
聚宽将与一创分手,QMT竟成最大赢家?在今年六七月 由于 A 股市场的低迷 国家对量化的打击 监管变严 似乎成为了压倒聚宽的最后一根稻草

| 事件回顾




在使用QMT的过程中,当然也是血与泪啊。相对聚宽平台而言,QMT的接口更加难用。举个栗子, run_weekly(weekly_adjustment, 1, ‘9:30’)用于指定函数weekly_adjustment每周一早上9点30分运行一次且仅此一次,run_daily(prepare_stock_list, ‘9:05’)指定函数prepare_stock_list在每天的9点5分运行一次。但是QMT中只有run_time定时函数。run_time(“myHandlebar”,“3nSecond”,“2019-10-14 13:20:00”,“SH”) 该函数的含义为2019-10-14 13:20:00开始每3秒运行一次myHandlebar函数。在这情况下无法精准指定函数在什么时间运行,运行几次,必须通过时间判断和标志位flag判断,从而实现聚宽run_daily和run_weekly的功能。此外,QMT存在行情数据不准确,回测时间过久等问题,因此QMT的定位更多是作为一个下单工具使用。

| QMT与其他下单软件之争





 # 创建一个基类,用于声明数据模型 Base = declarative_base() class JoinQuantTable(Base): __tablename__ = 'joinquant_stock' # 设置数据库表名称 pk = Column(String(36), primary_key=True, default=str(uuid.uuid1())) # 唯一识别码,可以理解为订单号,区分不同的订单 code = Column(String) # 证券代码 tradetime = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now()) # 交易时间 order_values = Column(Integer) # 下单数量,可以改名为amount price = Column(Integer) # 下单价格 ordertype = Column(String) # 下单方向,买 或 卖 if_deal = Column(Boolean, default=False) # 是否已经成交 insertdate = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now()) # 订单信息插入数据库的时间 

在上述这段代码中,要特别注意的是tablename数据库表名,改成自己的。剩下的order_values、price、ordertype 是否需要这三个特征就看自己了。小木屋只需要持仓信息,因此只需要提前(9点15分,避免9点30分的高峰期)把持仓信息提前发给数据库,再交给迅投QMT处理,因此order_values、price、ordertype对我不重要,code是对的即可。

 #5.2下单指令入库函数 def push_order_command(order_dict_list): def format_code(code): code = code.replace('.XSHE','.SZ') code = code.replace('.XSHG','.SH') return code try: # Define your database connection parameters db_user = 'xxxxxx' # 修改为你的数据库用户名 db_password = 'xxxxx' # 修改为你的数据库密码 db_host = 'xxxx.x.xxx.xx' # 修改为你的数据库ip db_name = 'xxxxxxx' # 修改为你的数据库名称 # Create an SQLAlchemy engine engine = create_engine(f'mysql://{ 
     db_name}') # 创建一个基类,用于声明数据模型 # Create a session Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() for order_dict in order_dict_list: pk = order_dict['pk'] # 唯一识别码,可以理解为订单号,区分不同的订单 code = format_code(order_dict['code']) # 证券代码 tradetime = order_dict['tradetime'] # 交易时间 order_values = order_dict['order_values'] # 下单数量,可以改名为amount price = order_dict['price'] # 下单价格 ordertype = order_dict['ordertype'] # 下单方向,买 或 卖 if_deal = order_dict['if_deal'] # 是否已经成交 insertdate = order_dict['insertdate'] # 订单信息插入数据库的时间 # Create a new record new_record = JoinQuantTable( pk=pk, code=code, tradetime=tradetime, order_values=order_values, price=price, ordertype=ordertype, if_deal=if_deal, insertdate=insertdate ) # Add the record to the session session.add(new_record) # Commit the changes to the database session.commit() # Close the session session.close() except Exception as e: print('数据库出错') print(e) 






| 核心代码

def init(ContextInfo): global position_flag, delete_flag, order_flag ContextInfo.run_time("myHandlebar","3nSecond","2019-10-14 13:20:00","SH") position_flag = False delete_flag = True order_flag = True account = "xxxxxxxx" ContextInfo.accID = str(account) ContextInfo.set_account(ContextInfo.accID) print('init') 


 def get_data(query_str): today_date = datetime.today().date() today_date = today_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') host = "xxx.x.xxx.xx" port = 3306 user = "xxxxxx" password = "xxxxxxx" database = 'xxxxx' # 连接 MySQL 数据库 conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database, charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() # 执行 SQL 查询语句 cursor.execute(query_str) # 获取查询结果 result = cursor.fetchall() # 将查询结果转化为 Pandas dataframe 对象 res = pd.DataFrame([result[i] for i in range(len(result))], columns=[i[0] for i in cursor.description]) res['tradedate'] = res['tradetime'].apply(lambda x:x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) res = res[res['tradedate'] == today_date] target_stock = res['code'].tolist() cursor.close() conn.close() return target_stock def delete_data(): query_str = """DELETE FROM joinquant.joinquant_stock_shipan5S""" host = "xxx.x.xxx.xx" port = 3306 user = "xxxxxx" password = "xxxx" database = 'xxxxxx' try: # 连接 MySQL 数据库 conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, user=user, password=password, database=database, charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() # 执行 SQL 查询语句 cursor.execute(query_str) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close() print('删除数据库中的所有数据') except Exception as e: print('错误:{}'.format(e)) return 


 def myHandlebar(ContextInfo): global position_flag, delete_flag, order_flag current_time = datetime.now().time() # 设置起始和结束时间 morning_start_time = time(9, 30, 5) morning_end_time = time(9, 32) morning_delete_database_start = time(11, 29) morning_delete_database_end = time(11, 30) target_stock = [] buy_direction = 23 sell_direction = 24 SALE3 = 2 BUY3 = 8 lastest_price = 5 day_start_time = time(9, 29) day_end_time = time(15, 30) if day_start_time <= current_time and current_time <= day_end_time: # print('handlebar:{}'.format(datetime.now())) query_str = """select * from joinquant.joinquant_stock_shipan5S""" try: target_stock = get_data(query_str) except Exception as e: target_stock = [] print('发生错误,错误:{}'.format(e)) if len(target_stock) < 1: return if morning_start_time <= current_time and current_time <= morning_end_time: position_flag = True delete_flag = True if order_flag == False: return position_info = get_trade_detail_data(ContextInfo.accID, 'stock', 'position') postion_code = [] pistion_volumn = { 
   } if len(position_info) > 0: for ele in position_info: if ele.m_nVolume > 0: code_num = code_prefix_dix(ele.m_strInstrumentID) postion_code.append(code_num) pistion_volumn[code_num] = ele.m_nVolume lastest_postion_code = postion_code.copy() acc_info = get_trade_detail_data(ContextInfo.accID, 'stock', 'account') avail_balance = acc_info[0].m_dAvailable order_num = 5 order_value = avail_balance / order_num order_value = order_value / 1000 # 实盘的时候去掉 for code_ele in postion_code[::-1]: if code_ele not in target_stock: passorder(sell_direction, 1101, ContextInfo.accID, code_ele, BUY3, -1, pistion_volumn[code_ele], '', 1, '', ContextInfo) del lastest_postion_code[postion_code.index(code_ele)] print('postion_code:', postion_code) acc_info = get_trade_detail_data(ContextInfo.accID, 'stock', 'account') avail_balance = acc_info[0].m_dAvailable order_num = len(target_stock) - len(lastest_postion_code) if order_num != 0: order_value = avail_balance / order_num order_value = order_value / 1000 # 实盘的时候去掉  for code_ele_buy in target_stock: if code_ele_buy not in lastest_postion_code: passorder(buy_direction, 1102, ContextInfo.accID, code_ele_buy, SALE3, -1, 20000, '', 1, '', ContextInfo) lastest_postion_code.append(code_ele_buy) if len(lastest_postion_code) >= len(target_stock): break order_flag = False elif morning_delete_database_start < current_time and current_time < morning_delete_database_end: order_flag = True if delete_flag == True: delete_data() delete_flag = False 



今天的文章 聚宽将与一创分手,QMT竟成最大赢家?分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
上一篇 2024-12-31 17:30
下一篇 2024-12-31 17:27


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