基于ElementUI封装一个表格组件 tableList

基于ElementUI封装一个表格组件 tableList我们项目中使用的表格一般都比较类似,如果不进行封装的话,那么每个页面都可能有一些类似的代码。不仅浪费时间,而且由于开发人员不同的开发习惯。后期维护人员需要花费一点时间去看每个人的代码。所以我直接将表格做一个二次封装,只要一个人去维护这份代码即可。下面是我封装的内容





以下是tableList 组件的代码

<!--刷新按钮 和 筛选列的多选框 layout中要有 control 才显示,默认显示-->
  <div class="table">
    <div class="table-control" v-if="layoutKey.control">
      <div class="table-control-title" @click="reload">
        <i class="el-icon-refresh"></i></div>
      <el-dropdown class="table-control-title">
        <span class="el-dropdown-link"><i class="el-icon-s-operation table-control-icon"></i></span>
        <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown" class="table-control-checkbox">
          <el-checkbox-group v-model="headItems" @change="changeChecked">
            <el-checkbox class="table-control-checkbox-item" v-for="(item,index) in allColumn" :label="item" :key="index">{{item}}
    <el-table class="table" style="width: 100%" ref="tableList" :data="tableData" :defaultSort.async="defaultSort" v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners" @selectionChange="selectionChange" @sort-change="sortChange">
      <ex-table-column v-if="layoutKey.expand" type="expand" fixed>
        <slot name="expand" :data="props" slot-scope="props"/>
      <ex-table-column v-if="layoutKey.checkBox" fixed type="selection" :width="62" :selectable="selectable"/>
      <ex-table-column v-if="layoutKey.index" type="index" label="序号" width="60"/>
      <ex-table-column v-for="(column,index) in activeColumn" :key="index" :prop="column.field" :column-key="column.field" :label="column.title" :fixed="column.fixed" :sortable="column.sort" :selectable="column.selectable" :show-overflow-tooltip="column.tooltip" :autoFit='true' :width="column.width" :fitByClass="autoWidth(column.width)" :minWidth="column.minWidth || defaultWidth">
        <slot :name="column.field" :data="scope.row" :field="column.field" :content="column.field" :index="index" slot-scope="scope">
  <!--分页控件,layout中要有 control 才显示,默认显示-->
    <el-pagination background small class="table-pagination" :current-page.sync="page.pageNo" :page-sizes="page.list" :page-size="page.pageSize" :layout="page.layout" :total="page.total" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" @size-change="handleSizeChange" v-if="layoutKey.page"/>

<script> import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import ExTableColumn from './ExTableColumn'; export default { components: { ExTableColumn }, // 提供出来给其他组件调用,具体用法参考 vue 官方用法 provide() { return { tableList: this, }; }, props: { // 默认的表格大小 defaultWidth: { type: Number, required: false, default: 100, }, // 显示的控件,目前就page,control 两个可选,可根据需求自行扩展 layout: { default: 'page,control', }, // 多选时 返回的key,默认id checkKey: { type: [Number, String], default: () => 'id', }, // 请求参数,必填 req: { type: Object, required: true, default: () => ({ url: undefined, type: 'post', params: { query: {}, }, pageNo: 1, pageSize: 1, }), }, // 默认排序,参考 elementUI table 用法 defaultSort: { type: [String, Object], required: false, }, // 列表显示的列 // { title : 必填 String, 显示的列名 field : 必填 String , 列中的key width : 选填,String 列宽,单位像素, fixed : 选填,String 是否固定的列,可选 right, left sort : 选填,Boolean 是否可排序 expend: 选填,Boolean 是否可展开,配置slot:expand 显示展开内容 limit : 选填,Boolean 权限控制,false 则不显示 } columns: { type: Array, required: true, default: () => [{ title: '操作', field: 'ctrl', width: '60', fixed: 'right' }], }, // 这一行的 CheckBox 是否可以勾选,用法参考elementUI table用法 selectable: { type: Function, default: () => true, }, // 其他table参数,都会传给table }, data() { return { layoutKey: {}, page: { list: [5, 10, 20, 50, 100], total: null, pageSize: 10, pageNo: 1, layout: 'total,sizes,prev,pager,next,jumper', }, tableData: [], sort: '', checkRows: [], checkKeys: [], headItems: [], allColumn: [], activeColumn: [], }; }, methods: { sortChange({ prop, order }) { this.sort = `${prop} ${order === 'descending' ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`; this.refresh(); }, selectionChange(selection) { this.checkRows = selection; this.checkKeys = []; selection.map((row) => { this.checkKeys.push(row[this.checkKey]); return true; }); this.$emit('selectionChange', selection); }, /** **************************method*********************************** */ // 分页 async handleCurrentChange(currentPage) { this.page.pageNo = currentPage; this.$emit('handleCurrentChange', currentPage); await this.initTable({ vm: this }); }, handleSizeChange(size) { this.page.pageSize = size; this.page.pageNo = 1; this.$emit('handleSizeChange', size); this.initTable({ vm: this }); }, /** *****************************动态渲染头部************************************* */ // 取消选中菜单 changeChecked() { this.changeColumn({ vm: this }); }, changeColumn: debounce(async ({ vm }) => { const that = vm; const keys = new Set(vm.headItems); const activeColumn = vm.columns.filter((item) => { if (keys.has(item.title)) { return true; } return false; }); that.activeColumn = activeColumn; that.activeColumn.splice(1, 0); }, 200), /** *****************************刷新************************************* */ // 刷新表格数据(使用现有参数) refresh(type) { if (type === 'delete' && this.page.pageNo > 1 && this.tableData.length === 1) { this.page.pageNo = this.page.pageNo - 1; } this.initTable({ vm: this }); }, // 重新加载数据(重置到第一页) reload() { if (this.page.pageNo !== 1) { this.page.pageNo = 1; } this.initTable({ vm: this }); }, initTable: debounce(async ({ vm }) => { const that = vm; that.tableData = []; const params = that._.assign({ pageNo: that.page.pageNo, pageSize: that.page.pageSize, sortStr: that.sort }, that.req.params); // 右值覆盖左值,返回左值 // 发起请求,根据实际项目中,接口来做 const { data } = await window.axios[that.req.type || 'post'](that.req.url, params); if (data && that.$utils.Type.isArray(data.result)) { that.tableData = data.result; that.page.total = data.total * 1; } that.$nextTick(() => { that.$emit('loadDone', that.tableData, params); }); }, 300), getCheckRows() { return this.checkRows; }, getCheckKeys() { return this.checkKeys; }, handleHead(columns) { const allColumn = []; columns.map((item) => { if (!item.limit) { allColumn.push(item.title); } return true; }); this.headItems = allColumn; this.allColumn = allColumn; this.changeChecked(); }, handleLayout() { const layout = this.layout; if (!layout) return null; layout.split(',') .map( (item) => { const key = item.trim(); this.layoutKey[key] = true; return true; }, ); return this.layoutKey; }, autoWidth(width) { if (this.$utils.isEmpty(width)) { return 'cell'; } return width; }, init() { this.handleLayout(); this.handleHead(this.columns); if (this.defaultSort) { const { prop, order } = this.defaultSort; this.sort = `${prop} ${order === 'descending' ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`; } this.initTable({ vm: this }); } , }, async created() { this.init(); }, watch: { queryParams: { handler() { this.reload({ vm: this }); }, }, columns: { handler() { this.handleHead(this.columns); }, }, }, computed: { queryParams() { if (this.$utils.isNotEmpty(this.req.params)) { return this.req.params; } return {}; }, }, }; </script>

<style lang="less" scoped> @import './style/index'; </style>


    <table-list :req="tableReq" ref="tableList" :stripe="true" // table 原来的参数也是支持使用的,方法也支持使用。 :columns="[ {title:'用户名',field:'name',sort:'true',fixed:true}, {title:'英文名',field:'aliasName',sort:'true',fixed:true}, {title:'年龄',field:'age', sort:true}, {title:'职业',field:'job', sort:true}, {title:'邮箱',field:'email'}, {title:'出生日期',field:'birthday'}, {title:'家庭住址',field:'address'}, {title:'户籍',field:'domicile'}, ]">
      <!--格式化时间列,所有的列都可以这么使用,slot 名为列field-->
      <template slot="birthday" slot-scope="{data}">

<script> import TableList from './table/components/TableList'; export default { name: 'HelloWorld', components: { TableList }, data() { return { tableReq: { url: '/user/list', //必填 type: 'post', //可选, 默认 post params: {} // 可选 } }; }, methods: { format(time) { if (this.$utils.isEmpty(time)) return '/'; return this.$utils.format(new Date(time), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'); }, }, mounted() { } }; </script>


基于ElementUI封装一个表格组件 tableList

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