




A file with the .reg file extension is a Windows Registry file. It’s a text-based file created by exporting values from the Registry and can also be used to add or change values in the Registry.

具有.reg 文件扩展名的文件是Windows注册表文件。 它是通过从注册表中导出值而创建的基于文本的文件,也可以用于在注册表中添加或更改值。

什么是Windows注册表? (What is the Windows Registry?)


The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database where Windows and many applications store configuration settings. You can access the Registry via the Registry Editor app into Windows. The view is divided into a list of keys (folders) on the left and values on the right. Navigating it is much like browsing for files using File Explorer. Select a key on the left and you’ll see the values that key contains on the right.

Windows注册表是Windows和许多应用程序存储配置设置的分层数据库。 您可以通过注册表编辑器应用程序访问Windows中的注册表。 该视图分为左侧的键(文件夹)列表和右侧的值列表。 导航非常类似于使用“文件资源管理器”浏览文件。 在左侧选择一个键,您将在右侧看到该键包含的值。

The Registry features a complex set of keys and values numbering in the thousands, so clicking through it looking for things isn’t particularly useful unless you just like exploring. You’re much more likely to use the Registry Editor because you’ve found a tweak or hack on a website that you’d like to try out. We’ve even published a bunch of them ourselves over the years.

该注册表具有一组复杂的键和值(数千个),因此单击它来查找内容并不是特别有用,除非您喜欢探索。 您更有可能使用注册表编辑器,因为您已经在要尝试的网站上发现了一个调整或黑客手段。 这些年来,我们甚至自己出版了很多。

什么是REG文件? (What is a REG File?)


A REG file is just a text file with the .reg extension. They’re created by exporting selected keys from the Registry. And while you can use them to back up the registry (particularly important before making changes!), most of the time you’ll see them made available as downloadable files on the same sites that show you how to perform a Registry hack.

REG文件只是扩展名为.reg的文本文件。 它们是通过从注册表中导出选定的键来创建的。 尽管您可以使用它们来备份注册表(在进行更改之前尤其重要!),但大多数时候您会在相同的站点上看到它们以可下载文件的形式提供,这些文件向您展示了如何执行注册表黑客。

You can make manual changes to the Registry, export those changes, clean up the file a bit, and then share the file with others. They can then just double-click the file to make those same changes in their own Registry. We do this here at How-To Geek when we share a Registry hack. We’ll show you where to dig around in the Registry to make changes yourself and also share a Registry Hack that automatically manages specific registry entries for you.

您可以对注册表进行手动更改,导出这些更改,稍微整理一下文件,然后与其他人共享文件。 然后,他们只需双击文件即可在自己的注册表中进行相同的更改。 当我们共享注册表黑客时,我们在How-To Geek上执行此操作。 我们将向您展示在注册表中进行何处挖掘以自行进行更改,并共享一个注册表Hack ,该注册表Hack可自动为您管理特定的注册表项。

We’ve also got a great article on making your own Registry hacks if you’re interested.

如果您有兴趣,我们还会撰写一篇很棒的文章,介绍如何制作自己的注册表黑客 。

如何打开REG文件? (How Do I Open a REG File?)

There is a severe risk when opening REG files if you don’t know where they came from. Because these files can alter and delete important information, blindly opening one could render your system unstable or even inoperable. That being said, you may want to consider backing up the Registry (and your computer!) beforehand.

如果您不知道REG文件的来源,则在打开REG文件时会存在严重的风险。 由于这些文件可以更改和删除重要信息,因此盲目打开一个文件可能会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 话虽如此,您可能要考虑事先备份注册表 (和您的计算机 !)。

If you want to apply a REG file to your own Registry, all you have to do is double-click the file. You’ll be asked to give permission for Windows to changed the Registry based on what’s in the file.

如果要将REG文件应用于自己的注册表,则只需双击该文件。 系统将要求您授予Windows权限,以根据文件中的内容更改注册表。


If you want to see what a REG file contains (or even modify one yourself), all you need is a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++.

如果要查看REG文件包含的内容(甚至自己修改),则只需要一个文本编辑器(如Notepad或Notepad ++)即可。

Right-click any REG file and then click the “Edit” command to open the file in your default text editor.



If you want to use a text editor other than your default, right-click the file and then click the “Open With” command.



The file will open in the text editor where you will be able to read, edit, or delete any lines from the file before merging it to your Registry.





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