

SFTP is a secure version of the FTP. SFTP provides an encrypted channel with a remote server. This makes authentication and data transfer more secure than FTP. SFTP protocol is generally provided by SSH servers by default. In this tutorial, we will learn the default SFTP port and how to change it to a different one.

SFTP是FTP的安全版本。 SFTP提供与远程服务器的加密通道。 这使身份验证和数据传输比FTP更安全。 默认情况下,SSH服务器通常提供SFTP协议。 在本教程中,我们将学习默认的SFTP端口以及如何将其更改为其他端口。

Linux Sftp Command With Examples

Linux Sftp命令示例

SFTP默认端口TCP 22(SFTP Default Port TCP 22)

SFTP is a subsystem of the SSH service or daemon. So this makes SFTP listen TCP 22 port. We can use the following sftp command to connect remote system SFTP service.

SFTP是SSH服务或守护程序的子系统。 因此,这使SFTP侦听TCP 22端口。 我们可以使用以下sftp命令来连接远程系统SFTP服务。

$ sftp
SFTP Default Port TCP 22
SFTP Default Port TCP 22
SFTP默认端口TCP 22

更改默认的SFTP端口 (Change Default SFTP Port)

If we want to change the default SFTP port we need to change SSH configuration which will also change the default SSH port. We need to open the SSH config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change

如果要更改默认的SFTP端口,则需要更改SSH配置,这也将更改默认的SSH端口。 我们需要打开SSH配置文件/etc/ssh/sshd_config并进行更改

#Port 22

To whatever we want. In this example, we change to the 2222 . This configuration will be more secure because it is harder to find by attackers.

无论我们想要什么。 在此示例中,我们更改为2222 。 此配置将更加安全,因为攻击者很难找到它。

Port 2222
Change Default SFTP Port
Change Default SFTP Port

After we changed the configuration file we need to make active the new configuration. We should restart the SSH services which will reread the configuration file and use the new SFTP port number. We will use systemctl command but other service management commands are welcome.

更改配置文件后,我们需要激活新配置。 我们应该重新启动SSH服务,它将重新读取配置文件并使用新的SFTP端口号。 我们将使用systemctl命令,但欢迎使用其他服务管理命令。

$ sudo systemctl restart sshd
SSH Service
SSH Service

如何为客户端指定不同的SFTP(How To Specify Different SFTP For Client)

During daily usage, we may need to connect remote SFTP server which port is different than default one which is TCP/22. We have to specify remote SFTP server port explicitly with the -P option and ports number to the sftp command.

在日常使用中,我们可能需要连接远程SFTP服务器,该服务器的端口不同于默认端口TCP / 22。 我们必须使用-P选项和sftp命令的端口号显式指定远程SFTP服务器端口。

$ sftp -P 2222 poftut.com


As stated previous SFTP is a function of the SSH protocol. So it is different than FTP mechanism. As FTP is not a secure or encrypted protocol it provides some security mechanism like SSL tunneling. FTPS or FTP SSL is secured version of FTP and shouldn’t be confused with SFTP. FTPS listen for regular FTP port 21 or whatever it is configured.

如前所述,SFTP是SSH协议的功能。 因此它不同于FTP机制。 由于FTP不是安全协议或加密协议,因此它提供了一些安全机制,例如SSL隧道。 FTPS或FTP SSL是FTP的安全版本,请勿与SFTP混淆。 FTPS侦听常规FTP端口21或配置的任何端口。


As SSH has two main versions name 1 and 2 SFTP is related to SSH. So in order to express an SFTP which works on only over SSHv2, we generally use SFTP2 . In another way SFTP2 will only work with `SSH version 2 services.

由于SSH有两个主要版本,名称分别为1和2,因此SFTP与SSH相关。 因此,为了表示只能在SSHv2上运行的SFTP,我们通常使用SFTP2SFTP2仅可用于`SSH版本2服务。

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All of these may seem the same as SFTP but they are not. They are used for FTP connections over SSL/TLS tunnels. They are different protocols. And they are using a different port than SFTP. They use FTP port which is TCP 21.

所有这些似乎都与SFTP相同,但事实并非如此。 它们用于通过SSL/TLS隧道的FTP连接。 它们是不同的协议。 他们使用的端口与SFTP不同。 他们使用的是TCP 21 FTP端口。


TFPT is a way different protocol which is similar to the FTP but provides fewer options. TFTP do no have any encryption or similar functions to secure remote data transfer. To get more details about TFTP please read the following tutorial.

TFPT是一种不同的协议,类似于FTP但提供的选项较少。 TFTP没有任何加密或类似功能来保护远程数据传输。 要获取有关TFTP的更多详细信息,请阅读以下教程。

How To Install, Configure and Run Linux Tftp Client

如何安装,配置和运行Linux Tftp客户端

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-default-sftp-port-and-how-to-change-sftp-port-number/


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