Dockyard/shipyard 船坞 / 船厂
A dockyard and a shipyard are both crucial facilities in the maritime industry. A dockyard is a place where ships are docked for repair, maintenance, and refurbishment. Skilled workers in the dockyard meticulously inspect every part of the vessel to ensure its seaworthiness. On the other hand, a shipyard is where ships are built from scratch. Engineers and laborers work tirelessly to design and construct vessels of various sizes and functions. The shipyard is a hub of innovation and craftsmanship, as it brings to life the majestic ships that sail the seas. Both dockyards and shipyards play essential roles in keeping the world's shipping industry afloat and ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of goods and people across the oceans.
Quay/boatyard 船坞
A quay,, is a place where ships can moor for loading, unloading, and conducting various operations. It is typically located along a coastline or a waterway and provides a safe haven for vessels.
On the other hand, a dry dock is a special facility designed for the repair and maintenance of ships. When a ship enters a dry dock, the water is pumped out, allowing workers to access the hull and carry out necessary repairs and inspections. Dry docks are essential for ensuring the seaworthiness and longevity of ships.
Both quays and dry docks play crucial roles in the maritime industry. Quays facilitate the smooth flow of trade by enabling the efficient transfer of cargo and passengers. Dry docks, meanwhile, ensure the safety and reliability of ships by providing a controlled environment for maintenance and repair work. Without these important facilities, the shipping industry would face significant challenges in transporting goods and people around the world.
Ship-owner 船东
The ship-owner is crucial in the maritime industry. Owning ships or fleets, they invest capital, ensure safety and seaworthiness, manage crews, decide routes and cargoes, and comply with regulations. Without them, oceanic transportation of goods and people would be disrupted.
Ship's side 船舷
The ship's side is an essential part of a ship. It provides structural support and protection, acts as a barrier, is marked with signs, and is used for loading/unloading and various activities. It must be strong enough to withstand sea forces and navigation stresses.船舷是船舶的重要组成部分。它提供结构支撑和保护,起到屏障作用,标有标志,用于装卸货物和各种活动。它必须足够坚固,以承受海洋力量和航行压力。
Ship's rail 船的栏杆
The ship's rail is an important safety feature on a ship. It provides a barrier along the sides of the vessel, preventing people and objects from falling overboard. Made of strong materials, it is designed to withstand the forces of the sea and the movement of the ship.船的栏杆是船上的一项重要安全设施。它在船的两侧提供一道屏障,防止人员和物品落水。由坚固的材料制成,设计用于承受海洋的力量和船舶的运动。
Cargo hold 船舱
The cargo hold is a space within a ship designed to store cargo. It is typically large and well-structured to hold different types of goods. The hold is equipped to protect the cargo from damage and ensure safe transportation.船舱是船内设计用于存储货物的空间。它通常很大且结构良好,以容纳不同类型的货物。船舱配备有设施以保护货物免受损坏并确保安全运输。
Deck 甲板
Ship's registry 船籍
Ship's registry refers to the official record of a ship's nationality and the port where it is registered. It indicates the legal jurisdiction under which the ship operates. The ship's registry is important as it determines the laws and regulations that the ship must comply with. It also provides information about the ship's ownership and can affect its access to certain ports and trade routes.船籍是指船舶国籍以及其注册港口的官方记录。它表明船舶在其下运营的法律管辖范围。船籍很重要,因为它决定了船舶必须遵守的法律法规。它还提供有关船舶所有权的信息,并可能影响船舶进入某些港口和贸易航线的权限。
Accommodation deck 住舱甲板
The accommodation deck is a part of a ship where the living quarters for the crew and passengers are located. It contains cabins, mess areas, and other facilities to ensure comfortable living during the voyage.住舱甲板是船的一部分,是船员和乘客的生活区所在之处。它包含舱室、餐厅区域和其他设施,以确保在航行期间生活舒适。
Bow 船首
The bow is the front part of a ship. It cuts through the water as the ship moves forward, leading the way and often playing a crucial role in the ship's stability and navigation.船首是船的前部。当船向前行驶时,它劈开水流,引领前行,并且常常在船的稳定性和航行中起着至关重要的作用。
Arch deck 梁拱甲板
The arch deck is a type of deck on a ship. It is characterized by its arched shape, which provides additional strength and stability. This deck often plays an important role in supporting the structure of the ship and may house various equipment or serve as a working area.梁拱甲板是船上的一种甲板类型。它的特点是呈拱形,这提供了额外的强度和稳定性。这种甲板通常在支撑船舶结构方面起着重要作用,并且可能容纳各种设备或用作工作区域。
ladder 船梯
The ship's ladder provides a means of access between different levels of the ship. It can be used by crew and passengers to move from one deck to another. Ladders on ships are typically sturdy and designed to withstand the rigors of marine environments. They come in various forms, such as vertical ladders, inclined ladders, or staircases with railings.船上的梯子为船舶的不同层面之间提供了一种通道方式。船员和乘客可以使用它从一个甲板移动到另一个甲板。船上的梯子通常很坚固,设计用于承受海洋环境的严酷考验。它们有各种形式,例如直梯、斜梯或带有栏杆的楼梯。
Cargo deck:
The cargo deck is the area on a ship specifically designed for storing cargo. It is usually large in size and has a sturdy structure to bear the weight and pressure of various cargoes. It is equipped with devices for securing cargo and facilities for loading and unloading.(载货甲板:船舶上专门用于存放货物的区域。通常面积较大,结构坚固,能够承受各种货物的重量和压力。配备有固定货物的装置和便于装卸货物的设施。)
The stern is the rear part of a ship. It often contains propulsion devices such as propellers and the steering gear system. The design of the stern is crucial for the ship's maneuverability and stability. Some ships also have deck areas at the stern for placing equipment or conducting specific operations.(船尾:船舶的后部。通常包含推进装置如螺旋桨等,以及舵机系统。船尾的设计对于船舶的操纵性和稳定性至关重要。一些船舶在船尾还设有甲板区域,可用于放置设备或进行特定的操作。)
Forecastle deck:
The forecastle deck is located at the front of the ship. It provides additional working and living space for the crew and can be used to store specific equipment and supplies. The forecastle deck is usually higher, which can reduce the impact of waves on the front of the ship to some extent.(首楼甲板:位于船舶的前部。为船员提供了额外的工作和生活空间,也可以用于存放一些特定的设备和物资。首楼甲板通常较高,可以在一定程度上减少海浪对船舶前部的冲击。)
The upper deck is the uppermost open deck of a ship. It is typically the main working area of the ship and an important place for crew and passengers to carry out activities. The upper deck has a relatively sturdy structure and is equipped with safety facilities such as railings.(上甲板:船舶最上层的露天甲板。通常是船舶的主要工作区域,也是船员和乘客进行活动的重要场所。上甲板的结构较为坚固,配备有栏杆等安全设施。)
Lower deck:
The lower deck is located below the upper deck. It is usually used for storing cargo, equipment, or as living quarters for the crew. The space of the lower deck is relatively enclosed and requires good ventilation and lighting systems. Its structural design needs to consider the weight of cargo and the installation requirements of equipment.(下甲板:位于上甲板之下。通常用于存放货物、设备或作为船员的居住区域。下甲板的空间相对较为封闭,需要良好的通风和照明系统。它的结构设计要考虑到货物的重量和设备的安装需求。)
Main deck:
The main deck is one of the core decks of a ship. It runs through the middle of the ship and plays an important role in structural support. The main deck usually has hatches, mooring equipment, etc., and is also one of the main areas for cargo handling and crew work.(主甲板:船舶的核心甲板之一。贯穿船舶的中部,承担着重要的结构支撑作用。主甲板上通常设有舱口、系泊设备等,也是货物装卸和船员工作的主要区域之一。)
Hold deck:
The hold deck is located inside the cargo hold and is used to divide different cargo hold areas. It requires a high structural strength to bear the pressure and stacking height of cargo. The hold deck is usually equipped with ventilation, lighting, and fire-fighting facilities to ensure the safe storage of cargo.(货舱甲板:位于货舱内部,用于分隔不同的货舱区域。结构强度要求较高,以承受货物的压力和堆码高度。通常配备有通风、照明和消防等设施,确保货物的安全存储。)
Bridge deck:
The bridge deck is the deck where the ship's bridge is located. It is usually in the superstructure of the ship and provides a good view for the crew to operate and navigate the ship. The bridge deck is equipped with various navigation equipment, communication devices, and control systems.(桥楼甲板:船舶驾驶台所在的甲板。通常位于船舶的上层建筑中,提供良好的视野,以便船员进行船舶的操纵和导航。桥楼甲板上配备有各种导航设备、通信设备和控制系统。)
Watertight deck:
The watertight deck is a deck with watertight properties. It can prevent the flow of water between different compartments and improve the ship's unsinkability. The watertight deck is usually made of strong materials and undergoes strict sealing treatment to ensure effective protection of the ship and personnel in case of emergencies.(水密甲板:具有水密性能的甲板。能够阻止水在不同舱室之间的流动,提高船舶的抗沉性。通常由坚固的材料制成,并经过严格的密封处理,以确保在发生意外情况时能够有效地保护船舶和人员的安全。)
Navigation deck:
The navigation deck is where the ship's navigation equipment and controls are located. It is crucial for the ship's operation and safety.(驾驶甲板:是船舶导航设备和控制装置所在的甲板。对船舶的操作和安全至关重要。)
Copper sheathing steel plate:
Copper sheathing steel plate is a composite material of copper and steel. It provides protection and durability.(铜 - 钢复合板:是铜和钢的复合材料。提供保护和耐用性。)
Boat deck:
The boat deck is a place for storing and launching lifeboats and other small boats. It is important for emergency situations.(艇甲板:用于存放和发射救生艇及其他小型船只的地方。在紧急情况下很重要。)
Deck stringer plate:
The deck stringer plate is a structural component along the sides of the deck. It provides strength and support.(甲板边板:是甲板两侧的结构部件。提供强度和支撑。)
Compass deck:
The compass deck is where the ship's compass is located. It provides accurate navigation information.(罗经甲板:是船舶罗经所在的甲板。提供准确的导航信息。)
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