

Association Qualifiers

• Navigability: shows the navigability (i.e. uni-directional or bi-directional) from one side of an association to the other

– You can get a password from a user, but cannot get a user from a password

Figure 4-12: Navigability

• Role name and visibility: shows the purpose and visibility (i.e. public, private or protected) of each side of the association

– Refers to that side of association

Figure 4-13: Role Name and Visibility

• Cardinality: shows the number of objects that can participate in either side of the association

(i.e. role):

– 1 Company has 0 or more Departments

Figure 4-14: Cardinality

• Association classes: show attributes assigned to the association for “normalization”

– Hiring information (HireInfo) only exists when an “employee” is employed by an “employer”

Figure 4-15: Association Class


Windchill Object Model

• WT_HOME/src/wt/WTDesigner.mdl is provided with Information Modeler

– In 8.0, WT_HOME/src/com/ptc/windchill/pdmlink/pdmlink.mdl was also provided with Windchill PDMLink for reference-only

• Windchill functionality is separated into packages, for example:

– Document related classes in wt.doc

– Part related classes in wt.part

• Windchill packages are individually stored in separate Rational Rose files (.cat files) called


• When opening the object model, a prompt will open:

Figure 4-16: Load subunits of WTdesigner.mdl?

Select Yes.

Note: It’s also possible to say No to not load subunits initially when opening WTdesigner.mdl.

When a package is opened, the associated .cat file would be loaded.

Search would not work correctly in this mode since all units are not loaded.

• When customizing, create customization inside packages that are controlled as subunits, just like OOTB Windchill separates functions in packages and sub units.

• Never make changes to the OOTB Windchill model or WTdesigner.mdl.

When preparing to close Rational Rose or WTdesigner.mdl,

• First, save the individual units representing customization.

• Close Rational Rose.

• A prompt will appear:

Figure 4-17: Save model and subunit changes?

To avoid saving any inadvertent changes to WTdesigner.mdl, select No. There is one exception:after adding new packages and units to represent customization, the addition of the custom

package and unit should be saved into the model. By doing this, when the model is opened again,it will automatically load the custom packages and units.

The Windchill model provides class diagrams in these packages to graphically display relationships

and modeling features.

Developers can use these packages and diagrams to build new features and functionality (i.e.customize the system).

Figure 4-18: Windchill Packages今天的文章zzz2分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读,如果确实帮到您,您可以动动手指转发给其他人。

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