alternate端口什么意思_alternate 和 alternative 的用法区别

alternate端口什么意思_alternate 和 alternative 的用法区别同词根的英语单词的意思都很相近,例如adopted和adoptive,dependant和dependent等等,还有马上上场的alternate和alternative.一、alternate1、作动词,意为”使交

同词根的英语单词的意思都很相近,例如adopted 和 adoptive,dependant 和 dependent等等,还有马上上场的 alternate 和 alternative.


1、作动词,意为”使交替,使轮流,交替,轮流“,常用格式是 alternate A and B,alternate A with B,alternate between A and B,例如:

I like to alternate physical and intellectual activities.我喜欢交替进行体力和智力活动。

He alternated working in the office with long tours overseas.他交替进行上班和海外长途旅行。

Throughout the holiday, the weather alternated between rain and sunshine every day.在整个假期里,每天的天气都是晴雨交替。


The car is broken. We need alternate transport.汽车坏了。我们需要其他交通工具。

解析:此句中的 the car 已经不是一个选择了,alternate transport 替代它。

The trouble is you can only park in the hospital on alternate days.问题是你只能隔天停在医院里。

John has to work on alternate Sundays.约翰每隔一周就有一个星期日得上班。


Our usual captain is on leave. Simon is the alternate.我们的船长休假了。西蒙是代理船长。

In most jurisdictions, twelve jurors and two alternates are chosen.大多数辖区都会选出12名陪审员和2名候补陪审员。


The car is quite expensive. I suggest alternative transport.这辆车很贵。我建议其他交通工具。

解析:此句中的 the car 还是一个选择,alternative transport 是另外一个选择。

Do you have an alternative solution?你有没有别的解决办法?2、作名词,意为“可供选择的事物”,例如:

You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.你的工资可以按周以现金支取,或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。

We had no alternative but to fire Gibson.我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。


1、alternate 可以作动词、形容词和名词,而 alternative 只能作形容词和名词。2、alternate 是替代原先的,而 alternative 是原先的另一个选择。

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