

Windows registry is special database used to store a lot of information about system, user, network and other components. Registry requires privileged access in order to read, write, change and delete keys and their related values. In this tutorial we will look operations like read, write, change and delete on the registry.

Windows注册表是特殊的数据库,用于存储有关系统,用户,网络和其他组件的许多信息。 注册表需要特权访问才能读取,写入,更改和删除密钥及其相关值。 在本教程中,我们将在注册表上查找诸如读取,写入,更改和删除之类的操作。

打开注册表编辑器 (Open Regedit)

Regedit is a GUI tool used to list, write, change, delete, import and export registry keys in Windows operating systems. Regedit can be opened different ways but most popular and easy ways is providing regedit command into windows run like below.

Regedit是一个GUI工具,用于在Windows操作系统中列出,写入,更改,删除,导入和导出注册表项。 可以通过不同的方式打开Regedit,但是最流行,最简单的方法是将regedit命令提供给运行如下所示的Windows。

Open Regedit
Open Regedit

As previous stated operations on registry needs Administrator privileges following User Account Control prompt will appear to gain these privileges. We will simply click Yes

如前所述,对注册表的操作需要管理员权限,而出现“ User Account Control提示后,将显示这些权限。 我们只需单击“ Yes


注册表编辑器 (Registry Editor)

We will get Registry Editor like below. Registry Editor left sidebar is used to navigate in registry tree and right area is used to list currently selected keys, values and sub keys.

我们将获得如下所示的Registry Editor 。 注册表编辑器的左侧边栏用于在注册表树中导航,右侧区域用于列出当前选择的键,值和子键。

Registry Editor
Registry Editor

We can see that following root or main keys are listed.


  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key contains file name extensions associations and COM class registration information


  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER key contains preferences of the current user such as variables, printers, network connections etc


  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key contains configurations about all users inWindows.


  • HKEY_USERS key contains all user-specific data required by operations system and applications.


  • HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG key does not contain any information itself but acts as a pointer about the hardware information.


列出现有密钥 (List Existing Key)

As a GUI based editor we can navigate from left side bar to the key we want to list. Another ways to list a key is searching it in registry database. We can open search form by simply using CTRL+F shortcut or using Edit -> Find from menu bar like below.

作为基于GUI的编辑器,我们可以从左侧栏导航到要列出的键。 列出密钥的另一种方法是在注册表数据库中搜索它。 我们可以通过使用CTRL+F快捷方式或使用如下菜单栏上的Edit -> Find来打开搜索表单。

LEARN MORE  How To Add, Remove, Delete, Import, Export, Manage Registry Keys From Command Line In Windows?


List Existing Key
List Existing Key

Now we will get a Find Form like below. We will input the search term. There is 3 structures we can specifically look we can disable some of them.

现在,我们将获得如下所示的Find Form 。 我们将输入搜索词。 我们可以看一下3种结构,可以禁用其中一些。

  • Keys will search in keys


  • Values will search in values


  • Data will search in data


We can also set Match whole string only to match whole word not a part of word.

我们还可以设置“ Match whole string only以匹配整个单词而不是单词的一部分。

Find Existing Key
Find Existing Key

Keep in mind that the search operation will be done currently selected key and its subs keys recursively. For example in the following screenshot the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key and sub keys will be searched. By selecting Computer we can search in all keys and sub keys

请记住,搜索操作将递归执行当前选择的键及其子键。 例如,在以下屏幕截图中,将搜索HKEY_CURRENT_USER键和子键。 通过选择Computer我们可以搜索所有键和子键

Find Existing Key
Find Existing Key

添加新密钥(Add New Key)

We can add new key just clicking the keys we want to add as child.


Add New Key
Add New Key

添加新数据(Add New Data)

We can add new data similar to key but we need to select one of the datatypes like below.


Add New Data
Add New Data

Following data types are provided


  • String Value is generally used to store text or character data like user name, variable name etc.

    String Value通常用于存储文本或字符数据,例如用户名,变量名等。

  • Binary Value is used to store binary and boolean data

    Binary Value用于存储二进制和布尔数据

  • DWORD Value is used to store 8 bit or 1-byte data

    DWORD Value用于存储8位或1字节数据

  • QDWORD Valueis used to store 16 bit or 2-byte data

    QDWORD Value用于存储16位或2字节数据

  • Multi-String Value is used to store multiple string values

    Multi-String Value用于存储多个字符串值

  • Expendable String Value

    Expendable String Value

删除注册表项 (Remove Registry Key)

Registry key can be removed with right click  on the key we want to remove.


Remove Registry Key
Remove Registry Key

删除注册表数据(Remove Registry Data)

Removing data is similar to the removing key. We will just right click to the key we want to delete where this will open a menu and then left click to the Delete from the menu like below.

删除数据类似于删除键。 我们只是点击鼠标右键,我们要删去这将打开一个菜单,然后左键点击该键Delete从像下面的菜单。

LEARN MORE  How To Add, Remove, Delete, Import, Export, Manage Registry Keys From Command Line In Windows?


Remove Registry Data
Remove Registry Data

修改注册表数据(Modify Registry Data)

We can modify registry data like below. We will just right click to the key we want to delete where this will open a menu and then left click to the Modify from the menu like below.

我们可以像下面那样修改注册表数据。 我们只是点击鼠标右键,我们要删去这将打开一个菜单,然后左键点击该按键Modify从像下面的菜单。

Modify Registry Data
Modify Registry Data



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