


“So the more you succeed the more people are trying to attack you. Just remember that for every attack there’s a defense. So as soon as someone puts you in a vulnerable position gotta quickly figure out how to go all out and win, that’s what it’s all about.”

字幕: 所以你越是成功 就会有越人多想攻击你 ,请记住 每次攻击都有防守的机会,所以一旦有人让你处于弱势地位,最重要的是你需要要快速明白 如何全力以赴并赢得胜利。

【学徒-第六季-第九集】 27:08


“because pain is only temporary but what is on that film is permanent. “

字幕: 因为痛苦只是暂时的 但那部电影的内容是永久的。

【学徒-第六季-第九集】 26:44


“It doesn’t work between the two of you it sort of doesn’t work between you and the team. Surya, You’re fired. “

字幕: 你们两合不来,你和团队无法和谐相处,苏里亚,你被解雇了。

【学徒-第六季-第八集】 40:04



“one of the things that really brings a team together is when they learn to cover for each other’s weaknesses. that’s when a team really grows. “

字幕: 真正让一个队伍凝聚的事情,就是学会互相掩护缺点

【学徒-第六季-第五集】 19:11


“if you don’t love what you do you’ll never ever be successful. “

字幕: 要是你不喜欢自己做的事 你就永远不会成功

【学徒-第六季-第五集】 19:11



“Number two, when I give speeches on success and speeches on motivation the second point I make is never ever give up, never quit. I say that. You can never be successful if you quit. “

字幕: 第二点 我在做成功和鼓励演讲时,第二点是永不放弃,永不离开。我这么说,要是你放弃 永远都不可能成功。

【学徒-第六季-第三集】 36:55


“i feel everything you say is rhetoric and this and that and no hunger, no passion, no fire……”

字幕: 我觉得你说的东西都很浮夸,没有渴望 没有激情 没有热情

【学徒-第六季-第一集】 57:01


“Martin has, his attitude I just don’t see it meshing well within our company or with you quite frankly. “

字幕: 马丁 他的态度 跟大家融合得不好,跟我们公司 跟你都不太融洽。

【学徒-第六季-第一集】 51:09


“seize every opportunity as if it were your last. “

字幕: 把握每个机会 把它当做最后的机会

【学徒-第六季-第一集】 37:13


if you really love what you do you keep on going always.

字幕: 要是你真心喜欢自己做的事 你会一直坚持。

【学徒-第六季-第一集】 35:22


“Taking Credit”


Don’t get me wrong, modesty is a good thing. But in business it’s important to take credit for your successes before someone else does. I do it all the time. So don’t be afraid to blow your own horn. 

字幕: 别误会 谦虚是件好事,但生意上 你需要承认自己的功劳,免得他人抢功,我一直这么做。别害怕自吹自擂。

【学徒-第五季-第十五集】 42:05



I think sean’s spending not enough time with his team. I do think that a good leader has to be sure that team members are operating the way they should be operating, and I don’t think sending ’em out in the field by themselves is the right way to go.


【学徒-第五季-第十五集】 18:10



“Work vs. Friendship”


It’s always great to have friendship in business, buy you can’t let the friendships hurt your goals. You can’t let the friendships hurt your business. It’s really wonderful to have good friends in business, but usually it doesn’t work out.

字幕: 在商业中建立友谊很棒,但友谊不能凌驾于目标之上,凌驾于生意之上,生意上结交好朋友很棒,但结果往往不如人意。

【学徒-第五季-第十三集】 12:33



When Tammy was explaining their concept, Allie would shoot me these looks like Tammy’s an amateur at this. And I didn’t like that, you know. I mean, uh, uh, if you’re on a team, you should be working one hundred percent as a team, trying to win.

字幕:塔米介绍方案时,艾莉的表情像是在告诉我 塔米简直是门外汉,我觉得不太好。既然是团队任务,每个团队成员都该为争取获胜全力以赴。

【学徒-第五季-第十二集】 09:11



“Death To Traitors”


If you think there maybe some sabotage from within, find the people that are doing this to you, and get rid of them ruthlessly, viciously. I don’t care how you have to get rid of ’em. But get rid of ’em fast. 

字幕: 要是发现有人暗中使坏,就找出叛徒,无情地处理掉他们。我不关心手段,只关心结果。

【学徒-第五季-第十二集】 07:09



“Watch Your Back”


I’ve seen many people that could talk a good game but they couldn’t deliver.  They’re losers. If you don’t deliver the goods the talking doesn’t mean anything. 

字幕: 我见过很多人能把比赛说得头头是道,但他们却无法好好完成比赛,他们是输家。如果你不能好好表现 那说的话将会一文不值。

【学徒-第五季-第十一集】 07:59






A great leader also has to know how to be led, And a great leader also has to know how to be led, and you don’t know how to be led. Tarek, you’re fired.


【学徒-第五季-第十集】 38:43


A leader had to be able to control the people that they’re leading, so Charmaine, you’re fired.


【学徒-第五季-第十集】 38:01


“Watch Your Back”


I view everybody as wanting my job, so everybody is ultimately competition. So when you go through periods where people come at you, go after’em, flight’em hard, and win. I wouldn’t say it’s a great way to live a life but you have the advantage of having the top spot don’t let anybody take that top sport from you. Stay focused.

字幕: 在我眼里 每个人都想要我的工作 所以每个人都是竞争者,在某个时刻 人们对你不坏好意,不要放过他们 顽强战斗 赢得胜利,我不会说这是生活的好方法,但你有站上顶点的优势,不要让任何人从你手里夺走。保持专注。

【学徒-第五季-第十集】 11:10


“All In The Family”


Many people have priorities. In some cases it’s family, in some cases it’s business. Have priorities. If you love your family, love’em. If you love your business, love it. But there is room for other things. So you could have a great family and also do a great job at business. Try getting them all in there.

字幕: 很多人都有优先事项,有些人是家庭 有些人是事业,可以有优先事项,如果你爱你的家人 那就爱,如果你爱你的事业 那就爱,但是还有其他的空间,你可以拥有一个幸福的家庭 事业上也风生水起,努力做到两者兼具。

【学徒-第五季-第九集】 11:58




Selling on the street is not gonna win us this task. It’s just not going to.

字幕: 漫无目的地销售无法让我们获胜,不能这样。

【学徒-第五季-第九集】 08:48



“Know Your Customer”


My father used to look at buildings and talk to people going into those buildings and then he’d go and design a building so they sort of met the needs of these people. Learn your customer. Know your customer. It’s a good road to success.

字幕: 我父亲以前观察建筑,谈论那些进进出出的人,然后他再去设计建筑,这样才能发现人们需要的,研究你的客户,了解你的客户,这才是成功之路。

【学徒-第五季-第八集】 08:32




“Be Decisive”


When your’re not decisive the people that are supposed to be following you are gonna say he doesn’t know how to lead. At the same time you dont’t wanan be so quick that you make a mistake. So be decisive, but make sure you’re not making a mistake.

字幕: 当你没有决定该跟随谁时,你会说他不懂领导,这时候你不想太快决定以免犯错,所以果断点 但要确保不犯错。

【学徒-第五季-第七集】 09:01


“Command Respect”


If a leader doesn’t have the repect of his or her employees it’s over. You need the respect of your employees. If you’re not gonna lead and if you’re not gonna have their respect it’s over, give it up, go out and get a job.

字幕: 如果一位领袖没有得到其员工的尊重的话 那就完了,你需要员工们的尊重,如果你不去带头 没有得到他们的尊重 那就完了 别干了回去吧 替人打工吧

【学徒-第五季-第六集】 13:18



One thing I would say to you is you know you guys were about twenty-five minutes late and in a normal business metting you might not even made it in the fornt door. So in the future I ask you to remind yourself you need to be on time.

字幕: 我要说的一点是 你们迟到了大约25分钟,在普通的商务会里面这种情况 你们可能都进不了大门,以后你们要时刻提醒自己 必须准时。

【学徒-第五季-第六集】 12:28




“Listen To Your People”


A really great leader, no matter how tough, no matter how smart, will always have an ability to listen to smart people that work for them. There’s so many great ideas that can come out of your subordinates and if you’re not listening you’re not gonna get those ideas. So hire smart people, and then listen to them.

字幕:一个真正优秀的领导者 不管多顽强 多聪明,总是会听取聪明的手下的建议,你的下属有很多非常棒的点子,如果不去倾听 就不会知道这些点子,所以要雇佣聪明人 还要听听他们的意见。

【学徒-第五季-第五集】 11:52



Worst attitude in the world. Why would you bring that guy back?


【学徒-第五季-第五集】 02:34


“Keep It Simple, Stupid!”

字幕:”保持简洁 愚蠢”

In advertising you wanna keep your message to the point and simple. When you make it too detailed, too complex, it goes over the head of a large segment of the people you’re really wanting them to hear the message.

字幕:在广告业 你最好让信息切题并简洁,你让其太过详细,太过复杂,它超出了你十分想将其传达的受众的,大多数人的智商。

【学徒-第五季-第四集】 11:09


“Plan B”


I’ve seen over the years many people. They’re highly inflexible. They have a straight line, but a lot of times that line has to change, and if you don’t have a plan “b” it’s just not going to work. You need flexibility or you’re never ever going to be successful.

字幕:这些年我见过许多人,他们十分不灵活,他们在一条直线上 但许多时候这得改变,如果你没有b计划 这是不行的,你需要灵活性 不然你绝不会成功。

【学徒-第五季-第三集】 09:53



“People Are Strange”


Life is full of different people. Sometimes you’ll see a person, they’re dressed beautifully, they look great, they’re sharp, they speak well, everything’s perfect, but they’re losers. Then you’ll see somebody that doesn’t look as good, they don’t have the right clothing, they don’t have the right face, they don’t have anything right, but they turn out to be winners. Time shows that they turned out to be winners. You never can judge a book by its conver.

字幕:生活中有形形色色的人,有时 你会看到有人穿的很漂亮,看起来很棒 他们很聪明 谈吐得体,一切都很完美 但他们是失败者。然而你会看到外表不太出众的人,他们衣着不得体 他们长相平平,他们没有什么优点 但结果他们是赢家。事实证明他们是赢家。人不可貌相。

【学徒-第五季-第二集】 09:53


“Change The Team”


People that are successful always know when it’s time to pull somebody, to change the squad. You don’t want them to fail  because probably it’s your team that’s going down with them, so pull that person before they fail.


【学徒-第五季-第一集】 18:25



it’s important not just to have people that have achieved a lot, it’s important also to have members on your team that you really look forward to working with.


【学徒-第五季-第一集】 09:09





Always treat your boss with great respect. It makes you look good and it makes somebody like me, me, do you understand, me , the boss, feel even better.

字幕:永远尊重你的老板,这能提升你的形象 并让我这样的人,明白吗 我 老板 感觉更好。

【学徒-第四季-第十三集】 30:35






Oftentimes things go wrong and there’s just not much you can do about it, but a really good leader will step up, take responsibility, and really just find the right solution.


【学徒-第四季-第十三集】 12:31


The one thing about the trump organization is you have to think big, I just feel that you guys didn’t think big. You didn’t throw the net out far enough, where your competitors they canvassed the entire island of Manhattan.


【学徒-第四季-第十集】 34:45



Any real success comes wiht nothing short of…the hardest work. And just when you think you’ve had enough and you can’t have anymore, you gotta try even harder.


【学徒-第四季-第十集】 30:03



“Be A Gladiator”


There are times when the only choice is confrontation. Think of yourself as a goldiator. Think of yourself as somebody that goes into the ring. Confrontation is never really popular, but you know what? Sometimes it’s needed.Do it and do it with gusto.


【学徒-第四季-第十集】 13:40




Marshawn, wouldn’t it be logical at this stage in the interview process to really accentuate your strengths? Wouldn’t it make sense to really step up the game and showcase what you have? Because the window of opportunity here is closing really quickly.


【学徒-第四季-第八集】 37:56





Recently, I had a man and he came in for his final interview, but in my mind, he was hired. So this guy started telling me what a creep his boss is. A disloyal person can totally destroy a corporation. I didn’t like that an employee was talking badly about the boss and I decided not to hire him. If you find a disloyal person, get rid of him or her immediately. They’re no good, they’ll never be good, there’s nothing worse than disloyalty.

字幕:最近我遇到一个人,他来进行最后一轮面试,但我心里已经雇他了。这个人告诉我他的老板有多可怕,对公司不忠的人会毁掉一个公司。我不喜欢员工说老板坏话,于是我决定不用他。如果你们发现不忠的人 那就应该立即解雇他们。他们对公司没好处 永远都没好处,没什么比不忠更恶劣。

【学徒-第四季-第八集】 12:42







I would rather have us speaking competently on something that’s safe, than to be risking the opportunity to look like we’re ignorant about something that we thought would have some kind of zest or some kind of zip.


【学徒-第四季-第七集】 17:33



A successful team has to challenge each other. Push your teammates to be better performers.  Just keep pushing and pushing them. You don’t want to drive ’em over the edge, but push them as far as you can.

字幕:一个成功的团队要会考验彼此,逼迫你的队员 让他们表现得更好,一直不停地逼迫他们。别逼过头了,不过尽你最大的努力。

【学徒-第四季-第七集】 12:49 



A successful team has to challenge each other. Push your teammates to be better performers.  Just keep pushing and pushing them. You don’t want to drive ’em over the edge, but push them as far as you can.

字幕:一个成功的团队要会考验彼此,逼迫你的队员 让他们表现得更好,一直不停地逼迫他们。别逼过头了,不过尽你最大的努力。

【学徒-第四季-第六集】 12:49 



People say,seek first to understand ,and then to be understood.


【学徒-第四季-第五集】 11:26 




【学徒-第四季-第一集】 11:26 



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