
正则表达式的基础语法及案例扩展正则表达式 ExtendedRegu ERE 支持比基本正则表达式更多的字符 但是扩



命令名 支持正则表达式类型
grep 支持使用基本正则表达式
egrep 支持使用扩展正则表达式
fgrep 不支持使用正则表达式,即所有的正则表达式中的字符都将作为一般字符,仅仅拥有其字面意义,不再拥有特殊意义


参数 解析
-n 显示行号
-o 只显示匹配的内容
-q 静默模式,没有任何输出,得用$?来判断执行成功没有,即有没有过滤到想要的内容
-l 如果匹配成功,则只将文件名打印出来,失败则不打印,通常-rl一起用,grep -rl ‘root’ /etc
-A 如果匹配成功,则将匹配行及其后n行一起打印出来
-B 如果匹配成功,则将匹配行及其前n行一起打印出来
-C 如果匹配成功,则将匹配行及其前后n行一起打印出来
–color 高亮颜色显示匹配到的字符串
-c 如果匹配成功,则将匹配到的行数打印出来
-E 等于egrep,扩展
-i 忽略大小写
-v 取反,不匹配
-w 匹配单词
-r 递归搜索,不仅搜索当前目录,还要搜索其各级子目录
-s 不显示关于不存在或者无法读取文件的错误信息


[root@haha day6]# grep -n '"' test_file  1:fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. 3:"Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 5:"I know every day that buying books, buying books, what else will I do besides buying books!" The wife was angry and yelling, pulled out the chair, gave a hard meal, and sat down on it. 7:"I'm blind. When I was young, I thought you could read a word, but I thought you could do something big!" [root@haha day6]#  
[root@haha day6]# grep -no '"' test_file  1:" 1:" 1:" 1:" 1:" 1:" 3:" 
[root@haha day6]# grep -noq '"' test_file  [root@haha day6]# echo $? 0 
[root@haha day6]# grep -nol '"' test_file  test_file 
[root@haha day6]# grep -A 3 fter test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -B 2 Buy test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -C 2 Buy test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. "I know every day that buying books, buying books, what else will I do besides buying books!" The wife was angry and yelling, pulled out the chair, gave a hard meal, and sat down on it. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -c I test_file  9 
[root@haha day6]# grep -v I test_file  "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. "Not bought, borrowed? Who still buys books to read now? Also lend it to you! Hey! " My wife shrugged me off and stood up and went out. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -w Buy test_file  "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -i buy test_file  "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. "I know every day that buying books, buying books, what else will I do besides buying books!" The wife was angry and yelling, pulled out the chair, gave a hard meal, and sat down on it. "No, I didn't buy it …". "Not bought, borrowed? Who still buys books to read now? Also lend it to you! Hey! " My wife shrugged me off and stood up and went out. 


基本正则表达式(Basic Regular Expression,BRE),又称为标准正则表达式,是最早制订的正则表达

字符 含义
^ 在每行的开始进行匹配
$ 在每行的末尾进行匹配
. 对任何单个字符进行匹配
* 对前一项进行0次或多次重复匹配
[str] 对str中的任何单个字符进行匹配
[^str] 对任何不在str中的单个字符进行匹配
[a-b] 对a到b之间的任何字符进行匹配
\ 忽略后面一个字符的特殊含义


[root@haha day6]# grep -i '^"buy' test_file  "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -i 'table.$' test_file  "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. 
[root@haha day6]# grep -i ^.*$ test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. "Buy books again!" With a loud drink, my wife snatched the book from my hand and slammed it on the table. "I know every day that buying books, buying books, what else will I do besides buying books!" The wife was angry and yelling, pulled out the chair, gave a hard meal, and sat down on it. 
[root@haha day6]# egrep -w [.] test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. "No, I didn't buy it …". 
[root@haha day6]# egrep [a-c] test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. 


字符 说明
[[:alnum:]] 匹配任意一个字母或者数字,等价于[A-Za-z0-9]
[[:alpha:]] 匹配任意一个字母,等价于[A-Za-z]
[[:digit:]] 匹配任意一个数字,等价于0-9
[[:lower:]] 匹配任意一个小写字母,等价于a-z
[[:upper:]] 匹配任意一个大写字母,等价于A-Z
[[:space:]] 匹配任意一个空白符,包括空格、制表符、换行符以及分页符
[[:blank:]] 匹配空格和制表符
[[:graph:]] 匹配任意一个看得见的可打印字符,不包括空白字符
[[:print:]] 匹配任何一个可以打印的字符,包括空白字符,但是不包括控制字符、字符串结束符‘\0’、EOF文件结束符(-1)
[[:cntrl:]] 匹配任何一个控制字符,即ASCII字符集中的前32个字符。例如换行符、制表符等
[[:punct:]] 匹配任何一个标点符号,例如“[]”、“{}”或者“,”等
[[:xdigit:]] 匹配十六进制数字,即0-9、a-f以及A-F


[root@haha day6]# egrep [[:upper:]] test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. 
[root@haha day6]# egrep [[:xdigit:]] test_file  fter receiving the book Nostalgia and Rhyme, I rubbed it slowly, "My article has finally been printed", and I couldn't help crying, "I have been writing for more than ten years, …". Open the table of contents and find my article, "Oh, on page 58". My hand trembled slightly. 


扩展正则表达式(Extended Regular Expression,ERE)支持比基本正则表达式更多的字符,但是扩

字符 含义
+ 对前一项进行1次或多次重复匹配
{j} 对前一项进行j次重复匹配
{j,} 对前一项进行j次或更多次重复匹配
{,k} 对前一项最多进行k次重复匹配
(s|t) 匹配s项或t项中的一项


[root@haha day6]# egrep -q ^.+$ test_file  [root@haha day6]# echo $? 0 


  • 匹配学号
[root@haha day6]# echo 0 | egrep ^"0([0][1-9]|[1-3][0-9]|[4][0-3])"$ 0 
  • ipv4地址
[root@haha day6]# echo | grep -oP '(((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))\.){3}((\d{1,2})|(1\d{2})|(2[0-4]\d)|(25[0-5]))' 
  • 邮箱地址
[root@haha day6]# echo | grep -oP ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$  
  • 8位强密码
[root@haha day6]# echo Lc12254@ |grep -oP '(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[^a-zA-Z0-9]).{8,}' Lc12254@ 
  • url正则表达式
[root@haha day6]# echo https://www.cnblogs.com/eliwen/p/12742421.html | grep -oP "(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&/~\+#])?"
今天的文章 正则表达式的基础语法及案例分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
上一篇 2025-01-02 20:11
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