FireWire, also known as IEEE 1394, is not a cable you usually find these days. Popularized in the early 90s, it was the competing standard to USB for a long time, not unlike Thunderbolt is today. Offering much faster speeds, even faster than USB 2.0, FireWire a connection you’ll usually find on older external hard drives and digital cameras.
FireWire,也称为IEEE 1394,不是如今通常能找到的电缆。 它在90年代初流行,很长时间以来一直是USB的竞争标准,与今天的Thunderbolt不同。 FireWire提供了更快的速度,甚至比USB 2.0还要快,这是您通常在较旧的外部硬盘驱动器和数码相机上可以找到的连接。
火线800与400 (FireWire 800 vs. 400)

FireWire has two versions, and unlike USB 2.0 and 3.0, they’re not backward compatible. They don’t even look remotely alike, which can lead to some confusion. The older standard, FireWire 400, is a flatter connector with one rounded side, and the faster 800 version resembles a fat USB connector.
FireWire有两个版本,与USB 2.0和3.0不同,它们不向后兼容。 它们甚至看起来都不遥不可及,这可能会导致一些混乱。 较早的标准FireWire 400是一种扁平的连接器,带有一个圆形的侧面,而速度更快的800版本则类似于胖USB连接器。
The naming scheme is accurate though, as it represents the actual speed of the cable: 400 Mbps vs. 800 Mbps. For comparison, USB 2.0 is 480 Mbps, and USB 3.0 completely outdates it with 5 Gbps.
不过,命名方案是准确的,因为它表示电缆的实际速度:400 Mbps与800 Mbps。 为了进行比较,USB 2.0为480 Mbps,而USB 3.0则以5 Gbps完全过时。
只是给自己一个加密狗 (Just Get Yourself a Dongle)

Unfortunately for FireWire, nowadays you’ll find yourself needing a FireWire-to-2018 adapter as much as you’ll need the actual cable. You can find some adapters on Amazon, just make sure it’s the right FireWire type, as they’re not compatible with each other.
不幸的是,对于FireWire而言,如今您会发现自己需要一个FireWire-to-2018适配器,与实际电缆一样多。 您可以在Amazon上找到一些适配器,只需确保它是正确的FireWire类型即可,因为它们彼此不兼容。
You’ll also want to avoid a USB 2.0 adapter if you’re looking to connect FireWire 800, as it will be much slower. Though, if it’s the only way you can connect it, running at half speed isn’t too bad.
如果您要连接FireWire 800,则也要避免使用USB 2.0适配器,因为它会慢很多。 不过,如果这是连接它的唯一方法,则以半速运行还算不错。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com//what-is-a-firewire-cable-and-do-you-really-need-it/
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