单词 interest 释义 interest n 1 [U, sing] ~ (in sb/sth) state of wanting to learn or know (about sb/sth); curiosity; concern 兴趣; 好奇心; 关心 feel, have, show, express (an) interest in sb or sth 对某人或某事物觉得有、 有、 表现有、 表示有兴趣 a topic that arouses, provokes, stimulates, etc a lot of interest 能引起、 激起、 唤起...很大兴趣的话题 Now he´s grown up he no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection he´s lost all interest in it. 他已经长大了, 对集邮不再感兴趣了, 完全失去了兴趣了. do sth (just) for interest/out of interest/for interest´s sake, ie (just) to satisfy a desire for knowledge (纯粹)因为有兴趣[从兴趣出发/为了兴趣]而做某事(以满足求知欲). 2 [U] quality that arouses concern or curiosity; power to hold one´s attention 引起关心或好奇心的性质; 趣味; 吸引力 The subject may be full of interest to you, but it holds no interest for me. 这个问题即使你兴味盎然, 我也是兴味索然. Suspense adds interest to a story. 故事中的悬疑情节更加引人入胜. 3 [C] thing with which one concerns oneself or about which one is enthusiastic 令人感兴趣的事物; 爱好 a person of wide, varied, narrow, limited interests 兴趣广泛、 多样、 狭窄、 有限的人 Her main interests in life are music, tennis and cooking. 她生活中的主要爱好是音乐、 网球和烹饪. 4 [C usu pl 通常作复数] advantage; benefit 好处; 利益; 福利 look after, protect, safeguard, etc one´s own interests, ie make sure that nothing is done to one´s disadvantage 照顾、 保护、 保卫...自己的利益 He has your best interests at heart, ie is acting for your advantage. 他处处为你的利益著想. 5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] ~ (in sth) legal right to share in sth (eg a business), esp in its profits (某事物中的)合法权益(如企业中的)(尤指利润) He has considerable business interests. 他有很多企业股份. American interests in Europe, eg capital invested in European countries 美国在欧洲的权益(如在欧洲各国的投资) sell one´s interest in a company 把自己在某公司的股份售出. 6 [C] ~ (in sth) personal connection with sth from which one may benefit, esp financially 利害关系(尤指财务上的) If a Member of Parliament wishes to speak about a company with which he is connected, he must declare his interest. 下院议员若想谈论与其有关的公司的事, 则必须申明他和该公司的利益关系. 7 [U] ~ (on sth) (finance 财) money charged for borrowing money, or paid to sb who invests money 利息 pay interest on a capital sum 付一笔资金的利息 the rate of interest, ie payment made by the borrower expressed as a percentage of capital 利率 interest at 10% 利率为10% [attrib 作定语] the interest rate 利率 an interest-free loan, ie on which one does not have to pay interest 无息贷款. 8 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (often derog 常作贬义) group of people engaged in the same business, etc or having sth in common (企业等的)同行; 有共同之处的人 landed interests, ie landowners 土地所有者 Powerful business interests (ie large business firms collectively) are influencing the government´s actions. 强有力的企业集团影响著政府采取的措施. [attrib 作定语] influential interest groups 有影响的有共同利益的各集团. 9 (idm 习语) in sb´s interest(s) for or to sb´s advantage 为某人的利益; 对某人有好处; 有利於某人 sth that is not in the public interest 不符合公众利益的事 It would be in your interests to accept. 接受下来对你有利. in the interest(s) of sth for the sake of sth 为某事物的缘故 In the interest(s) of safety, no smoking is allowed. 为了安全, 严禁吸烟. a vested interest => vest2. (repay, return, etc sth) with interest (a) (finance 财) (give back a sum of money) adding a percentage of interest 加息(还款). (b) (fig infml 比喻, 口) (respond to an action, good or bad, by doing it to the doer) with added force 加重回报 return a blow, a kindness with interest 重重回击、 加倍报答好意. interest v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ oneself/sb (in sth) (a) cause oneself/sb to give one´s/his attention (to sth) or to be concerned (about sth) 使自己[某人]注意、 关心或感兴趣 a topic that interests me greatly 使我大感兴趣的题目 Having lost his job, he´d begun to interest himself in local voluntary work. 他失业後便开始关注地方的志愿工作了. It may interest you to know that she´s since died. 你可能不知道吧, 她後来死了. (b) arouse sb´s desire to do, buy, eat, etc sth 引起某人要做、 买、 吃等的欲望 Can I interest you in our latest computer? 我给您介绍一下我们最新的计算机好吗? interest, NOTE ON USAGE 用法 The adjective interested can mean *interested这一形容词的意思有两个 1 `desiring to learn or know (about something)´ `(对某事)想知道的' I am very interested in local history. 我很想了解本地的历史. 2 `having an involvement (in something)´ `(与某事)有牵连的' The lawyer invited the interested parties to discuss the problem. 律师邀请有关的当事人一起商讨问题. Uninterested relates to sense 1 *uninterested涉及第1义 She seemed completely uninterested in what I had to tell her about my new job. 我想把我新工作的事告诉她, 她好像丝毫不感兴趣. Disinterested relates to sense 2 *disinterested涉及第2义 In financial matters it is important to get disinterested advice, ie from somebody who is not directly involved. 在财务方面, 要徵询与之无利益关系者的意见, 这是十分重要的. 随便看stories怎么读(interesting怎么读)
stories怎么读(interesting怎么读)单词 interest 释义 interest n 1 U sing in sb sth state of wanting to learn or know about sb sth curiosity concern 兴趣 好奇心 关心 nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp feel have show express an interest in sb or sth 对某人或某事物觉得有 有 表现有 表示有兴趣 nbsp nbsp
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