matlab图像拼接 设计,MATLAB图像拼接算法及实现.doc

matlab图像拼接 设计,MATLAB图像拼接算法及实现.doc图像拼接算法及实现(一)论文关键词:图像拼接 图像配准 图像融合 全景图  论文摘要:图像拼接imagemosaic技术是将一组相互间重叠部分的图像序列进行空间匹配对准,经重采样合成后形成一幅包含各图像序列信息的宽视角场景的、完整的、高清晰的新图像的技术。图像拼接在摄影测量学、计算机视觉、遥感图像处理、医学图像分析、计算机图形学等领域有着广泛的应用价值。一般来说,图像拼接的过程由图像获取,…

matlab图像拼接 设计,MATLAB图像拼接算法及实现.doc

图像拼接算法及实现(一)论文关键词:图像拼接 图像配准 图像融合 全景图  论文摘要:图像拼接 image mosaic 技术是将一组相互间重叠部分的图像序列进行空间匹配对准,经重采样合成后形成一幅包含各图像序列信息的宽视角场景的、完整的、高清晰的新图像的技术。图像拼接在摄影测量学、计算机视觉、遥感图像处理、医学图像分析、计算机图形学等领域有着广泛的应用价值。 一般来说,图像拼接的过程由图像获取,图像配准,图像合成三步骤组成,其中图像配准是整个图像拼接的基础。本文研究了两种图像配准算法:基于特征和基于变换域的图像配准算法。 在基于特征的配准算法的基础上,提出一种稳健的基于特征点的配准算法。首先改进Harris角点检测算法,有效提高所提取特征点的速度和精度。然后利用相似测度NCC normalized cross correlation――归一化互相关 ,通过用双向最大相关系数匹配的方法提取出初始特征点对,用随机采样法RANSAC Random Sample Consensus 剔除伪特征点对,实现特征点对的精确匹配。最后用正确的特征点匹配对实现图像的配准。本文提出的算法适应性较强,在重复性纹理、旋转角度比较大等较难自动匹配场合下仍可以准确实现图像配准。  Abstract:Image mosaic is a technology that carries on the spatial matching to a series of image which are overlapped with each other, and finally builds a seamless and high quality image which has high resolution and big eyeshot. Image mosaic has widely applications in the fields of photogrammetry, computer vision, remote sensing image processing, medical image analysis, computer graphic and so on. 。In general, the process of image mosaic by the image acquisition, image registration, image synthesis of three steps, one of image registration are the basis of the entire image mosaic. In this paper, two image registration algorithm: Based on the characteristics and transform domain-based image registration algorithm. In feature-based registration algorithm based on a robust feature-based registration algorithm points. First of all, to improve the Harris corner detection algorithm, effectively improve the extraction of feature points of the speed and accuracy. And the use of a similar measure of NCC normalized cross correlation – Normalized cross-correlation , through the largest correlation coefficient with two-way matching to extract the feature points out the initial right, using random sampling method RANSAC Random Sample Consensus excluding pseudo-feature points right, feature points on the implementation of the exact match. Finally with the correct feature point matching for image registration implementation.

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