为了掌握一门科学知识,我们大多不是从阅读这门学科的历史开始, 相反,我们从记住一大堆陌生的符号、公式、定律开始, 然后在教师和课本的示范下,反复做各种情形下的练习题, 直至能把这些陌生的公式、定律灵活运用于处理各种情况,我们才算掌握了这些知识。 但我们真的“理解”这些知识吗 那可不一定,理解这些定律的含义完全可以是另一回事 1. ‘Knowing’ is the expertise and skill acquired by an individual from his experiences and education while ‘understanding’ is a psychological process that requires an individual to think and use concepts to deal with a person, object, message, or situation. 2. Understanding has a deeper level than knowing. 3. Understanding may take longer to acquire than knowing.
know 和understand_know与understand的区别分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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