWidth ) ? iPicWidth /uiMaxCuWidth + 1 : iPicWidth /uiMaxCuWidth; m_frameHeightInCtus = ( iPicHeight%uiMaxCuHeight ) ? iPicHeight/uiMaxCuHeight + 1 : iPicHeight/uiMaxCuHeight; m_numCtusInFrame = m_frameWidthInCtus * m_frameHeightInCtus; m_pictureCtuArray = new TComDataCU*[m_numCtusInFrame]; clearSliceBuffer(); allocateNewSlice(); //初始化m_pictureCtuArray数组,再调用TComDataCU::create函数,创建该该帧所有LCU的Data对象 for (UInt i=0; i<m_numCtusInFrame ; i++ ) { m_pictureCtuArray[i] = new TComDataCU; m_pictureCtuArray[i]->create( chromaFormatIDC, m_numPartitionsInCtu, uiMaxCuWidth, uiMaxCuHeight, false, uiMaxCuWidth >> m_uhTotalDepth #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION , m_pParentARLBuffer #endif ); } } 

 Void setCtuTsToRsAddrMap( Int ctuTsAddr, Int ctuRsAddr ) { *(m_ctuTsToRsAddrMap + ctuTsAddr) = ctuRsAddr; } Void setCtuRsToTsAddrMap( Int ctuRsAddr, Int ctuTsOrder ) { *(m_ctuRsToTsAddrMap + ctuRsAddr) = ctuTsOrder; } UInt getTileIdxMap( Int ctuRsAddr ) const { return *(m_puiTileIdxMap + ctuRsAddr); } TComDataCU* getCtu( UInt ctuRsAddr ) { return m_pictureCtuArray[ctuRsAddr]; }



还有通过ctuRsAddr,获取 TComDataCU,ctuRsAddr就是LCU位置索引,按Rs顺序














由上图可以看到虽然不是每个CU都以最小4X4划分,但是 m_puhWidth、m_puhHeight、m_puhDepth记录的是最小4X4所处CU位置的深度,宽度和高度来确定的。并且是以Z字扫描的方式,10是因为这里是16进制,16进制10=十进制16



  1. g_auiZscanToRaster[ z-scan index ] = raster scan index
  2. g_auiRasterToZscan[ raster index ] = z-scan index

class TComDataCU { private: TComPic* m_pcPic; ///< picture class pointer // CU所在的图像 TComSlice* m_pcSlice; ///< slice header pointer CU所在的条带 UInt m_ctuRsAddr; ///< CTU (also known as LCU) address in a slice (Raster-scan address, as opposed to tile-scan/encoding order). CTU(LCU)地址,Raster-scan 扫描 UInt m_absZIdxInCtu; ///< absolute address in a CTU. It's Z scan order 在LCU中Z扫描顺序的地址 UInt m_uiCUPelX; ///< CU position in a pixel (X) 以像素为单位x方向的CU地址 UInt m_uiCUPelY; ///< CU position in a pixel (Y) 以像素为单位y方向的CU地址 UInt m_uiNumPartition; ///< total number of minimum partitions in a CU 当前CU中有多少个4x4的块 UChar* m_puhWidth; ///< array of widths 存放CU高度的数组 UChar* m_puhHeight; ///< array of heights 存放CU高度的数组 UChar* m_puhDepth; ///< array of depths 存放CU深度的数组 Int m_unitSize; ///< size of a "minimum partition" partition的最小尺寸,我理解为4X4 TComDataCU* m_pCtuAboveLeft; ///< pointer of above-left CTU. 当前CU左上角的CU TComDataCU* m_pCtuAboveRight; ///< pointer of above-right CTU. 当前CU右上角的CU TComDataCU* m_pCtuAbove; ///< pointer of above CTU. 当前CU上面的CU TComDataCU* m_pCtuLeft; ///< pointer of left CTU 当前CU左边的CU TComDataCU* m_apcCUColocated[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]; ///< pointer of temporally colocated CU's for both directions TComMvField m_cMvFieldA; ///< motion vector of position A TComMvField m_cMvFieldB; ///< motion vector of position B TComMvField m_cMvFieldC; ///< motion vector of position C TComMv m_cMvPred; ///< motion vector predictor Bool m_bDecSubCu; ///< indicates decoder-mode Double m_dTotalCost; ///< sum of partition RD costs 总的代价 Distortion m_uiTotalDistortion; ///< sum of partition distortion 总的失真 UInt m_uiTotalBits; ///< sum of partition bits 总的比特数 UInt m_uiTotalBins; ///< sum of partition bins 总的二进制数 SChar m_codedQP; //量化的编码 }

 Bool* m_skipFlag; ///< skip SChar* m_pePartSize; ///< 当前CU的分割尺寸 SChar* m_pePredMode; ///< 预测模式 


函数重点就是四个, // create / destroy / initialize / copy

Void create ( ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, UInt uiNumPartition, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bDecSubCu, Int unitSize); Void destroy ( ); Void initCtu ( TComPic* pcPic, UInt ctuRsAddr ); Void copySubCU ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartUnitIdx ); Void copyInterPredInfoFrom ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList ); Void copyPartFrom ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartUnitIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void copyToPic ( UChar uiDepth );



 for (UInt i=0; i<m_numCtusInFrame ; i++ ) { m_pictureCtuArray[i] = new TComDataCU; m_pictureCtuArray[i]->create( chromaFormatIDC, m_numPartitionsInCtu, uiMaxCuWidth, uiMaxCuHeight, false, uiMaxCuWidth >> m_uhTotalDepth #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION , m_pParentARLBuffer #endif ); }

传参m_numPartitionsInCtu 是该CU的4X4块数量,m_numPartitionsInCtu不一定就是256,LCU时是256,但如果是四叉树划分后深度不为0,就不是256了。

Void TComDataCU::create( ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, UInt uiNumPartition, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool bDecSubCu, Int unitSize #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION , TCoeff *pParentARLBuffer #endif ) { m_bDecSubCu = bDecSubCu; m_pcPic = NULL; m_pcSlice = NULL; m_uiNumPartition = uiNumPartition; m_unitSize = unitSize; if ( !bDecSubCu ) { m_phQP = (SChar* )xMalloc(SChar, uiNumPartition); m_puhDepth = (UChar* )xMalloc(UChar, uiNumPartition); m_puhWidth = (UChar* )xMalloc(UChar, uiNumPartition); m_puhHeight = (UChar* )xMalloc(UChar, uiNumPartition); } m_pCtuAboveLeft = NULL; m_pCtuAboveRight = NULL; m_pCtuAbove = NULL; m_pCtuLeft = NULL; for(UInt i=0; i<NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; i++) { m_apcCUColocated[i] = NULL; } } 



m_ppcBestCU[i] = new TComDataCU; m_ppcBestCU[i]->create( chromaFormat, uiNumPartitions, uiWidth, uiHeight, false, uiMaxWidth >> (m_uhTotalDepth - 1) ); m_ppcTempCU[i] = new TComDataCU; m_ppcTempCU[i]->create( chromaFormat, uiNumPartitions, uiWidth, uiHeight, false, uiMaxWidth >> (m_uhTotalDepth - 1) );


 Initialize top-level CU: create internal buffers and set initial values before encoding the CTU.
 \param  pcPic       picture (TComPic) class pointer
 \param  ctuRsAddr   CTU address in raster scan order

翻译一下就是初始化最顶层CU(LCU),在对 CTU 进行编码之前创建内部缓冲区并设置初始值。

换句话说就是这个函数只会被LCU层调用,普通CU的初始化使用initSubCU ,其中sub是指子。


 Void TComDataCU::initCtu( TComPic* pcPic, UInt ctuRsAddr ){ const UInt maxCUWidth = pcPic->getPicSym()->getSPS().getMaxCUWidth(); const UInt maxCUHeight= pcPic->getPicSym()->getSPS().getMaxCUHeight(); m_pcPic = pcPic; // 当前CU所属的图像 m_pcSlice = pcPic->getSlice(pcPic->getCurrSliceIdx()); // 当前CU所属的片 m_ctuRsAddr = ctuRsAddr; // 当前CU地址 LCU在图像中的实际像素地址 m_uiCUPelX = ( ctuRsAddr % pcPic->getFrameWidthInCtus() ) * maxCUWidth; m_uiCUPelY = ( ctuRsAddr / pcPic->getFrameWidthInCtus() ) * maxCUHeight; m_absZIdxInCtu = 0; m_dTotalCost = MAX_DOUBLE; // 总的RD消耗 m_uiTotalDistortion = 0; m_uiTotalBits = 0; m_uiTotalBins = 0; m_uiNumPartition = pcPic->getNumPartitionsInCtu(); //256,当前LCU中可以有多少个最小4X4的CU 后面是一些初始化操作 memset( m_puhWidth , maxCUWidth, m_uiNumPartition * sizeof( *m_puhWidth ) ); memset( m_puhHeight , maxCUHeight, m_uiNumPartition * sizeof( *m_puhHeight ) ); // Setting neighbor CU 设置相邻CU m_pCtuLeft = NULL; m_pCtuAbove = NULL; m_pCtuAboveLeft = NULL; m_pCtuAboveRight = NULL; UInt frameWidthInCtus = pcPic->getFrameWidthInCtus(); // 图像在横向上有多少个CTU // 分别获取当前CU各个方向上相邻的CU if ( m_ctuRsAddr % frameWidthInCtus )//说明不是每行第一个LCU,则左边一定有 { m_pCtuLeft = pcPic->getCtu( m_ctuRsAddr - 1 ); } if ( m_ctuRsAddr / frameWidthInCtus )//m_ctuRsAddr>frameWidthInCtus ,结果!=0,说明不是第一行,则上边一定有 { m_pCtuAbove = pcPic->getCtu( m_ctuRsAddr - frameWidthInCtus ); } if ( m_pCtuLeft && m_pCtuAbove ) //左边和上边都有,则左上角一定有 { m_pCtuAboveLeft = pcPic->getCtu( m_ctuRsAddr - frameWidthInCtus - 1 ); } if ( m_pCtuAbove && ( (m_ctuRsAddr%frameWidthInCtus) < (frameWidthInCtus-1) ) ) //右上角 { m_pCtuAboveRight = pcPic->getCtu( m_ctuRsAddr - frameWidthInCtus + 1 ); } //设置参考帧的数组 for(UInt i=0; i<NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; i++) { const RefPicList rpl=RefPicList(i); if ( getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( rpl ) > 0 ) { m_apcCUColocated[rpl] = getSlice()->getRefPic( rpl, 0)->getCtu( m_ctuRsAddr ); } } }



general YUV buffer class


class TComYuv { private: // YUV buffer Pel* m_apiBuf[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; // 颜色分量的起始地址 // Parameter for general YUV buffer usage UInt m_iWidth; // CU(可以是LCU,也可以是普通CU)的宽和高 UInt m_iHeight; ChromaFormat m_chromaFormatIDC; < Chroma Format }

今天的文章 TComPicYuv、TComPic、TComPicSym、TComDataCU以及TComYuv的关系分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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