微信小程序管理后台 -> 微信支付->接入微信支付 及关联(设置)商户信息
如果是第一次接入, 直接申请接入,然后选择弹出窗口的"我还没有商户号"选项接入即可
timeStamp: '', nonceStr: '', package: '', signType: 'MD5', paySign: '', success (res) {
}, fail (res) {
} })
goPay () {
//在控制台输出'goPay' console.log('goPay'); //检查使用人姓名是否填写,如果未填写则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.reserved_name){
title:"使用人姓名未填写",icon:"none"}); return false;} //检查使用人手机号是否填写,如果未填写则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.reserved_phone){
title:"使用人手机号未填写",icon:"none"}); return false;} //定义一个正则表达式,用于验证手机号格式 const reg = /^1[3|4|5|7|8|6|9][0-9]\d{
8}$/; //检查手机号格式是否正确,如果不正确则弹出提示并返回false if(!reg.test(this.reserved_phone)){
title:"手机格式错误",icon:"none"}); return false;} //检查是否同意协议,如果未同意则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.isChecked){
title:"请同意协议后购买",icon:"none"}); return false;} //向服务器发送下单请求 uni.request({
url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/createStoreGoodsOrder", method: 'POST', data: {
version:'251', client:'wxmp', count: this.spnumber, reserved_name: this.reserved_name, reserved_phone: this.reserved_phone, reserved_remark: this.reserved_remark, spec_id: this.specId, store_discount_code: this.store_discount_code, store_goods_id: this.goodsId, token:this.token.token, //openid:'' }, success(res) {
//如果下单失败,则弹出提示并返回false if(res.data.status=='no'){
title:res.data.msg,icon:"none"}); return false; } //如果不需要支付,则跳转到订单详情页面并返回false if(res.data.data.is_need_pay==0){
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.goods_order_id }) return false ; }else{
//如果需要支付,则调用微信支付接口 uni.requestPayment({
provider: 'wxpay', timeStamp: res.data.data.pay_data.timeStamp, nonceStr: res.data.data.pay_data.nonceStr, package: res.data.data.pay_data.package, signType: 'MD5', paySign: res.data.data.pay_data.paySign, appId:app.globalData.appid, success: function (ress) {
//支付成功后弹出提示,并在2秒后跳转到订单详情页面 uni.showToast({
title: '支付成功', duration: 2000 }); setTimeout(function() {
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.store_order_id }) }, 2000) }, fail: function (err) {
//支付失败后直接跳转到订单详情页面 uni.redirectTo({
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.store_order_id }) } }); } //在控制台输出服务器返回的数据和请求的接口名称 console.log(res.data,'createStoreGoodsOrder'); } }) /* uni.navigateTo({
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+ }) */ },
<template> <view class="container"> <view class="spContainer"> <view class="spInfo"> <view class="spDetail"> <view class="spImg" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${
spImg})` }"> </view> <view class="spCon"> <view class="spName">{
GoodsInfo.specification_name}}</view> <view class="spIntro" v-if="goods.goods_desc!=null">{
goods.goods_desc}}</view> </view> </view> <view class="buyNum clearfix"> <view class="titname fl">购买数量</view> <view class="spbuyNum fr"> <text class="jian" @click="btnReduce">-</text> <text class="spnumber">{
spnumber}}</text> <text class="jia" @click="btnAdd">+</text> </view> </view> <view class="buyNum coupon clearfix"> <view class="titname fl">优 惠 券</view> <view class="titleInfo fr" v-if="discouponNum > 0" @click="useCouponList"> <view v-if="coupon_id" class="amountprice">-{
amount/100}}</view> <view class="isCanuse" v-else>{
discouponNum}}张可用</view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/common/arr1.png" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="titleInfo fr" v-else @click="useCouponList"> <view class="nocoupon">暂无优惠券可用</view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/common/arr1.png" mode=""></image> </view> </view> <view class="allPrice clearfix"> <view class="titname fl">总 价</view> <view class="price fr">¥ <text>{
(price-(amount))/100}}</text></view> </view> </view> <view class="userInfo"> <view class="title">使用人信息</view> <view class="list"> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">姓名</view> <view class="titleInput"> <input type="text" v-model="reserved_name" placeholder="请输入姓名"> </view> </view> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">手机号码</view> <view class="titleInput"> <input type="text" v-model="reserved_phone" placeholder="请输入手机号码"> </view> </view> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">备注</view> <view class="titleInput"> <input type="text" v-model="reserved_remark" placeholder="请输入备注(非必填)"> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="submitTips"> <!-- <view :class="['ischecked', isChecked? 'active': '']" @click="isChecked =!isChecked"></view> <view class="tips">提交订单则表示您同意<navigator url="/pages/localLife/localLifeIsagress" class="link">《平台用户服务协议》</navigator> </view> --> </view> <view class="mealTips" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">此套餐为限时限量购买产品,为了避免资源浪费,请您在有效期内及时使用,逾期自动作废。</view> </view> <view class="bottom oncePay"> <view class="content"> <view class="finallyPrice">实付金额:<text>¥{
(price-(amount))/100}}</text></view> <view class="goPay" @click="goPay">去支付</view> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> //引入全局变量app let app = getApp() //导出一个默认的对象 export default {
//定义data属性 data() {
return {
spImg: '', //商品图片 discouponNum: 0, //可用优惠券数量 isChecked: true, //是否同意协议 goodsId:0, //商品ID specId:0, //规格ID GoodsInfo:[], //商品信息 goods:[], //商品列表 spnumber:1, //购买数量 price:0, //价格 vip_price:0, //会员价 token:{
}, //用户token reserved_name:null, //预定人姓名 reserved_phone:null, //预定人手机号 store_discount_code:null, //商家折扣码 coupon_id:0, //优惠券ID code:'', //优惠券码 amount:0, //优惠金额 not_length:'' //未使用优惠券数量 //userInfo:{
} } }, //页面加载时执行的函数 onLoad(e) {
this.goodsId=e.goodsId //获取商品ID this.specId = e.specId; //获取规格ID this.token= uni.getStorageSync('token'); //获取用户token this.reserved_phone=uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').mobile; //获取用户手机号 this.reserved_name=uni.getStorageSync('userInfo').nickname; //获取用户昵称 this.getspDetail(); //获取商品详情 this.getUsableStoreDiscountList(); //获取可用优惠券列表 }, //页面显示时执行的函数 onShow() {
let that = this; //监听up_coupon事件,获取优惠券信息 uni.$on('up_coupon',function(data){
console.log(data.amount); that.coupon_id=data.coupon_id; that.store_discount_code=data.code; that.amount=data.amount; console.log('监听到事件来自 up_coupon ,携带参数 msg 为:' + data); }) }, //页面挂载时执行的函数 mounted() {
}, //定义方法 methods: {
//支付函数 goPay () {
console.log('goPay'); //检查预定人姓名是否填写,如果未填写则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.reserved_name){
title:"使用人姓名未填写",icon:"none"}); return false;} //检查预定人手机号是否填写,如果未填写则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.reserved_phone){
title:"使用人手机号未填写",icon:"none"}); return false;} //定义一个正则表达式,用于验证手机号格式 const reg = /^1[3|4|5|7|8|6|9][0-9]\d{
8}$/; //检查手机号格式是否正确,如果不正确则弹出提示并返回false if(!reg.test(this.reserved_phone)){
title:"手机格式错误",icon:"none"}); return false;} //检查是否同意协议,如果未同意则弹出提示并返回false if(!this.isChecked){
title:"请同意后购买",icon:"none"}); return false;} //向服务器发送下单请求 uni.request({
url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/createStoreGoodsOrder", method: 'POST', data: {
version:'251', client:'wxmp', count: this.spnumber, reserved_name: this.reserved_name, reserved_phone: this.reserved_phone, reserved_remark: this.reserved_remark, spec_id: this.specId, store_discount_code: this.store_discount_code, store_goods_id: this.goodsId, token:this.token.token, //openid:'' }, success(res) {
//如果下单失败,则弹出提示并返回false if(res.data.status=='no'){
//弹出下单失败的提示 uni.showToast({
title:res.data.msg,icon:"none"}); return false; } //如果不需要支付,则跳转到订单详情页并返回false if(res.data.data.is_need_pay==0){
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.goods_order_id }) return false ; }else{
//否则,调用微信支付接口进行支付 uni.requestPayment({
provider: 'wxpay', timeStamp: res.data.data.pay_data.timeStamp, nonceStr: res.data.data.pay_data.nonceStr, package: res.data.data.pay_data.package, signType: 'MD5', paySign: res.data.data.pay_data.paySign, appId:app.globalData.appid, success: function (ress) {
//支付成功后,弹出提示并在2秒后跳转到订单详情页 uni.showToast({
title: '成功', duration: 2000 }); setTimeout(function() {
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.store_order_id }) }, 2000) }, fail: function (err) {
//支付失败后,直接跳转到订单详情页 uni.redirectTo({
url:'./localLifeOrderDetail?store_order_id='+res.data.data.store_order_id }) } }); } console.log(res.data,'createStoreGoodsOrder'); } }) }, //获取商品详情函数 async getspDetail () {
let that = this; //向服务器发送获取商品详情的请求 uni.request({
url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/getStoreGoodsInfo", method: 'POST', data: {
version:'251', client:'wxmp', store_goods_id:this.goodsId }, success(res) {
//将商品信息保存到goods属性中 that.goods=res.data.data; //将商品图片保存到spImg属性中 var spimgList = that.goods.picture.split(',') that.spImg = spimgList[0] //将商品最大购买数量保存到daily_max_num属性中 that.daily_max_num=that.goods.max_num; //遍历商品规格列表,找到与当前规格ID相同的规格,并将其保存到GoodsInfo属性中 for(var i = 0; i <res.data.data.goods_spec.length; i++) {
that.GoodsInfo= res.data.data.goods_spec[i]; that.price=res.data.data.goods_spec[i].vip_price; that.vip_price=res.data.data.goods_spec[i].vip_price; break; } } } }) }, //获取可用优惠券列表函数 async getUsableStoreDiscountList () {
let that = this; //向服务器发送获取可用优惠券列表的请求 uni.request({
url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/getUsableStoreDiscountList", method: 'POST', data: {
version:'251', client:'wxmp', spec_id:this.specId, token:this.token.token, count:this.spnumber }, success(res) {
//将可用优惠券数量保存到discouponNum属性中 that.discouponNum=res.data.data.usable_discount_count; //console.log(res.data.data,'getUsableStoreDiscountList'); } }) }, //减少购买数量函数 btnReduce(){
this.spnumber= this.spnumber-1; this.sum_price(); this.getUsableStoreDiscountList(); } }, //增加购买数量函数 btnAdd(){
//如果已达到商品最大购买数量,则弹出提示并返回false if( this.daily_max_num==this.spnumber){
title:"该宝物每日限购"+this.daily_max_num+"件",icon:"none"}); return false; } //否则,增加购买数量并重新计算价格和可用优惠券数量 this.spnumber= this.spnumber+1; this.sum_price(); this.getUsableStoreDiscountList(); }, //计算价格函数 sum_price(){
this.price=this.vip_price*this.spnumber; }, //选择优惠券函数 selectCoupon(){
//如果没有可用优惠券,则弹出提示并返回false if(this.discouponNum==0){
title:"暂无可用优惠券",icon:"none"}); return false; } //否则,跳转到优惠券列表页 uni.navigateTo({
url:'./couponList?spec_id='+this.specId+'&count='+this.spnumber }) }, //同意协议函数 checkChange(e){
this.isChecked=e.detail.value.length>0; } } } </script>
<style lang="scss" scoped> .container {
width: 100%; } .spContainer {
padding: 40rpx 36rpx; padding-bottom: 200rpx; .spInfo {
background: #FFFFFF; box-shadow: 0rpx 0rpx 8rpx 0rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); border-radius: 24rpx; padding: 40rpx 28rpx; padding-bottom: 10rpx; .spDetail {
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font-size: 32rpx; color: #; } .spbuyNum {
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font-size: 24rpx; color: #F8C85D; text {
font-size: 36rpx; color: #F8C85D; } } } } .userInfo {
margin-top: 40rpx; background: #FFFFFF; box-shadow: 0rpx 0rpx 8rpx 0rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); border-radius: 24rpx; padding: 0 30rpx; padding-top: 40rpx; .title {
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content: ''; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); width: 20rpx; height: 14rpx; background: url('https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/iconright.png') no-repeat center; background-size: 20rpx 14rpx; } .tips {
display: inline-block; line-height: 88rpx; font-size: 22rpx; color: #; margin-left: 12rpx; .link {
color: #007AFF; display: inline-block; } } } .mealTips {
font-size: 22rpx; color: #; line-height: 32rpx; } } .bottom {
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color: #F8C85D; font-size: 36rpx; } } .goPay {
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<template> <view class="container"> <view class="changeNum" > <input type="text" placeholder="请输入兑换码" v-model="localChangeNum" /> <text @click="getLocalCouponNumList" :class="[localChangeNum ? 'active': '']">兑换</text> </view> <view class="canUse couponList"> <view class="title">可使用红包</view> <view class="list"> <view :class="{active:currentIndex == i}" v-for="(item, i) in usable_discount_arr" :key="i" class="listCon"> <view class="link"> <view class="couponWap"> <view class="couponDetail"> <view class="couponName">{
item.discount_title}}</view> <view class="couponTime">有效期至{
item.end_time}}</view> </view> <view class="couponNum"> <view class="couponPrice">¥<text>{
item.amount/100}}</text></view> <view class="coupontip">满{
item.suffice_amount/100}}可用</view> </view> <view class="noselect" @click="selectCoupon(item.id, item.code, item.amount)"> <text :class="{back:coupon_id==item.id}"></text> </view> </view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/line.png" mode="" class="line"></image> <view class="tips"> <view class="tipsName">仅限<text class="tipstus">商品分类:</text><text>{
item.goods_or_category_name}}</text>使用 </view> <!-- <view class="tipsName">仅限<text class="tipstus"> 多品:</text><text>《满55减5》</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName">仅限<text class="tipstus">商品分类:</text><text>《满55减5》</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName" v-else></view> --> </view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- <view class="nodata">暂无可使用红包</view> --> </view> <view class="nocanUse couponList"> <view class="title" >不可使用红包</view> <view class="list"> <view v-for="(item, i) in not_usable_discount_arr" :key="i" class="listCon"> <view class="link"> <view class="couponWap"> <view class="couponDetail"> <view class="couponName nocanUse">{
item.discount_title}}</view> <view class="couponTime nocanUse">有效期至{
item.end_time}}</view> </view> <view class="couponNum"> <view class="couponPrice">¥<text>{
item.amount/100}}</text></view> <view class="coupontip">满{
item.suffice_amount/100}}可用</view> </view> <view class="noselect nocanUse"><text></text></view> </view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/line.png" mode="" class="line"></image> <view class="tips"> <view class="tipsName nocanUse" v-if="item.send_type && item.type == 1">仅限<text class="tipstus">单品:</text><text>{
item.goods_or_category_name}}</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName" v-else-if="item.send_type == 1 && item.type == 2">仅限<text class="tipstus"> 多品:</text><text v-if="item.goods_or_category_name">《{
item.goods_or_category_name }}》</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName" v-else-if="item.send_type == 2">仅限<text class="tipstus"> 商品分类:</text><text v-if="item.goods_or_category_name">《{
item.goods_or_category_name }}》</text>使用 </view> <!-- <view class="tipsName">仅限<text class="tipstus"> 多品:</text><text>《满55减5》</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName">仅限<text class="tipstus">商品分类:</text><text>《满55减5》</text>使用 </view> <view class="tipsName" v-else></view> --> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="nodata" v-if="not_usable_discount_arr.length==0">暂无不可使用红包</view> </view> <view class="confirmuse" @click="confirmUse">确认使用</view> </view> </template> <script> let app = getApp(); export default {
data() {
return {
canUseCouponList: [1, 2, 3], specId:0, token:[], spnumber:0, not_usable_discount_arr:[], usable_discount_arr:[], coupon_id:0, code:'', amount:'', not_length:'', localChangeNum:null } }, onLoad(e) {
this.token= uni.getStorageSync('token'); this.specId=e.specId; this.spnumber=e.spnumber; this.getUsableStoreDiscountList (); }, onShow() {
}, mounted() {
}, methods: {
async selectCoupon(id,code,amount){
this.coupon_id=id; this.code=code; this.amount=amount; }, async getUsableStoreDiscountList () {
let that = this; uni.request({
url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/getUsableStoreDiscountList", method: 'POST', data: {
version:'251', client:'wxmp', spec_id:this.specId, token:this.token.token, count:this.spnumber }, success(res) {
that.discouponNum=res.data.data.usable_discount_count; that.not_usable_discount_arr=res.data.data.not_usable_discount_arr; that.usable_discount_arr=res.data.data.usable_discount_arr; // that.coupon_id=that.usable_discount_arr[0].id, that.code=that.usable_discount_arr[0].code, that.amount=that.usable_discount_arr[0].amount, that.not_length=that.not_usable_discount_arr.length; // console.log(res.data.data,'getUsableStoreDiscountList'); } }) }, async confirmUse(){
//当前选择的优惠券 uni.$emit('up_coupon', {
msg: '选择了优惠券', coupon_id:this.coupon_id, code:this.code, amount:this.amount, }) uni.navigateBack(); }, // 兑换本地生活 async getLocalCouponNumList () {
if (!this.localChangeNum) {
setTimeout(()=> {
title:'请输入优惠券兑换码',duration: 2000, icon:'none'}); },0) return false } const res = await this.$request.post('localLive/redeemStoreGoodsCode',{
token: this.token.token, code: this.localChangeNum}, {
native: true }) var data = res.data.data.data if (res.data.status == 'ok') {
// 提示兑换成功,刷新优惠券列表 setTimeout(()=> {
title:'兑换成功',duration: 2000, icon:'none'}); },0) this.localChangeNum = '' this.page = 1 this.isEndflag = false this.localCouponsList = [] this.getUsableStoreDiscountList() }else {
setTimeout(()=> {
title: res.data.msg, duration: 2000, icon:'none'}); },0) } }, }, } </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .changeNum {
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<template> <view class="container"> <view class="orderDetailWrapper"> <view class="nopay" ><text class="" v-if="source_id==3&&orderInfo.order_status!=1"> {
orderInfo.order_status | orderStatus}} </text><text class="" v-else="source_id!=3"> {
orderInfo.order_status | orderStatus}} </text>, <text class="subtime" v-if="orderInfo.order_status==1"> {
orderCs }}{
rocallTime }}</text> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/common/arr1.png" mode="" class="icon"></image> </view> <navigator :url="'/pages/localLife/localLifespdetail?goodsId='+orderInfo.store_goods_id" class="storeInfo list" > <view class="title">商家信息</view> <view class="content"> <text v-if="orderInfo.goods_name && orderInfo.goods_name!='null'">{
orderInfo.goods_name}}</text> <text v-if="orderInfo.goods_desc && orderInfo.goods_desc!='null'">{
orderInfo.goods_desc}}</text> </view> </navigator> <view class="batchDestory" v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 2 || orderInfo.order_status == 6 || orderInfo.order_status == 7 || orderInfo.order_status == 8"> <view class="title">批量核销</view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/line.png" mode="" class="line"></image> <!-- <div class="ercode"> <div class="ercodeImg" v-if="orderStatus == 2 || orderStatus == 6 || orderStatus == 7"> <img :src="qrcodeImg" alt="" > </div> <div class="ercodeImg active" v-else-if="orderStatus == 8"> <img :src="qrcodeuseImg" alt="" srcset=""> <img src="@/assets/images/localLife/used.png" alt="" srcset="" class="useImg"> </div> <div class="tips">出示该二维码即可消费多个订单</div> </div> --> <view class="ercode"> <view class="" v-if="source_id==3"> <view class="ercodeImg" v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 2 || orderInfo.order_status == 6 || orderInfo.order_status == 7"> <image :src="orderInfo.batch_qrCode_img_url" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="" v-else-if="orderInfo.order_status == 9"> <image :src="orderInfo.batch_qrCode_img_url" mode=""></image> </view> </view> <view class="" v-else-if="source_id!=3"> <view class="ercodeImg" v-if="orderInfo.order_status == 2 || orderInfo.order_status == 6 || orderInfo.order_status == 7"> <tki-qrcode cid="qrcode1" ref="qrcode" :val="code_arr" :size="160" :unit="px" :loadMake="true" :onval="true" :usingComponents="true"/> </view> </view> <view class="ercodeImg active" v-else-if="orderInfo.order_status == 8"> <tki-qrcode cid="qrcode1" foreground="#" pdground="#" ref="qrcode" :val="111" :size="160" :unit="px" :loadMake="true" :onval="true" :usingComponents="true"/> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/used.png" mode="" class="useImg"></image> </view> <view class="tips">出示该二维码即可消费多个订单</view> </view> </view> <view class="onceDestory" v-if="orderInfo.goods_code_list.length > 0"> <view class="title">单个核销</view> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/line.png" mode="" class="line"></image> <view class="codeInfoList"> <view class="ercodeList" v-for="(item, i) in orderInfo.goods_code_list" :key="i"> <view class="eleCode"> <view class="codeNum">电子码:{
item.goods_code}}</view> <view class="img"> <image :src="spImg" mode="" @click="popup_qrcdoe(item.goods_code,item.status)"></image> </view> </view> <view class="confirmStatus clearfix"> <view class="orderStatus fl" v-if="item.status == 1" style="color: #;">待核销</view> <view class="orderStatus fl" v-else-if="item.status== 2" style="color: #;">已核销</view> <view class="times fr" v-if="item.status == 2 && item.time_end">核销时间:{
item.time_end}}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="storeDetail" v-if="orderStatus > 0"> <view class="storeTitle"> <navigator :url="'/pages/localLife/localLifespdetail?goodsId='+orderInfo.store_goods_id" class="storeName">{
storeDetail.store_name}}</navigator> <view class="linkStore" @click=go_tel(orderInfo.reserved_phone)> <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/localLife/phone.png" mode=""></image>联系商家 </view> </view> <view class="storeAdress">{
storeDetail.address}}</view> <navigator :url="'./useStore?storeId='+storeDetail.p_store_id" class="storeUseNum">{
storeDetail_sum}}家店适用 <image src="https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/common/arr1.png" mode=""></image> </navigator> </view> <view class="userInfo list"> <view class="title">个人信息</view> <view class="list"> <view class="listCon clearfix"> <view class="titleName">用户姓名:</view> <view class="titleCon">{
orderInfo.reserved_name}}</view> </view> <view class="listCon clearfix"> <view class="titleName">联系电话:</view> <view class="titleCon">{
orderInfo.reserved_phone}}</view> </view> <view class="listCon clearfix"> <view class="titleName">下单备注:</view> <view class="titleCon" v-if="OrderInfo.reserved_phone">{
userIdea}}</view> <view class="titleCon" v-else>暂无备注</view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="orderInfo list"> <view class="title">订单信息</view> <view class="list"> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">订单状态:</view> <view class="titleCon" v-if="source_id==3&&orderInfo.order_status!=1">{
orderInfo.order_status | orderStatus}}</view> <view class="titleCon" v-else>{
orderInfo.order_status | orderStatus}}</view> </view> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">订单号码:</view> <view class="titleCon orderNum">{
orderInfo.serial_num}}</view> <view class="copy" @click="copy(orderInfo.serial_num)">复制</view> </view> <view class="listCon" v-if="orderInfo.is_discount == 1"> <view class="titleName">订单价格:</view> <view class="titleCon">¥{
orderInfo.discount_order_amount/100}}</view> </view> <view class="listCon" v-else> <view class="titleName">订单价格:</view> <view class="titleCon">¥{
orderInfo.order_amount/100}}</view> </view> <view v-if="orderInfo.is_discount == 1" class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">优惠券抵扣:</view> <view class="titleCon">¥{
disPrice}}</view> </view> <navigator :url="'/pages/localLife/localLifespdetail?goodsId='+orderInfo.store_goods_id" class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">套餐类型:</view> <view class="titleCon">{
orderInfo.spec_name}}</view> </navigator> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">购买数量:</view> <view class="titleCon">{
orderInfo.goods_count}}</view> </view> <view class="listCon"> <view class="titleName">下单时间:</view> <view class="titleCon">{
orderInfo.created_at}}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="bottom oncePay" v-if="pay_status==1 && orderInfo.order_status==1"> <view class="content"> <view class="finallyPrice" v-if='orderInfo.is_discount==1'>实付金额:<text>¥{
orderInfo.discount_order_amount/100}}</text></view> <view class="finallyPrice" v-else>实付金额:<text>¥{
orderInfo.order_amount/100}}</text></view> <view class="goPay" @click="goPay">去支付</view> </view> </view> <view class="qrimg popWrapper" @click="mask" v-if="is_make==1 " @touchmove.stop.prevent="moveHandle"> <view class="popContent" v-if="code_status==1" v-for="(item, i) in orderInfo.goods_code_list" :key="i"> <view class="" v-if="source_id==3" > <image style="width: 520rpx !important;height: 520rpx !important;display: block;margin: 0 auto;" :src="item.qrCode_img_url"></image> </view> <tki-qrcode v-if="source_id!=3" class="qrcode_img" cid="qrcode2" ref="qrcode" :val=qr_code_txt :unit="px" :loadMake="true" :onval="true" :usingComponents="true"/> </view> <view class="popContent" v-else> <tki-qrcode foreground="#" pdground="#" class="qrcode_img" cid="qrcode2" ref="qrcode" :val=qr_code_txt :unit="px" :loadMake="true" :onval="true" :usingComponents="true"/> </view> </view> </view> </template>
<script> let app = getApp(); // 获取小程序实例 import tkiQrcode from '@/js_sdk/tki-qrcode/tki-qrcode.vue'; // 引入二维码组件 export default {
data() {
// 数据 return {
rocallTime: "", // 回拨时间 orderCs: "剩余", // 订单状态 spImg: 'https://ebk-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/mini-wx/images/ewm.png', // 商品图片 discouponNum: 0, // 折扣券数量 isChecked: true, // 是否选中 orderStatus: 8, // 订单状态 codeList: [1, 2, 1], // 券码列表 goods_order_id:0, // 商品订单ID token:{
}, // 用户token orderInfo:[], // 订单信息 storeDetail:{
}, // 商家详情 storeDetail_sum:1, // 商家总数 remainingd:300, // 剩余时间(秒) remaining:'剩余 5:00', // 剩余时间(格式化) qrcodeText:'test', // 二维码文本 qr_code_txt:'测试', // 二维码文本 is_make:0, // 是否生成二维码 pay_status:1, // 支付状态 code_arr:'', // 券码数组 disPrice:0, // 折扣价格 code_status:0, // 券码状态 source_id:"", // 来源ID lianlian_img:"", // 联联图片 batch_qrCode_img_url:"", // 批量二维码图片URL code_arr1:'', // 券码数组 goods_code_list:{
}, // 联联的券码 goods_code:{
} // 平台/享库存的券码 } }, components: {
// 组件 tkiQrcode }, onLoad(e) {
// 生命周期函数:页面加载时执行 this.goods_order_id=e.store_order_id; // 获取商品订单ID this.token=uni.getStorageSync('token'); // 获取用户token this.getStoreGoodsOrderInfo(); // 获取商家商品订单信息 }, onShow() {
// 生命周期函数:页面显示时执行 console.log(this.code_arr,'waaw') // 打印券码数组 }, mounted() {
}, // 生命周期函数:组件挂载后执行 filters:{
// 过滤器 orderStatus(e){
// 订单状态过滤器 // 1 待支付 2已支付 3已取消 4 退款中 5已退款 6已支付生成券码 7已预约 8已完成 switch(e){
case 1: return '待支付' break; case 2: return '支付成功' break; case 3: return '已取消' break; case 4: return '退款中' break; case 5: return '已退款' break; case 6: return '已支付生成券码' break; case 7: return '已预约' break; case 8: return '已完成' break; case 9: return '出单中' break; } } }, methods: {
// 方法 go_tel(e){
// 拨打电话 uni.makePhoneCall({
// 调用拨打电话API phoneNumber: e, // 手机号码 success: (res) => {
// 成功回调函数 console.log('调用成功!') }, fail: (res) => {
// 失败回调函数 console.log('调用失败!') } }) }, mask () {
// 隐藏二维码弹窗 this.is_make=0; }, copy(e){
// 复制文本 app.copy(e); // 调用小程序实例的复制文本方法 }, goPay() {
// 去支付 let _that = this; // 缓存this对象 uni.request({
// 发起网络请求 url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/againPay", // 请求地址 method: 'POST', // 请求方法 data: {
// 请求参数 version:'251', client:'wxmp', count: 1, goods_order_id: this.goods_order_id, token:this.token.token, }, success(res) {
// 请求成功回调函数 var paydata= res.data.data.pay_data; // 获取支付数据 console.log(res.data,'againPay'); console.log(paydata,'againPay'); uni.requestPayment({
// 调用微信支付API provider: 'wxpay', timeStamp: paydata.timeStamp, nonceStr: paydata.nonceStr, package: paydata.package, signType: 'MD5', paySign: paydata.paySign, success: function (res) {
// 支付成功回调函数 console.log('success:' + JSON.stringify(res)); _that.getStoreGoodsOrderInfo(); // 获取商家商品订单信息 uni.$emit('successPay', {
// 发送支付成功事件 msg: '支付成功', data: _that.order_id }) console.log('success:' + JSON.stringify(res)); }, fail: function (err) {
// 支付失败回调函数 console.log('fail:' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }); } }) }, popup_qrcdoe(e,status){
// 显示二维码弹窗 this.code_status=status; // 设置券码状态 this.qr_code_txt=e; // 设置二维码文本 this.is_make=1; // 显示二维码弹窗 }, getStoreGoodsOrderInfo(){
// 获取商家商品订单信息方法 let _that = this; // 缓存this对象 uni.request({
// 发起网络请求 url: app.globalData.URL + "localLive/getStoreGoodsOrderInfo", // 请求地址 method: 'POST', // 请求方法 data: {
// 请求参数 version:'251', client:'wxmp', count: 1, goods_order_id: this.goods_order_id, token:this.token.token, //openid:'' }, success(res) {
// 请求成功回调函数 console.log(res.data.data,'getStoreGoodsOrderInfo'); _that.orderInfo=res.data.data; // 缓存订单信息 uni.setStorageSync('orderInfo',_that.orderInfo); // 将订单信息缓存到本地存储中 _that.storeDetail=res.data.data.store_data[0]; // 缓存商家详情 _that.storeDetail_sum=res.data.data.store_count; // 缓存商家总数 console.log(res.data.data,'getStoreGoodsOrderInfo'); _that.orderTime=res.data.data.created_at; // 缓存订单创建时间 _that.source_id = res.data.data.store_source_id; // 缓存来源ID _that.ComputetTime(); // 计算剩余时间 //平台/享库存的券码 console.log(_that.goods_code,'平台/享库存的券码') const a = _that.orderInfo.goods_code_list; //数据需要处理才能赋值 const data = JSON.stringify(a); // 假设data是一个被Vue.js观察的对象 _that.goods_code_list = JSON.parse(data); // 缓存联联的券码 _that.goods_code = _that.orderInfo.goods_code_list; // 缓存平台/享库存的券码 console.log(_that.goods_code_list.length,'平台/享库存的券码券码长度'); // 输出对象的长度 if(_that.source_id==3){
// 如果是联联的商品 _that.orderInfo = res.data.data; uni.setStorageSync('orderInfo',_that.orderInfo); _that.orderStatus = 9; const a = _that.orderInfo.goods_code_list; //数据需要处理才能赋值 const data = JSON.stringify(a); // 假设data是一个被Vue.js观察的对象 _that.goods_code_list = JSON.parse(data); // 缓存联联的券码 console.log(_that.goods_code_list,'联联的券码'); // 输出对象的长度 console.log(_that.orderInfo) }else{
// 如果不是联联的商品 var code_arr=''; for (var i = 0; i < _that.orderInfo.goods_code_list.length; i++) {
if (_that.orderInfo.goods_code_list[i].status == 1) {
code_arr += _that.orderInfo.goods_code_list[i].goods_code + ',' } } if (_that.orderInfo.is_discount == 1) {
_that.disPrice = Math.round((_that.orderInfo.order_amount / 100 - _that.orderInfo.discount_order_amount / 100) * 100) / 100 } else { _that.disPrice = 0 } _that.code_arr=code_arr; } } }) }, ComputetTime() { // 计算剩余时间方法 var st = new Date(); // 获取当前时间 var ct = this.orderTime.replace(/\-/g, "/"); // 创建订单时间 var ts = new Date(st).getTime(); // 获取当前时间的毫秒数 var tc = new Date(ct).getTime(); // 获取创建订单时间的毫秒数 var cm = 5 * 60 * 1000 - (ts - tc); // 计算剩余时间(毫秒) //判断是否是联联的商品,如果是联联的商品则需要改为2分钟 if(this.source_id ==3){ var cm = 2 * 60 * 1000 - (ts - tc); } this.runBack(cm); // 执行倒计时方法 }, runBack(cm) { // 倒计时方法 if (cm > 1000) { cm > 60000 // 如果剩余时间大于1分钟 ? (this.rocallTime = (new Date(cm).getMinutes() < 10 // 获取剩余分钟数,如果小于10则在前面加0 ? "0" + new Date(cm).getMinutes() : new Date(cm).getMinutes()) + ":" + (new Date(cm).getSeconds() < 10 // 获取剩余秒数,如果小于10则在前面加0 ? "0" + new Date(cm).getSeconds() : new Date(cm).getSeconds())) : (this.rocallTime = "00:" + (new Date(cm).getSeconds() < 10 // 获取剩余秒数,如果小于10则在前面加0 ? "0" + new Date(cm).getSeconds() : new Date(cm).getSeconds())); let _msThis = this; setTimeout(function () {
// 延时1秒执行倒计时方法 cm -= 1000; // 剩余时间减去1秒 _msThis.runBack(cm); // 递归调用倒计时方法 }, 1000); } else {
// 如果剩余时间小于等于1秒 this.orderCs = "订单已超时"; // 设置订单状态为已超时 this.pay_status =0; // 设置支付状态为未支付 this.rocallTime = ""; // 清空剩余时间 this.payFlag = true; // 设置支付标志为true } }, }, } </script>
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