leetcode 2347. Best Poker Hand(python)

leetcode 2347. Best Poker Hand(python)这是 Biweekly Contest 83的第一题,难度 Eazy ,主要考查的是对题目的理解和计数器的使用


You are given an integer array ranks and a character array suits. You have 5 cards where the ith card has a rank of ranks[i] and a suit of suits[i]. The following are the types of poker hands you can make from best to worst:

  • “Flush”: Five cards of the same suit.
  • “Three of a Kind”: Three cards of the same rank.
  • “Pair”: Two cards of the same rank.
  • “High Card”: Any single card.

Return a string representing the best type of poker hand you can make with the given cards. Note that the return values are case-sensitive.

Example 1:

Input: ranks = [13,2,3,1,9], suits = ["a","a","a","a","a"]
Output: "Flush"
Explanation: The hand with all the cards consists of 5 cards with the same suit, so we have a "Flush".

Example 2:

Input: ranks = [4,4,2,4,4], suits = ["d","a","a","b","c"]
Output: "Three of a Kind"
Explanation: The hand with the first, second, and fourth card consists of 3 cards with the same rank, so we have a "Three of a Kind".
Note that we could also make a "Pair" hand but "Three of a Kind" is a better hand.
Also note that other cards could be used to make the "Three of a Kind" hand.

Example 3:

Input: ranks = [10,10,2,12,9], suits = ["a","b","c","a","d"]
Output: "Pair"
Explanation: The hand with the first and second card consists of 2 cards with the same rank, so we have a "Pair".
Note that we cannot make a "Flush" or a "Three of a Kind".


ranks.length == suits.length == 5
1 <= ranks[i] <= 13
'a' <= suits[i] <= 'd'
No two cards have the same rank and suit.


根据题意,给定一个整数数组 ranks 和一个字符数组 suits 。 有 5 张牌,其中第 i 张牌的等级为 ranks[i] 和一套花色 suits[i] 。 以下是从最好到最差的扑克牌类型:

  • “同花顺”:五张同花色的牌。
  • “三类”:三张相同等级的牌。
  • “对子”:两张相同等级的牌。
  • “高牌”:任何单张牌。

返回一个字符串,表示可以使用给定卡片最佳扑克类型。 请注意,返回值区分大小写。

这道题是比较简单的,只要按照题目的意思写代码即可。时间复杂度为 O(N) ,空间复杂度为 O(N) 。


class Solution(object):
    def bestHand(self, ranks, suits):
        """ :type ranks: List[int] :type suits: List[str] :rtype: str """
        N = len(ranks)
        if len(set(suits)) == 1:
            return "Flush"
        c = collections.Counter(ranks)
        if 4 in c.values() or 3 in c.values():
            return "Three of a Kind"
        if 2 in c.values():
            return "Pair"
        if len(set(ranks)) == N:
            return "High Card"


93 / 93 test cases passed.
Status: Accepted
Runtime: 16 ms
Memory Usage: 13.5 MB




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