


Active Objects


One common pattern of asynchronous programming is that of active objects, or actors. Active objects communicate by asynchronous messages that are processed sequentially by a thread of control that is specific to that object. One way of programming active objects in Cω is by inheritance from an abstract base class:

active objects是一个公共的异步模式编程模式。Active objects间的通信是通过异步的消息机制来实现的,它使用了控制线程对消息进行连续地处理。在Cω中ActiveObject的处理如下:

public abstract class ActiveObject

    protected bool done = false; //用于标识是否处理消息

    async Start();//定义异步函数

    protected abstract void ProcessMessage();//定义抽象的消息处理函数

    public ActiveObject() 

     when Start()

            while (!done)  ProcessMessage();

When an instance of ActiveObject is created, the Start() method is called, which spawns a new thread which repeatedly calls the abstract synchronous method ProcessMessage(). Subclasses of ActiveObject then override ProcessMessage(), joining it in a sequence of chords with each of the asynchronous messages that they wish to process.


public interface EventSink { async Post(string message); }

//Distributor是消息的分发类,它继承于ActiveObject与消息接收器的接口EventSink public class Distributor : ActiveObject, EventSink {

private ArrayList subscribers = new ArrayList();

//对象的名称 private string myname;

//定义两个异步函数的Subscribe与Post public async Subscribe(EventSink sink); public async Post(string message);

//重新实现消息处理函数 protected override void ProcessMessage()
//需要向订阅者发送的消息加入到subscribers中 & Subscribe(EventSink sink) { subscribers.Add(sink); }
//信息的发送,这里会将subscribers中的所有数据发送到指定的位置 & Post(string message) { foreach (EventSink sink in subscribers) { sink.Post(myname + ":" + message); } }
public Distributor(string name) { myname = name; } }

A Distributor object can receive asynchronous Subscribe and Post messages. Each Post message is resent to each of the current subscribers. No locking is required for access to the current subscriber list since, although messages can arrive at any time, they are processed strictly sequentially by the Distributor‘s message-loop thread (without blocking their sender, of course).


Since threads are a relatively expensive resource on the CLR, having many instances of this ActiveObject class around at once will be inefficient. However, ActiveObject-s are not built in to Cω – they’re just one example of the sort of thing one can build easily with the Cω concurrency constructs. Implementing variants of this pattern, such as families of objects that share a custom threadpool implementation is also straightforward.



The following uses active objects to implement a simple publish-subscribe system:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public abstract class ActiveObject {

  protected bool done = false;
  async Start();
  protected abstract void ProcessMessage();

  public ActiveObject() {
  when Start() {
    while (!done)  ProcessMessage();

public interface EventSink {
  async Post(string message);

public class Distributor : ActiveObject, EventSink {
  private EventSink{} subscribers = {};
  private string name;

  public async Subscribe(EventSink sink);
  public async Post(string message);

  protected override void ProcessMessage()
  & Subscribe(EventSink sink) {
  & Post(string message) {
    foreach (sink in subscribers) {
      sink.Post(String.Format("{0} : {1}",name,message));

  public Distributor(string name) { = name;

public class Subscriber: EventSink {
  private string name;
  public async Post(string message);

  public Subscriber(string name) { = name;

  when Post(string message) {
    Console.WriteLine("{0} got message {1}", name, message);


public class Demo {
  public static void Main(){
    Distributor d = new Distributor("D");
    Subscriber a = new Subscriber("a");
    d.Post("First message");
    Subscriber b = new Subscriber("b");
    d.Post ("Second message");
    Subscriber c = new Subscriber("c");
    d.Post("Third message");


After the output has stopped changing, simply close the console window where ActiveObjects.exe is running such as by using the keyboard shortcut (Alt + Space + C) or the mouse to click on the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the window.

b got message D : First message
c got message D : First message
a got message D : First message
c got message D : Third message
b got message D : Third message
a got message D : Second message
b got message D : Second message
a got message D : Third message
c got message D : Second message


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