iOS 开发柱状图_ios develop

iOS 开发柱状图_ios develop针对目前大面积开发者遇到Guideline4.3-Design-Spam问题1,最近在项目迭代版本时被拒,被拒描述Guideline_guideline4.3-design

iOS 开发柱状图_ios develop

针对目前大面积开发者遇到Guideline 4.3 – Design – Spam问题

1,最近在项目迭代版本时被拒,被拒描述Guideline 4.3 – Design – Spam问题,其实在被拒版本之前一个礼拜,本人同样提交了一个版本,那个版本已经审核通过,在刚刚审核通过后,因为项目因业务需求,新增一点需求,又发布了这个版本,结果被拒,很是纳闷,首先本项目已经上架有两年多了,一直在维护,迭代版本(妥妥的),其次是被拒版本前还发了一个版本(同样妥妥的),几乎在一个礼拜之内发生的,其结果截然相反

2,针对这个问题,我第一时间想到,难道是项目版本迭代(相邻两个版本)间隔时间太短了?在第一个版本刚审核通过,就提交了被拒的这个版本,很快就被打回Guideline 4.3 – Design – Spam问题,所以这个时间也可能是一个因素,大家拿捏好这个度

3,查询了一下苹果审核指南,针对问题4.3是功能或者应用程序重复出现在App Store,包括相同类型产品功能较一致,以及上传马甲或者分包导致的被拒回复

4,在各大博客 论坛,大家都说苹果在2017.3月开始加大了审理力度,审核会更严格(下架热更新,VPN等产品),尤其在2017年6月和7月出现了大量项目被拒Guideline 4.3 – Design – Spam问题,就算在严查期间,提交的第一个版本为何是妥妥的,从今年(2017)年初到现在,几乎是一个月更新一个版本,同样很快就审核通过。同样是妥妥的!玛尼?


Thank you for your response.
Regarding the Guideline 4.3 – Design – Spam issue, your app duplicates the content and functionality of apps submitted to the App Store, which is considered a form of spam.
Best regards,
App Store Review


6.1>    回复苹果产品设计理念等,表述产品情怀,希望打造独一无二的产品,比如功能目前会跟其他类似,会有相同情况;然后提出产 品内某功能加以细节性说明等,看                 苹果能不能站在产品使用场景,针对不同的用户群体考虑,给项目审核通过;(如果可以,这样最好了,不用那么麻烦)

6.2>  可以考虑议换logo,换名称,换描述,换UI,改资源名称,改文件名称,反正能改的尽量改,如果觉得类太多,就改那些常用的类的名称;

6.3>   如果上述的方法无法解决,可以尝试增加垃圾代码来淡化应用的重复率,越多越好,但是也不要太多,适当就好,因为一般都是机器审核后才会有这个4.3问                 题,如果担心不知道怎么更快添加垃圾代码,可以               去百度,有垃圾代码生成器,很方便的;

6.4>   针对收费产品,可以修改应用程序价格,打造与原产品不同的价格级别;

6.5>   修改应用程序发布地区,打造与原产品不同的售卖地区或分不同地区运营;

6.6>   修改产品分类,打造与原产品不同的产品侧重属性分类;

6.7>   如果这样不能解决问题,那就呵呵了!


Your app duplicates the content and functionality of apps submitted to the App Store, which is considered a form of spam. 
Apps that simply duplicate content or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their apps.
You will experience a delayed review process if you deliberately disregard the App Store Review Guidelines, ignore previous rejection feedback in future app submissions, or use your app to mislead or deceive users.

Important Information
As a result of violating this guideline, your app’s review has been delayed. Future submissions of this app, and other apps associated with your Apple Developer account, will also experience a delayed review. Deliberate disregard of the App Store Review Guidelines and attempts to deceive users or undermine the review process are unacceptable and is a direct violation Section 3.2(f) of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Continuing to violate the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program will result in the termination of your account, as well as any related or linked accounts, and the removal of all your associated apps from the App Store. 
We want to provide a safe experience for users to get apps and a fair environment for for all developers to be successful. If you believe we have misunderstood or misinterpreted the intent of your app, you may submit an appeal for consideration or provide additional clarification by responding directly to this message in Resolution Center in iTunes Connect.
For app design information, check out the following videos: “Best Practices for Great iOS UI Design” and “Designing Intuitive User Experiences,” available on the Apple Developer website.
You may also want to review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for more information on how to create a great user experience in your app.
If you cannot – or choose not to – revise your app to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, you may wish to build an HTML5 web app instead. You can distribute web apps directly on your web site; the App Store does not accept or distribute web apps.
For more information about creating web apps, refer to the Configuring Web Applications section of the Safari Web Content Guide.
For a description of the HTML elements and attributes you can use in Safari on iPhone, check out Safari HTML Reference: Introduction.

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