



    <div class="container" id="treecontainer">
      <div class="menu">
        <div id="product_tree" class="treeWrap"></div>
import { 
    getCompanyShareholder } from "@/api/equityPenetrationChart/index";
import d3 from "./d3.min.js";
export default { 
  name: "equityPenetrationChart",
  props: { 
    companyCreditCode: { 
      type: String,
      default: "",
    companyName: { 
      type: String,
      default: "",
    loading: { 
      type: Boolean,
      default: false,
  data() { 
    return { 
      container: "",
      zoom: "",
      rootData: { 
        upward: { 
          direction: "upward",
          name: "origin",
          children: [
              name: "公司或股东名字",
              hasHumanholding: false,
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "upward",
              children: [
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "upward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  isExpand: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "upward",
                  children: [
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      type: 2,
                      status: 1,
                      direction: "upward",
                      children: [],
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      type: 2,
                      status: 1,
                      direction: "upward",
                      children: [],
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "upward",
                  children: [],
        downward: { 
          direction: "downward",
          name: "origin",
          children: [
              name: "公司名字",
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "downward",
              hasHumanholding: true,
              hasChildren: true,
              isExpand: false,
              children: [
                  name: "公司名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
              name: "公司名字",
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "downward",
              hasHumanholding: true,
              hasChildren: true,
              isExpand: false,
              children: [
                  name: "投资人",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 1,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
              name: "公司名字",
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "downward",
              hasHumanholding: true,
              hasChildren: true,
              isExpand: false,
              children: [
                  name: "公司名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  hasChildren: true,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
              name: "公司或股东名字",
              hasHumanholding: false,
              hasChildren: true,
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "downward",
              children: [],
              name: "公司或股东名字",
              hasHumanholding: false,
              hasChildren: true,
              isExpand: false,
              amount: "100",
              ratio: "55%",
              type: 2,
              status: 1,
              direction: "downward",
              children: [
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
                  name: "公司或股东名字",
                  hasHumanholding: false,
                  amount: "100",
                  ratio: "55%",
                  type: 2,
                  status: 1,
                  direction: "downward",
                  children: [],
      depthInfo: "",
      rootName: "",
      type: 0,
  methods: { 
    getData() { 
      // let params = { 
      // companyCreditCode: this.companyCreditCode,
      // companyName: this.companyName,
      // type: this.type,
      // };
      // getCompanyShareholder(params).then((res) => { 
      // console.log(res, "企业详情--股权穿透接口");
      // if (res.code == 1) { 
      // this.$emit("updateLoading", false);
      // let downList = res.retInfo.downward;
      // let upList = res.retInfo.upward;
      // if (downList.length == 0 && upList.length == 0) { 
      // this.$emit("hasData", false);
      // } else { 
      // this.rootData.downward.children = downList;
      // this.rootData.upward.children = upList;
      // this.rootName = res.retInfo.main.name;
      // this.$emit("hasData", true);

      // this.drawing();
      // }
      // }
      // });
      // ---------------------以上是调用接口获取数据----------------------
      this.rootName = "股权穿透图根节点";

    drawing() { 
      var _this = this;
      var clickAble = true;
      // var rootName = ''; //根节点的名字
      var rootRectWidth = 0; //根节点rect的宽度
      var downwardLength = 0,
        upwardLength = 0;
      var forUpward = true;
      var width = document.getElementById("product_tree").scrollWidth;
      var height = document.getElementById("product_tree").scrollHeight || 820;
      var treeChart = function (d3Object) { 
        this.d3 = d3Object;
        this.directions = ["upward", "downward"];

      treeChart.prototype.drawChart = function () { 
        // First get tree data for both directions.

        this.treeData = { 
        var self = this;
        self.directions.forEach(function (direction) { 
          self.treeData[direction] = _this.rootData[direction];
        rootRectWidth =
          _this.rootName.length * 15 < 140 ? 140 : _this.rootName.length * 15;
        upwardLength = _this.rootData.upward.children.length;
        downwardLength = _this.rootData.downward.children.length;

      treeChart.prototype.getTreeConfig = function () { 
        var treeConfig = { 
          margin: { 
            top: 10,
            right: 5,
            bottom: 0,
            left: 5,

        treeConfig.chartWidth =
          width - treeConfig.margin.right - treeConfig.margin.left;
        treeConfig.chartHeight =
          height - treeConfig.margin.top - treeConfig.margin.bottom;
        treeConfig.centralHeight = treeConfig.chartHeight / 2;
        treeConfig.centralWidth = treeConfig.chartWidth / 2;
        treeConfig.linkLength = 90; //箭头长度(上下节点距离)
        treeConfig.duration = 500; //动画时间
        return treeConfig;

      treeChart.prototype.graphTree = function (config) { 
        var self = this;
        var d3 = this.d3;
        var linkLength = config.linkLength;
        var duration = config.duration;
        var hasChildNodeArr = [];
        var id = 0;
        var diagonal = function (obj) { 
          // console.log(obj);
          var s = obj.d.source;
          var t = obj.d.target;
          var endMoveNum = 0;
          var moveDistance = 0;
          if (obj.d) { 
            if (obj.d.source.direction == "downward") { 
              var downMoveNum = obj.d.source.name == "origin" ? 10 : 30;
              var tmpNum = s.y + (t.y - s.y) / 2;
              endMoveNum = downMoveNum;
              moveDistance = tmpNum + endMoveNum;
            } else { 
              var upMoveNum = obj.d.source.name == "origin" ? -10 : -30;
              var tmpNum = t.y + (s.y - t.y) / 2;
              endMoveNum = upMoveNum;
              moveDistance = tmpNum + endMoveNum;
          return (
            "M" +
            s.x +
            "," +
            (s.y + (s.direction == "downward" ? 10 : -11)) +
            "L" +
            s.x +
            "," +
            moveDistance +
            "L" +
            t.x +
            "," +
            moveDistance +
            "L" +
            t.x +
            "," +
            (t.y + (t.direction == "upward" ? -11 : 2))
        // var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 1]).on("zoom", redraw);
        var svg = d3
            config.chartWidth + config.margin.right + config.margin.left
            config.chartHeight + config.margin.top + config.margin.bottom
          .attr("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg")
          // .on("mousedown", disableRightClick)
          // .call(zoom)
          .on("dblclick.zoom", null);
        var treeG = svg
          .attr("class", "gbox")
            "translate(" + config.margin.left + "," + config.margin.top + ")"

        var markerDown = svg
          .attr("id", "resolvedDown")
          .attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth") //设置为strokeWidth箭头会随着线的粗细发生变化
          .attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
          .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10") //坐标系的区域
          .attr("refX", 0) //箭头坐标
          .attr("refY", 0)
          .attr("markerWidth", 10) //标识的大小
          .attr("markerHeight", 10)
          .attr("orient", "90") //绘制方向,可设定为:auto(自动确认方向)和 角度值
          .attr("stroke-width", 2) //箭头宽度
          .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5") //箭头的路径
          .attr("fill", "#128bed")
          .attr("fill-opacity", 1); //箭头颜色
        var markerUp = svg
          .attr("id", "resolvedUp")
          .attr("markerUnits", "strokeWidth") //设置为strokeWidth箭头会随着线的粗细发生变化
          .attr("markerUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
          .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10") //坐标系的区域
          .attr("refX", -26) //箭头坐标
          .attr("refY", 0)
          .attr("markerWidth", 10) //标识的大小
          .attr("markerHeight", 10)
          .attr("orient", "90") //绘制方向,可设定为:auto(自动确认方向)和 角度值
          .attr("stroke-width", 2) //箭头宽度
          .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5") //箭头的路径
          .attr("fill", "#128bed")
          .attr("fill-opacity", 1); //箭头颜色

        // Initialize the tree nodes and update chart.
        for (var d in this.directions) { 
          var direction = this.directions[d];
          var data = self.treeData[direction];
          data.x0 = config.centralWidth;
          data.y0 = config.centralHeight;
          update(data, data, treeG);

        function update(source, originalData, g) { 
          // console.log(source);
          var direction = originalData["direction"];
          forUpward = direction == "upward";
          var node_class = direction + "Node";
          var link_class = direction + "Link";
          var downwardSign = forUpward ? -1 : 1;
          // var nodeColor = forUpward ? "#128bed" : "#8b4513";

          var isExpand = false;
          // var statusUp = true;
          // var statusDown = true;
          var nodeSpace = 130; //左右节点间距
          var tree = d3.layout.tree().sort(sortByDate).nodeSize([nodeSpace, 0]);
          var nodes = tree.nodes(originalData);
          var links = tree.links(nodes);
          var offsetX = -config.centralWidth;
          nodes.forEach(function (d) { 
            d.y = downwardSign * (d.depth * linkLength) + config.centralHeight;
            d.x = d.x - offsetX;
            if (d.name == "origin") { 
              d.x = config.centralWidth;
              d.y += downwardSign * 0; // 上下两树图根节点之间的距离
            } else if (d.parent.name == "origin") { 
              d.y =
                downwardSign * (d.depth * linkLength) +
                config.centralHeight -
                (forUpward ? -15 : 15); //根节点距离子节点的距离
            } else if (d.depth >= 1) { 
              d.y =
                downwardSign * (d.depth * linkLength) +
                config.centralHeight -
                (forUpward ? (d.depth - 2) * 18 : -((d.depth - 2) * 18));

          // Update the node.
          var node = g.selectAll("g." + node_class).data(nodes, function (d) { 
            return d.id || (d.id = ++id);
          var nodeEnter = node
            .attr("class", node_class)
            .attr("transform", function (d) { 
              return "translate(" + source.x0 + "," + source.y0 + ")";
            .style("cursor", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin"
                ? ""
                : d.children || d._children
                ? "pointer"
                : "";
            .on("click", nodeClick)
            .on("mouseenter", nodeHover)
            .on("mouseleave", nodeOut);
            .attr("x", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? -(rootRectWidth / 2) : -60;
            .attr("y", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? -20 : forUpward ? -52 : 12;
            .attr("width", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? rootRectWidth : 120;

            .attr("height", 40)
            // .attr("rx", 10)//节点边框圆角
            .style("stroke", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin"
                ? "#128bed"
                : d.type == 2
                ? "#128bed"
                : "#FF4D4D"; //节点边框
            .style("fill", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? "#128bed" : "#FFF"; //节点背景色
            .on("mouseenter", nodeHover);

            .attr("r", 1e-6)
            .on("mouseenter", nodeOut)
            .on("mouseleave", nodeOut);
            .attr("class", "linkname")
            .attr("x", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? "0" : "0";
            .attr("dy", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin"
                ? ".35em"
                : forUpward
                ? d.name.length > 10
                  ? "-34"
                  : "-28"
                : d.name.length > 10
                ? "30"
                : "35";
            .attr("text-anchor", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? "middle" : "start";
            .attr("fill", "#000")
            .text(function (d) { 
              if (d.name == "origin") { 
                return _this.rootName;
              if (d.repeated) { 
                return "[Recurring] " + d.name;
              return d.name.length > 10 ? d.name.substr(0, 10) : d.name;
              fill: function (d) { 
                if (d.name == "origin") { 
                  return "#fff";
              "font-size": function (d) { 
                return d.name == "origin" ? 14 : 11;

            .attr("class", "linkname")
            .attr("dy", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? ".35em" : forUpward ? "-20" : "43";
            .attr("text-anchor", function () { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? "middle" : "start"; //字体上下居中?
            .text(function (d) { 
              if (d.name.substr(10, d.name.length).length > 10) { 
                return d.name.slice(10, 19) + "...";
              } else { 
                return d.name.substr(10, d.name.length);
              // 'fill': "#128bed",第二行字体颜色
              "font-size": function (d) { 
                return d.name == "origin" ? 14 : 11;
          // .on('click', Change_modal);

          // nodeEnter
          // .append("text")
          // .attr("x", "-55")
          // .attr("dy", function (d) { 
          // return d.name == "origin" ? ".35em" : forUpward ? "-16" : "48";
          // })
          // .attr("text-anchor", "start")
          // .attr("class", "linkname")
          // .style("fill", "#128bed") //认缴金额字体颜色
          // .style("font-size", 10)
          // .text(function (d) { 
          // var str =
          // d.name == "origin" ? "" : "认缴金额:" + d.amount + "万人民币";
          // return str.length > 13 ? str.substr(0, 13) + ".." : str;
          // });
            .attr("x", "25")
            .attr("dy", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? ".35em" : forUpward ? "2" : "-12";
            .attr("text-anchor", "start")
            .attr("class", "linkname")
            .style("fill", "#128bed") //比例颜色(55%)
            .style("font-size", 10)
            .text(function (d) { 
              if (d.ratio != "0.00%" && d.ratio != "") { 
                return d.name == "origin" ? "" : d.ratio;
            .on("mouseenter", nodeOut)
            .on("mouseleave", nodeOut);

          // Transition nodes to their new position.原有节点更新到新位置
          var nodeUpdate = node
            .attr("transform", function (d) { 
              return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
            .attr("r", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin"
                ? 0
                : hasChildNodeArr.indexOf(d) == -1
                ? 0
                : 6;
            .attr("cy", function (d) { 
              return d.name == "origin" ? -20 : forUpward ? -59 : 59;
            .style("fill", function (d) { 
              return hasChildNodeArr.indexOf(d) != -1 ? "#fff" : ""; //展开按钮背景颜色
              // if (d._children || d.children) { return "#fff"; } else { return "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; }
            .style("stroke", function (d) { 
              return hasChildNodeArr.indexOf(d) != -1
                ? d.type == 2
                  ? "#128bed"
                  : "#FF4D4D"
                : ""; //展开按钮边框颜色
            .style("stroke-width", function (d) { 
              if (d.repeated) { 
                return 5;
            .attr("class", "isExpand")
            .attr("x", "0")
            .attr("dy", function (d) { 
              return forUpward ? -58 : 59.5;
            .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
            .style("fill", function (d) { 
              return d.type == 2 ? "#128bed" : "#FF4D4D";
            }) //+、-字体颜色
            .text(function (d) { 
              if (d.name == "origin") { 
                return "";
              return hasChildNodeArr.indexOf(d) != -1 ? "+" : "";
            .on("click", click)
            .on("mouseenter", nodeOut)
            .on("mouseleave", nodeOut);

          var nodeExit = node
            .attr("transform", function (d) { 
              return "translate(" + source.x + "," + source.y + ")";
          nodeExit.select("circle").attr("r", 1e-6);
          var link = g
            .selectAll("path." + link_class)
            .data(links, function (d) { 
              return d.target.id;
            .insert("path", "g")
            .attr("class", link_class)
            .attr("stroke", function (d) { 
              return "#bbb";
            .attr("fill", "none")
            .attr("stroke-width", "1px")
            .attr("opacity", 0.5)
            .attr("d", function (d) { 
              var o = { 
                x: source.x0,
                y: source.y0,
              return diagonal({ 
                source: o,
                target: o,
            .attr("marker-end", function (d) { 
              return forUpward ? "url(#resolvedUp)" : "url(#resolvedDown)";
            }) //根据箭头标记的id号标记箭头;
            .attr("id", function (d, i) { 
              return "mypath" + i;
            .attr("d", function (d) { 
              return diagonal({ 
    d });
            .attr("d", function (d) { 
              var o = { 
                x: source.x,
                y: source.y,
              return diagonal({ 
                source: o,
                target: o,
          nodes.forEach(function (d) { 
            d.x0 = d.x;
            d.y0 = d.y;
          function nodeClick(d) { 
          function nodeHover(d, i) { 
            if (d.name != "origin") { 
              // console.log(d, "dddddddddddddddddd");
              if (d.parent.direction == "downward") { 
                var links = d3.selectAll(".downwardLink")[0];
                links.map((item, index) => { 
                  if (item.__data__.source.id == d.id) { 
                    if (d.children) { 
                      d.children.forEach((citem) => { 
                        if (item.__data__.target.id == citem.id) { 
                            "downwardLink downLine"
                  } else if (
                    item.__data__.source.id == d.parent.id &&
                    item.__data__.target.id == d.id
                  ) { 
                    d3.select(item).attr("class", "downwardLink downLine");
                function changeUpLink(d) { 
                  links.map((item, index) => { 
                    if (d.name != "origin") { 
                      if (
                        item.__data__.source.id == d.parent.id &&
                        item.__data__.target.id == d.id
                      ) { 
                        d3.select(item).attr("class", "downwardLink downLine");
                  if (d.depth > 1) { 
                    if (!d.parent) { 
                    } else { 
                // changeUpLink(d, true);
              } else { 
                var links = d3.selectAll(".upwardLink")[0];
                for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { 
                  let item = links[i];
                  if (item.__data__.source.id == d.id) { 
                    if (d.children) { 
                      d.children.forEach((citem) => { 
                        if (item.__data__.target.id == citem.id) { 
                          d3.select(item).attr("class", "upwardLink upLine");
                  } else if (
                    item.__data__.source.id == d.parent.id &&
                    item.__data__.target.id == d.id
                  ) { 
                    d3.select(item).attr("class", "upwardLink upLine");
                function cancelUpLink(d) { 
                  for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { 
                    let item = links[i];
                    if (d.name != "origin") { 
                      if (
                        item.__data__.source.id == d.parent.id &&
                        item.__data__.target.id == d.id
                      ) { 
                        d3.select(item).attr("class", "upwardLink upLine");
                  if (d.parent) { 
                // cancelUpLink(d);
          function nodeOut(d, i) { 
            if (d.name != "origin") { 
              if (d.parent.direction == "downward") { 
                var links = d3.selectAll(".downwardLink")[0];
                for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { 
                  let item = links[i];
                  if (
                    d3.select(item).attr("class").indexOf("downLine") != "-1"
                  ) { 
                    d3.select(item).attr("class", "downwardLink");
              } else { 
                var links = d3.selectAll(".upwardLink")[0];
                for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { 
                  let item = links[i];
                  if (d3.select(item).attr("class").indexOf("upLine") != "-1") { 
                    d3.select(item).attr("class", "upwardLink");
          function Change_modal() { 
            _this.Modal = true;

          function click(d) { 
            if (clickAble) { 
              isExpand = !isExpand;
              if (d.name == "origin") { 
              clickAble = false;
              if (d.children) { 
                clickAble = true;
                d._children = d.children;
                d.children = null;
                update(d, originalData, g);
                  .attr("dy", function (d) { 
                    return d.direction == "upward" ? -58 : 59.5;
              } else { 
                let downList = [{ 
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      direction: "downward",
                      children: [],
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      direction: "downward",
                      children: [],
                    let upList = [{ 
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      direction: "upward",
                      children: [],
                      name: "公司或股东名字",
                      hasHumanholding: false,
                      amount: "100",
                      ratio: "55%",
                      direction: "upward",
                      children: [],
                let list = d.direction=="upward"?upList:downList;
                d.children = list;
                clickAble = true;
                d._children = null;
                // expand all if it's the first node
                if (d.name == "origin") { 
                  .attr("dy", function (d) { 
                    return d.direction == "upward" ? -59 : 59;
                update(d, originalData, g);
                let y =
                  d.direction == "upward" ? nodes[0].y - d.y : nodes[0].y - d.y;
                let x =
                  d.direction == "upward" ? nodes[0].x - d.x : nodes[0].x - d.x;
                  .attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")");
                // let type = d.direction == "upward" ? "1" : "2"; //1:向上;2:向下
                // let params = { 
                // type: type,
                // companyCreditCode: d.companyCreditCode,
                // companyName: d.name,
                // };
                // let list = [];
                // getCompanyShareholder(params)
                // .then((res) => { 
                // console.log(res, "企业详情--股权穿透接口");
                // clickAble = true;
                // if (res.code == 1) { 
                // if (d.direction == "upward") { 
                // list = res.retInfo.upward;
                // } else { 
                // list = res.retInfo.downward;
                // }
                // d.children = list;
                // d.children.forEach(collapse);
                // d._children = null;
                // // expand all if it's the first node
                // if (d.name == "origin") { 
                // d.children.forEach(expand);
                // }
                // d3.select(this)
                // .text("-")
                // .attr("dy", function (d) { 
                // return d.direction == "upward" ? -59 : 59;
                // });
                // update(d, originalData, g);
                // let y =
                // d.direction == "upward"
                // ? nodes[0].y - d.y
                // : nodes[0].y - d.y;
                // let x =
                // d.direction == "upward"
                // ? nodes[0].x - d.x
                // : nodes[0].x - d.x;
                // treeG
                // .transition()
                // .duration(duration)
                // .attr("transform", "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")");
                // }
                // })
                // .catch((error) => { 
                // console.log(error);
                // clickAble = true;
                // });
        function expand(d) { 
          if (d._children) { 
            d.children = d._children;
            d._children = null;

        function collapse(d) { 
          if (d.status == 1) { 
            d._children = d.children;
            d.children = null;

        // function redraw() { 
        // if (d3.event.sourceEvent.type == "wheel") return;
        // treeG.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")");
        // }

        function disableRightClick() { 
          // stop zoom
          if (d3.event.button == 2) { 
            // console.log("No right click allowed");

        function sortByDate(a, b) { 
          var aNum = a.name.substr(a.name.lastIndexOf("(") + 1, 4);
          var bNum = b.name.substr(b.name.lastIndexOf("(") + 1, 4);
          return (
            d3.ascending(aNum, bNum) ||
            d3.ascending(a.name, b.name) ||
            d3.ascending(a.id, b.id)

      var d3GenerationChart = new treeChart(d3);
      this.$nextTick(() => { 
        var obox = document.getElementById("product_tree").childNodes[0];
        var gbox =
        obox.addEventListener("mousedown", function (evt) { 
          var oEvent = evt || event; //获取事件对象,这个是兼容写法
          var disX = oEvent.clientX;
          var disY = oEvent.clientY;
          let arr = gbox
            .replace("translate(", "")
            .replace(")", "")

          document.onmousemove = function (evt) { 
            var oEvent = evt || event;
     oEvent.clientX - disX + Number(arr[0])},${ 
      oEvent.clientY - disY + Number(arr[1]) })`
          document.onmouseup = function () { 
            document.onmousemove = null;
            document.onmouseup = null;
  mounted() { 
    var child = document.getElementById("product_tree");
    child.innerHTML = "";

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