




Section 1 The Cultural Iceberg:第一部分文化冰山

冰山上层:Behaviors & Practices Characteristics which are apparent to the casual observer行为与实践–随意性观察者明显的特征 冰山下层:

Section 1 The Iceberg Metaphor:第一节冰山隐喻

The Iceberg metaphor for culture shows a cruise ship sailing close to the iceberg for a look at this foreign territory. Part of the iceberg is immediately visible; part of it emerges and submerges with the tides, and its foundations go deep beneath the surface.

Above the water line:

Aspects of culture are explicit,visible, and taught. This includes written explanations,as well as those thousands of skills and information conveyed through formal lessons, suchas manners or computing long division or baking bread. Also above water are the tangibleaspects: From the “cultural markers”tourists seek out such as French bread or Guatemalanweaving, to the conformity in how people dress, the way they pronounce the letter ““R,” howthey season their food, the way they expect and office to be furnished.

At the water line:

The transition zone is where the cultural observer has to be more alert:“now you seeit now you don’t,” the area where implicit understandings become talked about, explained-mystical experiences are codified into a creed; the area where official explanations andteachings become irrational, contradictory, and inexplicable—where theology becomes fath.

Below the water line:

“Hidden”culture: The habits, assumptions,understandings, values, judgments … thatwe know but do not or cannot articulate.Usually these aspects are not taught directly. Thinkabout mealtime, for example, and the order you eat foods at dinner: Do you end with dessert?
With a pickle? With tea? Nuts and cheese? Just have one cowrse with no concluding dish? Or, inthese modern times, do you dispense with a sit-doun meal altogether?Or consider how youknow if someone is treating you in a friendly manner: Do they shake hands? Keep a respectfuldistance with downeast eyes? Leap up and hug you? Address you by your full name? Thesesorts of daily rules are learned by osmosis—you may know what tastes “right”or when you’retreated “right”, but because these judgments are under-the-waterline, it usually doesn’t occurto you to question or explain those feelings. 用泡菜?喝点茶?坚果和奶酪?就吃一只没吃完的牛皮吗?或者,在这些现代时代,你是否完全不吃一顿坐顿饭?或者考虑一下,如果有人以友好的方式对待你,你会如何知道:他们握手吗?和唐斯特眼神保持尊敬的距离?跳起来拥抱你?用你的全名称呼你?这些日常规则都是通过渗透学到的–你可能知道什么是“正确”的味道,或者当你“正确”的时候,但是因为这些判断是在水平线下的,所以你通常不会质疑或解释这些感觉。


Section 2 Definitions of Culture第二节文化定义

Culture is a complex system of behavior, values, beliefs, traditions and artifacts, which is transmitted through generations. Let us discover the meaning of culture, and its significance in the life of an individual and society. 文化是一个复杂的系统的行为,价值观,信仰,传统和文物,这是通过代代相传。让我们发现文化的意义,以及它在个人和社会生活中的意义。


Edward Tylor

“Culture” is considered to be a complex term, and a variety of anthropologists andresearchers have defined it in various ways. Some of these definitions have been listed below.

“Culture … is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,morals, law,

custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”

Kroeber & Kluckhohn

“Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired andtransmitted by symbols,constituting the distinctive achievements of human groups,including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists oftraditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially their attachedvalues; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, onthe other, as conditional elements of future action.”-Kroeber & Kluckhohn “文化包括由符号获得和传递的行为的模式,包括显性和隐性的模式,构成人类群体的独特成就,包括它们在文物中的体现;文化的基本核心是传统(即历史衍生和选定的)思想,特别是它们的附带价值;文化系统一方面可以被视为行动的产物,另一方面可以被视为未来行动的条件要素。”


“Culture consists of the derivatives of experience, more or less organized, learned orcreated by the individuals of a population, including those images or encodementsand their interpretations (meanings) transmitted from past generations, fromcontemporaries, or formed by individuals themselves.”-T. Schwartz

  • Geert Hofstede
    -Geert Hofstede

“[Culture] is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the membersof one group or category of people from another.”-Geert Hofstede

… the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a group of people,but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next.”-Matsumoto

“Culture is what makes you a stranger when you’re away from home.”-Philip Bock“Culture is a well-organized unity divided into two fundamental aspects – a body ofartifacts and a system of customs.”-Bronislaw Malinowski “当你离家出走时,文化会使你成为陌生人。”–菲利普·博克(Philip Bock):“文化是一种组织严密的统一,分为两个基本方面–一套文物和一套风俗体系。”–布罗尼斯瓦夫·马林诺夫斯基

“Culture is a fuzzy set of basic assumptions and values,orientations to life, beliefs,policies,procedures and behavioral conventions that are shared by a group of people,and that influence (but do not determine) each member’s behavior and his / herinterpretations of the “meaning” of other people’s behavior.”-Spencer-Oatey


Lloyd Kwast’s model of culture, and his “Man from Mars”technique help us to get abetter understanding of culture through the different levels or layers through which culture ismanifesteil.In this technique, we try to imagine things from the perspective of an alien who haslanded onto our planet, and is observing a group of people in an enclosure. The different levelsof understanding have been depicted and described below: 劳埃德·夸斯特(Lloyd Kwast)的文化模型,以及他的“火星人”(Man From)技术,帮助我们通过文化疯子的不同层次或不同层次来更好地理解文化。这种技术,我们试图从一个外星人的角度去想象已经登陆我们星球的人,并观察一群被围在一起的人。下面描述和描述了不同层次的理解:
Behavior – What is done?

The first thing the alien notices is the behavior of the peopleand their activities, dressing style, attitudes, etc. Some peoplemay be standing, some sitting and may be listening to a person,some might be playing, etc. By simply observing these activitieshe is unable to understand the logic behind them.ssato3bbrlteni

values-What is good or best?

On asking them about the reasons for their activities, he comes to know that people choseto indulge in activities that are considered good. This differentiation of good or best comesfrom “values.” Values represent the duties or activities that one “ought to do”or “should do””tobe in sync with the pattern of life.

Beliefs-What is true?

On further interrogation he realizes that these values are not decided arbitrarily but stemfrom “beliefs.” He finds out that certain beliefs (operating beliefs) greatly influence the valuesand behavior, whereas certain beliefs (theoretical beliefs) have very less practical impact onvalues and behavior. Hence, certain people may have a different set of beliefs but behave in asimilar manner, and vice versa. 在进一步的盘问中,他认识到这些价值观不是武断的,而是源于“信仰”,他发现某些信念(经营信念)对价值观和行为有很大的影响,而某些信念(理论信仰)对价值观和行为的实际影响却很小,因此,某些人可能有不同的信念,但行为方式不同,反之亦然。

Worldview -What is real?

The deepest level of understanding that forms the basis for a particular set of beliefs is“worldview.” Worldview implies the way we interpret reality, and refers to the way we seeourselves, relative to the world. It includes the ideas behind the meaning and reasons forhuman existence, the notions of evil, divine and supernatural.


The knowledge necessary for survival, and adaptation to our natural and socialenvironment, is acquired through culture. Culture is what imbibes into us the knowledge ofgood and bad, acceptable and non-acceptable, socializing, etc. Knowingly or unknowingly, itplays a major role in shaping our personality and behavior. Each individual has a distinct andunique personality. However, within a group, there exist certain regularities in behavior. Thiscan be attributed to the culture in which they grow up. In addition, culture also influencesour perception of reality and worldly concepts. Our interpretations of the actions and eventsaround us are molded by our culture. It forms the basic foundation of our life and behavior. 生存和适应自然和社会环境所需的知识是通过文化获得的。文化是把好的和坏的、可接受的和不可接受的、社交等的知识灌输给我们的东西。它在塑造我们的个性和行为方面起着重要的作用。每个人都有自己独特的个性。然而,在一个群体中,存在着一定的行为规律。这可以归因于他们成长的文化。此外,文化也会影响我们对现实和世俗观念的认识。我们对我们周围的行动和事件的解释是由我们的文化塑造的。它是我们生活和行为的基本基础。


三、 PART :C:Concepts and Theories概念和理论

Section 1 The Basic Elements of Culture第一节文化的基本要素

Section 2 The Major Characteristics of Culture第二节文化的主要特征

In order to better understand culture, it is useful to closely examine its characteristics andtheir ramifications.

(1) Culture is acquired.

Culture is an acquired quality or behavior. It is not biologically inherited but learnedsocially by individuals. In other words any behavior or quality which is socially acquired orlearned is called culture.Human beings learn or acquire culture by living in group. He learns itfrom society through education.

(2) Culture is social.

Culture is not individual but social in nature. As a social product culture develops throughsocial interaction which is shared by all. Without social interaction or social relations it is verydifficult and almost impossible to be cultured. Culture is inclusive of the expectations of themembers of the groups. It is created or originated in society. Hence it is social.

(3) Culture is transmissive.

Culture is transmitted from one generation to another. It passes from parents to childrenand so on. This transmission is a continuous and spontaneous process. It never remainsconstant. Man inherits or learns culture from his ancestors and passes it to his successors. Inthis way culture constantly accumulates.

(4) Culture fulfills some needs.

Culture fulfills many social, psychological, moral, etc.needk of individnaleIt fulfills the
needs of both society and individuals. For example, religion used to fulfill the solidarity andintegrative needs of society. Our needs for food, clothing, shelter, name, fame, status andposition are fulfilled. 社会和个人的需要。例如,宗教过去满足社会的团结和一体化需要。我们对食物、衣服、住所、名望、地位和地位的需求都得到了满足。

(5) Culture is shared.

Culture is not possessed by a single or a few individuals. Culture is shared by a majorityof individuals. Hence culture is collective in nature. For example polytheism is our culture. Itmeans a majority of Indians believe in polytheism. 文化不是一个人或少数人所拥有的。文化是由大多数人分享的。因此,文化在性质上是集体的。例如,多神论是我们的文化。这意味着大多数印度人相信多神教。

(6) Culture is idealistic.

Culture is idealistic in nature, because it embodies the ideals, values and norms of thegroup. It sets ideal goals before individuals which are worth attaining. In other words culture isthe sum total of ideals and values of individuals in society. 文化在本质上是理想主义的,因为它体现了群体的理想、价值观和规范。它在个人面前设定了理想的目标,这些目标是值得实现的。换句话说,文化是个人在社会中的理想和价值观的总和。

(7) Culture is cumulative.

Culture is not created in one day or one year. It gradually accumulates through centuries.Beliefs, art,morals, knowledge are gradually stored up and become part of culture. Henceculture is the social heritage. 文化不是在一天或一年内创造出来的。它经过几个世纪的积累,艺术、道德、知识逐渐积累,成为文化的一部分。文化是社会遗产。

(8) Culture is adaptive.

Culture possesses adaptive capacity. It is not static. It undergoes changes. Differentaspects of culture adapt with new environment or challenges posed by social and physicalenvironment. Adaptation refers to the process of adjustment. And culture helps man in thisprocess of adjustment.

(9) Culture is variable.

Culture is variable and changeable. It varies and changes from society to society, becauseeach and every society has its own culture. It also varies within a society from time to time.Ways of living of people of a particular society varies from time to time. absolat moethy

(10) Culture is organized.

Culture has an order or system. As Tylor says culture is a “complex whole.”It meansdifferent parts of culture are well organized into a cohesive whole. Different parts of culture areorganized in such a way that any change in one part brings corresponding changes in otherparts.

(11) Culture is communicative.

Man makes and uses symbol. He also possesses the capacity of symbolic communication.Culture is based on symbol and it communicates through different symbols. Common ideasand social heritage etc. are communicated from one generation to another. In our society”red color”stands for danger. In Indian culture red color symbolizes danger. Hence culture iscommunicative in nature.

(12) Language is the chief vehicle of culture.

Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next. It never remains static. Thistransmission becomes possible through language. Culture is learned through language.
(13)Culture is the total social heritage.

We know culture is a social product. It is linked win e pal 1noufaaoiISSlon pastcontinues to live in culture. It is shared by all.
我们知道文化是一种社会产品。与此相关联的是,Win e PAL 1 noufaaoiISSlon继续生活在文化中。它为所有人所共享。

Section 3 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory第三节霍夫斯泰德的文化维度理论

Dimensions of culture are an important nonovnowiDhow cultures view different aspects of businece pet nternational business.ooh the
international business market.

You know, dogs are interesting animals. If you have ever watched a group of differentbreeds of dogs together, you see that there are dogs who are aggressive, those that are mellow,some want to be the alpha male and some are content just playing and having a good time.These different dimensions are very similar to Geert Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension Theory, atheory that looks at unique aspects of cultures and rates them on a scale for comparison. Now,I am not trying to say dogs and humans are the same, but the way they interact is quite similar.
狗是有趣的动物。如果你曾经一起看过一组不同品种的狗,你会发现有些狗是好斗的,有些是成熟的,有些想成为阿尔法男性,有些则满足于玩耍和享受美好时光。这些不同的维度与Geert Hofstede的文化维度理论非常相似,该理论着眼于文化的独特方面,并将它们按一个尺度进行比较。现在,我并不是说狗和人类是一样的,但是它们的互动方式是非常相似的。

The Five Different Types of Hofstede’s Dimension

Geert Hofstede is a professor who researched how people from different countries andcultures interact based on six different categories of cultural dimensions. Those categories are:

Power Distance: This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerfulmembers of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.oreafpntDIndividualism vs. Collectivism: This dimension focuses on the questions about whetherpeople prefer a close knit network of people or prefer to be left alone to fend forthemselves.pi bamlf eveol as veilT mlooe rpo lo apoles acor srobony bns egade Masoulinity vs. Femininity: Masculinity represents a preference in society forachievement, heroism,assertiveness and material reward for success. Its opposite,femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak andquality of life. 权力距离:这个维度表达了社会中不那么有权势的成员接受和期望权力分配不平等的程度。这一维度关注的是人们是否更喜欢一个紧密的人际网络,还是更愿意一个人独处来保护自己。pi bamlf eveeol就像vilt mlooe rpo lo apole Acor srobony BNS Egade Masoulinity vs.女性:男性是社会中对成功的一种偏好、英雄主义、自信和物质奖励。它的反面,女性气质,代表了一种偏好合作,谦虚,关心弱者和生活质量。

Uncertainty Avoidance: This dimension expresses the degree to which the member of asociety feels uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.

Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation: Long-term orientation dimension can beinterpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue.Societies with a short-termorientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute truth. 长期取向与短期取向:长期取向维度可以解释为社会对道德的追求,短期取向的社会一般都强烈关注建立绝对真理。

What Do These Mean?

As we look at the different aspects and definitions of these dimensions,we can beginto see how a manager would have to deal with them and interpret them in an internationalsetting. Just looking at individualism verses collectivism shows us that there are societies,orpeople, that accept working alone and look at their existence in terms of being an individualrather than part of a group.However, a collectivist would look towards the group’s successmore so than their own personal satisfaction or accomplishments. Would it surprise you thatthe US is high on the individual scale while Japan is more on the collectivist side? This meansAmericans think more”I” than”we,” while Japan is exactly the other way around. 当我们查看这些维度的不同方面和定义时,我们可以开始了解经理将如何处理它们并在国际化环境中解释它们。只要看一看集体主义的个人主义诗句,我们就会发现,有些社会或人接受单独工作,从个人而不是群体的一部分的角度来看待他们的存在。然而,集体主义者更看重的是群体的成功,而不是个人的满足感或成就。美国个人规模高,而日本更倾向于集体主义,这会让你感到惊讶吗?这意味着美国人认为“我”比“我们”更多,而日本则完全相反。

Staying with this example, the US has a low score for uncertainty avoidance. Basically, weare okay with ambiguity and not knowing everything for certain. On the other hand, Japan isvery high on this scale, and they do not want uncertainty; they want facts.

By now, you are likely thinking that one country compared to another; one will be highand one will be low. That is not the case though. Take, for example, power distance. Japan andthe US are almost equal when it comes to their acceptance of the distribution of power.

Knowing what you do now about these two countries, where do you think they land onlong-term verses short-term orientation? This, like the other dimensions, directly relatesto their culture and societal norms. To that point, the US is lower in the masculinity versusfemininity scale, while Japan is much higher. Thus, Japan looks for a more harmonious worldwhere everyone works together, but Americans are fine being the hero. nmtnib inacftb s9uT Knowing what you do now about these two countries, where do you think they land onlong-term verses short-term orientation? This, like the other dimensions, directly relatesto their culture and societal norms. To that point, the US is lower in the masculinity versusfemininity scale, while Japan is much higher. Thus, Japan looks for a more harmonious worldwhere everyone works together, but Americans are fine being the hero. nmtnib inacftb s9uT

It is easy to see that different cultures have different views of the world based on theirculture and history. Understanding these areas and being able to identity them will help you towork with and understand people of varying backgrounds and cultures. If you know the areaswe have discussed so far, you at least have a starting point to understand the person. po

Hofstede was trying to point out that we are all really not the same; different cultureshave different views of life and business. They are not right or wrong, just different. Thesedimensions have shaped cultures, and these cultures are shaped by these dimensions. It’s arerelving:cycle. To illustrate that point, the US is an aggressive culture. We strive for success,are driven to succeed and thrive on competition. That is our culture, and that culture helpsshape and promote those aspects of our society.They are forever linked in a revolving door.


How Much Do You Know about the UK and the US?你知道英国和美国吗?

二、 PART B:Focus on the UK关注英国

Section 1 The UK — Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette


Welcome to our guide to the UK. This is useful for anyone researching British culture,customs, manners, etiquette, values and wanting to understand the people better. You may be
going to Britain on business, for a visit or even hosting British colleagues or clients in your owncountry.Remember this is only a very basic level introduction and is not meant to stereotypeall Brits you may meet! 去英国出差,去拜访,甚至接待你自己国家的英国同事或客户。请记住,这只是一个非常基本的介绍,并不是为了让所有的英国人都能见到你!

I. Facts and Statistics

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Location: Western Europe, islands including the northern one-sixth of the island ofIreland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of Franceib r s.larm

Capital: London

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在lplf apbitRl ashiehos iflsar wnl jedfw

Climate: temperate: moderated by prevailing southwest winds over the North AtlanticCurrent; more than one-half of the days are overcast

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Adpsodf wtaddaisie sdt

Population: 60,776,238 (July 2007)
人口:60 776 238人(2007年7月)

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BA的0 nrda ganubs beislenossb

Ethnic Make-up: white (of which English 83.6%,Scottish 8.6%, Welsh 4.9%, Northern Irish2.9%) 92.1%, black 2%, Indian 1.8%, Pakistani 1.3%, mixed 1.2%, other 1.6% (2001 census) Religions: Christian (Anglican, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist) 71.6%, Muslim2.7%,Hindu 1%, other 1.6%, unspecified or none 23.1% (2001 census)ol saoorlo os ob pod 种族组成:白人(其中英语83.6%,苏格兰8.6%,威尔士4.9%,北爱尔兰2.9%)92.1%,黑人2%,印度1.8%,巴基斯坦1.3%,混合1.2%,其他1.6%(2001年人口普查):基督教(圣公会、罗马天主教、长老会、卫理公会)71.6%、穆斯林2.7%、印度教1%、其他1.6%、不明或无23.1%(2001年人口普查)

Government: constitutional monarchy

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Oeiworul soipeEinass,Barta,euhenanonnob

II.Language in the UK

saThe United Kingdom does not have a constitutionally defined official language. English isthe main language (being spoken monolingually by more than 70% of the UK population) andis thus the official language. 联合王国没有宪法规定的官方语言。英语是主要语言(70%以上的英国人口使用单一语言),因此是官方语言。

od Other native languages to the Isles include Welsh, Irish, Ulster Scots, Cornish, Gaelic andBritish Sign Language.

ts Immigrants have naturally brought many foreign languages from across the globe. .bsaoloIII.British Society, People and Culture

Section 3 Great Britain: English Personality and

The English national character is dualistic: One aspect is conservative, the otherextroverted.The pub is a fine example of the conservative aspect of English character. Thepub, unlike the bar in the US, is a focal point for the “locals.” One goes to the pub for the samereasons one used to go to church: for fellowship and spiritual enlightenment. There is nothingflashy or plastic about most pubs. Many look like one’s living room, full of plush, soft chairs,couches, a fireplace, and bright lights. The pubs keep respectable hours, too — open from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday nights they stay open until 1l p.m.There are no all-night or 3 a.m. public bars. When the pubs close everyone goes home. Thepub represents pleasure with control and in good taste.
This control is exemplified in English humor. Most Americans find nothing funny inEnglish comedy shows, since English humor is word oriented while American humor is moreaction oriented.

The same control that is found in English pubs and humor is also found in the Englishpace of living. Where else does one stand in line quietly for the bus or the taxi?
Tea drinking is another expression of the English spirit of control and patience.Onlybarbarians drink tea by placing a tea bag in a cup of hot water. There is a whole ritual to teadrinking in England: The water must be boiling rapidly, the teapot warm, the tea loose, thensteeped at least 5 minutes in a teapot covered by a tea cosy.Then and only then does one pourthe tea into a cup and drink it. Not only old ladies in lace with Pekingese on their laps drinktea, but a whole nation of workers, entrepreneurs,and aristocrats have tea for breakfast,lunch, and, of course, all activity stops in the afternoon for the customary tea break.
However, there is another side to the English Character — the bizarre, the audacious, and
the innovative. It was not the US but conservative England that produced the Beatles withtheir long hair and sounds that have influenced a decade of rock musicians and adolescents.Out of a very straight middle-class family comes the androgynous Mick Jagger of the RollingStones whose very existence violates the rigid sexual stereotypes of Western culture.
创新精神。不是美国,而是保守的英国创造了披头士乐队,他们的长发和声音影响了十几年的摇滚乐家和青少年。在一个非常直率的中产阶级家庭中,出现了一对雌雄同体的米克·贾格尔(Mick Jagger),他们的存在违背了西方文化中刻板的性别刻板印象。

The English are innovators and experimenters in many areas: A. S.Neill’s Summerhillhas become the model for progressive education.R. D. Laing,psychiatry’s anti-psychiatrist,claims that it is not the individual who is insane but his society, which constantly categorizeshim and forces him to fit into abstract norms. It was in England that Marx wrote Das Kapitalwhich so traumatized Western civilization and radicalized Eastern ones. Perhaps because of Marx’s ever-present presence,England was one of the first countries to have socialized medicine and welfare benefits for all.
英国人在许多方面都是创新者和实验者:A.S.Neill的“Summer骨尔”已经成为进步教育的典范。精神病学的反精神病学家雷恩(R.D.Laing)声称,不是个人精神错乱,而是他的社会不断地对他进行分类,迫使他适应抽象的规范。正是在英国,马克思写了“达斯卡皮塔”(Das Kapital),它给西方文明带来了极大的创伤,也使东方文明变得激进。也许是因为马克思的存在,英国是最早有社会化医疗和福利的国家之一。

Section 4 The Core British Values that


Define our Nation
Schools are being told to promote British values.Here are 10 to start with …

We have never been especially good at defining what constitutes British values. For morethan two decades — and especially since the July 2005 bombings in London — politicianshave sought,with varying degrees of success and enthusiasm, to articulate the definingcharacteristics of the nation. There was a time when this would not have been necessary, sincethey would have been inculcated into everyone in the land through their schools and sharedcultural experiences. In an era of mass immigration and the segregation of some communitiesfrom mainstream society, as exposed by the so-called Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham, thisis no longer so straightforward.
When politicians are asked to set out what they consider to be core British values,they invariably emphasize abstract concepts such as tolerance, freedom, belief in personalresponsibility, mutual respect and fairness — all admirable in themselves but not uniqueto these shores. They are also values shared by most Muslims and other minorities livingin Britain. Indeed, some immigrant communities are often more family-inclined andcommunity-spirited than the settled population.
British values are not just theoretical; they are rooted in the institutions and historythat underpin the nation, which politicians are often ambivalent about, or are reluctant topraise unequivocally for fear of offending someone. When the last government introducedcitizenship classes for immigrants,instead of it being unabashedly the sort of exercise seenin America — extolling a love of country, its rituals, democratic practices and even the freemarket — it became more a practical guide to living in Britain and what the entitlements ofcitizenship might bring.

So what might a set of shared British values look like?

To begin with, it would emphasize the rule of law, and specifically the common lawtradition that can be traced back to before the Norman Conquest.Our society is based on theidea that we all abide by the same rules, whatever our wealth or status.As Thomas Fuller saidin 1733,“Be ye never so high the law is above you.”

Second is the sovereignty of the Crown in Parliament. The Lords, the Commons and themonarch constitute the supreme authority in the land. In recent years this has been extendedto the Supreme Court.

Third is tolerance: No one should be treated differently on the basis of belonging to aparticular group. By the same token, all parties, sects, faiths and ideologies must tolerate the
existence of their rivals. On the other hand, there should be no toleration at all of unequaltreatment of men and women.

Fourth is personal freedom and a presumption against state coercion.

Fifth are free speech and freedom of expression, including an unfettered, vibrant andpluralistic media.

Sixth is a belief in private property and the freedom to buy and sell without fear ofconfiscation, to transfer ownership, to sign contracts and have them enforced.

Seventh are those institutions that are quintessentially British and capture and reflect itscharacter. They would include the monarchy, the Armed Forces, the Church and, yes, the BBC.

Eighth would be our history and culture. A lack of understanding of the past isinstrumental in a failure to comprehend the present. If Michael Gove, the Education Secretary,wants children to learn why British values matter he should make history a compulsorysubject to age 16.

Ninth would be our love of sport and of fair play. We are not alone in this; but it is oftenforgotten that most of the major sports played around the world were codified in this country.

Last, in what is by no means an exhaustive list, is patriotism —not in the pretended sensederided by Johnson as “the last refuge of the scoundrel,” but real and generous love of country.

Section 1 USA- Language, Culture,


Customs and Etiquette
Welcome to our guide to the USA.This is useful for anyone researching America culture,customs, manners,etiquette, values and wanting to understand the people better.You maybe going to America on business, for a visit or even hosting American colleagues or clients inyour own country.Remember this is only a very basic level introduction and is not meant tostereotype all Americans you may meet!
I.Facts and Statistics

Location: North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North PacificOcean, between Canada and Mexico

Capital: Washington, DC

Climate: mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid

in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest.

Population: 301,139,947 (July 2007 est.)
人口:301 139 947(2007年7月估计)

Ethnic Make-up: white 81.7%, black 12.9%,Asian 4.2%,Amerindian and Alaska native 1%,native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.2% (2003 est.)

Religions: Protestant 52%,Roman Catholic 24%,Mormon 2%,Jewish 1%,Muslim 1%,other 10%, none 10% (2002 est.)

Government: Constitution-based federal republic
II.Language in the USA

The United States does not have an official language, but English is spoken by about 82%of the population as a native language. The variety of English spoken in the United States isknown as American English; together with Canadian English it makes up the group of dialectsknown as North American English.Spanish is the second-most common language in thecountry, spoken by almost 30 million people (or 12% of the population).

III.American Society and Culture

Main Idea of Part l:

America is ultimately a nation of immigrants and as a result is a cultural mish-mash inevery sense of the word. Not only is the country populated by people from foreign countriesbut all Americans in one way or another trace their ancestry back to another culture, whetherIrish, German, Italian or Scottish. Looking around any major city one will notice the “melting-pot”that it is.
Main Idea of Part 2:

Most people who come to the United States may already know a few things about the peoplethrough TV.Although this is of course a skewed reality some of the stereotypes are true, especiallyAmerican friendliness and informality. People tend to not wait to be introduced, will begin tospeak with strangers as they stand in a queue, sit next to each other at an event, etc. Visitors canoften be surprised when people are so informal to the point of being very direct or even rude.
Main Idea of Part 3:

The country that coined the phrase obviously lives the phrase. In America, time is a veryimportant commodity. People “save”time and “spend”time as if it were money in the bank.Americans ascribe personality characteristics and values based on how people use time.For example, people who are on-time are considered to be good people, reliable people whoothers can count on.
Main Idea of Part 4:

The family unit is generally considered the nuclear family, and is typically small (withexceptions among certain ethnic groups).Extended family relatives live in their own homes,often at great distances from their children.

Individualism is prized, and this is reflected in the family unit. People are proud of theirindividual accomplishments, initiative and success, and may, or may not, share those sourcesof pride with their elders.

Section 3 American Character: As I See It


The United Sates is a society of immigrants, the most multicultural and multinationalcountry in the world.In the 19th century it was called a “”melting pot,”however, nowadays suchterms as a “salad bowl”or a “pizza”characterize it much better. It means that all ingredients(nations,ethnic groups, peoples) are mixed and separated at a time.So, it is essential todetermine the American character and through understanding to evaluate the native culture.
The Americans are shown as greedy, practical, not really intelligent individuals, and veryproud of their being the Americans. These are stereotypical features and they should be takeninto account very carefully.

Considering the American worldview, one of the major values is freedom.The Americansconsider their society to be the freest and the best in the world. They regard it as a havenfor those who long for opportunities and freedom.They proudly state that even nowadaysthere are thousands of immigrants, dreaming of entering their country and expecting to havea chance to start a new better life. This value has developed historically through wars andstruggle, revolutions and slaughter. It is the first right, mentioned in the US Constitution’s Billof Rights and the most precious one.
Practicality is the next characteristic feature of the American nation. Historians explainit by the permanent need of survival in the wildness, settlers faced on the new continent.Robust individualists had more chances to succeed. It was diligence and practicality that havebecome extremely important ever since.The Americans believe that work is the only way toachieve their ambitious goals. Materialistic values seem to be more important for them thanthe spiritual ones, because the latter do not have visual incarnation and, therefore, cannot bepalpable.

Individualism has strong roots both in the American history and in its philosophy.lt determines all aspects of American life, being the most important cultural peculiarity.Individualism means self-reliance, economic self-sufficiency, self-assurance, self-help etc.Individualism persists even in huge complicated corporations, where each person is more orless independent, responsible for his work and encouraged to display initiative.The Americansseem to be extremely concerned about time; time is money for them.That is the reason for theexistence of such a great amount of how-to-do books and self-study benefits. Individualismis impossible without competition. The Americans appear to enjoy competitions everywhere,as competition is considered to be one of the best means of increasing productivity.Personalsuccess is another special feature of individualism. Every American citizen longs for successand besides, financial success appears to be much more important than the one in personallife. Individualism in general and a self-reliant individual in particular are somehow idealizedand worshiped in America.

Another value is mobility and attachment to constant changes. The origin of thiscultural peculiarity has deep historical roots. The Americans have always believed inthe abundance of resources and traveled from place to place in search of better livingconditions and business opportunities. It is very common for an American family to live inseveral cities during their lifetime. It is also essential for an American company to changeits organization and strategy quite often in order to find new opportunities on the way tosuccess.

The most striking value of American society is an enormous feeling of patriotism. ThoughAmerica is a multicultural country and each ethnic group tries to preserve its national identity,American citizens are really proud to be Americans, they believe their country to be blessed byGod.

lt is essential to mention several main features of a typical American personality. It is, firstof all, straightforwardness. Secondly, the Americans seem to be extremely open-minded andsincere.At last, the Americans are very active. They cannot stand wasting time.Their lives areclosely connected with work; moreover, the majority of Americans prefer active holidays andentertainment to staying at home with the TV switched on.

Sports have an immense popularity in America. It is business,entertainment andescapism at a time. It is a fundamental part of the American national character. Professionalsportsmen are national heroes, symbols of success and prosperity; they are wealthy andphysically fit, therefore, they are considered to embody the American Dream. The Americansare inspired by winning, rather than by the game itself; “never be willing to be second best” isthe slogan.

lt is necessary to mention Americans’ attitude to church and religion, as an integral partof the culture.America in general is quite religious,unlike other western societies. A greatamount of church buildings, representing an astonishing variety of faiths can be seen in thestreets. A typical American family goes to church every Sunday morning, prays before mealsand reads the Bible.Even young people seem to be interested in church affairs. What strikesforeigners most about American protestant churches is that under the same roof people pray,play basketball, have dinner and sing patriotic songs.

At last,considering American national character,American ethics could be summed upas follows. First of all, it is relativism in everything; the American culture does not accept anyabsolute standards. Secondly, it is naturalism, as a consequence of relativism. For example,the problem of abortion is one of the main ethic questions, discussed nowadays in America.

In conclusion, it is crucial to explain the term “American Dream”, as it is the mostimportant part of the American national character.The most exact definition was given byJ. T.Adams in The Epic of America: it is “the dream of a land in which life should be better,richer, and fuller for every man with opportunities for each according to his abilities andachievement.”The Americans believe that the only way to reach the Dream is hard work andfaith.The symbol of the American Dream is known as the American smile.
总之,解释“美国梦”这个词至关重要,因为它是美国国民性格中最重要的部分。“美国史诗”(Epic Of America)中J·T·亚当斯(J.T.Adams)给出了最准确的定义:“每个人的生活都应该更美好、更丰富、更充实,每个人都可以根据自己的能力和成就获得机会。”美国人认为,实现梦想的唯一途径是努力工作和信仰。美国梦的象征就是美国人的微笑。

To conclude, though hard to determine the national character in such a multinationalsociety as the US, it is vital to state that because it contributes greatly to the American culture.


Section 2 Dress Codes in the United Kingdom

Special occasions in Britain often require a multitude of different dress codes. For privateevents such as parties, balls etc., the dress code will usually be stated on the invitation. Dresscodes are strictly observed in Britain — failure to comply would be considered rude or, atworse, you would be refused entry to the event.

Formal dress code

Formal dress code is common in many settings, from weddings and business meetingsto parties and cultural events. Formal dress code has been prevalent in society for manyyears, and most people are expected to adhere to this rule somewhat regularly in their lives,depending on their job and recreational activities. While certain events are more formal thanothers,general rules apply to all situations.

For men

The expectations for men commonly associated with a formal dress code include ties,whether regular or bow, as well as a collared shirt, jacket, slacks, and formal shoes.Optionalitems include cuff links,vests,cummerbunds, and watches. The most important thing formales dressing formally is to match the colors of your different outfit elements and make surethey fit appropriately.

For women

In regard to formal dress,most women traditionally wear dresses and skirts.However,some women prefer to wear slacks and a blouse. It is important that a woman choose an outfitthat is formal enough for the requirements of the event, but not overly formal, as they maystand out and look absurd. This is often more difficult for a woman to achieve than a man,since men often wear similar items to a variety of social events.
Those who don’t enjoy formal dress codes will often find that embracing their creativityand finding unique ways to celebrate their personality in formal wear make it more bearable.This could be as simple as wearing a unique tie or cuff links.

Smart casual dress code

Smart casual dressing is also known as business casual and is usually the preferred dresscode for most professional settings like an office, symposiums, academia, church, and someschool activities. The function of smart casual dress is to make the person look well puttogether and professional, but in a slightly more relaxed environment.

In Summary

The thing to remember about business or smart casual is that it should be modest andneat in appearance, but comfortable.And remember, this dress style does not allow for tennisshoes or jeans.

Section 1 Greeting Customs in the United States


Paragraph l

Americans often greet total strangers,particularly in small towns and communities.This may vary from a formal “good morning” to a more casual “Hi!”; it’s considered polite torespond likewise.On parting, it’s customary to say”Have a nice day”(don’t, however, say it tothe bereaved at a funeral), although this habit is reportedly dying out as Americans becomeweary of ritual insincerity.Americans often reply “You’re Welcome”or something similarwhen somebody thanks them, and they may think you’re impolite if you don’t do likewise. Ifsomeone asks”How are you?”, it’s usual to reply “Fine thanks”(even if you feel dreadful).

Paragraph 2

When introduced to someone, it’s common to follow the cue of the person performingthe introduction, e.g. if someone is introduced as George, you can usually call him George(although it might not be such a good idea if his last name is Bush and he happens to bethe President, when Mr. President would be more appropriate).Americans generally dislikeformality or any sort of social deference due to age or position, and most quickly say “Pleasecall me Rick (or Rita).” To Americans, informality shows no lack of respect. Because of the riseof women’s liberation in America, women may be introduced with the title“Ms”(pronounced“miz”) and some women object to being addressed as “Miss”or”Mrs.”In some social circles,women are introduced after their husbands, e.g. Mrs Chuck Whizzkid, in which case youshouldn’t address her as Chuck! Some American women retain their maiden (family) namesafter marriage. Many American first names can be confusing and it’s often difficult to knowwhether a name refers to a man or a woman.

Paragraph 3

After you’ve been introduced to someone, you usually say something like,“Pleased tomeet you” or”My pleasure” and shake hands with a firm grip(although more common amongmen). When saying goodbye, it isn’t customary to shake hands again, although some peopledo.Among friends, it’s common for men to kiss ladies on one or both cheeks. Men don’tusually kiss or embrace each other, although this depends on their nationality or ethnic origin(or sexual proclivity).

Paragraph 4

lf you’re invited to dinner, it’s customary to take along a small present, e.g. flowers, a plant,chocolates or a bottle of wine (but nothing extravagant or ostentatious). Flowers can be tricky,as to some people carnations mean bad luck, chrysanthemums are for cemeteries and rosessignify love. Maybe you should stick to plastic, silk or dried flowers (or a nice bunch of weeds).wine can also be a problem, particularly if you bring a bottle of ltalian plonk and your hostsare wine connoisseurs or members of a religious group that considers alcohol consumptiona sin. If you stay with someone as a guest for a few days, it’s customary to give your host orhostess a small gift when you leave.

Section 2 Dress Codes in the United States


Although many foreigners have the impression that Americans are relaxed and casualin their dress, they often have strict dress codes. Many offices have introduced a “dress-down”day on one day a week (usually Friday), when employees may wear casual attire(although jeans may still be off limits). When going anywhere that could be remotely formal(or informal), it’s wise to ask in advance what you’re expected to wear.Usually when dress isformal, such as evening dress or dinner jacket, this is stated in the invitation (e.g.“black tie”),and you won’t be admitted if you turn up in the wrong attire.On the other hand, at someinformal gatherings you may feel out of place if you aren’t wearing jeans and aT-shirt. If you’reinvited to a wedding, enquire about dress (unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb).Black or dark dress is almost always worn at funerals.

Dress code for men

Information Technology companies have a very casual dress code. Jeans,T-shirts, trousers,khakis, and cotton shirts are acceptable even on weekdays. In other industries, Friday is a dayto dress down, and even Bermudas and shorts are allowed. Socks should be worn at all thetimes in the workplace.

Though your clothes need not be expensive or fashionably cut, they must be clean andwell ironed. Neatness is very important. Take care of your hair, teeth and personal hygiene.
Carry deodorant and mouth freshener with you; you will find that some people even brushtheir teeth in the office after lunch.

Formal wear

lf you are on a business visit (a meeting or finalizing a deal), suit is the most appropriateand preferred business formal. A suit with a light color collared shirt, a matching necktie,and a formal leather shoe is what makes a perfect business formal dress. Suits of dark colorlike black, navy blue, grey or brown are most common, and are conventionally considered asperfect business formals.


Wear belts that match your outfits.

Try to wear nice shoes and belts, and also nice quality shirts.Wear fresh pair of socks and clean shoes.

If you carry lunch to office get a good lunch box.

Carry a good office bag to your office. A good leather bag or a laptop bag is mostconvenient.

Maintain your clothes by regular washing, dry cleaning, laundering, and ironing.

Dress code for women

Women are also expected to maintain a dress code. If the dress code is casual,thenyou have a wide choice. In IT companies, women wear jeans, casual pants,shirts, T-shirts,blouses, trousers, dresses, shorts, sweater sets,and blazers. You can complete the look with acomplimenting bag and jewelry.

Conservative athletic running, or walking shoes,sneakers,boots,flats,and leather shoesare fine at work. Women are discouraged to wear flashy shoes or open-toe shoes in office.Insome industries, it is a must to wear closed toe and closed heel shoes. Some business placesrequire women to wear business suits, jackets or trousers. Business suits can be worn with amatching or contrasting blouse. With short skirts, one must wear stockings underneath, alongwith high-heeled sandals.


Usually women must wear closed high-heeled shoes.Wear limited jewelry.Avoid flashy and chunkcy jewelry.

Choose a handbag or purse to match your outfits. Shades of black and browncompliment almost any color.

Hair should be styled, cut, sharnpooed and conditioned.

Pay attention to your hands and nails.Remove peeled or chipped nail polish. Makeupshould be minimal.

Wear mild perfume. Deodorants are a must, as they help keeping body odor at bay.The key to dress well is to “dress right.”Try not to overdress or under dress — this willmake you feel out of place and awkward. Follow the dress code at your workplace.
Wear mild perfume. Deodorants are a must, as they help keeping body odor at bay.The key to dress well is to “dress right.”Try not to overdress or under dress — this willmake you feel out of place and awkward. Follow the dress code at your workplace.


1.1 Section 1 Map Study:第一节地图研究

二、 PART B:Focus on the UK:聚焦于英国

Section 1 Physical Geography of the United Kingdom第一节联合王国的自然地理

The United Kingdom is a country in northwestern Europe; it lies northwest of France, across a body of water called the English Channel.


The land divides into a highland region and a lowland region. The highlands occur northand west of a line from the Tees River, in northern England, to the Exe River, in the southwest.The lowlands lie to the south and east. 土地分为高地区和低地区。高地位于英格兰北部的Tees河与西南的Exe河之间的一条线的西北。低地位于南部和东部。

All of the highland region and most of the lowland region were glaciated during thelast Ice Age. In the highlands the massive sheets of ice scoured and eroded the land, leavingrounded summits and barren rocky areas. On the lowlands they left extensive deposits of clay.sand, gravel, and other glacial material.

Highland Britain. Highlands are the predominant features of Scotland. Northern Ireland,Wales, and western and northern England. Blocks of ancient hard rock. which rarely rise

as much as 2,000 feet (600 m) above sea level, make up most of the land. In many areas thehighlands reach the sea as rocky cliffs and headlands. Bleak moors and marshy bogs dot much of the land. 海拔高达2000英尺(600米),占陆地的绝大部分。在许多地区,高地以岩石、悬崖和海角的形式到达大海。荒凉的荒原和沼泽的沼泽地点缀着大地。

The highest and roughest sections are the Grampian Mountains and the NorthwestHighlands of northern Scotland.Ben Nevis, reaching 4,406 feet (1,343 m) in the Grampians,isBritain’s highest peak. 最高和最粗糙的部分是格兰海山脉和苏格兰北部的西北高地。本尼维斯,格莱皮安群岛海拔4406英尺(1343米),是英国最高的山峰。

Rough terrain also occurs in the Cumbrian Mountains of England and the CambrianMountains of Wales. Other highland areas include the uplands of southern Scotland,the Pennines of north-central England, and the Mourne Mountains of Northern Ireland.Numerous broad valleys cut through the highland region, making the areas of rough landdiscontinuous.

Lowland Britain is largely flat to gently rolling, although there are some uplands and somelong, rather sharply rising escarpments. Low-lying areas include the Midlands (a plain), theLondon basin, and the Vale (valley) of York. The upland areas, variously called hills, downs, andwolds, include the Cotswold and Chiltern hills, the North and South downs, and the wolds ofNorth Yorkshire, Humberside, and Lincoln. Rarely do elevations in these areas reach as muchas 1,000 feet (300 m).
虽然英国有一些高地和索姆隆,但陡峭的陡峭的悬崖,在很大程度上是平坦的。低洼地区包括中部(平原)、伦敦盆地和约克谷(山谷).高地地区,各种称为丘陵,起伏和狼群,包括科茨沃尔德山和奇尔顿山,北部和南部的起伏,以及狼的北约克郡,亨伯赛德和林肯。这些地区的海拔很少达到1,000英尺(300米).西奥西尔沃特.凯斯(RM Oso,mam DLD的1)earlbnl 0 OJ eadond

Many of the coastal areas of lowland Britain are lined with cliffs, sand and pebble beaches,and reclaimed tidal land. At Dover, the North Downs end abruptly in magnificent white chalkcliffs, overlooking the Strait of Dover. 英国低地的许多沿海地区都有悬崖、沙滩和卵石滩,还有填海的滩涂。在多佛,北唐斯在雄伟的白色悬崖峭壁中突然消失,俯瞰多佛海峡。

The entire lowland region has long been the most productive and populous part of Britain.


The coast of Britain is often irregular and deeply indented by numerous bays, sounds,broad estuaries (called firths in Scotland), and long, narrow arms of the sea. Among the largebodies of water jutting into Britain are the firths of Forth, Moray, Lorne, Clyde, and Solway, inScotland; and The Wash, Thames estuary, Bristol Channel, and Morecambe Bay, in England.

Inland waters cover 1,191 square miles(3,085 km2), or somewhat more than 1 per cent ofthe total area. The Severn, in England and Wales, and the Thames, in England, are the longestrivers; the Severn is 220 miles (355 km) long, the Thames, 210 miles (340 km) long. Mostmajor rivers — such as the Tyne, Tees, Humber, Thames, Severn, and Mersey, in England, andthe Clyde and Forth, in Scotland – owe their importance not to their size but to industry,commerce, and navigation in their estuaries. 内陆水域面积为1 191平方英里(3 085平方公里),略高于总面积的1%。英格兰和威尔士的塞文河和英格兰的泰晤士河是最长的河流;塞文河长220英里(355公里),泰晤士河长210英里(340公里)。大多数主要河流–如英格兰的泰恩河、提斯河、亨伯河、泰晤士河、塞文河和默西河,以及苏格兰的克莱德河和福斯河–其重要性并不在于它们的大小,而在于其河口的工业、商业和航行。

Lakes are mainly of glacial origin and lie in the highlands. Scottish lochs (lakes) areparticularly numerous, and many are long, narrow, and exceptionally deep. Among them areLoch Lomond, Loch Ness, and Loch Shin. All English lakes are small. The only significant onesare in the Lake District in the Cumbrian Mountains. The country’s largest lake is Lough Neagh,in Northern Ireland.


Britain lies at about the same latitude as the southern half of mainland Canada,yet its
he dominatng latw.vLually al|

climate is exceptionally mild. The influence of the ocean s ue avng aLOr. VIrtual,.year, westerly and southwesterly winas brng ue lowlinmr it in cmmer DrizzlooAlantic
气候异常温和。海洋的影响。虚、.年、西南风和西南风Winas在cmmer DrizzlooAlantic中呈现低线性

Current inland, warming the land in winer au cuonio tho woeathor are alenohosJl lghtshowers, much cloudiness and fog, and frequent cangotninane .reac tomnoratitaacleTiStic,

a. Throughout most of Britain, except in the notntau aad Eo etnploadtes aVerageabout 38Fto43F(3 ℃to 6C) during the coldest monul (Jauty uaaoothun y) alu 30 F t0 63 R A.在英国大部分地区,除Non头AADEnploadtes aVerage38Fto43F(3℃至6C)外,在最冷的Monul(Jauty Uaaoothun Y)Alu 30 F t0 63 R

(14°Cto 17 °C)during the warmest months (Juy anu rugusy.hnodEin peTSulaofEngland has the mildest winter weather, temperatures aveiagg suouay awove tnose of
(14°Cto 17°C)在最温暖的月份(Juy ANU rugusy.hnodEin peTSulaofEngland)冬季天气最温和,气温平均为

the rest of the nation.

The highest summer and lowest winter temperatures are norany reCorded insoutheastern England, which lies in the direct path of occasional not ana cola air masses fromthe continent. Exceptionally hot or cold weather, however, is rare. Ine least varlation in climate
夏季最高和冬季最低的温度是记录在英格兰东南部的东北地区,这是一个直接的路径,偶尔不是来自欧洲大陆的Ana Cola气团。然而,异常炎热或寒冷的天气是罕见的。气候变化最小

occurs along Scotland’s north and northwest coast.

bAnnual precipitation, which varies with topography and exposure to the Atlantic, rangesfrom as much as 200 inches (5,080 mm) in the more mountainous areas to as little as 18 inchesto 20 inches (460 mm to 510 mm) in the extreme southeast. Most of the lowland areas receive25 inches to 40 inches (640 mm to 1,020 mm) a year. Very little of the precipitation falls as snowexcept in the more mountainous areas.
B年降水量随地形和大西洋的暴露而变化,从较多山区的200英寸(5080毫米)到最东南的18英寸到20英寸(460毫米至510毫米)不等。大多数低地地区每年获得25英寸至40英寸(640毫米至1 020毫米)。很少有降水像雪一样降下,只有在较多的山区。

Section 2 England and Wales第2节英格兰和威尔士

The United Kingdom is arguably Europes most imnuenuan touuy inaece to theRoman Empire, and 15th and early 16th century spain, tne Dlus aIpae ws Lie Worlds firstsuperpower. It was the significant factor and strongest ingreaent n he veupent of manyEnglish speaking countries.

Now the United Kingdom remains a consequential force; 1ts tne Hu lanest economy inthe world and the second largest in Europe.

The genesis of the United Kingdom began in early England. It tOOk centures or invasionsand wars, heroes and villains, kings and queens, and swallowed prae by al concerned beforeits many parts united as one. 英国的起源始于英国早期。它花了几个世纪或入侵-战争,英雄和恶棍,国王和王后,并吞服了普拉伊之前,所有的关切,它的许多部分团结在一起。

This landmass was attached to mainland Europe for eons, then the last lce Age meltedaway, changing everything; new bodies of water formed including the English Channel andIrish Sea,Britain and Ireland were now islands and Stone Age settlers came ashore. 这块陆地与欧洲大陆相连了千万年,然后最后一个冰河时代融化了,改变了一切;新形成的水体,包括英吉利海峡和爱尔兰海,英国和爱尔兰现在是岛屿,石器时代的定居者上岸。
The Roman Legions crossed the dangerous English Channel in 43 AD. They eventuallynamed this wild new province, Britannia. For some 350 years they controlled and influencedit, until the collapse of the Empire in 410AD. 罗马军团在公元43年越过了危险的英吉利海峡。他们最终把这个狂野的新省份命名为布里安尼亚。他们控制和影响了大约350年,直到公元410年帝国的崩溃。
Britannia was now unprotected, and for the next 300 years invaders came from alldirections. The Anglo-Saxons from Germany proved the dominant group, and a series of smallkingdoms developed. One faction was called Engle, and from that name came“England.” 不列颠人现在没有受到保护,在接下来的300年里,侵略者来自四面八方。来自德国的盎格鲁-撒克逊人被证明是占主导地位的群体,形成了一系列的小王国。有一个派别叫恩格尔,从这个名字就产生了“英格兰”。
Viking raids, though very persistent, were continually squashed. Then in 1066 theNormans sailed in from France. William of Normandy was victorious at the Battle of Hastingsover Harold, the last Anglo-Saxon king. He was crowned William the Conqueror at Westminsterin London.

During the Middle Ages that followed, the Normans built hilltop castles and repeatedlytried to control Scotland and Wales, with little success. They introduced feudalism, wherethe king shares power with local nobles, who in turn allow common people (now the Anglo-Saxons) to farm their land.

For the next few centuries Western Europe and England were in turmoil; an out-of-controlplague Black Death killed millions, competing royal families waged war, and the HundredYears’ War, pitting English kings against the French throne, was debilitating. 在接下来的几个世纪里,西欧和英国陷入了混乱;一场失控的黑死病夺去了数百万人的生命,相互竞争的皇室家族发动了战争,亨德雷德·耶尔斯的战争使英国国王与法国王位对立,这场战争令人衰弱。

The Tudor Renaissance followed a century of peace and stability,except in the manymarriages of Henry VII. To solve his divorce problems he split with the Catholic Churcb,formed the Church of England, and declared himself its leader. 除了亨利七世的许多婚姻之外,都铎文艺复兴延续了一个世纪的和平与稳定。为了解决他的离婚问题,他与天主教教会分裂,成立了英格兰教会,并宣布自己为其领袖。

Henry VIlI’s love of ships inspired the beginnings of English sea power In 1588.the English
navy engaged and destroyed the mighty Spanish fleet. This overwhelming victory catapiultedEngland into naval supremacy for the next 3 centuries.dguoid rnit bnt soit lo rotnubgsc1eorCivil war raged in the mid-17th century as monarchy and Parliament supporters struggledfor power. It led to the execution of King Charles I.This created the Commonwealth of Englandled by Oliver Cromwell. His dictator-like tendencies and 1649 punitive expedition into lrelandbrought Parliament to its senses, and they finally restored a Monarchy, albeit one with nowlimited powers.

with the Acts of Union in 1707, England and Scotland merged and became the Kingdomof Great Britain. In the early 18th century, Great Britain quite successfully expanded itsinfluence around the globe, from colonies in America and the Caribbean islands to significantpower bases in Australia, Canada and India.

By the time the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland formed in 1800,Americahad won its War of Independence, but that regional loss of power was offset by Great Britain’sversion of the Industrial Revolution and the massive growth that would soon follow.

Queen Victoria assumed the throne in 1837.During her productive and popular reign,Britain’s economy exploded with new growth; universal education was introduced, laborunions formed and Britain was transformed into the world’s greatest power. 维多利亚女王于1837年登基,在她富有成效和广受欢迎的统治下,英国经济出现了新的增长;实行了普及教育,成立了工会,使英国成为世界上最大的强国。


Celtic peoples from Europe first arrived in Britain around 500 BC. Then facing the Romaninvasion, Wales was mostly subdued by 79 AD and partially controlled, despite some ratherstrong resistance. 公元前500年左右,欧洲的凯尔特人第一次来到英国。面对罗马人的入侵,威尔士大部分被公元79年所征服,并被部分控制,尽管有一些异乎寻常的抵抗。

The English Saxons applied pressures along its then disputed border with Wales, and in770, the Saxon King, Offa of Mercia, built a dyke between England and Wales. In some placesit was 65 feet (20 m) wide. The Saxons called the land on the other side of the dyke “Wales.”“People in “Wales”referred to their land as “Cymru,” and their individual cultures blendedtogether, both economically and linguistically. 英国撒克逊人在当时与威尔士有争议的边界上施加压力,而在770年,撒克逊国王,默西亚的奥法,在英格兰和威尔士之间建造了一座堤坝。在一些地方有65英尺(20米)宽。撒克逊人称堤坝另一边的土地为“威尔士”。“威尔士人”称他们的土地为“Cymru”,他们各自的文化在经济和语言上混为一谈。

The Viking invasions in the 9th and 10th centuries actually bonded the Welsh together,making them stronger. The Norman conquest of England in 1066 had little initial affect onWales, but after William the Conqueror established power bases along the welsh border, theNormans easily controlled the south and began to covet the north.

In the north the story was much different as powerful welsh princes successfully heldthe persistent Normans at bay. Llywelyn the Last was named Prince of Wales by Henry III, butthis victory for Wales would eventually end. The English King, Edward I, began his conquestof Wales in 1272; Llywelyn was killed in battle and the 200 years of fights ended with Edward Inaming his own son Prince of Wales, and that remains a tradition to this day. 在北方,故事大不相同,因为强大的威尔士王子成功地将顽固的诺曼人困在了海湾。莱韦林最后一次被亨利三世命名为威尔士王子,但是威尔士的这场胜利最终将结束。英国国王爱德华一世于1272年开始征服威尔士;莱韦林在战斗中阵亡,200年的战斗与他自己的儿子威尔士王子爱德华英明结束,至今仍是一个传统。

In 1536, The Act of Union brought England and Wales together, united into one. Englandgrew rapidly, but Wales languished in the background, remaining isolated with littlepopulation growth and a very weak economy. 1536年,“联合法案”将英格兰和威尔士合并为一个整体。英格兰迅速发展,但威尔士却在这一背景下萎靡不振,人口增长甚微,经济非常疲弱,仍然与世隔绝。

In the mid 1700s the Industrial Kevolanthoarding back to life; the railrnanld theproduction of iron and tin brought wales spm.nities grew into larger towna ItTive,

population surged and small southeasleno. afll tn uoitupase adtot haloanogstovernight.iolsawnommrod adlt bsvssso aid f .i asirto8uA tO wOUb9308 tiol bal .
人口激增,南部人口稀少。最后一步加到WOUb 9308 tiol。

hrIn 1926, Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Natioanaleh ocngmv The legal acoorto .ouriSmrevenues and high tech jobs have helpea uhe .lnnd DlaidCvmruucontinphace Of theWelsh language, Cardiff declared the officlal caplta, iiarotondyug Seat, 1926年Hrin,Plaid Cymru,威尔士Natioanaleh ocngmmv法律委员会.ouriSmcome和高科技工作有Helpea UHE.inandDlaidCvmruuracphace of the Welsh Language,Cardiff宣布担任公职,iiarotondyug,

Section 3 Scotland

The last Ice Age melted away some 10,000 years ago and Stone Age people began to arrivein Scotland from England, Ireland and beyond.

They built organized settlements in the Orkney and Shetland Islands,the NorthernHighlands and a few of the western isles. The“Picts”from continental Europe as well as the“Beakers” proved influential inhabitants.

The Romans began their invasion of the British Isles in 43 AD. They called this wild landBritannia, and subsequently controlled it until their own empire began to collapse in 410 AD.During their reign the Romans occupied what is now England and Wales, but Scotland, thencalled Caledonia, was a different story.

When the Roman legions came north in 81 AD, they met fierce resistance from the “Picts”and other local tribes. So strong was that resistance that Hadrian’s Wall and two other wallswere built to hem the barbarians in.

Some 80 years later the legions retreated south as Rome concluded this rugged land andits strong-minded people did not justify the high costs of occupation.

In the 6th century,Gaelic speaking people, the Scots, arrived in the Highlands fromIreland.Localized wars with the”Picts” continued for three hundred years,with thedetermined “Scots” prevailing.

In the southern lowlands, a form of Anglo-Saxon feudalism gradually took hold, whereroyalty shares power with nobility, who in turn allowed common people (serfs) to farm theirland. The Lowlander tribal groups fought it, but soon capitulated, thus making way for theirpowerful family clans to form.

England’s Norman Kings long considered Scotland their land, and Scotland firmlyrebelled.Begrudgingly the Scots eventually recognized that sovereignty. In the Highlandsof the far north however, the pot was simmering, and in 1297, the long awaited drive forindependence began.
William Wallace led the growing resistance to English occupation of Scotland.After localraids and skirmishes,Wallace and his forces attacked the English at the Battle of StirlingBridge, killing thousands.After continually punishing the English on many fronts,Wallace, abrave and patriotic man to the end, was captured and executed by the English in London in1305.

Robert the Bruce, with the forces of William Wallace now behind him, became the realpower in Scotland’s long term fight for independence.He was crowned King of Scotland andbattled the English until he and his forces finally defeated them in 1314.Even in that localizeddefeat, England still ruled most of Britannia, but victorious Scotland would not accept thatconcept.

The 1707 Act of Union between England and Scotland that created the Kingdom of GreatBritain was the byproduct of several factors,including the marriage of James IV of Scotlandinto the English Tudors; the martyrdom of Mary, Queen of Scots; James VI of Scotlandsucceeding to the throne of England, an on-going civil war over English control of the land andthe contentious effort to reform Catholics during the Protestant Reformation.

For the next half-century the Jacobite movement made several attempts to restoreCatholic Stuarts to the throne. That ended with the defeat of Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1746.The Highlanders plan was finally crushed and they were forced to abandon their tartan kilts.
在接下来的半个世纪里,雅可比运动曾多次试图让天主教斯图亚特重新登上王位。1746年,邦妮王子查理(BonniePrince Charlie)落败,最终,高地人的计划最终被粉碎,他们被迫放弃了他们的格子短裙。

During the Industrial Revolution of 18th and 19th centuries,Scotland became a regionalcommercial power. Landowners forced tenants off the land and established large cattle andsheep farms. This was called the Highland Clearance.Soon coal mining, steel production andship building continued the economic transformation.

The worldwide depression of the 1930s jolted the country, and by the end of World War Il,Scotland’s industries were in decline; unemployment reached record levels and hardship wasthe norm.

Resiliency, no stranger to Scotland, brought positive change when the discovery of NorthSea oil sparked a new national attitude. A litany of financial firms, electronic manufacturing.businesses and tourism helped perpetuate that economic resurgence.

Though a distinctly separate country with strong levels of autonomy, the Scottishgovernment is not yet a completely sovereign entity. However, the desired total independencefrom Britain has remained a hot-button issue across the land.

Scotland is certainly one of the most enchanting places on our planet, and a magnet forvisitors in both ancient times as well as the 21st century.

Section 4 Northern Ireland第4节北爱尔兰

Northern Ireland is today a constitutionally distinct region of the United Kingdom. Itsstory is sad, yet promising, confusing, and understandable.

The last Ice Age melted away some 10,000 years ago. The dramatic result created theEnglish Channel, Irish Sea and hundreds of rivers and lakes.Great Britain and lreland, longattached to the European continent, were now islands, and cultural history was about tochange.

The Celtic people occupied great stretches of land across central Europe by 500 BC.Theyfirst arrived in lreland around 300 BC, subsequently controlling and influencing this land thatthe powerful Roman culture never reached.

The Pope in Rome Celestinus the First sent the first Christian missionaries to lreland inthe 5th century, including St. Patrick.The Catholic faith spread rapidly, and by the turn of thecentury abbeys and monasteries were beacons of hope across Ireland.

This somewhat peaceful Celtic world was first invaded by the Vikings in the late 8thcentury. Their overpowering raids of monasteries and villages continued through the 10thcentury, and they eventually built permanent power base settlements at Cork, Dublin andWaterford.

Localized fighting over land and property continued for decades,but over time, someCeltic family groups and Vikings reached alliances. That ended when the lrish King Brian Borudefeated the Danish Vikings in 1014.
Localized fighting over land and property continued for decades,but over time, someCeltic family groups and Vikings reached alliances. That ended when the lrish King Brian Borudefeated the Danish Vikings in 1014.

In 1169,aggressive English and Norman forces crossed the Irish Sea; Dublin, a Vikingstronghold, and other cities quickly fell, and the all-powerful Pope in Rome declared that theEnglish King Henry ll was now the “Lord of Ireland.”As you can imagine, that didn’t sit verywell with the locals.

Centuries of conflicts and localized wars continued, and finally, the embattled lrish chiefswere forced to retreat into the northern province of Ulster, parts of which are now NorthernIreland.By 1607, most, if not all, would flee this land and the English saw an opening.

They quickly instigated a policy called “plantation,”where waves of Scottish and EnglishProtestants literally took the available land from the now weakened Catholics,laying thegroundwork for the strongly-held differences and bitterness that remain to this day.

Understandably, the now angry and proud Celts rebelled, and bloody riots soon followed.Then, after the native Irish supported the losing side in England’s Civil War,the worst forIreland was yet to come.

ln 1649,Oliver Cromwell, England’s“”Protestant”Lord Protector (on the winning side inthat war) led a punitive expedition into Ireland.The massacre was bloody, brutal and most

destructive — and not yet forgotton.

As the English enforced strict (none of this, none of that) new laws on the Catholics,Protestant powers increased, and lreland and its northern areas grew further apart, primarilyfor economic reasons.

After more than seven centuries of Anglo-Irish struggle,marked by fierce rebellions andharsh repressions,Ireland and Britain were on paper politically united in 1800 by The Act ofUnion.However, countrywide unrest was still on the front burner.Adding more misery to thatsmoldering fire, the Great Famine of the mid-1800s served up starvation and death, and massemigration followed, especially to the United States.

The Home Rule movement of the late-1800s would be the catalyst for the separation ofNorthern Ireland from lreland, because the southern Catholics desired total independencefrom the British, while northern Protestants feared rule by the Catholic majority.

Following the so-called“Easter Rising”in 1916, where patriotic nationalist leadersproclaiming an independent Irish Republic were all shot at Kilmainham Gaol by the British,the Anglo-Irish War began.

In 1921 a Treaty was signed giving 26 counties independence as The Irish Free State andleaving 6 counties part of the United Kingdom.The lrish Free State remained part of the BritishCommonwealth until leaving as the Republic of Ireland in 1949.

Northern Ireland remained part of the UK with its own devolved local administration, andthe two parts of lreland went their separate ways peacefully enough until the late 1960s.At thatpoint tensions between Nationalists in Northern lreland seeking to join it to the Republic andUnionists determined to keep it part of the UJK boiled over and for almost the next thirty yearscivil disorder reigned, leading to much destruction of life and property. Eventually, in 1998,ajointly managed Assembly was established and government returned on a power-sharing basisbetween representatives of both communities.

On Monday, March 26,2007, another historic accord was reached in Northern Ireland.Reverend lan Paisley, the Protestant leader, and Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein collectivelyannounced that on May 8.2007, these two hostile groups would form a joint administration,and after years of bloody hostility finally work together. The British government hailed this as amajor breakthrough.

A relative calm is now in place in Northern Ireland, and tourism is on the increase.

This is a beautiful land of cool, crisp air, and long-held traditions of family and friends.Dozens and dozens of small towns and villages cover the countryside, and the calming steeplesof Northern lreland’s many churches still point to a promising future.

三、 PART C:Focus on the US关注美国

Section 1 The Regions of the United States:第一节美国各地区

Americans often speak of their country as one of several large regions. These regions are cultural units rather than governmental units — formed by history and geography and shaped by the economics, literature and folkways that all the parts of a region share.

						New England

在17世纪初,英国英格兰的清教徒(Puritan)为逃避宗教压迫到了新英格兰地区。现在新英格兰地区包括美国的缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州(麻省,哈佛和MIT所在的州)、罗得岛州和康涅狄格州(耶鲁在这里),一共六个州。这个“新英格兰地区”对于美国人来说,就跟中国“东三省”感觉差不多。而新英格兰地区的人民会称呼自己New Englander,也就像咱们的“东三省”同学会说“俺们东北人”一样,是对自己的一种地理上的归属感。

New England has played a dominant role in American history. Until 19th century it was the country’s cultural and economic center. The earliest European settlers here were English Protestants who came in search of religious liberty. They gave the region its distinctive political format—town meetings. New England is also important for its cultural contribution. In the first half of the 19th century, “the flowering of New England” created a distinctive American literature. America’s first college, Harvard, was founded at Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1636.The cluster of top-ranking universities and colleges in New England- including Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Amherst, and Wesleyan – is unequaled by any other region. Without, however, large expanses of rich farmland or a mild climate, generations of exasperated farmers declared that the chief product of their land was stones. By 1750, many settlers had turned to other pursuits. In their business dealings, New Englanders gained a reputation for hard work, shrewdness, thrift, and ingenuity.


If New England provided the brains and dollars for 19th century American expansion, the Mid-Atlantic provided the muscle. The region’s largest states, New York and Pennsylvania, became centers of heavy industry. The Mid-Atlantic region was settled by a wider range of people than New England. Into this area of industry, came millions of Europeans who made it a “melting pot.” As heavy industry spread throughout the region, rivers such as the Hudson and Delaware were transformed into vital shipping lanes. Cities on waterways -New York on the Hudson, Philadelphia on the Delaware, Baltimore on Chesapeake Bay— grew dramatically. But even today, visitors who expect only factories and crowded cities may find in the Mid-Atlantic more wooded hills than factory chimneys, more fields than concrete roads, and more farmhouses than office buildings.

The South

The South is perhaps the most distinctive region of the United States region. The American Civil War (1861—1865) devastated the Old South socially and economically. The scars left by the war took decades to heal. The abolition of slavery failed to provide African Americans with political or economic equality; and it took a long, concerted effort to end segregation. The “New South” has evolved into a manufacturing region and high-rise buildings crowd the skylines of such cities as Atlanta and Little Rock. The region however still has many landscapes to delight the human sense of poetry and wonder. The region is blessed with plentiful rainfall and a mild climate. Crops grow easily in its soil and can be grown without frost for at least six months of the year. Owing to its mild weather, the South has become a mecca for retirees from other regions.

The Midwest is known as the nation’s “breadbasket.” The fertile soil of the region makes it possible for farmers to produce abundant harvests of cereal crops such as wheat, oats, and Corn. Corn is the most important of all American crops, as basic to American agriculture as iron is to American industry. On hot, still midsummer nights in the Corn Belt, farmers insist they can hear the corn growing.
Farms are normally located separate from each other, close to the fields, and often beyond the sight of its neighbors. The village or town is principally a place where the farm family travels to buy supplies. to attend church and to go for entertainment or political, social or business meetings. Midwesterners are praised as being open, friendly, and straightforward.

The Southwest

The Southwest is drier than the adjoining Midwest in weather. the population is less dense but more ethnically varied than neighboring areas. Outside the cities, the region is a land of open spaces, much of which is desert. The magnificent Grand Canyon is located in this region, as is Monument Valley, which is within the Navajo Reservation, home of the most populous American Indian tribe.
The population in the region is growing rapidly. Since the late 19th century, the immense stretch of desert has been growing smaller as the settlers continued to cultivate the desert. Dams on the Colorado and other rivers and aqueducts have brought water to the once small towns of Phoenix, Arizona, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, allowing them to become metropolises.

The West
The West is a region of scenic beauty on a grand scale. Americans have long regarded the West as the last frontier.
Alaska has a large Innuit population. Hawaii has a large Polynesian population. California, with a history of European settlement longer than most Midwestern states, has now become the primary port of entry for Asian immigrants since 1980s. Los Angeles – and Southern California as a whole – bears the stamp of large Mexican-American population. It is the second largest city in the nation and is best known as the home of the Hollywood film industry. Perhaps because so many Westerners have moved there from other regions to make a new start, Western cities are known for their tolerance and a very strong “live-and-Jet-live” attitude.

Section 2 A Brief History of the us第二节美国简史

America’s initial Stone Age inhabitants arrived here by traversing the Bering Strait. During the following centuries, a wide variety of Indian cultures developed and prospered across the land.
After Columbus made his initial voyage to this New World, word of its potential riches spread across Europe, and explorers and settlers by the thousands soon stepped ashore along the Atlantic Ocean coastline.
In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower, landing in what is modern-day Massachusetts; their settlement named Plymouth survived, and the story of a new nation was subsequently born.
One century later Britain’s upstart colonies broke from England and declared their new. found independence during the Revolutionary War.
The new country of America expanded rapidly, well beyond the reach of the original 13colonies, and inevitable conflicts and wars over lands rightfully claimed by Native Americans was the result. Indigenous Indians (Native Americans) were stripped of most of their lands and moved to reservations; the central plains were purchased from Napoleon (France); Florida was grabbed from Spain, and the entire southwest (including California) was annexed after the Mexican-American War of 1846— 1848.The growing influence and size of the United States of America began to take shape.
新成立的美国迅速扩张,远远超出了最初13个殖民地的管辖范围,其结果是不可避免的冲突和战争,这些冲突和战争都是由印第安人合法宣称的土地引起的。土著印第安人(印第安人)被剥夺了大部分土地,搬到了保留地;中原是向拿破仑(法国)购买的;1846 – 1848年美墨战争后,佛罗里达从西班牙手中夺取,整个西南部(包括加利福尼亚)也被吞并。美利坚合众国日益增长的影响力和规模开始成形。

A few more important facts regarding Native Americans, who were first conquered and displaced by overwhelming military power: As English expansion westward continued, it justifiably experienced wide-spread Amerindian resistance to their new settlements. In the end, many historical experts believe that among the various contributing factors to the ultimate demise of early Native Americans, epidemic disease was the overwhelming cause of their population decline because of their lack of immunity to new diseases brought from Europe.
Soon railroads- the driving engines of coast-to-coast commerce -were up and running the economy exploded and towns sprang up across the land. In the southern states slavery was an on-going, serious problem, and this new and fast -growing nation was soon ravaged by a bloody Civil War between north and south. To northerners, slavery was immoral; to southerners, it was integral to their way of life and their plantation system of agriculture. The north (northern states) eventually won, and slavery was abolished.
The end of the Civil War spurred the reintegrating and rebuilding of the southern states and the greater settlement and development of the American Old West. This was due to a variety of social and technological developments, including the completion of the First Transcontinental Telegraph in 1861 and the First Transcontinental Railroad soon after.
The 1867 purchase of Alaska from Russia completed the country’s mainland expansion. In1893, the indigenous monarchy of the Pacific Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown in a coup led by American residents, and the still-growing United States annexed the archipelago in 1898.Victory in the Spanish-American War the same year demonstrated that the United States was a world power and led to the annexation of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
The emergence of many prominent industrialists at the end of the 19th century gave rise to the Gilded Age, a period of growing affluence and power among the business class. Railroads were the major industry then, but the factory system, mining, and labor unions also gained in importance.
19世纪末许多著名实业家的出现,催生了“镀金时代”(Gilded Age),这是一个商业阶层财富和权力不断增长的时期。铁路是当时的主要工业,但工厂系统、采矿和工会也变得重要起来。
ln the northern states, urbanization and an unprecedented influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe hastened the country’s industrialization. The wave of immigration, lasting until the mid-1920s, provided labor and transformed American culture.
No stranger to wars, small or large, the US provided significant help in ending World War I; in World War II it helped destroy the Japanese Empire after they attacked the US at Pearl Harbor, and destroy Adolph Hitler’s German Army with the heroic assistance of other forces.
Mistakes it has surely made, as segregation and much-needed civil rights for blacks, and arguably the Vietnam War fiasco, and the on-going wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are certainly some of its questionable decisions. Today the United States of America (USA) remains the global super power, and the major provider of financial aid and military assistance across the planet.
As the world’s largest economy, it’s a significant leader in the fields of agriculture, education, energy, health care, high-tech, service industries, space exploration, and manufacturing of all descriptions.
The country includes 50 states; 48 continental states, plus Alaska and Hawaii, the two newest states. Dozens of major cities cover the land from coast-to-coast. Washington, D.C., the capital, reflects the incredible history of America, and stands as a proud symbol of its freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

Section 3 Megalopolis第三节-特大城市

In 1961, Professor Jean Gottmann, a French geographer, published a monumental studyof the highly urbanized region located in the northeastern United States. He spent 20 yearsresearching the area extending from southern New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts toWashington, D.C.He argued that this was a “very special region,” and named it Megalopolis.

Megalopolis was formed along the northeastern coast of the United States by the gradualcoalescence of large, independent metropolitan areas. As the populations of these cities grew,the effects of growth spilled over into the surrounding rings of smaller places. Larger suburbsin these rings made their own contributions to the total urban sprawl.The outer fringes of theresultant metropolitan regions eventually began to merge with each other to form an extensiveurbanized region.

The dominant theme of Megalopolis is “urbanness.”In varying degrees,urban servicesprovide for the millions who live in this region, and urban forms are never far away. Thereare office and apartment buildings, small shops and mammoth shopping centers, factories,refineries,residential areas, gas stations, and hamburger stands by the thousands —interspersed with warehouses to store temporarily the goods brought by ship, rail, and truck— allthis along the region’s 800-kilometer route.

But Megalopolis also contains many green spaces. Some are parks or other land availablefor recreation; well over 3 million hectares are devoted to farming.

In spite of the mixed character of Megalopolis, it is its massive urban presence thatmakes this region so important in the United States.10 of the country’s 46 metropolitan areasexceeding 1 million population in 1990 were located in Megalopolis. The region holds 17percent of the total US population — in only 1.5 percent of the area of the country.

Average per capita income is high, and a higher than average proportion of its residentswork in white-collar and professional occupations. Transportation and communicationactivities are prominent, partly a result of the region’s coastal position.Approximately 40percent of all commercial international air-passenger departures have Megalopolitan centersas their origin. And almost 30 percent of American export trade passes through its 6 mainports.

Why has this particular portion of the United States developed as it has? Whenever ageographer is asked such a question, the first aspect of the region considered is usually itslocation. And, indeed, in the case of Megalopolis, the site and the situation of this vast urbanregion hold clues to its origins and growth.

Many of the site characteristics are visible in the region’s outline.Occupying a coastalposition,the eastern margin of Megalopolis is deeply convoluted.Peninsulas jut into
the Atlantic Ocean. Islands are scattered along the coast, some large enough to supportcommunities. Bays and river estuaries penetrate the landmass in a kind of mirror image ofthe land’s penetration of the ocean. This interpenetrated coastline brings more land areaclose to the ocean and, in this way, provides greater opportunity for access to cheap watertransportation than would a straighter coast.

Quality harbors must also be present, and Megalopolis straddles some of the best naturalharbors in America. The northern half of Megalopolis was covered by ice during the mostrecent of the continental glaciers.As the ice cover began to melt, the erosive power of the riverscut deeply into the flat coastal plain. As sea level rose, the lower river valleys were “drowned” toform estuaries. These glacial river valleys formed some of the harbors that later proved usefulin the development of Megalopolis.

The general topographic features of Megalopolis south of New York provide additionalurban site benefits. Traveling inland from the Atlantic Coast, a very flat coastal plain issucceeded by a rolling, frequently hilly landscape called the Piedmont. Wherever rivers flowoff the Piedmont, a series of rapids and small waterfalls are formed along a line tracing thephysiographic boundary — a boundary known as the fall line.

Early settlers found the fall line to be a hindrance to water navigation but an obvioussource of water power. Settlements developed along the fall line, locations as far inland aspossible but still possessing access to ocean shipping.

This portion of North America was also on or near the most direct sea route betweenEurope and the productive plantations of the Caribbean colonies and southern America. Theports around which Megalopolis later grew, therefore, were convenient stopping places andcontributed actively to the transoceanic trade that expanded rapidly during the 18th and 19thcenturies. The greatest growth of Megalopolis occurred in New York, Philadelphia,Boston, andBaltimore.
The most unusual feature of this region is not the fact that these cities grew, but that 4such large cities (later to become 5 with the addition of Washington) continued to grow inclose proximity to one another. Washington is unique because its growth has followed directlyfrom expansion of the national government structure. The other 4 cities, along with manysmaller ones along the Megalopolitan axis, depended largely on economic stimulation.Sogreat was national growth during the 19th century, and so strong were the linkages betweenthe interior and these 4 ports, that none of the 4 could wholly absorb the flow of goods to anyof its neighbors and competitors.By the turn of the 20th century, the combined economicresources of these cities’ hinterlands had reached continental proportions.

Section 4 Immigration in the United States

The United States is overwhelmingly a nation of immigrants and their descendants.While there are similarities in the experiences of each new group, there are also importantdifferences. Every group experienced both a push and a pull — something that drove themto leave their original homeland and something that brought them to the United States.Sometimes the push and pull were economic. Sometimes people fled political or religiouspersecution.

Many immigrants saw their initial move to the new world as temporary.They hoped tofind work, build a financial stake, and then return to their homeland.While many people didgo back, most became Americans. While every group experienced hardship when they arrived,
the original African migration to the Americas was unique. People from Africa were forcedmigrants who were brought to the United States and the Caribbean against their will.

First Migration

Human life and culture originated in East Africa and spread across the entire planet.Between 50,000 and 20,000 years ago, nomadic Asian hunters became the first people to settlein the Americas.As they searched for food, they followed herds of game animals across atemporary land bridge that stretched from Siberia to Alaska. These people became the NativeAmericans or Indians.

Europeans and Africans,1500— 1840

After the arrival of Columbus in 1492,European people settled in and conquered theAmericas. During this period they built new independent nations in North and South Americaand the Caribbean. The major European groups that settled in the future United Statesincluded people from the British Isles,Spain, France, and Holland. Most of these immigrantswere poor people who came looking for work and land. Many came as indentured servants orforced prison laborers. Some fled wars in Europe and hoped that in a new world they wouldfind peace or be able to follow their own religious practices.

During this period, the Europeans forced millions of West Africans to come to the UnitedStates as slave labor to work on the sugar, cotton and tobacco plantations.In 1793, a successfulAfrican slave rebellion created the first independent Caribbean nation of Haiti.

New Arrivals

From 1840 until 1880, new European groups migrated to the United States. The lrish fledstarvation and persecution by the British. In the United States they became factory workersand helped build the canals, railroads, and the labor movement. Scandinavians were farmingpeople who largely settled in the Midwest. The Germans migrated in large numbers becauseof war and failed revolutions. Many Germans were skilled workers and they settled in newcities. During this period there were so many German immigrants that Chicago schools taughtstudents in German. People of German decent remain the largest ethnic group in the UnitedStates today.

During this period large numbers of Chinese also migrated to the United States. Theysettled on the west coast where they helped to build the railroads. When the economy wasstrong, these new people were generally accepted.However, economic hard times broughtstrong anti-immigrant feelings including the spread of racist ideas. Immigrant workers wereattacked, their unions were broken, and laws were passed to keep out new immigrants. In 1882the first exclusion laws banned immigrants from China and other “undesirables.”In 1908, theUnited States also blocked immigration from Japan.
Ellis Island

Between 1880 and 1921 millions of new immigrants poured into the United Statesfrom Eastern and Southern Europe and from Mexico. They included Slavic people like

Russians,Poles, and Ukrainians, Mediterranean groups like Italians,Sicilians,Greeks,Turksand Armenians, and religious groups like the Eastern European Jews. Most of these newimmigrants arrived by boat in New York City through Ellis Island. They were poor people whotraveled in“ steerage,” along with their luggage in the hold of large steamships.

Most of the new arrivals from Europe settled in Eastern coast and midwestern cities wherethey lived in overcrowded slums and unhealthy and unsafe tenement housing. Many diddangerous work in mines, mills, and factories. In New York City, immigrants dug the subwaytunnels and water aqueducts, built the skyscrapers and bridges, and developed the garmentindustry.Conditions were so difficult that almost 50% of the Italians and Sicilians and over30% of the Slavs who came to the United States eventually returned home. Many immigrantswere union leaders and political activists who tried to improve conditions for poor people andworkers. Mother Jones and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn were Irish. Joe Hill was Swedish. Sacco andVanzetti were Italian. Sam Gompers,Sidney Hillman, and David Dubinsky were Jews.

By 1919, anti-immigrant sentiment was growing in the United States again. Southernand Eastern European immigrants were branded as radicals and undesirables who couldnever become truly American.In 1921 and 1924 quota laws were passed to effectively stopimmigration from these areas.

Internal Immigrants

Quotas on foreign immigration unleashed a wave of internal migration between 1920and 1965.The largest groups to move were from the US south.Rural Southern blacks andwhites migrated to northern and western cities seeking work in expanding factories.ManyAfrican Americans hoped to find increased freedom away from the racially segregated south.This migration created new African American communities in New York City in Harlem andBedford-Stuyvesant.Spanish-speaking Puerto Ricans came to the mainland seeking work inrecord numbers during these years. Because Puerto Rico was a US colony, Puerto Ricans werenot restricted by immigration quotas.

Newest Immigrants

In 1965, the United States revised its immigration laws, making it possible for millions ofnew immigrants to enter the country. The newest immigrants to the United States,Brooklyn,and East New York, include tens of thousands of people from the Caribbean, South and CentralAmerica,West Africa,Eastern Europe, and Asia. These people seek work and economic,political, and religious freedom. Despite hostility that has often greeted them, many havedecided to put down roots and become United States citizens.


一、 第五单元:政府和政治

Section 1 The Constitutional Monarchy第一节君主立宪制

The British monarchy stands for the continuity of British history going back to Anglo-Saxon times, and today it serves as a figurehead for the state. In theory, the British monarch has enormous powers, but in reality those powers are limited and the crown follows the dictates and advice of the ministers in Parliament. The British monarchy has been a hereditary position since the 9th century.
Primogeniture the passing of the throne to the eldest son when a monarch dies, has been the rule of succession, and when there are no sons, the eldest daughter ascends the throne. This was the case when Elizabeth ll succeeded to the throne in February 1952 upon the death of her father, George VI. Her husband, Prince Philip, has the title of Prince Consort, but no rank or privileges. The current heir to the throne is Elizabeth lI’ s eldest son, Charles,Prince of Wales. According to the Act of Settlement of 1701, only Protestants are eligible to succeed to the throne.A regent may be appointed to rule for the sovereign if he or she is underage or incapacitated.
As the official head of state, the monarch formally summons and dismisses Parliament and the ministers of the Cabinet.The monarch also serves as head of the judiciary,commander in chief of the armed forces, and Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the Church of Scotland. In reality, the government carries out the duties associated with these functions. Theoretically, the monarch appoints all judges,military officers, diplomats,and archbishops, as well as other church officers. The monarch also bestows honors and awards,such as knighthoods and peerages. In reality, all of these appointments are made upon the advice of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister declares war and peace and concludes treaties with foreign states in the name of the crown.The monarch serves as the ceremonial head of the Commonwealth of Nations and is the ceremonial head of state for 16 Commonwealth countries.
The real work of the monarchy consists largely of signing papers. The monarch has the right, however, to be consulted on all aspects of national life and review all important government documents. The monarch may also meet with the Privy Council, a now largely ceremonial body made up of Cabinet members that serves in an advisory capacity to the monarch.Since Britain is a democracy, the monarchy could potentially be abolished if a majority of the population decides to do so. In the early 21st century the monarchy generally remained popular,despite unpleasant media coverage surrounding the marriages and relationships of the royal family. Only Scotland had a small majority that wanted to make the United Kingdom a republic.
The royal family endorses developments in Britain by performing such ceremonial functions as cutting ribbons, opening businesses, launching ships, and laying cornerstones. Many members of the royal family are involved in charity work and maintain a public presence by visiting shelters,hospitals, and clinics. Because foreigners are attracted to the pageantry of royalty, tourism related to the royal family brings a substantial amount of money into the country.

Section 2 The Prime Minister and the Cabinet第二节首相和内阁

The chief executive of the British Government is the Prime Minister. He or she is the leader of the party that holds the most seats in the House of Commons. The Prime Minister presides over the Cabinet and selects the other Cabinet members, who join him or her to form the government that is part of the functioning executive. Acting through the Cabinet and in the name of the monarch, the Prime Minister exercises all of the theoretical powers of the crown,including making appointments. Number 10 Downing Street in London has been the official residence of the British Prime Ministers.
The current Prime Minister is David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, who was appointed by Queen Elizabeth ll on 11 May,2010 following the General Election on 6 May, 2010.

When legislation comes before the House of Commons, the Prime Minister can usually count on the support of a majority of the votes because his or her party has a majority of the seats, and party discipline tends to be strong in Britain.At times a Prime Minister comes from a party that does not quite have a majority of seats in the House of Commons. In such a case,that party must rely on an alliance with smaller parties, the smaller parties voting with the party in power on necessary legislation. A government formed from a party without a majority in Parliament is called a minority government. For example, the general election 2010 failed to provide a decisive result, with the Conservatives as the biggest party within a hung parliament. A coalition government was formed on between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.
The Cabinet developed during the 18th century out of informal meetings of key government ministers. The Cabinet has about 20 members, or ministers, all of whom must be members of Parliament (MP s). Members of the Cabinet are leaders of the majority party in the House of Commons or,more rarely, members of the House of Lords. Cabinet ministers who head a particular government department, such as the Ministry of Defense, are known as secretaries of state. The Prime Minister serves as the first lord of the treasury and as minister for the civil service.The Prime Minister has the power to move members of the Cabinet from


post to post, or to drop individuals from the Cabinet entirely.Former Cabinet ministers may retain their positions as members of Parliament.
Two key doctrines of Cabinet government are collective responsibility and ministerial responsibility. Collective responsibility means that the Cabinet acts unanimously, even when Cabinet ministers do not all agree upon a subject. If an important decision is unacceptable to a particular Cabinet member, it is expected that he or she will resign to signify dissent. Ministerial responsibility means that ministers are responsible for the work of their departments and answer to Parliament for the activities of their departments. The policy of departmental ministers must be consistent with that of the government as a whole.The ministers bear the responsibility for any failure of their department in terms of administration or policy.

Section 3 The British Parliament第三节英国议会

The political center of the United Kingdom is the Houses of Parliament, located along the Thames River in London.
The British Parliament comprises three parts: the Crown, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. By the end of the Middle Ages Parliament had taken on a form that would be recognized today. It legislated and approved taxes and passed laws. Long, complicated struggles between the monarch and the two houses of Parliament resulted in the government gaining power, while the crown lost power.
In the 20th century the House of Commons successfully struggled to curtail the power of the House of Lords. Today the House of Lords can only delay legislation. For the past 280 years the Monarch’s royal assent to legislation has been given automatically.
Parliament is elected roughly every 5 years and is dissolved by the Crown on the advice of the Prime Minister, who then calls a general election. Parliamentary sessions are held each year and begin in October or November. Parliament meets at the Houses of Parliament in London, officially called the New Palace of Westminster.The Parliament of the United Kingdom legislates for the entire nation and includes representatives from England, Scotland,Wales, and Northern Ireland.
The House of Lords
The House of Lords today is more a place of discussion and debate than one of power,and it normally passes legislation already approved by the House of Commons. Its members are not elected. The House of Lords is made up of the lords temporal, the lords spiritual, and the law lords. The lords temporal are either hereditary peers or life peers. The House of Lords long consisted primarily of hereditary peers; today, however, the majority of members of the House of Lords — about 600 — are life peers. Life peers are appointed by the Monarch for the duration of the person’s lifetime. These appointments are usually made in recognition of outstanding careers or contributions to society. The lords spiritual include the archbishops of Canterbury and York; the bishops of London, Durham, and Winchester. The law lords, or lords of appeal, assist in the judicial functions of the House of Lords.
The House of Lords has the power to introduce bills, although bills dealing with financial matters can only originate in the House of Commons. The Lords can also offer amendments to bills passed by the House of Commons, and the House of Commons is obligated to consider these amendments before passing a bill into law. The Lords have the right to delay legislation,
and may delay bills for up to about a year. Financial bills,however, may only be delayed fora month, and they become law in 30 days whether or not the House of Lords approves of them.The terms of the Parliament Acts of 191l and 1949 forbid the Lords from disapproving nonfinancial bills if the House of Commons has passed them in 2 successive sessions. The only exception is a bill to lengthen the life of a Parliament past 5 years, which requires the assent of both chambers.
These powers of the House of Lords are limited because most Britons believe that in a modern democracy a nonelected house should only act as a forum for opinion, one that is comparatively free from party politics and pressures. Although this house has relatively little power, many Britons would like to either abolish it completely or replace it with some form of elected second chamber.
The House of Commons
The House of Commons is the source of real political power in the United Kingdom.Members of the House of Commons, commonly known as Members of Parliament (MP),are democratically elected from geographical constituencies determined by population,and each MP generally represents a constituency of 60,000 to 70,000 people. 4 permanent boundary commissions exist, one each for England, Wales,Scotland, and Northern lreland. Their purpose is to keep the constituencies equal and the boundaries fair.The commissions review the constituencies every 8 to 12 years and recommend changes based on population shifts.
A session of Parliament lasts for 5 years unless the Prime Minister dissolves Parliament,which can happen for a number of reasons.Although the monarch officially dissolves Parliament, this happens only after the Prime Minister calls for it. The Prime Minister can dissolve Parliament over a major issue that he or she believes should be submitted to the voters. The Prime Minister also might dissolve Parliament if the tide of public opinion seems to be flowing strongly on the side of the party in office.Holding a general election when public opinion is highly supportive of the party in power enables that party to possibly gain more seats in the House of Commons, and so extend their stay in power with a stronger majority.
Parliament can also be dissolved if the government is defeated on an important piece of legislation. When a Parliamentary majority votes against the legislation it is treated as a vote of no confidence for the Prime Minister and his government.A specific vote by that name may betaken to indicate that the majority of MPs are against the legislation. This tradition is so deep that actual votes of no confidence are rarely taken.
The members of the majority party sit on one side of the house, directly facing the minority party members. Each side has a so-called front bench where its most important political leaders sit. The Prime Minister and his or her Cabinet colleagues sit in the majority party front bench.The opposition party front bench is occupied by what is called the Shadow
Cabinet, which consists of the opposition party leader and those who would receive Cabinet posts if the opposition leader became Prime Minister. Debates in the House of Commons can be quite lively.C-SPAN television in America often broadcasts the raucous sessions when the Prime Minister answers questions from the house.
内阁,由反对党领袖和那些如果反对党领袖成为总理将获得内阁职位的人组成。当首相在下议院回答问题时,美国的c – span电视台经常播放吵闹的节目。

Section 4 Political Parties and the Voting System 第四节政党和选举制度

British political parties dated back to the 17th century, when the Whig and the Tory parties appeared during the time of the Revolution of 1688.Whigs believed in a strong Parliament and came from the landed classes who were allied with the merchants and nonconformist or non-Anglican Protestants. Tory supporters came from the landed aristocracy and were defenders of the King and the Church of England.In the 1800 s the Whigs merged with other parties interested in social reform to form the Liberal Party. The Tories took on the additional name of the Conservative Party dating from the 1830 s in order to appeal to a broader electorate,and both names are used interchangeably. The Conservative Party is still a major party in the United Kingdom, but the Labor Party, founded around the turn of the 20th century, grew to become the primary opposition to the Conservatives, taking the place of the Liberals. The Liberal Party evolved into the Liberal Democrat Party, the third most popular party in Britain.
Since its founding days, the Labor Party has drawn traditional financial and electoral support from the trade unions. The Labor Party has a socialist element,supporting state control of important industries and a more equal distribution of wealth.After World War I(1939—1945), the Labor government nationalized a number of industries and established the welfare state, which provided people with social security, unemployment insurance, and the National Health Service. Subsequent Conservative governments denationalized industries but kept the National Health Service and the main provisions of the welfare state. In recent years,trade union membership has declined, as has union influence in the Labor Party. At the same time, the Labor Party has moved toward the political center; in 1995 it gave up its commitment to socialism and the nationalization of industries. The Labor Party won the May 1997 general elections by a landslide, taking 418 of the 659 seats in Parliament. Labor retained its majority-party status following the 2001 and 2005 general elections.
The Conservative Party favors private enterprise and minimal state regulation,and accepts the mixed economy, which involves private ownership of businesses with some government control. The British business community is a strong supporter of the Conservative Party because it has historically supported private enterprise and a free market. In the 1980s the Conservative government under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher sought to increase private enterprise and reduce public legislation by introducing more competition into the National Health Service and by selling off public housing.Thatcher’s domestic policies were highly controversial and eventually led to the downfall of the Conservative government in the mid-1990s. Subsequently, the Conservative Party became the largest opposition party in Parliament, as the Labor Party won three straight victories (in 1997,2001, and 2005).
保守党支持私营企业和最低限度的国家监管,并接受混合经济,即企业的私有制和一些政府控制。英国商界是保守党的坚定支持者,因为保守党在历史上一直支持私营企业和自由市场。上世纪80年代,英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)领导的保守党政府试图通过向国民医疗服务体系(National Health Service)引入更多竞争和出售公共住房来增加私营企业,减少公共立法。撒切尔的国内政策备受争议,最终导致保守党政府在上世纪90年代中期垮台。随后,工党在1997年、2001年、2005年连续三次获胜,保守党成为议会中最大的反对党。
The most important of Britain’s minor parties is the Liberal Democrat Party, formed in 1988 from the remnants of the Liberal Party and a majority of the Social Democratic Party.The Liberal Democrats make up the third largest party in Parliament, after Labor and the Conservatives. Other parties include the Scottish Nationalist Party; Plaid Cymru, the welsh nationalist party that seeks self-government for Wales; and parties in Northern lreland— Sinn Fein, the Ulster Unionist Party, the Democratic Unionist Party, and the Social Democratic and Labor Party.
The current voting system is called “first past the post.”This means that the party and candidates receiving the most votes win the election and become the party in power even if they do not receive more than 50 percent of the vote.Under this system, smaller parties have proportionally less representation in Parliament than their share of the popular vote,as their candidates often do not garner enough votes in constituencies to send members to Parliament.As a result, some people support a system of proportional representation, which is used in a number of European countries. In such a system, which can take various forms, the number of seats a party receives in the legislature is proportional to the number of votes the party receives in the election. Critics of proportional representation assert that it produces too many political parties and leads to weak governments.

Section 1 The United States Constitution 第一节美国宪法

Like most nation states, the American political system is clearly defined by basic documents. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 form the foundations of the United States federal government. The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution defines the framework of American government and politics, establishing the United States of America, its national government and outlining the relationships between that government, the people and the states.
The most significant features of the US Constitution are the establishment of the rule of law, the creation of a federal system with a supreme national government, the separation of governmental powers into three branches that check and balance each other, its flexibility and the establishment of a republican form of government.
The Constitution is considered the supreme law of the land both because of its content and because its authority is derived from the people. The concepts and ideas of the Constitution are the “higher law” in the United States of America, things which a government cannot create or destroy. Among these concepts and ideas is the notion that the people are sovereign and that legitimate governments must be based on popular consent. Because the Constitution was ratified by the representatives of the people, it is a document, in both word and deed, created by and for “we the people.”
While the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, most of the specific, day-to-day rules and regulations that bring order to American society are not included in the Constitution itself. These “ordinary” laws are creations of the Congress, state legislatures and city councils. But the notion that laws are more important than the opinions of individual people — even important people — applies to these laws as well. In America, no one is considered to be above the law. In fact, deliberately trying to avoid the law through deception or bribery are crimes in and of themselves. Even a president who violates the law can be held accountable for doing so.

Key Components in the Constitution
The Constitution, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. Its first three articles entrench the doctrine of the separation of powers, where by the federal government is divided into three branches: the legislative, consisting of the bicameral Congress; the executive, consisting of the President; and the judicial, consisting of the Supreme Court and other federal courts.Articles Four, Five and Six entrench concepts of federalism, describing the rights and responsibilities of state governments and of the states in relationship to the federal government.Article Seven establishes the procedure subsequently used by the thirteen States to ratify it.
lf one accepts that the first 10 amendments (known collectively as the Bill of Rights) were in effect part of the original constitutional settlement, there have only been 17 amendments in over 200 years. One of the major reasons for this is that the Constitution is a very difficult instrument to change.First, a proposed amendment has to secure a two-thirds vote of members present in both houses of Congress. Then three-quarters of the state legislatures have to ratify the proposed change. In general, the first 10 amendments offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the 17 later amendments expand individual civil rights. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures. Amendments to the us Constitution,unlike ones made to many constitutions world-wide, are appended to the end of the document.At seven articles and twenty-seven amendments, it is the shortest written constitution in force.

Section 2 The Four Basic Principles of the United States Government


To implement its essential democratic ideals, the United States has built its government on four elements: (l) popular sovereignty, meaning that the people are the ultimate source of the government’s authority; (2) representative government; (3) checks and balances; and (4)federalism, an arrangement where powers are shared by different levels of government.


The first principle of democracy in the United States is popular sovereignty, which defines a system in which the people govern themselves by electing their own leaders. The American government functions to secure this principle and to further the common interests of the people. In previous centuries the source of sovereignty in some countries was the monarchy—the divine right of kings to rule. Americans place the source of authority in the people who, in a democratic society, reign. In this idea the citizens collectively represent and share the nation’s authority. They then express that authority individually by voting to elect leaders to represent them in government.

The second principle of democracy in the United States is representative government, in which the people delegate their powers to elected officials. In the United States, candidates compete for the Presidency, the Senate, and the House of Representatives, as well as for many state and local positions. In turn these elected officials represent the will of the people and ensure that the government is accountable to its citizens. In a democracy, the people exercise power through elections, which allow adult citizens of the United States the chance to have their voices heard and to influence government. With their vote, they can remove officials who ignore their intentions or who betray their trust. Political leaders are accountable as agents of the people; this accountability is an important feature of the American system of representative government.
In order to truly work, however, representative government must represent all people. Originally, the only people allowed to vote, and thus to be represented, were white men who owned property — a small percentage of the population. Gradually, voting rights were broadened to include white men without property, blacks, Native Americans, naturalized immigrants, and women.
The third principle of democracy in the United States is the system of checks and balances. The three branches of government – the legislative, the executive, and the judicial – restrain and stabilize one another through their separated functions. The legislative branch, represented by Congress, must pass bills before they can become law. The executive branch – namely, the President – can veto bills passed by Congress, thus preventing them from becoming law. In turn, by a two-thirds vote, Congress can override the President’s veto. The Supreme Court may invalidate acts of Congress by declaring them contrary to the Constitution of the United States, but Congress can change the Constitution through the amendment process. The President has the authority to appoint Supreme Court Judges to fill vacancies, while the presidential appointments have to be approved by the Congress and Judges appointed serve for life or 10 years as they wish.

The fourth principle of democracy in the United States is federalism, in which the states and the national government divide authority. This division of power helps curb abuses by either the national or the state governments. The powers of the federal government are limited by the Constitution, which leaves a great deal of authority to the individual states. Each state has an executive, a legislature and a judiciary.The value of the federal system lies in the fact that in such a large and diverse nation, local governing bodies can represent this diversity.Government in America is constructed in such a way that state laws may differ depending on local circumstance — consider the speed limits on local roads,which are often different from state to state.Smaller subdivisions are also flexible enough to respond to some unique situation or element of their population.However, on the other hand, this division and decentralization causes the system to be often unwieldy, slow-moving. and redundant.

State and local governments exercise important functions in the United States. They plan and pay for most roads, run public schools, provide water,organize police and fire services,establish zoning regulations, license professions, and arrange elections for their citizens. These are functions that directly affect Americans every day and in every part of their lives.
State and local governments have never been totally separate political entities,because they cooperate in services ranging from welfare to transportation, and because they serve the same residents. Nonetheless, the state has the final decision over local functions. While states are part of the larger entity of a federal system, local governments are creatures of the state.The state government can abolish a local government, merge it with other entities, or give it additional authority. Local authority comes from specific state constitutional provisions or from acts of the state legislatures.

Section 3 The Us Congress and Presidential Elections

Voting is the people’s chance to decide who they want to run their country and representtheir interests.But how does it work in the United States of America?

Like the UK Parliament, the United States Congress has two houses; the House ofRepresentatives and the Senate.Unlike the UK there are public elections to both houses and athird separate election is held to choose a President. In the US the President is both the headof State and the head of Government. In the UK these roles are carried out separately by theMonarch and the Prime Minister.

The House of Representatives in the US Congress is designed to give a voice to the peopleof every local voting region in America. Members of the House of Representatives stand forre-election every two years.Each state is split into Districts and each District votes for onerepresentative. The number of Districts depends on the population of each State.For example,California, the most popular State, is split into 53 Districts and has 53 Representativesaccordingly, but Alaska which is huge but has a really small population, only has one Districtand therefore only one Representative in the House.

Like the UK House of Commons, the election system is first past the post so the candidatewith the most votes in each District wins a seat in the House of Representatives. The party thatwins a majority of seats in the house takes control.The ideal situation for president is that thehouse is controlled by their own party. However with elections held every two years, there’s
always a midterm election in the middle of the President’s time in office. If the public thinksthe President is not doing a great job, they can vote in more members of the opposition partymaking it more difficult for the president to pass laws.
The Senate in the US Congress, like the House of Lords in the UK Parliament, is sometimescalled the Upper House.George Washington described the Senate as the saucer that coolsthe coffee, meaning that it’s their job to scrutinize and question all proposals made by boththe House of Representatives and the President before voting to decide whether they shouldproceed as law.

Senators, like members of the House of Representatives, are also elected to their seats bythe public. Senators serve six year terms and elections are staggered so every two years a thirdof the Senators run for re-election.Each State is represented by two Senators,regardless of itspopulation and again the “first past the post”voting system is used so the candidate with themost votes wins.

So how do Americans choose their leader? Well, Presidential elections take place everyfour years. The two main parties: The Democrats and the Republicans, host big get togetherwhere they choose their Presidential candidates, the person they think will be the best leaderfor the nation. The winning candidate then chooses their Vice Presidential candidate alsoknown as their Running Mate to help support the campaign. Presidential candidates usuallychoose someone with different areas of skill or knowledge so they present voters with the bestpackage.Together they’re known as a ticket.

Presidential candidates from both parties then start out on massive election campaignsto gain as much voter support as possible. They travel across the country and hold great bigcampaign rallies where they set out the policies and their ideas for the whole country. Thesecampaigns cost money, lots of it, so both candidates have large campaign teams who helpedraise the tens of millions of dollars needed to keep them afloat.

When it comes to Election Day, the public go to the polls to the one Presidential ticket.So far so easy, however the public don’t vote directly for their choice for President. Insteada system called the Electoral College is used.Each State is allocated a number of Electorsthat will make the final choice. A State has the same number of Electors as it does Senatorsand Representatives. In most States all the Electors will vote for the Presidential ticket whichreceived the most support and public vote.

Finally, the Presidential ticket with the most Electoral College votes becomes Presidentand Vice President of the United States of America.
Appendix :

6 Steps to the White house (American Presidential Election)Step 1.Primaries and Caucuses:

In a presidential election year, many candidates usually enter the race for president. But
only one candidate from each political party can be nominated (formally chosen) to run. Sofrom February to June, the states hold elections called primaries or party meetings calledcaucuses to give voters a say in which candidates get nominated.

Step 2. National Party Convention

In late summer, the Democratic and Republican parties hold separate nationalconventions (meetings) for their state delegates (party representatives).The delegates usuallynominate the winner of the state primaries and caucuses to be their party’s presidentialcandidate.

Step 3.Presidential Campaign

The presidential nominees (candidates who were nominated by their party) go on thecampaign trail, traveling around the country. They try to win the support of voters by talkingabout how they would lead the country.

Step 4. Election Day

The general election is always held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday inNovember.On this day, millions of Americans vote for a president and vice president. Thewinner of the popular vote is usually declared by the end of the day.

Step 5.Electoral College

Before the election results are final, officials called electors — who make up a body calledthe Electoral College — must cast their votes for president in December. The candidate whowins a majority of electoral votes officially wins the election.

Step 6.The white House

The elected president is inaugurated (sworn into office) on January 20.The president’sfour-year term begins on this date.

Section 4 US Political Parties

The United States follows a bipartisan or two-party system, in which there are twomajor political parties that hold the majority of the political offices. These two parties and areintended to work together to achieve a colesive government that best represents the interestsof the American people.

History of Political Parties in the United States

However, the political party system in the United States wasn’t always this way, and wasnever meant to be a partisan system.First President of the United States George Washingtonwas not a member of any political party, and had hoped that the system could continuewithout political parties, fearing that could hinder change. Despite this, the party systemwas created under Washington’s administration, beginning with the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury under President Washington,formed the Federalist Party, while James Madison and Thomas Jefferson founded theDemocratic-Republican Party in response.The Federalist Party preferred a strong nationalgovernment, while the Democratic-Republicans favored state rights and less federal control.

Since then, the political parties have changed many times over, with new parties sproutingup in opposition to others,promoting various styles of government. The Democratic-Republican Party divided into two opposing groups around the election of 1824.TheDemocratic Party, then called the Jacksonian Democrats for President Andrew Jackson, alongwith the opposing Whigs dominated the political scene in the first half of the century. TheWhigs fell out of favor in the 1850s, but the Republican Party soon grew in its place, adoptingmany of its policies.

The early Democratic Party placed emphasis on morality and was generally consideredconservative,while today’s Democrats are considered liberal and progressive, with emphasison personal liberties and human rights.The Republican Party of the 1850s was anti-slaveryand fairly progressive, electing Abraham Lincoln to the presidency in the 1860 election.

Today’s major political parties, the Democratic Party and Republican Party, are based onthe parties formed in the 1850s, though their policies have shifted over time.The DemocraticParty is the oldest US political party. Traditionally, the Democratic Party has sought to take aliberal position on domestic issues. The Republican Party, the younger of the two parties, hasa broadly conservative agenda encompassing the economy and social values, favoring fiscalconservatism, fewer government regulations, and lower taxes with a focus on morality.
The Donkey and the Elephant

The Donkey first came to represent the Democratic Party around the 1828 Presidentialelection of Andrew Jackson, whose opponents had attempted to label him as a jackass.Jackson decided to adopt the animal as his campaign mascot.Political cartoonist, ThomasNast, later used the animal as a symbol of the Democratic Party to represent the stubbornnesshe believed the party leaders showed.Nast also used the symbol of the elephant, stamped withthe words “Republican Vote,” to represent the Republican Party.

Third Party

Any political party in the United States other than Republican or Democratic is considereda third party or independent party. Because of the Us electoral system, in which most statesfollow the single-member district rule and a winner-take-all model, third parties do not oftenreceive a substantial number of electoral votes.

However, third party candidates are effective in another way. They often bring attentionto important issues, including problems with the two main political parties, when they receiveprotest votes. The winning politician can then see that a significant number of constituentscare about the particular issue, and can address it. Third parties can also affect election resultsby taking away votes from the Republican or Democratic candidate.

The main third parties in the United States are the Green Party, Libertarian Party, andConstitution Party. Other third parties include a US Socialist Party, Communist Party, andReform Party.The many third parties fall all along the political scale, from conservative toprogressive, along with single-issue groups, which focus on a specific issue.


Healthcare and Health Insurance医疗保健和健康保险

Section 1 International Students – A Guide to the National Health Service (NHS)

第一节留学生入学指南 国民保健制度
NHS (英国国家医疗服务体系)
The following NHS treatment is free to everyone, including all international students:
some emergency treatment (but not follow-up treatment)
family planning services
diagnosis and treatment of certain communicable diseases.
To qualify for any other free or subsidized NHS treatment, you must meet certain conditions. This depends on factors such as your nationality/immigration status,thelength of your course, and where you are studying (for example, there are different rules for Scotland).To find out if you are entitled to full NHS treatment, please visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) website.
EEA Nationals

lf you come from a European Economic Area(EEA) country, you and your family qualifyfor full NHS treatment. You should obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) beforecoming to the UK, which entitles you to treatment.EEA countries are: Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Cyprus,Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia, Finland,France,Germany, Greece,Hungary, Iceland,Republic of lreland, Italy, Latvia,Liechtenstein,Lithuania, Luxembourg.Malta, The Netherlands,Norway, Poland,Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain andSweden.
Non-EEA Nationals

lf you are not from an EEA country, you’ll still qualify for full NHS treatment if you meetthe following conditions:

If your course lasts six months or more. In England and Wales, if you have a husband,wife or children accompanying you as your dependents (not just as your visitors), theycan also receive treatment. However, the children must be under the age of sixteen (ornineteen, if in full-time education).

lf your course is less than six months long and you are studying in Scotland.

lf your course is less than six months long, and the UK government is providing at least35 percent of the funding for your course. You will need to provide evidence of this.However, you might not be eligible for GP treatment.
lf you are not entitled to NHS treatment, you should take out private health insurancebefore you leave home.Even if you are eligible for NHS treatment, it is advisable to take outhealth insurance anyway as there can be long waiting times for some NHS services. Ask yourschool, college or university for advice too — they may offer a specially arranged policy fortheir students.

Planning your travel

Before you can travel to the UK, you may be asked for health certificates proving youhave had vaccinations against diseases such as tuberculosis(肺结核) , tetanus(破伤风),polio (小儿麻痹) , diphtheria(白喉) , meningitis C(脑膜炎) and measles (麻疹),mumps(腮腺炎) and rubella (风疹)(MMR).If you are coming from a tuberculosis (TB)high-risk area, a chest x-ray report may also be required. Don’t forget to bring copies ofyour health certificates with you when you travel to the UK —you may need to showthem when you pass through immigration control.

lf you are undergoing medical treatment, have pre-existing serious health issues, orif you are registered as disabled, talk to your school, college or university before youenroll to find out what support they offer.

When you travel to the UK, bring your prescription papers and a doctor’s letter / report(translated into English), giving details of your condition, all treatment and medicationyou require, plus any assistance you will need while you study in the UK.

When traveling, check with your transport provider what medications you are allowedto take on board with you and what you can take through customs.


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