java 注释 换行,Eclipse Javadoc注释中的换行错误

java 注释 换行,Eclipse Javadoc注释中的换行错误There’saminorbutannoyingbug,Ithink,intheEclipsebuilt-inJavaformatter.IhaveaJavadoccommentthatlookslikethis:/***-stuff-{@codemTasksBelow}.*/whereperiodattheendis…

java 注释 换行,Eclipse Javadoc注释中的换行错误

There’s a minor but annoying bug, I think, in the Eclipse built-in Java formatter. I have a Javadoc comment that looks like this:


* – – – stuff – – – {@code mTasksBelow}.


where period at the end is in column 81. The formatter is set to wrap Javadoc comments at line 80. Unfortunately, when I format the code, it does this:


* – – – stuff – – – {@code mTasksBelow}

* .


This puts white space between the text and the period in the generated output, so a browser rendering the Javadoc in HTML, for instance, will also think it’s okay to break there.

This doesn’t seem to happen unless the period follows a Javadoc tag. (For instance, if the line ended with a closing parenthesis and a period in column 81, it would correctly break before the last word.)

I could move the wrap column, but that would just move the problem. I don’t want to turn

off line breaks, because I like my Javadoc source to be as readable as the generated output. Is there some setting I’m missing or is this actually a bug?


Well, it is now a new Eclipse bug. It will evidently still be present in the initial Indigo release.

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