
oral怎样读(oral英文怎么读)oral 基本解释 形容词口服的 口头的 口述的 属于或关于嘴的 构成或使用言语的 名词 尤指外语考试中的 口试 oral 同义词 形容词 saidvoicedve oral 反义词 oral 的解释 形容词 written oral 相关例句 形容词 1 An oral agreement is not enough we must have a written promise 只有口头协议是不够的 我们必须有一个书面承诺 2 oral 是什么意思 2 He

oral 基本解释

形容词口服的; 口头的,口述的; 属于或关于嘴的; 构成或使用言语的


oral 同义词


oral 反义词



oral 相关例句


1. An oral agreement is not enough; we must have a written promise.


2. oral是什么意思

2. He passed his German oral exam.


3. oral

3. We're having an oral test in class this week.


4. oral的意思

4. The oral opening in an earthworm is small.



1. She passed her orals.


oral 网络解释

1. 口头的:我建议继续使用这一术语,就理解而言,口头的(oral)并非只是简单地对立于书写的(written),而口头诗歌中的诗歌,在这里也被赋予了最为宽泛的语词含义;在这一表达式的上下文中,诗歌不必按唱(singing)或歌(song)来加以区别.

2. oral的解释

2. 口腔:原来,道德(moral)和口腔(oral)有如此接近的「血缘」关系,只差一个字母而已!怪不得我们经常听到人们用口腔对食物的好恶所带来的感觉做为隐喻,去比拟行为是否合乎道德的标准. 例如西方的谚语中有一句话很传神,

3. 口头:4、人际交往技能(Interper,罗百辉的总经理/总裁/CEO职业博客(罗百辉模具技术联盟) - 企业博客网系统分析员需要与各种各样的人进行交流,应该是一个很好的沟通者(Communicator),其技能包括提出问题能力(Question)、倾听能力(Listen)、口头(Oral)和书面(Writt

4. 口服:FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,丙酮可以作为非活性成份(inactive ingredient)被使用FDA官方网站上对丙酮(acetone)药用的记载:结果显示口服(oral)和外用(topical)剂型里,

oral 双语例句

1. My oral english is not very good, when i me...


2. I don't want to have the listening class, so I put the big earphone while the volume is zero; I have no desire to have the oral English class, so I must be the one who doesn't preview the task; I can't pay attention to the grammar class, so the most terrible thing for me is that my cellphone battary runs down in the class; I hate the PE class, so I calculate on the teacher to continue his nonsense; I'm afraid of realising my fault, so I keep going to the library to comfort myself.


3. Methods: Rats were depleted by a combination of pharm acological natriuresis and maternal deprivation, then rats were in fused with 3%salt solution through oral catheters by using controled outmatical pumps; The concentration of plasma ALDO of the rats was analysed by using radio immunoassay.


4. You are so junny, girl, you are right, you need diligence to strive to get what you want, before i have encounter a korea gril that can speak very good english, so we can make conversation eachother, she want to learn chinese, so you can seach on internet maybe some foreigers want to lean chinese form you, so you also can practise you oral english or oralkorean, i had taught an american before, so i can speak english fluently.


5. Methods: 62 early pregnancy women who would be operated on selective painless abortion were divided into the experimental group (30 patients, acceptting systematic and oral psychological care, given written psychological care information and received psychological care postoperation) and the control group (32 patients, received oral and general psychological care from the nurse on duty), and then the preoperative anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure and the relevant indexes were determined after recovery.


6. Good command of oral, written English.


7. of oral local anesthesia injected into the pin-point application of lidocaine gel injection can reduce the sting when the needle, the elderly contribute to the elimination of narcotic injection for fear generated to prevent the treatment of elevated blood pressure, is an economic practical, simple and convenient method of oral local anesthesia.


8. oral

8. Objective:The purpose of the study is to investigate the changes of oral malodor in gingivitis patients by using different therapeutic methods.


9. In order to improve their oral ability, they should focus on training both outer language ability and inner language ability.


10. During this unforgettable experience, I improved my oral English, widened my knowledge and built up a good relationship with my family and teachers.


11. Background and Objective: OCDDS(Oral Colon-specific Drug Delivery System) is a kind of drug target delivery systems, which can deliver drug at colon.


12. In addition, oral colon targeting drug delivery system, drugs were carried to ileocecum and release to get local and whole effect, is also an important part of targeting dosage form.

此外 ,口服结肠靶向给药系统也是靶向制剂的一个重要部分,其是经口服将药物运送到回盲肠后释放并发挥局部或全身的治疗作用。

13. oral

13. These base-associated microtubules is comprise of membranlle brackets of AZM, its associated oral rib-wall microtubules, base body brackets of UM, anterior longitudinal microtubulesand posterior longitudinal microtubules of frontal cirri, ALM of TC, ALM, PLM and transverse microtubules of midventral cirri and L-and RMC.


14. Negus(1929), Kelemen(1938 and 1948), DuBrul(1958), and many others have concluded from this that only man was capable of conducting the glottis-produced sounds through the oral cavity, whereas other primates had the sounds directed through their nasal cavity.

Negus(1929),Kelemen(1938 and 1948),DuBrul(1958),还有其他人,认为只有喉头盖发音是在口腔发音部位。其他的灵长类则是用鼻子发音。

15. Objective To observe the effect of methylprednisolone for oral administration combined with salbutamol in moderate Asthma.

目的 观察口服美卓乐联合沙丁胺醇用于中度支气管哮喘患者的疗效。

16. oral

16. Methods: The content of Chlorogenic Acid in multiple sample of the oral liquid was assayed with High efficiency liquid chromatography by using ODS chromato bar, and under the moving phase with acetonitrile -0.4 phoshoric acid solution (13∶87), 327 nm of wavelength and 1 mL/min of rate of flow.


17. Objective To observe the effect of chronic fatigue rat model which influenced by Sanajon oral liquid, to study the pharmacology mechanism.


18. oral的反义词

18. We hope that by using this system, dietitian can have more tool to assist their daily counciling work, to replace the repeated oral instruction, and patients can have higher satisfaction to the therapeutic diet instruction.


19. oral的解释

19. Said audio-visual English (276 hours; 14 credits)English audio is in English, one of professional skills, through the comparison of various communication activities in the real business of audio-visual language learning and practice materials, understanding of the relevant country's political, economic, cultural and business activities, such as knowledge, audio-visual training of students and organizations the ability to express oral language ability of students to engage in business activities communicative competence.

17-21 英语视听说(276学时;14学分)英语视听说是英语专业的技能课程之一,通过对各种比较真实的商务交际活动的视听语言材料的学习和操练,了解相关国家的政治,经济,文化和各种商务活动等方面的知识,训练学生的视听能力和组织语言进行口头表达的能力,培养学生从事商务活动的交际能力。

20. Web-based; oral-audio-visual course; autonomous English learning; analysis


oral 词典解释

1. 口头的;口述的

Oral communication is spoken rather than written.


e.g. ...the written and oral traditions of ancient cultures.


e.g. ...an oral agreement.




p>...their ability to present ideas orally and in writing.



2. (尤指外语)口试

An oral is an examination, especially in a foreign language, that is spoken rather than written.


e.g. I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.


3. 用口的;口的;口腔的

You use oral to indicate that something is done with a person's mouth or relates to a person's mouth.


e.g. ...good oral hygiene.


4. (药物)口服的

Oral medicines are taken by mouth.

e.g. ...oral contraceptives.




p>...antibiotic tablets taken orally.



oral 单语例句

1. According to New York state law, a criminal sexual act includes forcibly compelling someone to engage in oral sex.

2. Neil denies accusations that could land him in jail for 20 years and one teenager soon alleged the Canadian had paid him for oral sex.

3. I was therefore surprised when one of our first assignments was to do an oral history of a fellow classmate.

4. If a doctor does not specify any individual scheme for taking oral hormone contraceptives, a woman can take such pills uninterruptedly even till her climacterium.

5. The state has also earmarked special funds for the collection, collation and publishing of the text of the lengthy oral epic Life of King Gesar.

6. The collection marks an important academic effort to record the oral histories of the country's folk artists.

7. It is used in procedures such as colonoscopy, endoscopy and oral surgery.

8. Patients and health care workers need to move away from administering unnecessary injections, choosing instead to prescribe oral medication.

9. It is because the oral and listening comprehension of Putonghua lessons might overlap with the Chinese language curriculum.

10. Shanghai women and doctors still hold misunderstanding about oral contraceptives, said medical experts after conducting the city's first survey on people's knowledge about contraceptive methods.

oral 英英释义


1. an examination conducted by spoken communication

Synonym: oral examoral examinationviva voceviva


1. a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth

fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression

2. of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located

e.g. the oral cavity

the oral mucous membrane

the oral surface of a starfish

3. using speech rather than writing

e.g. an oral tradition

an oral agreement

Synonym: unwritten

4. of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth

e.g. oral hygiene

an oral thermometer

an oral vaccine

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