Latex CJK,tex使用中文

Latex CJK,tex使用中文本文详细介绍了 CJK 中文 日文 韩文 在 LaTeX 中的应用 涵盖了 TeX 排版软件的基础知识 在不同操作系统上的安装与使用方法 以及如何设置文档样式 配置包等功能 旨在为用户提供全面的 LaTeX 排版解决方案


CJK 是中文(Chinese)、日文(Japanese)、韩文(Korean)三国文字的缩写。顾名思义,它能够支持这三种文字。实际上,CJK 能够支持在 LaTeX 中使用包括中文、日文、韩文在内的多种亚洲双字节文字。
(转载请标注:源自; Phodal's Blog )


TEX(正式写法TEX希腊语/tɛx/,在英语中常用/ˈtɛk/,音译“泰赫”),是一个由美国计算机教授高德纳Donald Ervin Knuth)编写的功能强大的排版软件。它在学术界十分流行,特别是数学物理学计算机科学界。TEX被普遍认为是一个优秀的排版工具,特别是在处理复杂的数学公式时。利用诸如是LaTeX等终端软件,TEX就能够排版出精美的文本




zypper install latex-cjk



% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % This is a simple template for a LaTeX document using the "article" class. % See "book", "report", "letter" for other types of document. \documentclass[11pt]{article} % use larger type; default would be 10pt \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % set input encoding (not needed with XeLaTeX) %%% Examples of Article customizations % These packages are optional, depending whether you want the features they provide. % See the LaTeX Companion or other references for full information. %%% PAGE DIMENSIONS \usepackage{geometry} % to change the page dimensions \geometry{a4paper} % or letterpaper (US) or a5paper or.... % \geometry{margin=2in} % for example, change the margins to 2 inches all round % \geometry{landscape} % set up the page for landscape % read geometry.pdf for detailed page layout information \marginparsep = 7pt \usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options % \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent %%% PACKAGES \usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables \usepackage{array} % for better arrays (eg matrices) in maths \usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customisable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.) \usepackage{verbatim} % adds environment for commenting out blocks of text & for better verbatim \usepackage{subfig} % make it possible to include more than one captioned figure/table in a single float % These packages are all incorporated in the memoir class to one degree or another... %%% HEADERS & FOOTERS \usepackage{fancyhdr} % This should be set AFTER setting up the page geometry \pagestyle{fancy} % options: empty , plain , fancy \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % customise the layout... \lhead{}\chead{}\rhead{} \lfoot{}\cfoot{\thepage}\rfoot{} \graphicspath{ 
   {dot/}} %%% SECTION TITLE APPEARANCE \usepackage{sectsty} \allsectionsfont{\sffamily\mdseries\upshape} % (See the fntguide.pdf for font help) % (This matches ConTeXt defaults) %%% ToC (table of contents) APPEARANCE \usepackage[nottoc,notlof,notlot]{tocbibind} % Put the bibliography in the ToC \usepackage[titles,subfigure]{tocloft} % Alter the style of the Table of Contents \usepackage{CJK} \renewcommand{\cftsecfont}{\rmfamily\mdseries\upshape} \renewcommand{\cftsecpagefont}{\rmfamily\mdseries\upshape} % No bold! %%% END Article customizations %%% The "real" document content comes below... \title{} \author{2Gether } \date{1 28,2013} % Activate to display a given date or no date (if empty), % otherwise the current date is printed \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} \maketitle \newpage \renewcommand\abstractname{} \begin{abstract} content... \end{abstract} \newpage \renewcommand\contentsname{目录} \tableofcontents \newpage \section{开始之前} \subsection{所需如下} \large 需要准备的材料有以下: \begin{itemize} \item{服务器 (Linux)} \end{itemize} \large 其中涉及到的软件及开发环境 \begin{enumerate} \item{Eclipse} \item{Vim/Emacs} \item{其他适合的文本编辑器} \end{enumerate} \large 使用到以下语言但不限于此 \begin{itemize} \item{C/C++} \item{Processing} \item{Python} \item{Javascript} \item{HTML/CSS} \item{Shell} \item{Java} \item{SQL} \end{itemize} \large 关于服务器, \begin{itemize} \item{uWSGI} \item{Django} \item{Nginx} \item{Centos} \item{Mysql} \end{itemize} \newpage \subsection{材料准备} \section{fd} \includegraphics{dot.eps} \end{CJK*} \end{document} 



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