
spark源码一:sparkContext初始化之SparkConf概述 1 sparkContext 初始化很重要 因为他是 Driver 应用程序提交执行的前提 只有 sparkContext 初始化后才可以 Driver 提交用户应用程序 也就是说 sparkdriver 的初始化围绕着 sparkContext 初始化展开的 SparkContext 可以算是 spark 应用程序的发动机引擎 2 源码研究以 local 模式为主 3 Spark 中的组件很多 掌握如何实现 sparkcontext 初始化


 1.sparkContext初始化很重要,因为他是Driver应用程序提交执行的前提,只有sparkContext初始化后才可以Driver提交用户应用程序,也就是说spark driver的初始化围绕着sparkContext初始化展开的,SparkContext可以算是spark应用程序的发动机引擎 2.源码研究以local模式为主 3.Spark中的组件很多,就其功能而言涉及网络通信、分布式、消息、存储、计算、缓存、测量、清理、文件服务、Web UI的方方面面。 4.SparkContext初始化的步骤如下: 0)SparkConf:是SparkContext的配置参数,相当于控制版面 1)创建Spark执行环境SparkEnv; 2)创建RDD清理器metadataCleaner; 3)创建并初始化Spark UI; 4)Hadoop相关配置及Executor环境变量的设置; 5)创建任务调度TaskScheduler; 6)创建和启动DAGScheduler; 7)TaskScheduler的启动; 8)初始化块管理器BlockManager(BlockManager是存储体系的主要组件之一,将在第4章介绍); 9)启动测量系统MetricsSystem; 10)创建和启动Executor分配管理器ExecutorAllocationManager; 11)ContextCleaner的创建与启动; 12)Spark环境更新; 13)创建DAGSchedulerSource和BlockManagerSource; 14)将SparkContext标记为激活。 




class SparkConf(loadDefaults: Boolean) extends Cloneable with Logging { 
    import SparkConf._ def this() = this(true) private val settings = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]() if (loadDefaults) { // 加载任何以spark.开头的系统属性 for ((key, value) <- Utils.getSystemProperties if key.startsWith("spark.")) { set(key, value) } } //其余代码省略



class SparkContext(config: SparkConf) extends Logging with ExecutorAllocationClient { 
    //获取当前SparkContext的当前调用栈。包含了最靠近栈顶的用户类及最靠近栈底的Scala或者Spark核心类信息 private val creationSite: CallSite = Utils.getCallSite() private val allowMultipleContexts: Boolean = config.getBoolean("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", false) SparkContext.markPartiallyConstructed(this, allowMultipleContexts)


//skipClass: String => Boolean = sparkInternalExclusionFunction 采用了柯里化 def getCallSite(skipClass: String => Boolean = sparkInternalExclusionFunction): CallSite = { var lastSparkMethod = "<unknown>" var firstUserFile = "<unknown>" var firstUserLine = 0 var insideSpark = true val callStack = new ArrayBuffer[String]() :+ "<unknown>" Thread.currentThread.getStackTrace().foreach { ste: StackTraceElement => if (ste != null && ste.getMethodName != null && !ste.getMethodName.contains("getStackTrace")) { if (insideSpark) { if (skipClass(ste.getClassName)) { lastSparkMethod = if (ste.getMethodName == "<init>") { // Spark method is a constructor; get its class name ste.getClassName.substring(ste.getClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) } else { ste.getMethodName } callStack(0) = ste.toString // Put last Spark method on top of the stack trace. } else { if (ste.getFileName != null) { //方法没有参数可以省略() 如ste.getFileName ste.getLineNumber firstUserFile = ste.getFileName if (ste.getLineNumber >= 0) { firstUserLine = ste.getLineNumber } } callStack += ste.toString insideSpark = false } } else { callStack += ste.toString } } } val callStackDepth = System.getProperty("spark.callstack.depth", "20").toInt val shortForm = if (firstUserFile == "") { "Spark JDBC Server Query" } else { s"$lastSparkMethod at $firstUserFile:$firstUserLine" } //take取集合的前n个素 mkString表示将集合素合并成一个字符串 val longForm = callStack.take(callStackDepth).mkString("\n") CallSite(shortForm, longForm) }


 private def sparkInternalExclusionFunction(className: String): Boolean = { // A regular expression to match classes of the internal Spark API's // that we want to skip when finding the call site of a method. val SPARK_CORE_CLASS_REGEX = """^org\.apache\.spark(\.api\.java)?(\.util)?(\.rdd)?(\.broadcast)?\.[A-Z]""".r val SPARK_SQL_CLASS_REGEX = """^org\.apache\.spark\.sql.*""".r val SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX = "scala" val isSparkClass = SPARK_CORE_CLASS_REGEX.findFirstIn(className).isDefined || SPARK_SQL_CLASS_REGEX.findFirstIn(className).isDefined val isScalaClass = className.startsWith(SCALA_CORE_CLASS_PREFIX) // If the class is a Spark internal class or a Scala class, then exclude. isSparkClass || isScalaClass }


private[spark] case class CallSite(shortForm: String, longForm: String) private[spark] object CallSite { 
    val SHORT_FORM = "callSite.short" val LONG_FORM = "callSite.long" }


分析SparkContext.markPartiallyConstructed(this, allowMultipleContexts)

private[spark] def markPartiallyConstructed( sc: SparkContext, allowMultipleContexts: Boolean): Unit = { SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK.synchronized { //标记前进行验证 是否有其他context在运行 assertNoOtherContextIsRunning(sc, allowMultipleContexts) //由于contextBeingConstructed 是option[]类型的 需要子类some()或者none赋值 //contextBeingConstructed 被赋值标志:将当前SparkContext标记为正在构建中 contextBeingConstructed = Some(sc) } }
private def assertNoOtherContextIsRunning( sc: SparkContext, allowMultipleContexts: Boolean): Unit = { SPARK_CONTEXT_CONSTRUCTOR_LOCK.synchronized { //判读是否有其他sparkcontext被标记为构建中,如果有提出warning contextBeingConstructed.foreach { otherContext => if (otherContext ne sc) { // checks for reference equality // Since otherContext might point to a partially-constructed context, guard against // its creationSite field being null: val otherContextCreationSite = Option(otherContext.creationSite).map(_.longForm).getOrElse("unknown location") val warnMsg = "Another SparkContext is being constructed (or threw an exception in its" + " constructor). This may indicate an error, since only one SparkContext may be" + " running in this JVM (see SPARK-2243)." + s" The other SparkContext was created at:\n$otherContextCreationSite" logWarning(warnMsg) } //判断是否有sparkcontext正在生效,如果有生效的,再判断allowMultipleContexts是否允许,如果不允许直接抛出异常 if (activeContext.get() != null) { val ctx = activeContext.get() val errMsg = "Only one SparkContext may be running in this JVM (see SPARK-2243)." + " To ignore this error, set spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts = true. " + s"The currently running SparkContext was created at:\n${ctx.creationSite.longForm}" val exception = new SparkException(errMsg) if (allowMultipleContexts) { logWarning("Multiple running SparkContexts detected in the same JVM!", exception) } else { throw exception } } } } }


private[spark] val conf = config.clone() //检查非法或不赞成的配置设置 conf.validateSettings() if (!conf.contains("spark.master")) { throw new SparkException("A master URL must be set in your configuration") } if (!conf.contains("")) { throw new SparkException("An application name must be set in your configuration")



private[spark] def validateSettings() { if (contains("spark.local.dir")) { val msg = "In Spark 1.0 and later spark.local.dir will be overridden by the value set by " + "the cluster manager (via SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS in mesos/standalone and LOCAL_DIRS in YARN)." logWarning(msg) } val executorOptsKey = "spark.executor.extraJavaOptions" val executorClasspathKey = "spark.executor.extraClassPath" val driverOptsKey = "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions" val driverClassPathKey = "spark.driver.extraClassPath" val driverLibraryPathKey = "spark.driver.extraLibraryPath" val sparkExecutorInstances = "spark.executor.instances" // Used by Yarn in 1.1 and before sys.props.get("spark.driver.libraryPath").foreach { value => val warning = s""" |spark.driver.libraryPath was detected (set to '$value'). |This is deprecated in Spark 1.2+. | |Please instead use: $driverLibraryPathKey """.stripMargin logWarning(warning) } // Validate spark.executor.extraJavaOptions getOption(executorOptsKey).map { javaOpts => if (javaOpts.contains("-Dspark")) { val msg = s"$executorOptsKey is not allowed to set Spark options (was '$javaOpts'). " + "Set them directly on a SparkConf or in a properties file when using ./bin/spark-submit." throw new Exception(msg) } if (javaOpts.contains("-Xmx") || javaOpts.contains("-Xms")) { val msg = s"$executorOptsKey is not allowed to alter memory settings (was '$javaOpts'). " + "Use spark.executor.memory instead." throw new Exception(msg) } } // Validate memory fractions val memoryKeys = Seq( "", "spark.shuffle.memoryFraction", "spark.shuffle.safetyFraction", "", "") for (key <- memoryKeys) { val value = getDouble(key, 0.5) if (value > 1 || value < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("$key should be between 0 and 1 (was '$value').") } } // Check for legacy configs sys.env.get("SPARK_JAVA_OPTS").foreach { value => val warning = s""" |SPARK_JAVA_OPTS was detected (set to '$value'). |This is deprecated in Spark 1.0+. | |Please instead use: | - ./spark-submit with conf/spark-defaults.conf to set defaults for an application | - ./spark-submit with --driver-java-options to set -X options for a driver | - spark.executor.extraJavaOptions to set -X options for executors | - SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS to set java options for standalone daemons (master or worker) """.stripMargin logWarning(warning) for (key <- Seq(executorOptsKey, driverOptsKey)) { if (getOption(key).isDefined) { throw new SparkException(s"Found both $key and SPARK_JAVA_OPTS. Use only the former.") } else { logWarning(s"Setting '$key' to '$value' as a work-around.") set(key, value) } } } sys.env.get("SPARK_CLASSPATH").foreach { value => val warning = s""" |SPARK_CLASSPATH was detected (set to '$value'). |This is deprecated in Spark 1.0+. | |Please instead use: | - ./spark-submit with --driver-class-path to augment the driver classpath | - spark.executor.extraClassPath to augment the executor classpath """.stripMargin logWarning(warning) for (key <- Seq(executorClasspathKey, driverClassPathKey)) { if (getOption(key).isDefined) { throw new SparkException(s"Found both $key and SPARK_CLASSPATH. Use only the former.") } else { logWarning(s"Setting '$key' to '$value' as a work-around.") set(key, value) } } } if (!contains(sparkExecutorInstances)) { sys.env.get("SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES").foreach { value => val warning = s""" |SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES was detected (set to '$value'). |This is deprecated in Spark 1.0+. | |Please instead use: | - ./spark-submit with --num-executors to specify the number of executors | - Or set SPARK_EXECUTOR_INSTANCES | - spark.executor.instances to configure the number of instances in the spark config. """.stripMargin logWarning(warning) set("spark.executor.instances", value) } } }
今天的文章 spark源码一:sparkContext初始化之SparkConf分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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