
Java忽略警告注解@SuppressWarnings//忽略全部类型的警告@SuppressWarnings(“all”)  //忽略未检查的转化,例如集合没有指定类型的警告@SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) //忽略未使用的变量的警告@SuppressWarnings(“unused”) //忽略与使用Closeable类型资源相关的警告@SuppressWarnings(“resource”)  //忽略在类路径,原文件路径中有不存在的路径的警告@SuppressWarning…


// 忽略全部类型的警告

// 忽略未检查的转化,例如集合没有指定类型的警告
// 忽略未使用的变量的警告

// 忽略与使用Closeable类型资源相关的警告

// 忽略在类路径,原文件路径中有不存在的路径的警告

// 忽略使用了某些不赞成使用的类和方法的警告

// 忽略switch语句执行到底没有break关键字的警告

// 忽略某类实现Serializable,但是没有定义serialVersionUID的警告

// 忽略没有传递带有泛型的参数的警告


package java.lang;

import java.lang.annotation.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;

 * Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the
 * annotated element (and in all program elements contained in the annotated
 * element).  Note that the set of warnings suppressed in a given element is
 * a superset of the warnings suppressed in all containing elements.  For
 * example, if you annotate a class to suppress one warning and annotate a
 * method to suppress another, both warnings will be suppressed in the method.
 * <p>As a matter of style, programmers should always use this annotation
 * on the most deeply nested element where it is effective.  If you want to
 * suppress a warning in a particular method, you should annotate that
 * method rather than its class.
 * @author Josh Bloch
 * @since 1.5
 * @jls 4.8 Raw Types
 * @jls 4.12.2 Variables of Reference Type
 * @jls 5.1.9 Unchecked Conversion
 * @jls 5.5.2 Checked Casts and Unchecked Casts
 * @jls @SuppressWarnings
public @interface SuppressWarnings {
     * The set of warnings that are to be suppressed by the compiler in the
     * annotated element.  Duplicate names are permitted.  The second and
     * successive occurrences of a name are ignored.  The presence of
     * unrecognized warning names is <i>not</i> an error: Compilers must
     * ignore any warning names they do not recognize.  They are, however,
     * free to emit a warning if an annotation contains an unrecognized
     * warning name.
     * <p> The string {@code "unchecked"} is used to suppress
     * unchecked warnings. Compiler vendors should document the
     * additional warning names they support in conjunction with this
     * annotation type. They are encouraged to cooperate to ensure
     * that the same names work across multiple compilers.
     * @return the set of warnings to be suppressed
    String[] value();


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