


(Notes: All opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with Canva in any way)


Canvais a very popular design platform that I thought I would never use to create the deliverable for a Data Visualization project. I usually work in Tableau, which is more flexible, complete, and a surefire 360 degree visualization software, with all the perks of mostly being a drag-and-drop solution.

Canva是一个非常流行的设计平台,我以为我永远都不会用它来为数据可视化项目创建可交付成果。 我通常在Tableau工作,这是一种更加灵活,完善和具有surefire 360​​度可视化软件的软件,所有优点通常都是拖放式解决方案。

Why would you then ever use Canva instead of something like Tableau? Can Canva even be considered “data visualization software”?

那么,为什么还要使用Canva而不是Tableau之类的东西呢? Canva甚至可以被视为“数据可视化软件”吗?

A recent project, which ended with the deliverable of a Canva infographic which received great feedback from the client, made me reconsider the above question, and got me to think about the advantages of Canva as an alternative medium through which to convey a visual data story.

最近的一个项目以可得到客户好评的Canva图表的交付结果为结尾,使我重新考虑了上述问题,并让我思考了Canva作为传递可视数据故事的替代媒体的优势。 。

In this brief article, I highlight the 4 main benefits of the tool and speak about the occasions in which you might want to choose Canva over different data visualization software.


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William Iven on
伊文 (
William Iven)在

需要零准备工作的轻巧解决方案 (Light solution that requires zero prep-work)

There are some occasion in which “less is more”, and that counts also for data visualization projects. Canva has the main advantage of requiring zero overhead and saves precious setup time either you or the client have to dedicate to share and interact with your viz in a meaningful way.

在某些情况下,“少即是多” ,这对于数据可视化项目也很重要。 Canva的主要优点是零开销,并节省了宝贵的设置时间,您或客户必须专门以有意义的方式共享和与您的Viz进行交互。

You only focus on the design and the presentation of your insights in a simple, cohesive and neat format.


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A sample infographic template. Source:
样本信息图表模板。 资料来源

No time is thus dedicated to sharing dashboards on dedicated Tableau Online pages, handling occasional version compatibility issues, administering user privileges and keeping track of frequent changes across the above. And after the project’s deadline has passed, maintainability is not even an issue.

因此,没有时间专门用于在专用的Tableau Online页面上共享仪表板,处理偶发的版本兼容性问题,管理用户权限以及跟踪以上各项的频繁更改。 在项目的最后期限过去之后,可维护性甚至不是问题。

With Canva, especially if you are on a tight deadline and your project requires a quick turnaround, you can just focus on the output.

使用Canva时,尤其是当您的工期紧迫且您的项目需要快速周转时, 您只需专注于输出即可

易于报告整合 (Easy report integration)

The tool is also ideal if your client does not want to access and share your visualization as a standalone product but also has the goal of integrating it into presentations and PDF reports.


If what you need is a static view of your data story and you do not want to spend time translating the interactivity of your Tableau/Dash/D3/PowerBI /etc.. dashboard into several screenshot-like views, you can just lift Canva to deliver a single infographic piece of data visualization which contains the end-to-end view of your data story.

如果您需要的是数据故事的静态视图,并且您不想花时间将Tableau / Dash / D3 / PowerBI / etc ..仪表板的交互性转换为几个类似屏幕快照的视图,则只需将Canva提提供单个图表的数据可视化,其中包含数据故事的端到端视图。

This is a great advantage in settings in which the client/end user needs to make a static use of your data visualization, as they might be in need to submit it to a third-party which requires a standard document reporting format.

在客户端/最终用户需要静态使用您的数据可视化的设置中具有很大的优势 ,因为他们可能需要将其提交给需要标准文档报告格式的第三方。

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San Kaÿzn on

Dynamic and rich dashboards are great most of the time, but sometimes clients want the full story in one go, in one static page. Canva allows you to do just that.

在大多数情况下,动态且功能丰富的仪表板非常有用,但有时客户希望在一个静态页面中一次性获得完整的故事。 Canva可以让您做到这一点。

迫使您专注于数据故事的绝对必要条件 (Forces you to focus on the absolute essential of your data story)

With Canva, there is no fiddling around. The infographic format and its “fixed” nature force the creator to prioritize key messages to be conveyed into powerful visualizations for which there is no shortage of data charts and graph options.

使用Canva,就不会摆弄任何东西。 信息图表格式及其“固定”性质迫使创建者确定要传送到功能强大的可视化文件中的关键消息的优先级,而这些可视化文件并不缺少数据图表和图形选项。

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Prateek Katyal on
Prateek Katyal在

And if you are ever in need of something slightly more complex, you can always code it up in the backend and upload it into the tool.


I found this to be very beneficial as sometimes fancier charts take away readability and interpretability, even though at first glance they may seem beautiful to the eye


Overall, being able to focus on the bare minimum by using a tool which gives you fewer options is a great plus for data projects in which the the takeaways from a particular visualization needs to be crystal clear.


成本 (Cost)

Oh, and did I mention the tool is absolutely free? You can always sign up for a Pro Version, but you can definitely manage to deliver a powerful infographic for your project without ever subscribing to the Paid version.

哦,我提到该工具是完全免费的吗? 您可以始终注册Pro版本,但是您绝对可以在不订阅付费版本的情况下为项目提供功能强大的信息图。

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Tip: If you are short on time, consider signing up to the Pro Version with a 1-month free trial, deliver on your project, and then unsubscribe before its deadline.


综上所述 (In Summary)

Although Canva does not compete, and does not even aim to compete with more structured and flexible business intelligence and data visualization software tools, it can be a great alternative solution for the data visualization designer who:


  1. Wants to focus merely on output and get rid of software overhead


  2. Needs a static and easy-to-integrate format


  3. Needs to convey few key messages in a visually powerful way


  4. Is on a tight software license (and time) budget


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