The end-to-end learning with structure prior is more powerful than a “blind” end-to-end learning.
目前triplet loss等用的比较多。Combining softmax loss with metric learning loss to speed up the convergence is also a popular method. 还有一些考虑局部特征如pose和part的方法,具体见论文。
注意local feature就是先做一个方向的global pooling(垂直纸面方向),然后用1*1卷积降低通道数到128,这样就把图片中水平的信息在图片的宽度方向上进行了叠加。global feature用L2计算距离,local feature采用:
左上角到右下角的最短路径长度就是local feature的长度,可以用动态规划法求解:
注意fig 3中有的边是没用的,如A的1连B的1,其实是不匹配的。但是在设计dij的公式时,使得不匹配的地方L2差别大,梯度小,这样在训练时还是主要在缩小匹配部分的距离,不匹配的地方不太起作用。使用TriHard loss进行训练。而测试时只使用global feature来计算距离,因为local feature和global feature的联合训练实际上也优化了global feature,使得它almost as good as the combined features(当然也有可能是local的距离中包含了不匹配的部分,这部分在训练时可能影响不大,但是测试时对总的loss计算有干扰?)。
mutual learning
metric loss: both the global distances and the local distances
metric mutual loss: only the global distances.
classification mutual loss: KL divergence
就是说使得不同网络的分类loss和metric loss之间的差别变小,使得这些网络共同进步。the weight of classification mutual loss (KL) is set to 0.01, and the weight of metric mutual loss is set to 0.001.
Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding
第一行: directly using the top-k ranked images may introduce noise.
第二行:the probe is a reciprocal neighbor to the true matched images, but not to the false matches.
When two images are called k-reciprocal nearest neighbors, they are both ranked top-k when the other image is taken as the probe. Therefore, the k-reciprocal nearest neighbor serves as a stricter rule whether two images are true matches or not.
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