
用c++制作人生重开以上是一个更加高级和完整的人生重开模拟器的代码框架 其中包括了人物类 时间轴类 事件类 事件生成器类 界面控件等多个部分


// 人物属性类 class Character { public: Character() { // 初始化各项属性值 age_ = 20; 

// 人物属性类 class Character { public: Character() { // 初始化各项属性值 age_ = 20; health_ = 100; happiness_ = 70; intelligence_ = 100; money_ = 10000; friends_ = 0; career_ = ""; } // 设置和获取各个属性的方法 void set_age(int age) { age_ = age; } int get_age() const { return age_; } void set_health(int health) { health_ = health; } int get_health() const { return health_; } void set_happiness(int happiness) { happiness_ = happiness; } int get_happiness() const { return happiness_; } void set_intelligence(int intelligence) { intelligence_ = intelligence; } int get_intelligence() const { return intelligence_; } void set_money(double money) { money_ = money; } double get_money() const { return money_; } void set_friends(int friends) { friends_ = friends; } int get_friends() const { return friends_; } void set_career(std::string career) { career_ = career; } std::string get_career() const { return career_; } // 增加和减少某个属性值的方法 void increase_health(int value) { health_ += value; } void decrease_health(int value) { health_ -= value; } void increase_happiness(int value) { happiness_ += value; } void decrease_happiness(int value) { happiness_ -= value; } void increase_intelligence(int value) { intelligence_ += value; } void decrease_intelligence(int value) { intelligence_ -= value; } private: int age_; int health_; int happiness_; int intelligence_; double money_; int friends_; std::string career_; };


// 时间轴类 class TimeLine { public: TimeLine() { // 初始化时间为当前时间 time_ = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); } // 时间向前推进指定的天数 void advance_days(int days) { time_ += std::chrono::hours(24) * days; } // 获取当前时间 std::chrono::system_clock::time_point get_time() const { return time_; } private: std::chrono::system_clock::time_point time_; };



#include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> // 百度AI开放平台情感分析API的请求类 class SentimentAnalysisRequest { public: SentimentAnalysisRequest(const std::string& api_key, const std::string& secret_key) { api_key_ = api_key; secret_key_ = secret_key; access_token_ = get_access_token(); } // 调用API进行情感分析 double analyze_sentiment(const std::string& text) const { std::string url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rpc/2.0/nlp/v1/sentiment_classify?access_token=" + access_token_; std::string body = "{ \"text\": \"" + text + "\" }"; std::string response = send_request(url, body); return parse_response(response); } private: // 获取Access Token std::string get_access_token() const { std::string url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/oauth/2.0/token?grant_type=client_credentials" "&client_id=" + api_key_ + "&client_secret=" + secret_key_; std::string response = send_request(url, ""); std::string access_token = extract_access_token(response); return access_token; } // 发送HTTP请求并获取响应 std::string send_request(const std::string& url, const std::string& body) const { // TODO: 使用HTTP库发送POST请求,并返回响应结果 std::cout << "Send HTTP request to " << url << " with body " << body << std::endl; std::string response = "{ \"code\": 0, \"message\": \"success\", " "\"text\": \"这是一条测试新闻标题\", \"positive_prob\": 0.9, \"negative_prob\": 0.1 }"; return response; } // 解析HTTP响应并提取情感评分 double parse_response(const std::string& response) const { // TODO: 解析JSON格式的响应,并提取positive_prob和negative_prob字段的值 // 返回值为评分差,越大说明情感越极端 return 2 * 0.9 - 1; // 假设评分差为0.8 } // 从JSON格式的响应中提取Access Token std::string extract_access_token(const std::string& response) const { // TODO: 解析JSON格式的响应,并提取access_token字段的值 return "test_access_token"; } private: std::string api_key_; std::string secret_key_; std::string access_token_; };


// 事件生成器类 class EventGenerator { public: EventGenerator(const std::string& api_key, const std::string& secret_key) { sentiment_analysis_request_ = std::make_unique<SentimentAnalysisRequest>(api_key, secret_key); } // 生成随机事件 Event generate_event(const TimeLine& timeline, const Character& character) const { // TODO: 调用API获取新闻标题和情感评分,并根据评分生成事件类型和影响 double sentiment_score = sentiment_analysis_request_->analyze_sentiment("这是一条测试新闻标题"); return Event(Event::Type::MONEY_GAIN, sentiment_score); } private: std::unique_ptr<SentimentAnalysisRequest> sentiment_analysis_request_; };


#include <QApplication> #include <QWidget> #include <QLabel> #include <QPushButton> #include <QLineEdit> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // 创建主窗口 QWidget window; window.resize(800, 600); // 创建标签和按钮控件 QLabel* time_label = new QLabel(&window); QPushButton* advance_button = new QPushButton("Advance", &window); QLineEdit* command_input = new QLineEdit(&window); // 设置控件的位置和大小 time_label->move(50, 50); time_label->resize(200, 30); advance_button->move(50, 100); advance_button->resize(80, 30); command_input->move(50, 150); command_input->resize(200, 30); // 显示主窗口 window.show(); // 进入事件循环 return app.exec(); }


今天的文章 用c++制作人生重开分享到此就结束了,感谢您的阅读。
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