💥1 概述
“(UUV)与(UAS)的空间与时间会合”是一个涉及复杂技术和精确协调的研究领域。UUV(无人水下航行器)和 UAS(无人航空系统)分别在水下和空中运行,实现它们的空间与时间会合面临诸多挑战。 这需要对两者的运动特性、导航定位能力、通信方式以及环境影响有深入的理解。在空间上,要精确计算它们的位置、速度和姿态,以确保在特定的三维空间点相遇。时间上,需考虑各种因素导致的时间延迟和不确定性,精准规划和协调它们的行动时间。 这种会合在众多领域具有重要应用,如海洋监测、资源勘探、军事侦察等。成功实现 UUV 与 UAS 的空间与时间会合,能够极大地拓展它们的协同作业能力,提高任务效率和成果质量。
📚2 运行结果
clc; clear all; close all; % MATLAB script to draw a 50x40 point plot and animate an agent moving % from (0,0) to (50,40) using a Boustrophedon pattern with two circles % Define the grid size gridWidth = 50; gridHeight = 40; % Define the radius and colors of the circles radius1 = 5; color1 = 'y'; % green radius2 = 10; color2 = 'g'; % blue % Initialize the figure figure; hold on; axis([0 gridWidth 0 gridHeight]); xlabel('X (miles)'); ylabel('Y (miles)'); title('Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Presence Possibilty'); % Draw the grid for i = 0:gridWidth plot([i i], [0 gridHeight], 'k:'); % vertical lines end for j = 0:gridHeight plot([0 gridWidth], [j j], 'k:'); % horizontal lines end % Initialize the agent position agent = plot(0, 0, 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r'); % Function to plot circles plot_circle = @(x, y, r, color) rectangle('Position', [x-r, y-r, 2*r, 2*r], ... 'Curvature', [1, 1], ... 'LineWidth', 3, ... 'EdgeColor', color); % Initialize the circles circle1 = plot_circle(0, 0, radius1, color1); circle2 = plot_circle(0, 0, radius2, color2); % Initialize the path pathX = []; pathY = []; % Initialize time time = 0; % Boustrophedon path generation and animation for y = 0:gridHeight-1 if mod(y, 2) == 0 % Even row: move right for x = 0:gridWidth-1 pathX = [pathX, x]; pathY = [pathY, y]; set(agent, 'XData', x, 'YData', y); set(circle1, 'Position', [x-radius1, y-radius1, 2*radius1, 2*radius1]); set(circle2, 'Position', [x-radius2, y-radius2, 2*radius2, 2*radius2]); time = time + 0.01; title(sprintf('Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Presence Possibilty\nTime: %.2f hours', time)); pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause duration to control the animation speed end else % Odd row: move left for x = gridWidth-1:-1:0 pathX = [pathX, x]; pathY = [pathY, y]; set(agent, 'XData', x, 'YData', y); set(circle1, 'Position', [x-radius1, y-radius1, 2*radius1, 2*radius1]); set(circle2, 'Position', [x-radius2, y-radius2, 2*radius2, 2*radius2]); time = time + 0.01; title(sprintf('Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Presence Possibilty\nTime: %.2f hours', time)); pause(0.01); end end end % Move to the final point (50, 40) pathX = [pathX, gridWidth]; pathY = [pathY, gridHeight-1]; set(agent, 'XData', gridWidth, 'YData', gridHeight-1); set(circle1, 'Position', [gridWidth-radius1, gridHeight-1-radius1, 2*radius1, 2*radius1]); set(circle2, 'Position', [gridWidth-radius2, gridHeight-1-radius2, 2*radius2, 2*radius2]); time = time + 0.01; title(sprintf('Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Presence Possibilty\nTime: %.2f seconds', time));
🎉3 参考文献
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