
最长公共子串(一步步优化)文章参考摘自 链接 大牛写的很好 所以直接粘过来了 最长公共子串 LongestCommo 是一个非常经典的面试题目 在实际的程序中也有很高的实用价值 所以把该问题的解法总结在本文重


最长公共子串(Longest Common Substring)是一个非常经典的面试题目,在实际的程序中也有很高的实用价值,所以把该问题的解法总结在本文重。不过不单单只是写出该问题的基本解决代码而已,关键还是享受把学习算法一步步的优化,让时间和空间复杂度一步步的减少的惊喜。




最直接的解法自然是找出两个字符串的所有子字符串进行比较看他们是否相同,然后取得相同最长的那个。对于一个长度为n的字符串,它有n(n+1)/2 个非空子串。所以假如两个字符串的长度同为n,通过比较各个子串其算法复杂度大致为O(n4)。这还没有考虑字符串比较所需的时间。简单想想其实并不需要取出所有的子串,而只要考虑每个子串的开始位置就可以,这样可以把复杂度减到O(n3)



暴力解法 – 所得即所求


 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n3(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 18  { 19 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 20  { 21 // find longest length of prefix  22 int length = 0; 23 int m = i; 24 int n = j; 25 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 26  { 27 ++comparisons; 28 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) break; 29 30 ++length; 31 ++m; 32 ++n; 33  } 34 35 if (longest < length) 36  { 37 longest = length; 38 start1 = i; 39 start2 = j; 40  } 41  } 42  } 43 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 44 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 45 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 46 << ")" << endl; 47 #endif 48 return longest; 49 }



动态规划法 – 空间换时间




假设两个字符串分别为s和t,s[i]t[j]分别表示其第i和第j个字符(字符顺序从0开始),再令L[i, j]表示以s[i]s[j]为结尾的相同子串的最大长度。应该不难递推出L[i, j]L[i+1,j+1]之间的关系,因为两者其实只差s[i+1]t[j+1]这一对字符。若s[i+1]t[j+1]不同,那么L[i+1, j+1]自然应该是0,因为任何以它们为结尾的子串都不可能完全相同;而如果s[i+1]t[j+1]相同,那么就只要在以s[i]t[j]结尾的最长相同子串之后分别添上这两个字符即可,这样就可以让长度增加一位。合并上述两种情况,也就得到L[i+1,j+1]=(s[i]==t[j]?L[i,j]+1:0)这样的关系。



 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_n2(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 vector<vector<int> > table(size1, vector<int>(size2, 0));  8 // the start position of substring in original string  9 int start1 = -1; 10 int start2 = -1; 11 // the longest length of common substring  12 int longest = 0; 13 14 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 15 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 16 int comparisons = 0; 17 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 18  { 19 ++comparisons; 20 table[0][j] = (str1[0] == str2[j] ? 1 :0); 21  } 22 23 for (int i = 1; i < size1; ++i) 24  { 25 ++comparisons; 26 table[i][0] = (str1[i] == str2[0] ? 1 :0); 27 28 for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) 29  { 30 ++comparisons; 31 if (str1[i] == str2[j]) 32  { 33 table[i][j] = table[i-1][j-1]+1; 34  } 35  } 36  } 37 38 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 39  { 40 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 41  { 42 if (longest < table[i][j]) 43  { 44 longest = table[i][j]; 45 start1 = i-longest+1; 46 start2 = j-longest+1; 47  } 48  } 49  } 50 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 51 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 52 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 53 << ")" << endl; 54 #endif 55 56 return longest; 57 }



动态规划法优化 – 能省一点是一点



int longestCommonSubstring_n2_2n(const string& str1, const string& str2) { size_t size1 = str1.size(); size_t size2 = str2.size(); if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0; vector<vector<int> > table(2, vector<int>(size2, 0)); // the start position of substring in original string int start1 = -1; int start2 = -1; // the longest length of common substring  int longest = 0; // record how many comparisons the solution did; // it can be used to know which algorithm is better int comparisons = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) { ++comparisons; if (str1[0] == str2[j]) { table[0][j] = 1; if (longest == 0) { longest = 1; start1 = 0; start2 = j; } } } for (int i = 1; i < size1; ++i) { ++comparisons; // with odd/even to swith working row int cur = ((i&1) == 1); //index for current working row int pre = ((i&1) == 0); //index for previous working row table[cur][0] = 0; if (str1[i] == str2[0]) { table[cur][0] = 1; if (longest == 0) { longest = 1; start1 = i; start2 = 0; } } for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) { ++comparisons; if (str1[i] == str2[j]) { table[cur][j] = table[pre][j-1]+1; if (longest < table[cur][j]) { longest = table[cur][j]; start1 = i-longest+1; start2 = j-longest+1; } } else { table[cur][j] = 0; } } } #ifdef IDER_DEBUG cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons << ")" << endl; #endif return longest; }




动态规划法再优化 – 能用一点就只用一点






 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_1(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 18  { 19 int m = i; 20 int n = 0; 21 int length = 0; 22 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 23  { 24 ++comparisons; 25 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 26  { 27 length = 0; 28  } 29 else 30  { 31 ++length; 32 if (longest < length) 33  { 34 longest = length; 35 start1 = m-longest+1; 36 start2 = n-longest+1; 37  } 38  } 39 40 ++m; 41 ++n; 42  } 43  } 44 45 // shift string2 to find the longest common substring 46 for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) 47  { 48 int m = 0; 49 int n = j; 50 int length = 0; 51 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 52  { 53 ++comparisons; 54 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 55  { 56 length = 0; 57  } 58 else 59  { 60 ++length; 61 if (longest < length) 62  { 63 longest = length; 64 start1 = m-longest+1; 65 start2 = n-longest+1; 66  } 67  } 68 69 ++m; 70 ++n; 71  } 72  } 73 74 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 75 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 76 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 77 << ")" << endl; 78 #endif 79 80 return longest; 81 }




 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_1(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 int indices[] = { 
  0, 0}; 18 int sizes[] = {size1, size2}; 19 20 // shift strings to find the longest common substring 21 for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) 22  { 23 indices[0] = 0; 24 indices[1] = 0; 25 26 // i is reference to the value in array 27 int &i = indices[index]; 28 int size = sizes[index]; 29 30 // this is tricky to skip comparing strings both start with 0 for second loop 31 i = index; 32 for (; i < size; ++i) 33  { 34 int m = indices[0]; 35 int n = indices[1]; 36 int length = 0; 37 38 // with following check to reduce some more comparisons 39 if (size1-m <= longest || size2-n <= longest) 40 break; 41 42 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 43  { 44 ++comparisons; 45 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 46  { 47 length = 0; 48  } 49 else 50  { 51 ++length; 52 if (longest < length) 53  { 54 longest = length; 55 start1 = m-longest+1; 56 start2 = n-longest+1; 57  } 58  } 59 60 ++m; 61 ++n; 62  } 63  } 64  } 65 66 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 67 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 68 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 69 << ")" << endl; 70 #endif 71 72 return longest; 73 }


在上述代表中,有一个语句if (size1-m <= longest || size2-n <= longest) 会break循环,其中的条件其实是检查剩下子串长度是否小于或等于跟最长公共子串的长度,如果是那么剩下的可定不足以构建出更长的子串。这对于当一个字符串是另一个字符串的子串是可以减少很多的比较,这也是之前在提到:在幸运的时候运算时间复杂度可以有O(n)。对于这样的微小优化也可以在之前的几个算法中使用。



YXXXXXY (7) YXYXXYYYYXXYYYYXYYXXYYXXYXYYYYYYXYXYYXYXYYYXXXXXX (49) (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 537) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 343) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 343) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 316) 6 XXYXYYYXXYXYYYYXYXYYYXYYYYYXYX (30) XYY (3) (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 127) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 90) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 90) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 12) 3 XXYXXYYYXYXYYXXYYYYYXXYXXXYXXYXYXXXXYXXYYYXYYXYXYXXXYYXXXYYXYYXYXYXYXXXXXXXXXYXXXX (82) YYYYYXYYYXYYXXXYYYXXYYXXYXXXYYYYYYYYXXYXYYYYXYXYYXYX (52) (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 7911) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 4264) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 4264) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (18, 20, 4183) 9 X (1) XXYYYYYYXYYXYXXXYYXXXYYYYYYXYYYXYYXXYYYYXXXYXXXXXXXYXYXYXYYYYYYYYXYXYXXX (72) (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 1) 1 (0) XYXXYYYXXXYYXXYYYYXXYYYXYYYXXXXXYYXXYXYXXXYY (44) 0 0 0 0 


最长公共子串(Longest Common Substring)是一个非常经典的面试题目,在实际的程序中也有很高的实用价值,所以把该问题的解法总结在本文重。不过不单单只是写出该问题的基本解决代码而已,关键还是享受把学习算法一步步的优化,让时间和空间复杂度一步步的减少的惊喜。




最直接的解法自然是找出两个字符串的所有子字符串进行比较看他们是否相同,然后取得相同最长的那个。对于一个长度为n的字符串,它有n(n+1)/2 个非空子串。所以假如两个字符串的长度同为n,通过比较各个子串其算法复杂度大致为O(n4)。这还没有考虑字符串比较所需的时间。简单想想其实并不需要取出所有的子串,而只要考虑每个子串的开始位置就可以,这样可以把复杂度减到O(n3)



暴力解法 – 所得即所求


 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n3(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 18  { 19 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 20  { 21 // find longest length of prefix  22 int length = 0; 23 int m = i; 24 int n = j; 25 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 26  { 27 ++comparisons; 28 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) break; 29 30 ++length; 31 ++m; 32 ++n; 33  } 34 35 if (longest < length) 36  { 37 longest = length; 38 start1 = i; 39 start2 = j; 40  } 41  } 42  } 43 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 44 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 45 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 46 << ")" << endl; 47 #endif 48 return longest; 49 }



动态规划法 – 空间换时间




假设两个字符串分别为s和t,s[i]t[j]分别表示其第i和第j个字符(字符顺序从0开始),再令L[i, j]表示以s[i]s[j]为结尾的相同子串的最大长度。应该不难递推出L[i, j]L[i+1,j+1]之间的关系,因为两者其实只差s[i+1]t[j+1]这一对字符。若s[i+1]t[j+1]不同,那么L[i+1, j+1]自然应该是0,因为任何以它们为结尾的子串都不可能完全相同;而如果s[i+1]t[j+1]相同,那么就只要在以s[i]t[j]结尾的最长相同子串之后分别添上这两个字符即可,这样就可以让长度增加一位。合并上述两种情况,也就得到L[i+1,j+1]=(s[i]==t[j]?L[i,j]+1:0)这样的关系。



 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_n2(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 vector<vector<int> > table(size1, vector<int>(size2, 0));  8 // the start position of substring in original string  9 int start1 = -1; 10 int start2 = -1; 11 // the longest length of common substring  12 int longest = 0; 13 14 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 15 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 16 int comparisons = 0; 17 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 18  { 19 ++comparisons; 20 table[0][j] = (str1[0] == str2[j] ? 1 :0); 21  } 22 23 for (int i = 1; i < size1; ++i) 24  { 25 ++comparisons; 26 table[i][0] = (str1[i] == str2[0] ? 1 :0); 27 28 for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) 29  { 30 ++comparisons; 31 if (str1[i] == str2[j]) 32  { 33 table[i][j] = table[i-1][j-1]+1; 34  } 35  } 36  } 37 38 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 39  { 40 for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) 41  { 42 if (longest < table[i][j]) 43  { 44 longest = table[i][j]; 45 start1 = i-longest+1; 46 start2 = j-longest+1; 47  } 48  } 49  } 50 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 51 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 52 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 53 << ")" << endl; 54 #endif 55 56 return longest; 57 }



动态规划法优化 – 能省一点是一点



int longestCommonSubstring_n2_2n(const string& str1, const string& str2) { size_t size1 = str1.size(); size_t size2 = str2.size(); if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0; vector<vector<int> > table(2, vector<int>(size2, 0)); // the start position of substring in original string int start1 = -1; int start2 = -1; // the longest length of common substring  int longest = 0; // record how many comparisons the solution did; // it can be used to know which algorithm is better int comparisons = 0; for (int j = 0; j < size2; ++j) { ++comparisons; if (str1[0] == str2[j]) { table[0][j] = 1; if (longest == 0) { longest = 1; start1 = 0; start2 = j; } } } for (int i = 1; i < size1; ++i) { ++comparisons; // with odd/even to swith working row int cur = ((i&1) == 1); //index for current working row int pre = ((i&1) == 0); //index for previous working row table[cur][0] = 0; if (str1[i] == str2[0]) { table[cur][0] = 1; if (longest == 0) { longest = 1; start1 = i; start2 = 0; } } for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) { ++comparisons; if (str1[i] == str2[j]) { table[cur][j] = table[pre][j-1]+1; if (longest < table[cur][j]) { longest = table[cur][j]; start1 = i-longest+1; start2 = j-longest+1; } } else { table[cur][j] = 0; } } } #ifdef IDER_DEBUG cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons << ")" << endl; #endif return longest; }




动态规划法再优化 – 能用一点就只用一点






 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_1(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i) 18  { 19 int m = i; 20 int n = 0; 21 int length = 0; 22 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 23  { 24 ++comparisons; 25 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 26  { 27 length = 0; 28  } 29 else 30  { 31 ++length; 32 if (longest < length) 33  { 34 longest = length; 35 start1 = m-longest+1; 36 start2 = n-longest+1; 37  } 38  } 39 40 ++m; 41 ++n; 42  } 43  } 44 45 // shift string2 to find the longest common substring 46 for (int j = 1; j < size2; ++j) 47  { 48 int m = 0; 49 int n = j; 50 int length = 0; 51 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 52  { 53 ++comparisons; 54 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 55  { 56 length = 0; 57  } 58 else 59  { 60 ++length; 61 if (longest < length) 62  { 63 longest = length; 64 start1 = m-longest+1; 65 start2 = n-longest+1; 66  } 67  } 68 69 ++m; 70 ++n; 71  } 72  } 73 74 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 75 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 76 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 77 << ")" << endl; 78 #endif 79 80 return longest; 81 }




 1 int longestCommonSubstring_n2_1(const string& str1, const string& str2)  2 {  3 size_t size1 = str1.size();  4 size_t size2 = str2.size();  5 if (size1 == 0 || size2 == 0) return 0;  6  7 // the start position of substring in original string  8 int start1 = -1;  9 int start2 = -1; 10 // the longest length of common substring  11 int longest = 0; 12 13 // record how many comparisons the solution did; 14 // it can be used to know which algorithm is better 15 int comparisons = 0; 16 17 int indices[] = { 
   0, 0}; 18 int sizes[] = {size1, size2}; 19 20 // shift strings to find the longest common substring 21 for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) 22  { 23 indices[0] = 0; 24 indices[1] = 0; 25 26 // i is reference to the value in array 27 int &i = indices[index]; 28 int size = sizes[index]; 29 30 // this is tricky to skip comparing strings both start with 0 for second loop 31 i = index; 32 for (; i < size; ++i) 33  { 34 int m = indices[0]; 35 int n = indices[1]; 36 int length = 0; 37 38 // with following check to reduce some more comparisons 39 if (size1-m <= longest || size2-n <= longest) 40 break; 41 42 while(m < size1 && n < size2) 43  { 44 ++comparisons; 45 if (str1[m] != str2[n]) 46  { 47 length = 0; 48  } 49 else 50  { 51 ++length; 52 if (longest < length) 53  { 54 longest = length; 55 start1 = m-longest+1; 56 start2 = n-longest+1; 57  } 58  } 59 60 ++m; 61 ++n; 62  } 63  } 64  } 65 66 #ifdef IDER_DEBUG 67 cout<< "(first, second, comparisions) = (" 68 << start1 << ", " << start2 << ", " << comparisons 69 << ")" << endl; 70 #endif 71 72 return longest; 73 }


在上述代表中,有一个语句if (size1-m <= longest || size2-n <= longest) 会break循环,其中的条件其实是检查剩下子串长度是否小于或等于跟最长公共子串的长度,如果是那么剩下的可定不足以构建出更长的子串。这对于当一个字符串是另一个字符串的子串是可以减少很多的比较,这也是之前在提到:在幸运的时候运算时间复杂度可以有O(n)。对于这样的微小优化也可以在之前的几个算法中使用。



YXXXXXY (7) YXYXXYYYYXXYYYYXYYXXYYXXYXYYYYYYXYXYYXYXYYYXXXXXX (49) (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 537) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 343) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 343) 6 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 42, 316) 6 XXYXYYYXXYXYYYYXYXYYYXYYYYYXYX (30) XYY (3) (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 127) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 90) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 90) 3 (first, second, comparisions) = (3, 0, 12) 3 XXYXXYYYXYXYYXXYYYYYXXYXXXYXXYXYXXXXYXXYYYXYYXYXYXXXYYXXXYYXYYXYXYXYXXXXXXXXXYXXXX (82) YYYYYXYYYXYYXXXYYYXXYYXXYXXXYYYYYYYYXXYXYYYYXYXYYXYX (52) (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 7911) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 4264) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (5, 41, 4264) 9 (first, second, comparisions) = (18, 20, 4183) 9 X (1) XXYYYYYYXYYXYXXXYYXXXYYYYYYXYYYXYYXXYYYYXXXYXXXXXXXYXYXYXYYYYYYYYXYXYXXX (72) (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 72) 1 (first, second, comparisions) = (0, 0, 1) 1 (0) XYXXYYYXXXYYXXYYYYXXYYYXYYYXXXXXYYXXYXYXXXYY (44) 0 0 0 0 


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