//所有用到的页面都需要在 pages 数组中列出,否则小程序可能会出现错误或无法正确加载。 //首页的页面路径放在这个数组的第一个位置。例如,将 pages/index/index 设置为首页。 {
"pages": [ "pages/index/index", "pages/details/details", "pages/my/details", "pages/about/about" ], "subpackages": [ ], //标题文本设置 "window": {
"backgroundTextStyle": "light", "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#", "navigationBarTitleText": "三国志14", "navigationBarTextStyle": "white" }, //标签,表示小程序的主要功能或页面,用户可以切换。 "tabBar": {
"color": "#bfc1ab", "selectedColor": "#13b11c", "backgroundColor": "#381B25", "list": [ {
"pagePath": "pages/index/index", "iconPath": "image/icon_component.png", "selectedIconPath": "image/icon_component_HL.png", "text": "武将数据" }, {
"pagePath": "pages/my/details", "iconPath": "image/icon_map.png", "selectedIconPath": "image/icon_map_HL.png", "text": "综合信息" }, {
"pagePath": "pages/about/about", "iconPath": "image/icon_about.png", "selectedIconPath": "image/icon_about_HL.png", "text": "关于" } ] }, "sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json", "permission": {
"scope.userLocation": {
"desc": "获取位置,方便按区域分配 " } } }
<!-- 数据列表 --> <view wx:for="{
{goodsList}}" wx:key="index" class="table"> <view class="tr bg-g" bindtap="onGoodsDetail" data-all="{
{item}}" data-name="{
{item.name}}"> <view class="td">{
item.name}}</view> <view class="td">{
item.tongshuai}}</view> <view class="td">{
item.wuli}}</view> <view class="td">{
item.zhili}}</view> <view class="td">{
item.zhengzhi}}</view> <view class="td">{
item.meili}}</view> </view> </view>
onLoad: function (options) {
// 调用获取列表数据的方法 this.getGoodsList(true) },
//获取列表数据并赋值给goodsList getGoodsList(reachBottom) {
... wx.request({
url: url_get,//你的后台url地址 data: {
order: this.data.order, key: this.data.key, page: this.data.queryObj.pagenum, intPageSize: this.data.queryObj.pagesize, }, header: {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: "GET", success(result) {
if (reachBottom) {
goodsList: [...that.data.goodsList, ...result.data.response.data], total: result.data.response.dataCount, }) } }, fail(error) {
console.log('request fail', error); }, // 无论获取数据是否成功都会执行该方法 complete: () => {
wx.hideLoading() // 关闭loading this.setData({
isLoading: false }) } }) }
/ * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () {
// 判断是否还有下一页数据 if (this.data.queryObj.pagenum * this.data.queryObj.pagesize >= this.data.total) {
title: '数据加载完毕!', }) wx.hideLoading() // 关闭loading return } // 判断是否正在请求其它数据,如果是,则不发起额外的请求 if (this.data.isLoading) return let pagenum = this.data.queryObj.pagenum this.setData({
queryObj: {
pagenum: pagenum += 1// 让页码值自增 +1 } }) this.getGoodsList(true)// 重新获取列表数据 },
// 详情 onGoodsDetail: function (e) {
var name = e.currentTarget.dataset.name var data = JSON.stringify(e.currentTarget.dataset) wx.navigateTo({
url: '../details/details?name=' + name + '&data=' + data }) },
<!-- components/star-rating/star-rating.wxml --> <view > <!-- 人物总评分 --> <view class="star-rating-center"> {
initialName}}: <block wx:for="{
{stars_total}}" wx:key="index"> <text class="star {
{item.selected ? 'selected' : ''}}" data-index="{
item.type}}</text> </block> [{
goal}}分] </view> <!-- 评分&评论 --> <view class="reviews-container"> <block wx:for="{
{ratingsAndComments}}" wx:key="index" > <view class="single-review"> <!-- 这里添加显示单个评分的代码 --> <view class="star-container"> <block wx:for="{
{item.stars}}" wx:key="index"> <text class="star {
{item.selected ? 'selected' : ''}}" data-index="{
item.type}}</text> </block> <!-- <view style=" justify-content: center;align-items: center;margin-left;20rpx;margin-top:15rpx">{
item.createTime}}</view> --> </view> <!-- 评论 --> <text class="comment">{
item.comment}}</text> </view> </block> </view> </view> <!-- 评分提交 --> <view class="rating-editor"> <!-- 评分 --> <view class="flex-container"> <text class="label">评分:</text> <view class="star-container-editor"> <block wx:for="{
{stars}}" wx:key="index"> <text class="star {
{item.selected ? 'selected' : ''}}" bindtap="onStarClick" data-index="{
item.type}}</text> </block> </view> </view> <!-- 评论 --> <view class="flex-container"> <text class="label">评论:</text> <view class="textarea-container"> <textarea style="height:100rpx" type="text" name="biography" value="{
{biography}}" placeholder="" maxlength="5000" bindinput="onTextareaInput"></textarea> </view> </view> <button class="submit-button" bindtap="onSubmitRating">提交评分</button> </view>
// components/star-rating/star-rating.js import {
BASE_URL2 } from '../../component/config.js'; Component({
properties: {
// 初始星级 initialRating: {
type: Number, value: 0 }, initialId: {
type: String, value: '' }, lastClickedTime:0, initialName: {
type: String, value: '' }, }, data: {
stars: [], stars_total: [], goal: '暂无评', name: '', ratingsAndComments: [], biography: '' }, observers: {
'initialRating': function (newVal) {
this.setStars(newVal); }, }, lifetimes: {
attached() {
// 在组件实例进入页面节点树时执行 console.log('组件实例进入页面节点树'); }, ready() {
var that = this let id = this.data.initialId // 在组件在视图层布局完成后执行 wx.request({
url: BASE_URL2 + 'GetAllGoal', //你的后台url地址 data: {
key: id }, header: {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: "GET", success(result) {
let dataList = result.data.response; let num = 0; if (dataList.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) {
let stars = []; num += dataList[i].goal for (let j = 1; j <= 5; j++) {
type: j <= dataList[i].goal ? '★' : '☆', selected: j <= dataList[i].goal }); } const currentRatingsAndComments = that.data.ratingsAndComments; that.data.ratingsAndComments.push({
stars: stars, createTime: dataList[i].createTime, comment: dataList[i].comment }) // 更新数组中特定素的值 currentRatingsAndComments[i].stars = stars; currentRatingsAndComments[i].comment = dataList[i].comment != null ? dataList[i].comment : "" // 使用 setData 更新数据并重新渲染 that.setData({
ratingsAndComments: currentRatingsAndComments }); } num = num / dataList.length //人物评星 let star = []; for (let j = 1; j <= 5; j++) {
type: j <= num ? '★' : '☆', selected: j <= num }); } //人物得分 num = parseFloat(num.toFixed(2)); console.log(num) that.setData({
stars_total: star, goal: num }) } }, fail(error) {
console.log('request fail', error); }, }) }, }, methods: {
//评分显示 setStars(rating) {
let stars = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
type: i <= rating ? '★' : '☆', selected: i <= rating }); } this.setData({
stars }); }, //修改评分 onStarClick(e) {
const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; const rating = index + 1; this.setStars(rating); this.triggerEvent('ratingChanged', {
rating }); }, //评论 onTextareaInput: function (e) {
biography: e.detail.value }); }, //提交评分 onSubmitRating() {
var that = this let goal = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (this.data.stars[i].selected) {
goal += 1 } } wx.showModal({
title: '确认提交', // 确认框标题 content: '您确定要提交吗?', // 确认框内容 success(res) {
const now = new Date().getTime(); if (now - that.data.lastClickedTime < 5000) {
// 5秒内不允许重复 wx.showToast({
title: '操作过于频繁', icon: 'none' }); return; } if (res.confirm) {
// 用户了确定按钮 wx.request({
url: BASE_URL2 + 'PostGoal',//你的后台url地址 data: {
Id: that.data.initialId, goal: goal, comment: that.data.biography, }, header: {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: "GET", success(result) {
that.setStars(5); that.setData({
ratingsAndComments: [], biography: "", lastClickedTime:now }); let id = that.data.initialId // 在组件在视图层布局完成后执行 wx.request({
url: BASE_URL2 + 'GetAllGoal',//你的后台url地址 data: {
key: id }, header: {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, method: "GET", success(result) {
let dataList = result.data.response; let num = 0; if (dataList.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < dataList.length; i++) {
let stars = []; num += dataList[i].goal for (let j = 1; j <= 5; j++) {
type: j <= dataList[i].goal ? '★' : '☆', selected: j <= dataList[i].goal }); } const currentRatingsAndComments = that.data.ratingsAndComments; that.data.ratingsAndComments.push({
stars: stars, createTime: dataList[i].createTime, comment: dataList[i].comment }) // 更新数组中特定素的值 currentRatingsAndComments[i].stars = stars; currentRatingsAndComments[i].comment = dataList[i].comment != null ? dataList[i].comment : "" // 使用 setData 更新数据并重新渲染 that.setData({
ratingsAndComments: currentRatingsAndComments }); } num = num / dataList.length //人物评星 let star = []; for (let j = 1; j <= 5; j++) {
type: j <= num ? '★' : '☆', selected: j <= num }); } //人物得分 num = parseFloat(num.toFixed(2)); that.setData({
stars_total: star, goal: num }) } }, fail(error) {
console.log('request fail', error); }, }) } }) } else if (res.cancel) {
console.log('用户取消') } } }) }, } })
/* components/star-rating/star-rating.wxss */ .star-container {
display: flex; } .star {
font-size: 32rpx; color: #ccc; margin-right: 8rpx; cursor: pointer; } .star.selected {
color: yellow; } /* 容纳所有评论的容器 */ .reviews-container {
display: flex; flex-direction: column; } /* 单个评论的容器 */ .single-review {
display: flex; flex-direction: column; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; /* 添加边界分隔每个评论 */ margin-bottom: 10rpx; padding: 10rpx; } /* 星级评分的容器 */ .star-container {
display: flex; margin-bottom: 5rpx; } /* 星星的样式 */ .star {
font-size: 50rpx; margin-right: 5rpx; } .star.selected {
color: gold; } /* 评论文本的样式 */ .comment {
font-size: 32rpx; color: #333; } /* 用于编辑和提交评分的固定容器 */ .rating-editor {
position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background-color: #fff; padding: 10rpx; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; z-index: 999; } /* 评分编辑器的星级容器 */ .star-container-editor {
display: flex; margin-bottom: 10rpx; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } /* 提交按钮 */ .submit-button {
padding: 10rpx; background-color: #007bff; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4rpx; text-align: center; } .reviews-container {
padding-bottom: 350rpx; /* 根据 .rating-editor 的高度来调整这个值 */ } .star-rating-center {
display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .textarea-container {
border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:15rpx; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5rpx; flex: 1; /* 增加 flex 属性 */ } /* 定义一个 flex 容器并垂直居中其内容 */ .flex-container {
display: flex; align-items: center; /* 垂直居中 */ } /* 为“评分:”和“评论:”文本设置样式 */ .label {
margin-right: 5px; /* 右侧外边距 */ }
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