
什么是太字节?Terraisaterm Itderivedfro Byteisacompu terrabyte 和 tebibytes 的区别

Terra is a term used in the international SI system for weights and measures. It derived from the Greek word teras which means monster in English. Byte is a computer storage unit which is also called one of the smallest units which is the parent unit of the bit. Terabyte is used to specify the storage unit which is used to express 1 000 000 000 000 bytes.

Terra是国际SI系统中用于度量衡的术语。 它源自希腊语teras ,在英语中表示怪物。 Byte是计算机存储单,也称为最小单之一,它是位的父级单。 Terabyte用于指定用于表示Terabyte的存储单。

兆字节vs位字节千兆字节vs字节字节 (TeraByte vs Bit vs Byte vs GigaByte vs PetaByte)

Terabyte unit is popularly used to express disk or RAM sizes. There are also units called GigaByte and PetaByte which are related to the terabyte.1 TB can be equal to the different size units which are provided below.

太字节单位通常用于表示磁盘或RAM的大小。 还存在与千兆字节相关的称为GigaByte和PetaByte的单位。1TB可以等于下面提供的不同大小的单位。

1 TB = 1 000 000 000 000 bytes = 10^12 bytes 1 TB = 8 000 000 000 000 bits = 8x10^12 bits 1 TB = 1 000 GB (Gigabyte) 1 TB = 0.1 PB (Petabyte) 

TB或Tb或TiB (TB or Tb or TiB)

A terabyte can be expressed as a shortcut with the TB. But there is a similar short-form Tb. They are different because uppercase B means byte where lowercase b means a bit. So Tb means Terabit which is 8 times lower than TB. TiB is another alternative for the expression of the terabyte. TiB is called Tebibyte which is equal to 1024^4 bytes. So 1 terabyte will be equal to 0.9095 TiB.

TB可表示为TB的快捷方式。 但是也有类似的简短形式的Tb。 它们不同,因为大写B表示字节,小写b表示位。 因此Tb表示比TB低8倍的Terabit。 TiB是表示TB的另一种选择。 TiB称为Tebibyte,等于1024 ^ 4个字节。 因此1 TB将等于0.9095 TiB。

兆字节术语用法 (TeraByte Term Usage)

A terabyte is used for a long time in the computing area. Here the list of usage area and date of the terabyte term.

太字节在计算区域中使用了很长时间。 这里是使用区域列表和TB期限的日期。

  • Optical Disk Storage uses terabytes from 1985.

  • Supercomputer mass storage or disk uses from 1992.

  • Supercomputer memory or RAM uses from 2005.

  • Hard Disk Drives uses from 2007.

  • Tape drives use from 2010.

  • Motherboard memory uses from 2011.

  • External Hard Disk Drive uses from 2017.

  • USB Flash Disk uses from 2019.

1 TB USB Stick 3.0
1 TB USB记忆棒3.0

1 TB大小如何? (How Can Be 1 TB Size?)

TB is currently used a lot of different size specifications for different protocols, formats, etc. We will list different cases which are related to TB.


  • iPhone and Samsung Galaxy smartphones provides 256 GB storage area which is roughly equal to 0.25 TB.

    iPhone和三星Galaxy智能手机提供256 GB的存储区域,大约等于0.25 TB。
  • Typical Laptop and PC comes with a 1-2 TB disk in general and can be upgraded up to 16 TB according to the situation.

    典型的笔记本电脑和PC一般带有1-2 TB磁盘,根据情况可以升级到16 TB。
  • External hard drives can provide storage areas from 1 TB to 8 TB in general.

    外部硬盘驱动器通常可以提供1 TB到8 TB的存储区域。
  • An advanced server can provide 0.5 or 1 TB memory or RAM easily.

    先进的服务器可以轻松提供0.5或1 TB的内存或RAM。
  • Cloud Storage like Google Drive, DropBox, OneDrive provides generally storage about 1-5 TB.

    Google云端硬盘,DropBox,OneDrive等云存储通常提供大约1-5 TB的存储。
  • Cloud VPS providers provide 1 TB disk for medium-level virtual systems.

    Cloud VPS提供程序为中级虚拟系统提供1 TB磁盘。
  • Cloud VPS providers provide 1-2 TB network traffic for a regular VPS.

    云VPS提供商为常规VPS提供1-2 TB网络流量。
2.5″ 1 TB Portable Disk
2.5英寸1 TB便携式磁盘
LEARN MORE  Linux od Command Tutorial With Examples To Dump Files Octal Number Format
了解更多Linux od命令教程,并附带示例以转储文件八进制数字格式

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-terabyte/

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