
《Python程序设计》——Python入门(2)今天开始为大家带来《Python程序设计》的学习。今天学习第一章——Python入门第二部分的内容,主要内容是程序结构和编码规范。Today b



Today begins the study of Python Programming for you. Today learn the first chapter – the second part of Introduction to Python, which focuses on program structure and coding specifications.







In python, there are three common file types: source code files, byte code files and optimized code files.

(1) Source code files: python source code files have the extension p.y and can be edited with a text editor.

(2) Byte code files: Byte code files with the extension .pyc are binary files compiled from python source code files, which are accelerated and executed by python, and are faster and can hide the source code. You can compile python source files into python byte code files by python.exe or script mode.

(3) Optimized code file: python optimized code file is a file compiled by optimization, which cannot be edited by text editor and is generally used in embedded system.





A simple python program requires very little code. However, a python program with complex functionality can be very large in code and needs to have good code structure.











(1) Comments. Single line comment: the line of code to be commented starts with #.

Multi-line comment: the multi-line code to be commented starts with #, or the multi-line code to be commented is placed between pairs of ”’ (3 single quotes) and “”” (3 double quotes).

Batch comment method: In IDLE, select the code block to be commented and press Alt+3 at the same time to add a batch comment. Select the block to be commented and press Alt+4 at the same time to remove the batch comment.

In PyCharm, select the block to be commented or uncommented, and press Ctrl+/ at the same time to toggle between adding bulk comments and deleting bulk comments.

(2) Code indentation: python uses strict indentation to reflect the subordination of code, instead of using curly brackets {}. The number of indented spaces is variable, but statements in the same statement block must contain the same number of indented spaces.

(3) Writing a statement on multiple lines: python can use backslashes (\) to write a statement on multiple lines.

(4) blank lines: blank lines are part of the program code. For example, a blank line separates functions and methods of a class, indicating the beginning of a new piece of code; a blank line also separates classes and function entries to highlight the beginning of a function entry. The role of blank lines is to separate two different functions or meaning of the code.

(5) statement block: indentation of the same set of statements constitute a statement block, also known as a statement group. Like if, while, def and class such a compound statement, the first line to the keyword to start with a colon (:), the line after the line or lines of code constitute a statement block. The indentation of statements in the same block must be the same.




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