October 26, 2024
雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明


1. diagnose /'daɪəgnəʊz/
v. 诊断;确诊;判断
搭配:diagnose a disease/ problem
be diagnosed with…被诊断患有…
e.g. The specialist diagnosed the patient after reviewing the test results.
e.g. She was diagnosed with diabetes.
n. diagnosis /ˌdaɪəg'nəʊsɪs/
搭配:make / confirm/ give a diagnosis 做出诊断
e.g. After several tests, the doctor finally made a clear diagnosis of pneumonia.
e.g. They will give me a diagnosis when they get the scan results.
2. mortality /mɔː'tælɪtɪ/
n. 死亡
搭配:mortality rate 死亡率
e.g. The government is trying to reduce infant mortality.
e.g. The mortality rate from heart disease has significantly decreased due to advances in medicine.
e.g. The pandemic caused a sharp rise in global mortality.
补充:infant n. 婴儿;幼儿
pandemic n. [全国或全球性]流行病
adj. mortal 终有一死的;不能永生的
e.g. Fear of the unknown is a common trait among mortal beings.
e.g. As humans, we are all mortal and must face the reality of death someday.
3. detachment /dɪ'tætʃm(ə)nt/
v. 超然;冷漠;冷静;客观
搭配:professional detachment :the ability to remain objective and emotionally distant in a work setting, especially in roles that involve emotional or difficult situations. 职业上的情感隔离
e.g. As a doctor, maintaining professional detachment is crucial to providing effective care without becoming overwhelmed by emotions.
e.g. Therapists must practice professional detachment to help clients while avoiding emotional burnout.
be overwhelmed by被…所压垮
反义补充: empathy: the ability to share another person's feelings and emotions as if they were your own.
e.g. While working in customer service, it’s important to strike a balance between empathy and professional detachment.
4. rewarding /rɪ'wɔːdɪŋ/
adj. 有益的;值得的;有意义的
e.g. Life for a successful doctor can be emotionally and financially rewarding.
e.g. Nursing is a very rewarding career.
补充:nursing n. 护理行业

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