【英语学习】【WOTD】bower 释义/词源/示例

【英语学习】【WOTD】bower 释义/词源/示例文章目录 Podcastbower n BOW er DefinitionDi ExamplesPodc BOW er 树荫处 凉亭 闺房 Definition1 anattractive 吸引人的住处或隐居处 陋室铭 2 alady sprivate bower 词源


bower podcast

bower n. [BOW-er]




Did You Know?

Bower derives from Old English būr, meaning “dwelling,” and was originally used of attractive homes or retreats, especially rustic cottages. In the Middle Ages, bower came to refer to a lady’s personal hideaway within a medieval castle or hall — that is, her private apartment. The more familiar “arbor” sense combines the pastoral beauty of a rustic retreat with the privacy of a personal apartment. Although its tranquil modern meaning belies it, bower is distantly related to the far more roughshod bowery, which has historically been used as the name of a sleazy district in New York City. The Bowery got its name from a Dutch term for a dwelling or farm that shares a common ancestor with the terms that gave rise to “bower.”

词根词源演化:būr (“dwelling”) —> bower

bower衍生自古英语būr,意思是“住所”,最初用于形容“吸引人的住处或隐居所”, 尤其是指乡村气息浓厚的小屋。到了中世纪,bower开始指代中世纪城堡里女子的私人住所—即私人闺房。更为人熟知的arbor这个词结合了乡村小屋的田园美与私人住所的隐秘性。尽管bower在现代蕴含有“宁静”的含义,但是它与另一个“残暴的”单词bowery却有渊源,这个词在历史上用于纽约城的一个肮脏低廉的街区的名字。The

注:rustic:乡村的,淳朴的,乡下的,土气的; cottage:小屋,树舍;rustic cottage:乡野茅舍(本文是褒义词);hideaway:隐匿处,潜伏处,退隐处;pastoral:田园的,田园诗的;tranquil:安静,宁静;roughshod:残暴的;bowery:乞丐、酒徒充斥的街区;The Bowery:纽约城的一个区名;sleazy:肮脏的,低廉的,低劣的


  • The couple’s rendezvous was a secluded bower in the garden.

    注:rendezvous:约会,约会地点; secluded:隐蔽的,僻静的,与世隔绝的

  • “In retelling Shakespeare’s story of mortal and immortal lovers lost in a bewitched Athenian wood, Ms. Taymor has sought to conjure the sort of Jungian visions that are bred in the fertile fields of sleep. … [S]he transforms bed and bedding into a sylvan, starry wonderland. An immense sheet rises, falls and twists itself to become a confining roof, a vast sky, a writhing forest floor and an amorous bower fit for a queen of the fairies.”
    Ben Brantley, The New York Times, 4 Nov. 2013

    为了重述莎士比亚创作的凡间的与天界的情人们失落在有魔力的雅典森林中的故事。Ms. Taymor开始寻找推测荣格式的观点,在多产的睡眠领域大做文章。…她将床铺与寝具幻化成为树木繁盛的,星空璀璨的仙境。巨大无比的毯子升起,落下,扭曲成一个狭窄的屋顶,浩瀚的天空,起伏的森林土地,多情的女子闺房,这都符合童话故事里女王的角色。

    注:bewitched:蛊惑,使着迷;Athenian:雅典的;sought:seek的过去式/过去分词;conjure:推测;Jugian [ 'jʊŋiən ]:心理学家荣格的;bedding:寝具;sylvan:多树木的,森林的;confining:限制的,拘束的,狭窄的;writhing [raɪð] :挣扎,扭曲,受苦;amorous:多情的,恋爱的,表示爱情的;

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