
conv1d怎么读(conduct怎么读的)本资料来自公众号 维度一 背诵版 50 个 conductor convey 801 conductor k n d kt n 售票员 nbsp 列车员 乐队指挥 802 confident k nf d nt a nbsp 自信的 803 confidential k nf den l a nbsp 机密的 nbsp 保密的 804 conference k nf r ns n 会议 讨论 805 confirm


801.conductor [kənˈdʌktə] n.售票员, 列车员;乐队指挥
802.confident [ˈkɔnfɪdənt] a. 自信的
803.confidential [kɔnfɪˈdenʃəl] a. 机密的, 保密的
804.conference [ˈkɔnfərəns] n.会议;讨论
805.confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v. 证实, 证明, 确认
806.conflict [ˈkɔnflɪkt] n. 冲突, 争执, 争论
807.Confucianism [kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm] n. 孔子学说;儒教
808.confuse [kənˈfjuːz] v. 使迷惑, 混淆
809.congratulate [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt] vt. 祝贺
810.congratulation [kənɡrætjʊˈleɪʃən] n. 祝贺, 庆贺
811.connect [kəˈnekt] v. 连接, 把…联系起来
812.connection [kəˈnekʃən] n.连接物;接触,联系
813.conquer [ˈkɒŋkə] v. 征服;克服
814.conscience [ˈkɔnʃəns] n. 良心, 良知, 内疚
815.conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs] a. 有知觉的;有意识的
816.consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致的意见, 共识
817.consequence [ˈkɔnsɪkwəns] n. 结果, 后果
818.conservation [kɔnsəˈveɪʃən] n 保存;保护, 管理
819.conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] a. 保守的;n.保守的人
820.consider [kənˈsɪdə] vt. 考虑
821.considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] a. 体贴的
822.consideration [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃən] n. 考虑;关心
823.consist [kənˈsɪst] v. 包含, 组成, 构成
824.consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] a.始终如一的, 连续的
825.constant [ˈkɔnstənt] a. 经常的, 不断的
826.constitution [kɔnstɪˈtjuːʃən] n.宪法, 章程, 身体素质
827.construct [kənˈstrʌkt] v. 构筑;建造, 建设
828.construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] n.建造,建设,建筑物
829.consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. 咨询, 商量
830.consultant [kənˈsʌltənt] n. 顾问
831.consume [kənˈsʌltənt] v. 消耗, 耗费(能量, 时间等)
832.contain [kənˈteɪn] v. 包含;包括;能容纳
833.container [kənˈteɪnə] n. 容器
834.contemporary [kənˈtempərərɪ] a.属同时期的
835.content [kənˈtent] a.甘愿的,满意的 n.内容
836.contest [ˈkɒntest] n. 比赛;竞赛
837.continent [ˈkɔntɪnənt] n. 大陆, 大洲;陆地
838.continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] vi. 继续
839.contradict [kɔntrəˈdɪkt] v. 反驳, 驳斥, 批驳
840.contradictory [ˌkɔntrə'diktəri] a.相互矛盾,对立的
841.contrary [ˈkɔntrərɪ] n. / a. 相反相反的
842.contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v. 贡献
843.contribution [kɔnˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 贡献
844.control [kənˈtrol] vt.& n. 控制
845.controversial[kɔntrəˈvɜːʃəl] a.引起争论的,有争议的
846.convenience [kənˈviːnɪəns] n. 便利
847.convenient [kənˈviːnɪənt] a. 便利的, 方便的
848.conventional[kənˈvenʃənəl] a. 依照惯例的, 习惯的
849.conversation [kɔnvəˈseɪʃən] n. 谈话, 交谈
850.convey [kənˈveɪ] v. 表达, 传递(思想, 感情等)
801.conductor [kənˈdʌktə] n._________
802.confident [ˈkɔnfɪdənt] a. _________
803.confidential [kɔnfɪˈdenʃəl] a. _________
804.conference [ˈkɔnfərəns] n. _________
805.confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v. _________
806.conflict [ˈkɔnflɪkt] n. _________
807.Confucianism [kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm] n. _______
808.confuse [kənˈfjuːz] v. _________
809.congratulate [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt] vt. _________
810.congratulation [kənɡrætjʊˈleɪʃən] n. ______
811.connect [kəˈnekt] v. _________
812.connection [kəˈnekʃən] n. _________
813.conquer [ˈkɒŋkə] v. _________
814.conscience [ˈkɔnʃəns] n. _________
815.conscious [ˈkɒnʃəs] a. _________
816.consensus [kənˈsensəs] n. _________
817.consequence [ˈkɔnsɪkwəns] n. _________
818.conservation [kɔnsəˈveɪʃən] n. _________
819.conservative [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] a. _____n. ____
820.consider [kənˈsɪdə] vt. _________
821.considerate [kənˈsɪdərət] a. _________
822.consideration [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃən] n. ________
823.consist [kənˈsɪst] v. _________
824.consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] a. _________
825.constant [ˈkɔnstənt] a. _________
826.constitution [kɔnstɪˈtjuːʃən] n. _________
827.construct [kənˈstrʌkt] v. _________
828.construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] n. _______
829.consult [kənˈsʌlt] v. _________
830.consultant [kənˈsʌltənt] n. _________
831.consume [kənˈsʌltənt] v. _________
832.contain [kənˈteɪn] v. _________
833.container [kənˈteɪnə] n. _________
834.contemporary [kənˈtempərərɪ] a. _______
835.content [kənˈtent] a. _______ n. _______
836.contest [ˈkɒntest] n. _________
837.continent [ˈkɔntɪnənt] n. _________
838.continue [kənˈtɪnjuː] vi. _________
839.contradict [kɔntrəˈdɪkt] v. _________
840.contradictory [ˌkɔntrə'diktəri] a. _______
841.contrary [ˈkɔntrərɪ] n. / a. _________
842.contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v. _________
843.contribution [kɔnˈtrɪbjuːt] n. _________
844.control [kənˈtrol] vt.& n. _________
845.controversial[kɔntrəˈvɜːʃəl] a. ________
846.convenience [kənˈviːnɪəns] n. _________
847.convenient [kənˈviːnɪənt] a. _________
848.conventional[kənˈvenʃənəl] a. _________
849.conversation [kɔnvəˈseɪʃən] n. _________
850.convey [kənˈveɪ] v. _________
801.________ [kənˈdʌktə] n.售票员, 列车员;乐队指挥
802. ________ [ˈkɔnfɪdənt] a. 自信的
803. ________ [kɔnfɪˈdenʃəl] a. 机密的, 保密的
804. ________ [ˈkɔnfərəns] n.会议;讨论
805. ________ [kənˈfɜːm] v. 证实, 证明, 确认
806. ________[ˈkɔnflɪkt] n. 冲突, 争执, 争论
807. ________[kənˈfjuːʃənɪzəm] n. 孔子学说;儒教
808. ________ [kənˈfjuːz] v. 使迷惑, 混淆
809. ________ [kənˈɡrætjʊleɪt] vt. 祝贺
810. ________ [kənɡrætjʊˈleɪʃən] n. 祝贺, 庆贺
811. ________ [kəˈnekt] v. 连接, 联系起来
812. ________ [kəˈnekʃən] n.连接物;接触,联系
813. ________ [ˈkɒŋkə] v. 征服;克服
814. ________ [ˈkɔnʃəns] n. 良心, 良知, 内疚
815. ________ [ˈkɒnʃəs] a. 有知觉的;有意识的
816. ________ [kənˈsensəs] n. 一致的意见, 共识
817. ________ [ˈkɔnsɪkwəns] n. 结果, 后果
818. ________ [kɔnsəˈveɪʃən] n 保存;保护, 管理
819. ________ [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] a. 保守的;n.保守的人
820. ________ [kənˈsɪdə] vt. 考虑
821. ________ [kənˈsɪdərət] a. 体贴的
822. ________ [kənsɪdəˈreɪʃən] n. 考虑;关心
823. ________ [kənˈsɪst] v. 包含, 组成, 构成
824. ________ [kənˈsɪstənt] a.始终如一的, 连续的
825. ________ [ˈkɔnstənt] a. 经常的, 不断的
826. ________ [kɔnstɪˈtjuːʃən] n.宪法, 章程, 身体素质
827. ________ [kənˈstrʌkt] v. 构筑;建造, 建设
828. ________ [kənˈstrʌkʃən] n.建造,建设,建筑物
829. ________ [kənˈsʌlt] v. 咨询, 商量
830. ________ [kənˈsʌltənt] n. 顾问
831. ________[kənˈsʌltənt] v. 消耗, 耗费(能量, 时间)
832. ________ [kənˈteɪn] v. 包含;包括;能容纳
833. ________ [kənˈteɪnə] n. 容器
834. ________ [kənˈtempərərɪ] a.属同时期的
835. ________ [kənˈtent] a.甘愿的,满意的 n.内容
836. ________ [ˈkɒntest] n. 比赛;竞赛
837. ________ [ˈkɔntɪnənt] n. 大陆, 大洲;陆地
838. ________ [kənˈtɪnjuː] vi. 继续
839. ________ [kɔntrəˈdɪkt] v. 反驳, 驳斥, 批驳
840. ________ [ˌkɔntrə'diktəri] a.相互矛盾,对立的
841. ________ [ˈkɔntrərɪ] n. / a. 相反相反的
842. ________ [kənˈtrɪbjuːt] v. 贡献
843. ________ [kɔnˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 贡献
844. ________ [kənˈtrol] vt.& n. 控制
845. ________ [kɔntrəˈvɜːʃəl] a.引起争论的,有争议的
846. ________ [kənˈviːnɪəns] n. 便利
847. ________ [kənˈviːnɪənt] a. 便利的, 方便的
848. ________ [kənˈvenʃənəl] a. 依照惯例的, 习惯的
849. ________ [kɔnvəˈseɪʃən] n. 谈话, 交谈
850. ________ [kənˈveɪ] v. 表达, 传递(思想)
1.confident a. 自信的
confidently ad. 自信地
confidence n.信心;信任
2.confirm v.证实, 证明, 确认
confirmation n. 确定;证实
3.confuse v.使迷惑, 混淆
confusing a.令人迷惑的
confused a.困惑的,糊涂的
confusion n.困惑,不明确;混淆
4.congratulate vt. 祝贺
congratulation n. 祝贺, 庆贺
5.connect v.连接, 把…联系起来
connection  n.连接物;接触,联系
connected a.相连的,相通的
6.conscious a. 有知觉的;有意识的
consciously ad.有意识地,清楚地
unconscious a. 昏迷的,不省人事的
7.consequencen. 结果, 后果
consequent a.由此引起的
consequently ad. 因此,结果
8.conserve vt.节省;节约;保护
conservation n 保存;保护, 管理
conservative a. 保守的;n.保守的人
9.consider vt.考虑
considerate a. 体贴的
considerable a. 相当大的,相当重要的
consideration n. 考虑;关心
10.consist v.包含, 组成, 构成
consistent a.始终如一的, 连续的
11.constant a.经常的, 不断的
constantly ad.经常地,不断地
12.construct v. 构筑;建造, 建设
construction n.建造,建设,建筑物
constructive a. 建设性的,有助益的
13.consult v.咨询, 商量
consultant n.顾问
14.consume v.消耗, 耗费(能量, 时间等)
consumer n.消费者,顾客;食用者
consumption n. 消耗;食用
15.contain v.包含;包括;能容纳
container     n. 容器
16.continent n. 大陆, 大洲;陆地
continental a. 大洲的,大陆的
17.continue vi. 继续
continuous a.连续不断的,持续的
18.contradict v. 反驳, 驳斥, 批驳
contradictory a.相互矛盾,对立的
contradiction n. 矛盾;反驳
19.contribute v. 贡献;促成;撰稿,投稿
contribution n. 贡献
20.convenient a. 便利的, 方便的
convenience n. 便利
conveniently ad. 便利地
inconvenient a. 不便的;打扰的
21.convention n惯例;集会;公约
conventional  a. 依照惯例的, 习惯的
1.be confident about 对……自信
2.have confidence in对……有自信
3.confirm a reservation 确认预订
4.come into conflictwith sb 和某人发生冲突
5.be confused about 对……感到困惑
6.congratulate sb on doing 祝贺某人做了
7.be connected with/to ……有关
8.in connection with……有关
9.be conscious of 意识到
10.lose consciousness 失去知觉
11.as a consequence 结果是
12.as a consequence of 作为……结果
13.consider doing 考虑做某事
14.consider…as… 把……看作
16.All things considered 一切考虑在内
17.It is considerate of sb to do ……做是考虑周全的
18.take…into consideration ……考虑在内
19.under consideration 在考虑中
20.consist of 由……组成
21.consist in 在于
22.be consistent with 与……一致
23.under construction 建设中
24.consult with sb about sth 和某人商量某事
25.be content to do 满足于做某事
26.be content with sth对……满足
27.on the contrary 相反
28.contrary to… 和……相反
29.contribute to 做贡献;捐款;撰稿;促成
30.make a contribution to ……做贡献
31.under control 在控制中
32.out of control 失去控制
32.at one’s convenience在某人方便时
33.if it is convenient to you如果你方便的话
34.convey a message 传递信息
1. The girl walked_______________ (confident) onto the stage, ready for her first speech.
2. I’d like you to look at a study ________(conduct) in Australia in 2012
3. All things ____________(consider),you'd better invite him to your birthday party.
4. Don't confuse AustriaAustralia.
5. If you have questions or are(confuse)about anything, email me.
6. The two sportsmen congratulated each otherwinning the match by shaking hands.
7. There is no evidence to connect themthe attack.
8.He is ___________(consider)toward old people.
9. ___________(consume) want more information about the food they buy.
10. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it___________(contain).
11. The rain ___________(continue)for days,so we could not go out to play
12. The traffic lights ___________(control)by a central computer.
13.I find it hard ___________(cooperate)with those who always stick to their own opinions.    
14. I would be grateful if you would consider__________ (employ) me in your company
15.Charies Babbage is generally considered__________ (invent) the first computer
16. __________ (consider) his ability and experience, he might have done better
17.Our class__________ (consist) of 60 students is like a large family.
18.Taking exercise regularly can contribute to__________ (lose) weight.
1.confidently 2.conducted 3.considered 4.about/for 5.confused 6.on 7.with 8.considerate 9.Consumers 10.contained11.contest.competition12.continued13.controlled14.employing 15.to have invented 16.Considering17.consisting18.losing
as a consequence, as a consequence of, in connection with, under consideration, under construction, on the contrary, contrary to, around the corner, under control, in consideration of   
1. popularbelief,manycatsdislikemilk.
2.hishard work,hewaseventuallyadmittedtoNanjingUniversity.
3. Iamwritingto you yourrecentjob application.
4. The proposals are currently           .
5.---It must have been terrible. ---, I enjoyed every minute.
6. Victory is just ___________.
7. There are four underground lines in the city, and several lines are _______________.
8. She used diet and exercise to bring her weight______________________.
9. Mobile phones must be switched off inside the castle______________________ other visitors
1. Contraryto 2. Asa consequenceof 3. inconnectionwith 4. under consideration 5. On the contrary 6. around the corner 7. under construction 8.under control 9. in consideration of
维度八:熟词新意 (conductor~convey)
1. Make sure that the tenses are consistent.
2.She needed constant medical attention.
3. If you have any doubts about your health, you’d better consultyour doctor at once.
4.The developed countries consume the most energy in the world.
5. Mo Yan is one of the most famous contemporary writers in China
6.She dropped her handbag and the contents fell out on the floor.
7.His holiday was ruined because of the continuous rain.
8. After a long talk, they finally signed acontract
9.He contributeda lot of articles to the magazine.
10. Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained controversial.
11. She is very conventional in her views.
12. If you see James, do convey my apologies to him
1.前后一致的 2.持续的 3.咨询 4.消耗 5.当代的 6.容纳的东西 7.连续的/持续的 8.合同 9.投稿/撰稿10.有争议的11.传统的12.表达/转达
1. ______________________(考虑到所有情况)the planned trip will have to be called off.
2. We will___________your recent illness_________________ (考虑) when marking your exams.
3.The Internet helps me to______________________ (与……保持联系) my friends      .
4.I ______________________ (对……满意)second placebecause I know that I tried my hardest.
5.______________________ (与……相反) popular belief, many cats dislike milk.
6.He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. _________________ (相反)he had a wonderful time.
7. The school sees its job as preparing students to_____________________ (为……作出资献) society
8. We hope that you will accept our invitation if ______________________ (如果对……方便的话) you.
1.All things considered 2. take; into consideration 3. keep/ stay / get in contact/ touch with 4. am content with 5.Contrary to 6.On the contrary 7. make a contribution to/contribute to 8. it is convenient for
1.He considered it a great honour to be invited to the party.
2. Success consists in the ability to continue effortsthrough failures.
3. A constant dropping wears the stone.
4. Please contact me by e-mail if you are interested.
5. The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions.
Shenzhou-16 crew completes first spacewalk
中国日报网 2023-07-21 14:52
The Shenzhou XVI crew members completed their first spacewalk on Thursday, 1    (adjust) camera devices outside the Tiangong space station, according to the China Manned Space Agency.
Mission 2    (command) Jing Haipeng and spaceflight engineer Zhu Yangzhu conducted their eight-hour spacewalk and returned to the Wentian science module at 9:40 pm.This was the 13th spacewalk     3    (carry) out by Chinese astronauts.Professor Gui Haichao, the third member of the crew and the mission's science payload specialist,    4    (stay) inside the space station to provide support.
Jing has abundant experience in handling challenging or 5    (risk) situations,   6     will help him when he carries out the spacewalk.Zhu was a teacher at the Space Engineering University before he became     7     astronaut, so he has expertise in spacecraft engineering and operations.Zhu and Gui belong to the third generation. It is also the first time that a Chinese civilian     8     (travel) to space, as Gui is a nonmilitary astronaut.
Jing and his team have worked for 52 days and are 9     good condition. They will live inside the space station for around five months and are scheduled     10    (return) to Earth in November.
1. adjusting 2. commander 3. carried 4. stayed 5. risky 6. which 7. an 8. has traveled/travelled 9. in 10. to return


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【收藏备用】听句子记单词 突破词汇3600: (1-300组, 共1500单词)
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【词汇积累】107组核心短语,语法完形都可用 (31-50)
【词汇积累】107组核心短语,语法完形都可用 (51-70)
【词汇积累】107组核心短语,语法完形都可用 (71-90)
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考前冲刺 | 2022新课标教材短语汇总




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【收藏备用】 高考英语426个词汇变形汇总1(100个)








考前冲刺 | 2022高考时事热点词形转换汇总!
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考前冲刺 | 2022年高考英语45个高频词的一词多义和固定搭配再复习!
考前冲刺 | 2022高考英语重要短语动词强化记忆(共24组)

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