





import React from 'react'; import { 
    Select } from 'element-react'; import { 
    Layout } from 'element-react'; import 'element-theme-default'; import valueData from '../../../jsondata/editor-data.json' class SelectBox extends React.Component{ 
    constructor(props) { 
    super(props); this.state = { 
    //支持的语言 options: [ { 
    value: '选项1', label: 'apex', }, { 
    value: '选项2', label: 'azcli', }, { 
    value: '选项3', label: 'bat', }, { 
    value: '选项4', label: 'c' }, { 
    value: '选项5', label: 'clojure', }, { 
    value: '选项6', label: 'coffeescript', }, { 
    value: '选项7', label: 'cpp', }, { 
    value: '选项8', label: 'csharp', }, { 
    value: '选项9', label: 'csp', }, { 
    value: '选项10', label: 'css', }, { 
    value: '选项11', label: 'dockerfile', }, { 
    value: '选项12', label: 'fsharp', }, { 
    value: '选项13', label: 'go', }, { 
    value: '选项14', label: 'handlebars', }, { 
    value: '选项15', label: 'html', }, { 
    value: '选项16', label: 'ini', }, { 
    value: '选项17', label: 'java', }, { 
    value: '选项18', label: 'javascript', }, { 
    value: '选项19', label: 'json', }, { 
    value: '选项20', label: 'less', }, { 
    value: '选项21', label: 'lua', }, { 
    value: '选项22', label: 'markdown', }, { 
    value: '选项23', label: 'msdax', }, { 
    value: '选项24', label: 'mysql', }, { 
    value: '选项25', label: 'objective', }, { 
    value: '选项26', label: 'pascal', }, { 
    value: '选项27', label: 'perl', }, { 
    value: '选项28', label: 'pgsql', }, { 
    value: '选项29', label: 'php', }, { 
    value: '选项30', label: 'postiats', }, { 
    value: '选项31', label: 'powerquery', }, { 
    value: '选项32', label: 'powershell', }, { 
    value: '选项33', label: 'pug', }, { 
    value: '选项34', label: 'python', }, { 
    value: '选项35', label: 'r', }, { 
    value: '选项36', label: 'razor', }, { 
    value: '选项37', label: 'redis', }, { 
    value: '选项38', label: 'redshift', }, { 
    value: '选项39', label: 'ruby', }, { 
    value: '选项40', label: 'rust', }, { 
    value: '选项41', label: 'sb', }, { 
    value: '选项42', label: 'scheme', }, { 
    value: '选项43', label: 'scss', }, { 
    value: '选项44', label: 'shell', }, { 
    value: '选项45', label: 'sol', }, { 
    value: '选项46', label: 'sql', }, { 
    value: '选项47', label: 'st', }, { 
    value: '选项48', label: 'swift', }, { 
    value: '选项49', label: 'typescript', }, { 
    value: '选项50', label: 'vb', }, { 
    value: '选项51', label: 'xml', }, { 
    value: '选项52', label: 'yaml' } ], //支持的主题 theme: [ { 
    value: '选项1', label: 'Visual Studio', }, { 
    value: '选项2', label: 'Visual Studio Dark', }, { 
    value: '选项3', label: 'Hight Contrast Dark', }, ], value: '' }; } //改变主题,通过Select的onChnage触发 handleSelectTheme(event){ 
    //根据选择设置对主题的值 let selectval = ''; if (event === '选项1') { 
    selectval = 'vs'; } else if (event === '选项2') { 
    selectval = 'vs-dark'; } else if (event === '选项3') { 
    selectval = 'hc-black'; } //通过调用父组件的方法,修改父组件中的state this.props.ChangeTheme(selectval); } //改变语言,通过Select的onChnage触发 handleSelectLanguage(event){ 
    //通过调用父组件的方法,修改父组件中的state,修改的是语言 this.props.ChangeLanguage(event); for(let i = 0;i < valueData.values.length;i++) { 
    if (valueData.values[i].language === event) { 
    //通过调用父组件的方法,修改父组件中的state //修改的是编辑框中显示的内容 //这里是用的是json数据 this.props.ChangeValue(valueData.values[i].value); } } } render() { 
    return ( <div> <Layout.Row> <Layout.Col span="12"> <div className="grid-content bg-purple-light"> <span>主题:</span> <Select value={ 
   this.state.value} placeholder="请选择" onChange={ 
   this.handleSelectTheme.bind(this)}> { => { 
    return <Select.Option key={ 
   el.value} label={ 
   el.label} value={ 
   el.value}/> }) } </Select> </div> </Layout.Col> <Layout.Col span="12"> <div className="grid-content bg-purple-light"> <span>语言:</span> <Select value={ 
   this.state.value} placeholder="请选择" onChange={ 
   this.handleSelectLanguage.bind(this)}> { => { 
    return <Select.Option key={ 
   el.value} label={ 
   el.label} value={ 
   el.label}/> }) } </Select> </div> </Layout.Col> </Layout.Row> </div> ); } } export default SelectBox; 
    "values": [ { 
    "language": "apex", "value": "/* Using a single database query, find all the leads in\n the database that have the same email address as any\n of the leads being inserted or updated. */\nfor (Lead lead : [SELECT Email FROM Lead WHERE Email IN :leadMap.KeySet()]) {\n Lead newLead = leadMap.get(lead.Email);\n newLead.Email.addError('A lead with this email address already exists.');\n}\n" }, { 
    "language": "azcli", "value": "# Create a resource group.\naz group create --name myResourceGroup --location westeurope\n\n# Create a new virtual machine, this creates SSH keys if not present.\naz vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image UbuntuLTS --generate-ssh-keys" }, { 
    "language": "bat", "value": "rem *******Begin Comment**************\nrem This program starts the superapp batch program on the network,\nrem directs the output to a file, and displays the file\nrem in Notepad.\nrem *******End Comment**************\n@echo off\nif exist C:\\output.txt goto EMPTYEXISTS\nsetlocal\n\tpath=g:\\programs\\superapp;%path%\n\tcall superapp>C:\\output.txt\nendlocal\n:EMPTYEXISTS\nstart notepad c:\\output.txt" }, { 
    "language": "clojure", "value": "(ns game-of-life\n \"Conway's Game of Life, based on the work of\n Christophe Grand (\n and Laurent Petit (\")\n\n;;; Core game of life's algorithm functions\n\n(defn neighbors\n \"Given a cell's coordinates `[x y]`, returns the coordinates of its\n neighbors.\"\n [[x y]]\n (for [dx [-1 0 1]\n dy (if (zero? dx)\n [-1 1]\n [-1 0 1])]\n [(+ dx x) (+ dy y)]))\n\n(defn step\n \"Given a set of living `cells`, computes the new set of living cells.\"\n [cells]\n (set (for [[cell n] (frequencies (mapcat neighbors cells))\n :when (or (= n 3)\n (and (= n 2)\n (cells cell)))]\n cell)))\n\n;;; Utility methods for displaying game on a text terminal\n\n(defn print-grid\n \"Prints a `grid` of `w` columns and `h` rows, on *out*, representing a\n step in the game.\"\n [grid w h]\n (doseq [x (range (inc w))\n y (range (inc h))]\n (when (= y 0) (println))\n (print (if (grid [x y])\n \"[X]\"\n \" . \"))))\n\n(defn print-grids\n \"Prints a sequence of `grids` of `w` columns and `h` rows on *out*,\n representing several steps.\"\n [grids w h]\n (doseq [grid grids]\n (print-grid grid w h)\n (println)))\n\n;;; Launches an example grid\n\n(def grid\n \"`grid` represents the initial set of living cells\"\n #{[2 1] [2 2] [2 3]})\n\n(print-grids (take 3 (iterate step grid)) 5 5)" }, { 
    "language": "coffeescript", "value": "\"\"\"\nA CoffeeScript sample.\n\"\"\"\n\nclass Vehicle\n constructor: (@name) =>\n \n drive: () =>\n alert \"Conducting #{@name}\"\n\nclass Car extends Vehicle\n drive: () =>\n alert \"Driving #{@name}\"\n\nc = new Car \"Brandie\"\n\nwhile notAtDestination()\n\n\nraceVehicles = (new Car for i in [1..100])\n\nstartRace = (vehicles) -> [ for vehicle in vehicles]\n\nfancyRegExp = ///\n\t(\\d+)\t# numbers\n\t(\\w*)\t# letters\n\t$\t\t# the end\n///\n" }, { 
    "language": "cpp", "value": "#include \"pch.h\"\n#include \"Direct3DBase.h\"\n\nusing namespace Microsoft::WRL;\nusing namespace Windows::UI::Core;\nusing namespace Windows::Foundation;\n\n// Constructor.\nDirect3DBase::Direct3DBase()\n{\n}\n\n// Initialize the Direct3D resources required to run.\nvoid Direct3DBase::Initialize(CoreWindow^ window)\n{\n m_window = window;\n \n CreateDeviceResources();\n CreateWindowSizeDependentResources();\n}\n\n// These are the resources that depend on the device.\nvoid Direct3DBase::CreateDeviceResources()\n{\n // This flag adds support for surfaces with a different color channel ordering than the API default.\n // It is recommended usage, and is required for compatibility with Direct2D.\n UINT creationFlags = D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_BGRA_SUPPORT;\n\n#if defined(_DEBUG)\n // If the project is in a debug build, enable debugging via SDK Layers with this flag.\n creationFlags |= D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG;\n#endif\n\n // This array defines the set of DirectX hardware feature levels this app will support.\n // Note the ordering should be preserved.\n // Don't forget to declare your application's minimum required feature level in its\n // description. All applications are assumed to support 9.1 unless otherwise stated.\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL featureLevels[] = \n {\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2,\n D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1\n };\n\n // Create the DX11 API device object, and get a corresponding context.\n ComPtr<ID3D11Device> device;\n ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> context;\n DX::ThrowIfFailed(\n D3D11CreateDevice(\n nullptr, // specify null to use the default adapter\n D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE,\n nullptr, // leave as nullptr unless software device\n creationFlags, // optionally set debug and Direct2D compatibility flags\n featureLevels, // list of feature levels this app can support\n ARRAYSIZE(featureLevels), // number of entries in above list\n D3D11_SDK_VERSION, // always set this to D3D11_SDK_VERSION\n &device, // returns the Direct3D device created\n &m_featureLevel, 


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