Navicat for Premium 9.0.2激活(jdk 9.0.1连接mySQL_虚拟机安装CentOS7及安装jdk1.8,mysql5.7,tomcat9)

Navicat for Premium 9.0.2激活(jdk 9.0.1连接mySQL_虚拟机安装CentOS7及安装jdk1.8,mysql5.7,tomcat9)

Overview Module Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Java SE 9 &
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ARCH: Java® Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 9 API Specification This document is divided into three sections: Java SE The Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) APIs define the core Java platform for general-purpose computing. These APIs are in modules whose names start with java.
JDK The Java Development Kit (
JDK) APIs are specific to the
JDK and will not necessarily be available in all implementations of the Java SE Platform. These APIs are in modules whose names start with
jdk. JavaFX The JavaFX APIs define a set of user-interface controls, graphics, media, and web packages for developing rich client applications. These APIs are in modules whose names start with javafx. Java SE Module Description java.activation Defines the JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API. java.base Defines the foundational APIs of the Java SE Platform. java.compiler Defines the Language Model, Annotation Processing, and Java Compiler APIs. java.corba Defines the Java binding of the OMG CORBA APIs, and the RMI-IIOP API. java.
datatransfer Defines the API for transferring
data between and within applications. java.desktop Defines the AWT and Swing user interface toolkits, plus APIs for accessibility, audio, imaging, printing, and JavaBeans. java.instrument Defines services that allow agents to instrument programs running on the JVM. java.logging Defines the Java Logging API. Defines the Java Management Extensions (JMX) API. Defines the RMI connector for the Java Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API. java.naming Defines the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API. java.prefs Defines the Preferences API. java.rmi Defines the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) API. java.scripting Defines the Scripting API. Defines the core Java SE API. Defines the full API of the Java SE Platform. Defines the Java binding of the IETF Generic Security Services API (GSS-API). Defines Java support for the IETF Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). java.sql Defines the JDBC API. java.sql.rowset Defines the JDBC RowSet API. java.transaction Defines a subset of the Java Transaction API (JTA) to support CORBA interoperation. java.xml Defines the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), the Streaming API for XML (StAX), the Simple API for XML (SAX), and the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) API. java.xml.bind Defines the Java
Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) API. java.xml.crypto Defines the API for XML cryptography. Defines the Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS), and the Web Services Meta
data API. Defines a subset of the Common Annotations API to support programs running on the Java SE Platform.
JDK Module Description
jdk.accessibility Defines
JDK utility classes used by implementors of Assistive Technologies.
jdk.attach Defines the attach API.
jdk.charsets Provides charsets that are not in java.base (mostly double byte and IBM charsets).
jdk.compiler Defines the implementation of the system Java compiler and its command line equivalent, javac, as well as javah.
jdk.crypto.cryptoki Provides the implementation of the SunPKCS11 security provider. Provides the implementation of the SunEC security provider.
jdk.dynalink Defines the API for dynamic linking of high-level operations on objects.
jdk.editpad Provides the implementation of the edit pad service used by
jdk.hotspot.agent Defines the implementation of the HotSpot Serviceability Agent.
jdk.httpserver Defines the
JDK-specific HTTP server API.
jdk.incubator.httpclient Defines the high-level HTTP and WebSocket API.
jdk.jartool Defines tools for manipulating Java
Archive (JAR) files, including the jar and jarsigner tools.
jdk.javadoc Defines the implementation of the system documentation tool and its command line equivalent, javadoc.
jdk.jcmd Defines tools for diagnostics and troubleshooting a JVM such as the jcmd, jps, jstat tools.
jdk.jconsole Defines the JMX graphical tool, jconsole, for monitoring and managing a running application.
jdk.jdeps Defines tools for analysing dependencies in Java libraries and programs, including the jdeps, javap, and jdeprscan tools.
jdk.jdi Defines the Java Debug Interface.
jdk.jdwp.agent Provides the implementation of the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) agent.
jdk.jfr Defines the API for Java Flight Recorder.
jdk.jlink Defines the jlink tool for creating run-time images, the jmod tool for creating and manipulating JMOD files, and the jimage tool for inspecting the
JDK implementation-specific container file for classes and resources.
jdk.jshell This module provides support for Java Programming Language ‘snippet’ evaluating tools, such as Read-Eval-Print Loops (REPLs), including the jshell tool.
jdk.jsobject Defines the API for the JavaScript Object.
jdk.jstatd Defines the jstatd tool for starting a daemon for the jstat tool to monitor JVM statistics remotely.
data Provides the locale
data for locales other than US locale. Defines
JDK-specific management interfaces for the JVM. Defines the JMX management agent. Defines the Management Interface for Cooperative Memory Management. Defines the Management Interface for Java Flight Recorder. Defines the Resource Management API.
jdk.naming.dns Provides the implementation of the DNS Java Naming provider.
jdk.naming.rmi Provides the implementation of the RMI Java Naming provider. Defines the
JDK-specific Networking API.
jdk.pack Defines tools for transforming a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file and transforming a packed file into a JAR file, including the pack200 and unpack200 tools. Defines the services used by the Java packager tool.
jdk.policytool Defines the GUI tool for managing policy files called policytool.
jdk.rmic Defines the rmic compiler for generating stubs and skeletons using the Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) and stubs and tie class files (IIOP protocol) for remote objects.
jdk.scripting.nashorn Provides the implementation of Nashorn script engine and the runtime environment for programs written in ECMAScript 5.1.
jdk.sctp Defines the
JDK-specific API for SCTP. Provides implementations of the* interfaces and various authentication modules. Defines Java extensions to the GSS-API and an implementation of the SASL GSSAPI mechanism.
jdk.snmp Defines the SNMP management agent.
jdk.xml.dom Defines the subset of the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) API that is not part of the Java SE API.
jdk.zipfs Provides the implementation of the zip file system provider. JavaFX Module Description javafx.base Defines the base APIs for the JavaFX UI toolkit, including APIs for bindings, properties, collections, and events. javafx.controls Defines the UI controls, charts, and skins that are available for the JavaFX UI toolkit. javafx.fxml Defines the FXML APIs for the JavaFX UI toolkit. Defines the core scenegraph APIs for the JavaFX UI toolkit (such as layout containers, application lifecycle, shapes, transformations, canvas, input, painting, image handling, and effects), as well as APIs for animation, css, concurrency, geometry, printing, and windowing. Defines APIs for playback of media and audio content, as part of the JavaFX UI toolkit, including MediaView and MediaPlayer. javafx.swing Defines APIs for the JavaFX / Swing interop support included with the JavaFX UI toolkit, including SwingNode (for embedding Swing inside a JavaFX application) and JFXPanel (for Navicat for Premium 9.0.2激活 embedding JavaFX inside a Swing application). javafx.web Defines APIs for the WebView functionality contained within the the JavaFX UI toolkit. Other Modules Module Description java.jnlp Defines the API for Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP). java.smartcardio Defines the Java Smart Card I/O API. Skip navigation links Overview Module Package Class Use Tree Deprecated Index Help Java SE 9 &
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